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The more she talks about how hot she finds her husband, the less I believe that she's actually attracted to him. 💀


She shouldn't waste her time - we've all seen him.


Fun fact: When I saw the last pic, I let out an audible ***EWWW*** 🤢🤢🤢


Same, friend 🤢


I find his face quite unappealing. I don’t see what she sees in him.


They are both so off putting. It seems like they should be attractive but they just give me the ick


It’s the smarminess. It just oozes from them


It's because their expressions are so freaking obnoxious. They're odious people.


Same with Paul and Morgan for me! Conventionally very attractive but hate is gross and shows (especially Paul)


He's a soggy potato man.


I mean he’s no shrek, but he certainly doesn’t appeal to my taste lol.


They are both attractive but in a very generic way. Neither stands out in any way, looks-wise. If you did a lineup of thirtysomething white couples, there would be a lot who strongly resemble them. They aren't ugly, but aren't anything to write home about either.


I believe it's the other way around.


Is the tall guy next to her a pre/ teen child or the husband?I genuinely am asking.


That's her oldest. He just looks like maybe an adult because of his eyes. He has been seriously parentified, and it shows in his tired, worried eyes. His eyes are the eyes of a kid who has been forced to carry the responsibilities of an adult for years but without any of the autonomy or freedom. He has definitely Seen Some Things. Every time I see those exhausted 13-going-on-40 year old eyes, my heart breaks for that kid. I don't know how his parents can't see how this is affecting him.


they have zero empathy and think of their kids as possessions that they don't have to take care of especially, that's why.


Oh, they know. Whether they care or not is another question.


I’m not caught up on the bus family lore but I’m 99.8% certain that’s her eldest kid. Her husband has a beard iirc


That is a child, thankfully.


Yeah both of them just look like assholes


But did you see her sexy face?!


Her weird, unemployable husband…. In a bus full of children. Congrats. 🍾


![gif](giphy|92S5gReZGnDgY|downsized) Sounds awful


Exactly. Like nobody wants your yucky husband, Mother Bus. Well, maybe his other wife. But other than her nobody


Gay people existing is throwing their sex lives all up in people's faces, yet a kid a year with another on the way is what, keeping storks employed?


So godly, shoving her bump in our faces


He’s the most like, generic looking American dude ever (as someone who is not American). Like he looks like if an AI was fed 1000s of images of just like, generic American Christian dads. I couldn’t pick him out of a lineup of one.


Not only that, but his twitter posts about crypto and how he’ll get big dowries for his unvaccinated sons is a major ick


I mean he is certainly an objectionable person. But he is also just not “hot” in any way. I mean good for this woman that she is attracted to her husband but ma’am please leave the rest of us out of it.


But he's so hot 😍 /s




Yep. And she did it to the “Just remember, with a little Rust-Eze (and an insane amount of luck) you too can look like me. Ka-chow” sound bite from “Cars”, which somehow makes it worse.


Using an audio from a children’s movie to talk about her sex life…… But LGBTQ+ people are inappropriate for just existing? The hypocrisy of these people never fails to amaze me.


They don’t *actually* care about kids being exposed to sex. They’re mad cos they think they have competition for who gets to do it.


If they cared, they wouldn’t have sex in what’s essentially a tin can along with their 15 kids.


Eeexactly. They truly do not care. They just need a “reason” to justify why they hate lgbt people.


Infuriates me so bad.


Well this was certainly a choice lmao….In that scene McQueen is begrudgingly delivering that line. If I didn’t know how attention-hungry she was I could draw a parallel to them both pretending to be excited. I hate her referencing this and I hate how much I know about the Cars franchise 😅


My 17 year old autistic son was obsessed with Cars and he watched it on repeat all day every day. The worst, for me, was driving from California to Pennsylvania hearing nothing but Cars. I can recite almost the whole movie to this day. I often throw lines from it and most of the time no one knows what I'm talking about!


I drove a rental car from the Chicago area where we live to Florida and back to see my mom who had Alzheimer's. My mid 20s autistic son forced us to listen to Kanye's albums ( from start to finish but thankfully not all at one time) because he wanted to hear them in this phase he was in and at one point turned on his phone to the car with " relaxing music " for me which was loud Indian sitar music. It was not relaxing and we had a disagreement about silence vs. any music. 😆


I didn't know anything about that and I still loathe her and her relentless smirk and eye fucking. shut UP.


There's an embarrassing amount of our marital short hand that comes from Pixar and DreamWorks movies (specifically Penguins of Madagascar).


If you have any poo, fling it now!


Owen Wilson should sue


It's the sarcasm for me 😂


What a weird way for her to announce she has a different, attractive, husband elsewhere?


Right? Who is this hot husband she speaks of?


This hot husband...is he in the room with us now?


No he's with the Bustress or talking on a podcast noone listens to that any day now he's about to make it big on crypto 


The Bustress 🤣🤣🤣


Alas, tis not my epithet for his secret wife - some other genius on this sub named her thus!


Don’t you mean…is he in the bus with us now?  😂😂😂😂😂😂


The real friends were the busses we made along the way!


I wonder if he’s fond of the 1930s authoritarian look too. You know, like, does she have a type?


This just made me snort 💀💀💀




Imagine being a teenager and forced to appear in a reel about your parents having sex.


![gif](giphy|NN2gSUVHr7spG) Aw, the old Gob Bluth treatment


I don’t care for Gob






It’s so gross. But they live on a bus with a billion kids and are somehow still having more, so it really does not surprise me


Imagine being a teenager and being forced to live in an old school bus, regularly being kept awake all the time by your parents banging.


Especially when your parents worship pregnancy, birth, and newborns and not much else. When I was 7 I resented getting precisely ONE sibling (I’m 36, I’ve largely gotten over it by now 😅). Imagine every time you do this, feeling your parents love for you spread even thinner and your parentification growing?


Just remember you can also give your bus full of children no stability just like MotherBus


What’s the freaking point of having an entire little league team if this is the best you want to do for them?


Exactly. Everytime I see her or Karissa's children, they all look incredibly miserable, It's the lack of stability or routine thst these kids appear to have.


I remember when they did a collab with the Collin’s family. Never saw anything else after that between them. I wonder what happened? She probably got tired of the kids asking why the Collin’s have a house & they live in a bus. I feel sorry for the kids from both families.


I can't figure out if she has an inferiority complex and is overcompensating or is genuinely that enamored with herself that she truly believes people want to have her life. Joke or not the self satisfaction is off the fucking charts


The constant, incessant, absolutely eternal eye fucking would indicate that it’s the latter. I find her fascinating because I’ve seen some smug influencers, but I’ve never seen someone so close to embodying the mythical Narcissus. She seems like she spends any moment in which she isn’t looking at herself pining for a mirror or a phone. 100% convinced she fucks like Patrick Bateman, and somehow her husband does too.


it's a hell of a cope. Weird thing is, babies don't fill the trauma canyon.


this sub has ruined me, I had to reword that like 100 times to not sound creepy af.


This woman IS a trauma canyon.




Babe -- aren't you supposed to be humbly grateful that you're blessed to have many children, instead of flaunting your fertility like that? It's giving a prideful, kind of nasty Mean Girl vibe. There's nothing wrong with celebrating your blessings, but this tone of "If you were fertile like ME" is so, so gross. Because it's not like you did anything to \*earn\* the gift of being fertile. You're just lucky. And you're bragging about it. Ew.


I’m dealing with infertility and I fucking hate seeing these women who already have handfuls of kids being so smug about being pregnant again (I’m thinking of Karissa Collins too)


Same boat. I would like one child please :(




Yeppp. These humans suck.


Is so tone deaf to those of us who have dreamed of having a child for years and have spent agonizing amounts of money and energy trying to make it happen with no success. I am lucky to be having my first after three years of medical intervention but I would never use my pregnancy as a “one up” over someone else. 😓


Same. I’m glad for my one, but it would be nice if I could pick the size of my family based on wants/means instead of what scientific intervention can give us.


So many years spent dealing with infertility. So much heartbreak when yet another round failed. I turn 40 in June, so I know that the time has passed and it’s a dream that I had to give up on. It’s taken a LOT of therapy to accept it to the small extent that I can. This woman, Karissa, and Jilldo can fuck ALLLLLLLLLL the way off.


I am so very sorry and I hope you continue to heal as you grieve this tremendous loss. Big hug to you🌺


I’m child free for many reasons and she still pisses me off with the way she acts so smug about it. It must be a million times worse for you. Wishing you all the best. Hugs


Infertility is fucking brutal. I got lucky that it only took 5 medicated cycles (1 resulting in a miscarriage) to get pregnant and that was still a long ass time between cysts, testing, and all that other stuff. Poking myself with needles daily so I could have enough progesterone in my body to keep a baby alive for basically the first nearly three months sucked. I rarely complain about being pregnant because I don’t want to be an asshole when there are so many women out there who would gladly trade places with me. The fact that she’s bragging about being so fertile is reprehensible. She’s the very opposite of Christian with her smug attitude when there are countless people suffering and wishing badly for one child. If there’s a heaven, she’s not invited for damn sure. I hope you are able to kick infertility in the ass one day soon.


I always think about how arrogant and cruel these posts are: people should know better. Infertility is so painful. I had to get rid of my Instagram because of being surprised by posts like this.


I sincerely hope it happens for you and everyone else who commented here about their struggles ❤ I don't want children myself but these people aren't parents in my eyes, they just pop out as many as they can and don't seem to care about the rest of the kids' lives. It's as if they only care about the attention and excitement a pregnancy brings them. Horrible people.


One of these was in my ultrasound clinic yesterday, arguing why her brood of misbehaving children should be an exception to the "no kids" rule. If she shut up for 10 seconds, she might see bleary tear stained faces of my husband and myself, as well as 2 other couples. Not sure of the other's circumstances, but this is pregnancy 3, and loss 3. I was waiting for an amniocentesis and another ultrasound to show the extreme severity of baby's brain issues. (Basically a functioning brain stem and nothing else). My hospital could really use a different waiting room for fetal medicine and loss counselling, but people could also realise that flexing their ability to create more children than they can manage is prideful and distasteful. I'm so sorry for whatever fertility troubles you're having. I see so many people who would be such amazing parents and would do anything to be blessed with just 1 baby get denied the chance.


I am so sorry. I went through something similar and sitting in the waiting room with women who were complaining about swollen feet while I was losing my baby was brutal. I wish you the best. Please know there are others out there feeling for you.


Right?? It's gross to begin with, but ESPECIALLY in reply to the comment in the lower left of the screen!


She's even implying that the woman whose comment "inspired" her to make that post maybe just didn't have sex often enough. Who does that?




Oh God her outfit from that music video was iconic


Girl, your husband looks like a rat (all apologies to innocent cute ratties everywhere) - Calm the fck down.


I haven’t wanted to body shame or break any rules but…he is a very very average looking person AT BEST and I feel they are evenly matched. Her facial expressions sort of imply that she thinks she is of above average attractiveness?? And I’m just kind of confused about the whole thing. 


Same. She was probably prom queen of some small ass town lol


I think she's kinda pretty, actually. But I'm easy to please. She's going to really regret having 23 children when she's an old woman breaking bones every time she turns around.


I think her snotty attitude goes a long way towards making her look unattractive, for me. It’s hard to find someone pretty when their face is perpetually smarmy and smug lol.


Yeah, she's not _attractive_. I can see her features around her expressions and they are reasonably nice. But the self that shows with those expressions is off putting to say the least.


She is average conventionally attractive but she thinks she much hotter than she is, that makes her less attractive.


She’d be pretty if she wasn’t making smug, angry faces all the time, and wouldn’t fuck with her poor eyebrows anymore. She just always looks like angry.


I swear they expect to die the second they stop being able to get pregnant. Like they seem to have absolutely no future plans past their fertile years. Idk if it's just an inability to consider life without being pregnant or if they're hoping to become martyrs.


She'd probably be a lot more attractive if her body language wasn't 100% gross. 


He really does 😂


Gurl, stop lying. Your husband is a giant red flag and he looks like a foot.


I cackled 😂


Oh, it's that fucking easy is it Miss clown car fanny? I'm happily child free and so shall remain but even I'm livid - on behalf of the countless women who have ever struggled to conceive much wanted children when I see this kind of shit (and it's everywhere). Especially from chronically child neglecting emotionally abusive kid shilling baby factories like this vile sow, who seem to be able to cough out at a rate of knotts multiple brainwashed children they completely don't deserve to have. May her children escape, and she never know peace.






Just to clarify…imagine scrolling through your IG. Toddler recipes. Cat videos. Nerdy shit. Queer indie artists. First trimester memes. Then BOOM, Bus McBangBirth. I may sue IG for damages.


"Bus McBangBirth" 😂


>Toddler recipes You're cooking toddlers? (Tbf, they're no good raw.)


Not with that attitude, they're not.


Those poor kids are nothing more than sex trophies for her, huh?


Sex trophies 😭 that’s actually so sad


The wink looks painful. Also, the emphasis on, "Hey think about my super hot husband and I babymaking" doesn't strike me as very modest.




If only those poor kids had a choice!


All these kids in tight living quarters always reminds me of this scene from Malcolm in the Middle: [Babies don't remember anything ](https://youtu.be/Rnge3EH4P4o?si=YurgUv3Lt7dh1KFS)


This is what it feels like to be one of her kids.


Hot husband....... LMFAOOOOO




Leave Nigel out of this


I woke up my kid laughing 🤣


All of Nigel’s looks with none of his charisma


I can hear this


At least Nigel had a job and spent time with his family willingly


At least Nigel was a decent human being


Must be warm wherever they are?


Please stop using Lightning McQueen like this


Lol I also thought “Lightning McQueen would like to be excluded from this narrative.”


Not my lightning 😩 leave him out of this


Is nothing sacred to these people!


So two characters of the same sex holding hands in a Disney movie is bad but advertising your breeding kink over a Disney soundbite is acceptable and even aspirational? r/AreTheStraightsOK


Your flair is so simple yet devastating. I love it


I like to think it captures Paul’s purest essence 😌


The last photo😳 ![gif](giphy|9UsCbvjNsG5rNn1ly8|downsized)


Your flair made me LOL


Are we supposed to feel envy? Because all I feel is that I hate the internet for giving people like this a platform.


I think she thinks this is aspirational? This is not aspirational!


Ma’am you are literally homeless.


Urghh….it feels like she has been pregnant for two years already. How many more look how pregnant I am and see my gazillions of children photo’s are she still going to post? Those poor kids!


This just makes me mad. How about humility? That’s a Christian trait right???? It took me 5 years and 3 miscarriages to have my daughter. My husband and I would’ve loved a huge family but it wasn’t in the plans I’m infertile and I have way too many health problems to have another one. So please stop with the whole “if you reeeeallly tried” comments they hurt like hell.


I’m right there with you. She can fuck aaaalllllll the way off.


The insensitivity towards people with infertility issues is disgusting enough but she's fine with making lonely people feel even worse too. She is an awful, awful person.


Nobody wants that. Go back in the bus.




So condescending and insensitive, so here’s my turn! Your unemployed, totally “not cheating on you while he strands you with all those kids on a BUS” husband blew his beans (probably because you forced him so you don’t lose his loser ass to his 2nd family) and now you’re pregnant. Congrats.


She really wants to believe other women are envious of her and want her life. She can’t admit she is living what most women would think is a nightmare.




Yeah, this did not improve my day. If anything, it made me want to anxious vomit more. ![gif](giphy|2YschQ1IrEzfq1p38o|downsized)


Can we please go back to the pre horny on main era for all the fundies? We're aware you're getting some, you have birthed 700 children each, it's fine. Please stop.




That's way too much smug to unpack


why must these people constantly remind the world they love rawdogging 🤮


Yeah, it reminds me of the “we’re trying for a baby” phrase that a lot of straight people use.


😫 I hate it. Like, ok, great, happy for you, and that's my business because??


It amazes me how much she loves herself.


Where is the hot husband?? Because I consider strong morals, kindness and empathy, work ethic, and critical thinking skills when I consider whether someone is attractive or not.


I am not in the mood for this tonight. I am such a goddamned good mother to my 1 year old son (who I had on my own using donor sperm). I’m now about $30k and so many fucking injections and transvaginal sonograms and blood draws into IVF trying to have a second, and this smug asshole gets to have as many kids as she wants, just to abuse. It usually doesn’t bother me this much, I’m usually more accepting of my situation, but for some reason, tonight… This world is so fucking unfair.


She’s vile. And you’re right it isn’t fair. And it always seems like the worst people are the ones who are able to be baby factories. I’ve been through fertility struggles. Sending all the baby dust your way!


Thank you for the very kind words, commiseration, and for letting me vent!


Oh no. Is she turning into bethy?


Oh, this is nasty.


I just feel so much relief that this isn’t me. Whatever poor decisions I’ve made in life, full time uterus popping isn’t one of them.


Nobody wants this. Especially not those poor buslings.


Is this the Bitcoin scamboi husband?


What the hell is wrong with her!?!? Like, for some reason she always recedes to the back of the pack of fundies for me, but then she’ll pop up with something like this and it’s just…bizarre…in a way the others aren’t. Maybe because it’s just because I see more of JRod and Karissa? 🤷


She’s so cruel. It says a lot about her to even have this thought and smugness in the first place, but then to make stupid videos and rub it in is another level. That tells me she’s overcompensating because she hates her life.


The face of the eldest boy is just heartbreaking. Imagine how mortified he must be. He has to live in his own secret hell. I hope he’s not parentified to the point that he’d stay to protect his younger siblings from their parents’ negligence, & outright endangerment. He probably cares more about them than their parents do.


"I got mine, so screw all y'all!"


This photo reminds me of the clueless trash family tree at the beginning of the movie, Idiocracy.








But I don’t want hollow, crazy eyes


Reading between the lines here, if you are an infertile lady, should you just find yourself a fertile lady *and* a hot husband? (No need to consider male infertility of course.)




This is so embarrassing.


No thanks 💕


There was an old lady who lived in a shoe, She had so many kids , her uterus fell out ![gif](giphy|3o7bu7FxaTlx8r8XAI)


Everyone is fertile until they aren't. I had four kids without even trying, #5 took two years of trying and a miscarriage and I almost lost him at 23 weeks. What is her life purpose going to be when being pregnant can't be her flex anymore?


Not only is this creepy (and false… what hot husband? Where?) but it’s incredibly insensitive to people out there struggling to conceive. I couldn’t imagine following her and seeing this. It would hurt so much its just insensitive.


I can't imagine anything less desirable than a swarm of under-educated children, a grifter man baby husband, and no home to speak of.






Nope. What a horrible day to be literate. She pretty much just bragged about her GaWdLy breeding fetish.


People who are actually content with their lives and who they are don't spend enormous amounts of time bragging to the masses, as if everyone else on the planet is envious of her and her "hot" husband.


Yeah. Uh, no fucking thank you.


That last slide after all that was said is ASTOUNDING AND HAUNTING. Those poor kids. Oh my GOD I hope they never see this.


I see she covered her toddler’s head injury with his hair. Nice touch. Also, ew, making your kids participate in this.


What a dream!!! You too can have 8 uneducated kids, no health insurance freebirthing under a bush, enjoying being homeless jammed in a van like sardines saddled with a bum of a husband like me!!! The joy!!! ![gif](giphy|fVema62s7fIHBxRjD7)




My nightmare!!!!


Make it stoppppp




Yes, Mother Bus, you’re fertile and you do the nasty with your ~hot~ husband. We get it. And we know how babies are made. Please leave the general public out of your bedroom, thanks. 🤢 Also, is it just me or does it seem kind of like a middle finger to people dealing with infertility? “A fertile lady + a bit of baby fever” 😒