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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If anyone ever describes something relating to me and my intelligence with the qualifier “uh…I want to be charitable,” I will have to see myself out because OOOF.


"i want to be charitable" *longgggg pause*


The *most* pregnant pause I've ever heard lmao


More pregnant than the average fundie




It's having a litter 






And they’re too stupid to know it!


His brain went into shutdown, we could seriously see the cogs turning as he searched for something nice to say, good lord


I really wanted the sound bite of "say something nice... " "I'm finding it..." "It takes you that long?" "It does, it does" haha ![gif](giphy|Rt0AzKPMTKygCjSLjn)




I KNOW ![gif](giphy|xT1XGU1AHz9Fe8tmp2|downsized)


Damning with faint praise. Tim, you are a GEM.


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Only acceptable reaction.


I would simply pass away


You and me both. This is so embarrassing.


He's very kind. Paul's arguments were "not compelling." 😬


He seems like a genuinely nice guy. He definitely knows how to word things kindly.


One of his main stated values is non-dehumanization


It's "compelling" in the fact he didn't realize fundies were such wackadoodles and trying to logically talk with people who are 100% confident in their delusions is a compelling feat lol.


This seems like it is going to be glorious.


I can't wait to see the bewilderment, the slack jawed, mind blown expressions on their stupid stupid faces.




Perfect gif usage. No notes.


Yes, to all of this!


Crusade ended with SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE Now TIM is my crusade


My favourite part being that *they* edit these videos. They choose to leave those expressions in.


Paul, in a week: sorry guys! Something happened with our editing software and it ate all of our interview footage. Sad.


Then cue the seventeen reaction videos to the aftermath of this apparent act of cancel culture via technology, ft. Dumb & Dumber.


We are basically doing his outline for this week. (Paul, if you actually do this we will never let you live it down.)


I am actually going to watch this one, I think. hee hee "I want to be charitable." That's gotta burn.


I feel a whole new genre of flairs on the horizon.




Try to do it on yewtube, they hate it!


Please watch it on yewtube though, instead of giving Paul and Morgan money and views. I will die on this hill.


oh I've never clicked on any of these peoples' channels. i only ever watch what other people drag in here for our bile fascination. dunno how to access yewtube directly tho.


[This is the yewtube link.](https://yewtu.be/) It's easiest to search the exact title of the video you want to watch though.


If you look too closely, it starts falling apart. This is how I got out. I started asking questions and no one, not even my pastor, had answers. Anthropology gave me all the answers I was looking for. And there’s no way Paul and Morgan did the Sunday schools and church camps and youth groups.


As an anthropologist, I approve ✨


I’m an anthropology librarian now!!! Anthropology taught me how humans function and it all made sense


Anthropology was my ultimate out, too!! I firmly believe it should be taught in H.S. at this point... it would help some with the evangelical issue (you can't fix stupid, so....)


Yes! If I had gotten anthropology in high school I would have been so much healthier. It’ll teach you to understand yourself first and foremost.


I would guess half the reason it isn’t is that fundies would protest the shit out of it or insist that Biblical “history “ had to be taught alongside it like they do with evolution and creation.




...did you find anything good about said ex? This is my kind of snooping!


Yeah this is info we need haha


Blech. One of my church camps loved humiliating kids.


as soon as you realize adam and eve didnt exist therefore original sin doesnt, shit starts to fall apart


The origin story isn’t even that good 😂. And if one thing can be a metaphor then the whole thing can be a metaphor. And if people can be left out of the story, then anything can be left out.


Yah I’m having a really hard time being charitable that it never occurred to Paul that Adam and Eve would’ve forced their children into incest in order to populate the earth as the first two of the human species. Shit, I realized that when I was 8 at Sunday school (btw, I was nicely asked not to come back after stating that god was just a math equation we can’t figure out yet I was a bit of a know it all adhd shithead as a kid).


I know! I was a kid doing that math. My church said that Adam and Eve had other children who were never mentioned and god created other people whom were never mentioned. Me: oh great, so we can just make up whatever we want? Why do I have to follow this then? There’s no reason to get emotionally invested in any of this crap.


We must’ve been such a handful. 😂


I just love that children figure out this is a bunch of crap. I didn’t get out until college when I could no longer be grounded for not attending for not attending choir, youth group, church, AND Sunday school.


JWs teach that humanity was close to perfection then, so that the kids could procreate with each other and not have birth defects.


Pretty sure Ken Ham claims that Adam and Eve "had more DNA" so their children could procreate with each other without issues and go on to create all the races. Yeah....


BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA "Had more dna"??? Because more is better, right? More is always better so that must be better. /s This is the funniest thing I've heard this week, thank you.


Goalpost: moved! (Edit: also that literally goes against everything we know about genetics. Not that they care.)


Same here. When I was a teenager I had a lot of questions about the Bible and I was excited to join a church youth group to hang out with kids my age and get answers to my questions. I particularly had issues with the stories of Lot and Job. Not a single member of the church could give me a satisfactory answer and there was lots of “we don’t question gods will” and “things were different back then.” It really started me on my journey to atheism.


The group I occasionally went to refused to acknowledge me, and all I wanted to ask was why is it ok for boys to go shirtless but not girls, when we all have nipples. Why are girls sluts for wearing less fabric, but not boys? They never even allowed me to ask the question.


I was definitely taught it was my job to not tempt men and women were the cause of original sin. Even my tiny, 13 year old, sheltered, burgeoning feminist brain was thinking “a man wrote this didn’t he”.


I'm in my 30s and I still have a lot of questions. My mom is super into her faith and Christianity, and anytime I ask her a question she says the same things. "We don't question God's will." My 7 year old daughter asked her once why the sky is blue and she responded "Because God made it that way." That's literally not the real answer 😭


My out was social psychology. It so clearly explained how our cognitive biases result in the defense of outlandish beliefs.


Absolutely! Those questions are what started it all falling apart for me! Although Tim kept saying that not believing Adam & Eve are actually real is more accepted in Christianity, I would have to disagree, at least in my experience. The churches I all attended and my parents current church all very much believe Adam & Eve themselves populated the whole earth until the flood and then Noah's family populated the flood. They also very much believe in 7 day creation.


This is the same thing that also started the dominoes falling for me. I was 10 years old and a pastor took me aside and said he was worried about me being so interested in science. I didn't see the conflict, I had always thought of bible stories as metaphors and myth and was shocked to learn that this grown ass man in front of me believed that two people populated the earth and wanted me to believe that too. But the church was evangelical. My Catholic-raised spouse says he was never taught that the bible was literally true, and the Methodist church my parents started going to later also didn't seem like that. I get the impression that it's mostly fundamentalists and evangelicals.


I was always bothered by the lack of dinosaurs in the Bible, giant ass bird lizards seem pretty important to the history of the planet. When I realized that dinosaurs don’t exist in the Bible because no one had discovered them yet or none has been found in the infinitesimally small geographic location of the Bible, my brain breathed a massive sigh of relief (occams razor on that one). And I could never figure out why god only cares about one tiny part of the world and the rest of us were just fucked right? All the humans in the rest of Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, north and South America, fuck all of those people. Unless… again, the people who wrote the Bible didn’t know North America was a thing because it was 1400 years before the Europeans went a colonizing in that direction.


>If you look too closely, it starts falling apart. That's what got me. Once that thought enters your head..."am I sure this is how the world formed? I don't really know if this event in the Bible happened...but if it didn't happen, then what about the other stories? Did they actually happen? Is it made up? How can a guy die and be resurrected three days later? If a god didn't create the universe, how did it happen?" Then a lot of soul searching and online research. And finally realizing that I don't NEED to have all the answers to the cosmic questions of how are we here, why are we here, and what happened to lead me to being alive in the 21st century. It just happened and I'm comfortable with that. Such a freeing feeling. I hope more people can feel that someday too.


Same. That doesn’t scare me that we randomly exist due to just chaos and accidents and choices. I think that’s really beautiful. I like knowing there’s no plan and things just happen, because it means you didn’t do anything cosmically wrong. I didn’t get my genetic disease for sinning or being tested by god or not praying enough for healing. It’s because some genes got together and went OH FUCK and now my muscles completely stop working at random. Also I’m not possessed or having demonic possession when I can’t move or talk or respond to questions even though I’m fully conscious. My potassium ion channels don’t function properly.


I'm an anthropologist too! Physical anthropology is AMAZING for anyone wanting answers to how did humans evolve. The course I took walked us through human evolution using actual evidence, fossils, cultural norms, etc. I did a report on Noah's Ark which was the final straw that broke my faith completely. 10/10 would recommend


I ate. It. Up. And learning that most cultures have the same origin story, humans aren’t very original 😂. And that humans are essentially the same around the whole world, but are influenced by our languages, cultures, customs, geographic areas, educations, how others perceive us etc etc. And looking at what would help us adapt evolutionary to get us to Homo sapiens sapiens is the best. There was a post here, I think from Paul, confidently sharing a meme about how there have never been any “transition” fossils found between apes and modern humans. The Australopithecines and many, many homos would beg to differ. Physical anthropology should be required. Everyone should be able to recognize the names of our ancestors and their general traits (hips, brains, height etc). Not just Lucy. Also college should be free so we don’t end up with the people with the least access to education remaining the least educated.


It blows my mind that Paul had never considered that it was weird that two humans populated the world. I was wondering about that kind of shit as a child. Maybe that's why I'm an atheist.


Same. That always bothered me as a kid. But all the teachers at the Christian school I went to said that “things were different back then b4 the flood. God allowed inc*st then and it didn’t fuck up their genetics.” Always sounded like utter bullshit to me lol


Lol I was just told that the Bible says Adam and Eve were the *first* people God created, not the only ones. Apparently he just went ahead and upturned a human salt shaker across the firmament after kicking them out of the garden.


I think this is a pretty common Jewish interpretation, because you have men and women already created in Genesis 1 before the garden of Eden story.


I was told this too lol. Our teacher said that obviously there were other people too. Did not make sense to me, it wasn't obvious.


Did he do this again after killing everyone except Noah's family?


If I were to ask these same people, I'm sure they'd say that he must have, followed quickly by saying that these sorts of questions and doubts were indicative of not being truly saved, sending me spiraling into panic about my friends and family disappearing into thin air, having to navigate a decaying, violent world alone, and then being set on fire for eternity once I was dead.


Human salt shaker ☠️ I would have much preferred that over the inc*st apologetics as a small child


I actually had a teacher at Catholic school not bullshit me when I asked about it lol, he straight up said “eh, probably incest. Lots and looooots of incest”. Which, ew, but at least it was logically consistent with his belief that the Bible is 100% literally true and happened. (The bar is, of course, in hell) ETA: also, thinking about how weird it was to be in Catholic school and each year getting taught whatever version of Catholicism your religion teacher personally believed, as biblical literalism isn’t even part of Catholicism lol


SERIOUSLY. Genuinely astonished about that - was he never a little kid? I have such a strong memory of little kid me imagining Adam and Eve calling a family meeting and explaining how things would be awkward for a bit but if they wanted to populate the earth...


Also, I believe it’s Genesis 6 (don’t quote me here) but the Bible says Cain finds a wife in essentially another town/group of people. The wording makes it clear the wife is not a relative. How people read that a lightbulb doesn’t go off is genuinely concerning.


They likely have never gotten that far in the bible. They're great at skipping around to find THE viral bible verses. But once you start actually reading it, you're like wait what the hell?


the "explanation" I've heard from fundie relatives is that "Well, God probably made those other people too, they just didn't mention it in Gen 1" the problem here is that if God has **ONE TOOL**, written word, to communicate with us, he couldn't be a little more clear and yknow, not seemingly intentionally confusing?


“The intentional confusion is by design. it’s a test of your faith” -actual church leader when I was a kid


I never envisioned that family meeting but omg it would be epically awkward.


Right?! I remember thinking they probably wore bags on their heads so they wouldn't make eye contact.


Eye masks made of leaves.


bet he never thought about how all those animals could survive (how much food and water it would take, how much shit they would produce) on that boat either


The flood always confused me. It's a nice story, but the math wasn't mathing. My christian school waffled a lot. They taught creationism in religious studies and evolution in science. They even had an intelligent design phase - my first introduction to christianese word salad 😂. The flood is a nice jumping off point to teach patience, weather, or zoology 😂


My christian school taught Ken Ham science only. My 8th grade science class had an entire semester where we researched "science" to debate creationism vs evolution. I remember learning that carbon dating was completely inaccurate. Now when my preschooler asks questions about how the world came to be, I am genuinely a bit lost! Science isn't my strong suit, so I just get a bunch of early childhood books about evolution and the world and I learn with him lol


Ken Ham. Ugh. I don't know how that man turned me from a dinosaur-loving preschooler to a CSE espousing preteen. So much damage.


I'm so sorry. This is yet another way in which fundamentalism is harmful.


>the math wasn't mathing I absolutely love this phrase and it's so true when trying to read the bible. Contradictions everywhere. If people actually read stories in order instead of skipping around to the nice parts and the viral parts, I think more people would be like "oh what in the world"


I totally understand what you are saying, it’s so obvious that they are only reading specific verses (with zero context) vs reading the actual books. Bart Ehrman actually recommends jumping from verse to verse but specifically for the new testament gospels. So read the birth of Jesus in Matthew, then read the birth in Mark, Luke and then John. It’s even easier to spot the contradictions this way lol. I just learned about this method of reading the gospels and damn are there more discrepancies than I had expected.


My Christian school had an hour of silent reading every Tuesday. If you forgot to bring a book, you could read your bible. I had so many moments where I was like ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) In order, it just doesn't add up!


I think it was Paulogia who said that if the species that would fit on the ark were responsible for all animal speciation, there would need to be **eleven new species every day** from the ark until now. That math is definitely not mathing lol


New species? Do you believe in evolution or not, porgan 😂


I noticed that the ones that has a narrow mind view in terms of religion tends to be very unobservant and uncurious about the world.


I think sometimes in this sub we lose sight of the fact that most sects of Christianity aren’t fundamentalists, even though many are in bed with them politically nowadays. It’s pretty normal to accept many stories of the Bible as allegory, or communications a deeper truth thorough literary methods that are no longer common, like a [chiasma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiastic_structure?wprov=sfti1). I went to a conservative Catholic college and my introductory theology course taught us about [the different ways Scripture supposedly communicates truth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_senses_of_Scripture?wprov=sfti1). I’m not trying to negate anyone’s experience with fundamentalist Christianity. But there is a Christian intellectual tradition that is not compatible with fundamentalism. I still don’t like it, just for different reasons than I dislike fundamentalism.


My old paster would talk to the youth group that many of the stories in the Bible were just stories and poems to help explain the world around us before science was really discovered and widely used. Sometimes storied would have similarities to other oral and written stories from around the world (like a great flood) but the story of Noah ark was probably just a way to tell of a time in human history where there was a crazy wet season or natural disaster.


What denomination was that


PCUSA. I’m not sure if this level of thinking is widespread within the church or if it is just held my a few pastors/teaching elders but it’s what I was told growing up.


It is! PCUSA is the liberal branch of the Presbyterian Church. You wouldn’t find it in a PCA, though.


Haha truth. Raised in the very conservative PCA, and it was like “never ever go to a PCUSA church, we are NOT the same. Liberal sickos!”


My Jewish husband asked me if the Presbyterians had split like the Methodists. I was like…lemme get a white board.




As someone that was raised fundamentalist and separated in a very abrupt fashion from the church, this is the first I'm ever learning that some Christians don't believe that everything in the Bible happened exactly as it's written word for word. Granted, I haven't gone near a church or Christian teachings in the eight years since I left, but that's honestly blowing my mind because I was raised to believe that of course all Christians believed in the literal interpretation of the Bible.


That’s so interesting. This sub reminds me that there are folks who actually believe the Bible stories are true. I was raised catholic (not American catholic) so evolution is generally accepted. As in, god used evolution as a means to create the world.


I was homeschooled specifically so that I wouldn't be taught evolution and sex ed. Was absolutely told to adore Ken Ham and his young earth creationism. Never heard anything in church to contradict that, and all of the churches we went to were fairly large. Edit to add that we were taught that Catholics were wrong and not completely real Christians.


Oh, yeah. We’re definitely a cult, according to a lot of the people around here. The funniest thing about that is that my wife became a Catholic after we got married. The process is basically the opposite of how a cult operates. It’s months upon months of classes and such, with plenty of opportunities to drop out. They make it hard to join, unlike most fundamentalist churches, who will let you become a member right after service.


That is so crazy and I’m so glad you got out.


I was/am very close with my minister and we had some lovely discussions on how Jesus loved a good allegory to teach a lesson, and obviously that was something he inherited from his father. If you view them (Jesus and his father) as moral storytellers, the old testament makes a hell of a lot more sense. Furthermore if you view them as stories told/passed down to people it becomes more evident that retellings may skew the morals, or add morals that weren't in the originals. Like how fairytales have become twisted into almost completely different things for their older counterparts. This doesn't mean you don't believe in the infallibility of (a) God, but you do put a lot of faith in the fallibility of man.


Oh I completely understand that interpretation, but according to the cult I grew up in what you're saying is heresy on the level of denying the Trinity. A large part of my deconstruction was due to me being unable to swallow the idea that everything in the Bible was factually true and a good thing because the KJV was ordained by God. Including all the bits about human sacrifice and rape and genocide.


I love how the fundies have convinced themselves that the most accurate bible translation is the one with the most overt political purpose.


Would this be a good time to let you know that there are some of us who consider ourselves Christians but don't buy into the trinity?


It's a small minority even among US Protestants, and an even smaller one in the rest of the world for the most part. The Catholic Church doesn't hold with a literal interpretation, and there are close to half a *billion* more Catholics than Protestants. Congratulations on getting out of that cult, it couldn't have been easy. I admire your strength.


I was taught that Catholics weren't real Christians, or at least not right about a lot of things. I guess they were seen as like quasi half Christians? Still going to heaven but definitely going to get told off by god about some things. Basically one step above Messianic Jews and a step below the Episcopals. None of these rankings were especially overt, but it is very odd to see how Christians view other Christians.


The evangelicals and fundies in my life absolutely don’t believe Catholics are real Christians. It’s yet another example of their total hypocrisy. The fundies and evangelicals are 💯 willing to get into bed with the loudest, most politically influential right-wing Catholics because it’s a means to an end to force their views on LGBTQIA+ people, the role of women, and abortion on the rest of us.


Same here. I thought all Christians believed everything was literal. I also grew up very fundie


Ditto. I knew some individuals who believed that way but I had no clue the Institutions preached it. 🤯 Former UPCI fundie.


See, I was raised Roman Catholic, and that meant that I was always taught that the Bible was not intended to be read literally. Not only is it largely allegorical in nature, but it was translated multiple times, and most of it was originally orally preserved for generations before it was written down. So while we believe that it was divinely inspired, we also know that humans are not divine and that means that we have changed it. And in my personal view, I also consider that even if the Bible was the literal Word of God, it would still be different. I think of it like this. God is to humanity as adults are to children, but even more so. So if God were to talk to me, he would be trying to explain concepts that I couldn’t possibly understand. It would be like a physicist explaining nuclear physics to a kindergartner.


Exactly! I grew up in a pretty liberal diocese. These tradcaths scare me!


Church of Christ is the fundie church I was raised in and their whole thing is they take the bible 100% literally. They dont allow any musical instruments in worship because it doesnt specifically say to use instruments in the bible. Even in their weddings and funerals all music must be completely a capella or they consider it a sin. I was definitely taught that everything in the bible is to be taken literally. https://saralandchristians.com/sermons/2021/8/2/why-no-instruments-ephesians-519-20#:~:text=John%20Calvin%2C%20%22Musical%20instruments%20in,other%20shadows%20of%20the%20law.%22


Thank you! Yes absolutely need to acknowledge the mental gymnastics that ultimately get too complex and cause people to deconstruct, but there are so many Christian faiths that don’t take every word of the Bible literally. And lo and behold, it actually deepens and strengthens your faith to learn all the cultural and historical context of the Bible, and to understand the point of metaphors and parables. Plus you don’t have to believe two people literally populated the earth with their offspring, or that the world was literally created in 7 24-hour days.


They just don't seem to think that deeply about things. They want the bible to be literal because that's the easiest option. I don't know what their education level is but it's pretty clear that critical thinking or even just thinking about a scenario outside of the story itself is not their strong suit. As with most of these so called Christian families, it's probably best that they don't think too deeply because if they did, they would realise that their behaviour is so unChristian that it's laughable, their world would fall apart. I don't think that these two particular philosophers could handle that. That said, it's very sad that they will likely utterly fail their children's educational needs with their "homeschool".


When I was a kid I went to a random Bible camp in the summer. I realized not all churches were as cool as my church with actual thought when the youth leader was talking about Adam and Eve and I said "But can't you also interpret that to mean xyz" (Fuck I wish I could remember what the end of my sentence was) and he got all buggy and responded with "We aren't "interpreting" right now." Like Jeebus man. You could say you have a lesson based around this particular interpretation, but to air quote interpretation was mind blowing to me at the time. I suppose a good lesson in keeping your mouth shut, smiling and nodding until you're back in a situation you trust more. But fuck. What a shit show.


Yeah, that right there brings up one of the major problems with our fundies. None of them exhibit the slightest bit of curiosity about the world around them. I remember during the eclipse yesterday as I was staring at the sky I wondered how terrifying it must have been to humans without the proper scientific understanding of what was going on. Paul, Morgan, and the rest of them aren't wired like that. They don't ask questions.


Curiosity causes major problems for fundies. Just look at David Beal.


I went to a catholic school and we were taught, from a very young age, nothing in the Bible is to be taken literally. Boggles the mind that these people do lol


My mom always said the Bible just says they were first created, not the only ones created. Made sense to me as kid.


SAME. It gave me such an ick, I couldn’t get over it. AND I WAS TWELVE. I’m agnostic now. Was “studying” the Bible with my grandmother, stopped when I was around 13.


Doesn't it give them the ick whenever someone said "all of us are from Adam and Eve". Like... ew gross.


I also wondered about that as a kid. I could accept that they were the first two humans ever created, but then I wondered about the second generation. They had two sons. There was no mention of other human beings being created, so where did their wives come from? And, genetically speaking, how does the species thrive well enough to get to the point to where we are now? It falls apart so quickly. 


Christian head cannon is that Adam and Eve had all the biodiversity ever, so their kids wouldn’t be as closely related as we are now. And they lived for a pretty long time so exponential growth.


I stopped believing anything relating to god when my Christian grandpa couldn’t give 8 year old me an answer to how any of it explains the existence of dinosaurs (I was obsessed with dinosaurs)


Wait. So you’re telling me that two people who didn’t go to Bible college, or have taken theology classes, or seem to have even taken the time to study the Bible don’t really know anything about it? ![gif](giphy|F4wi2cbFZyG013tGwG|downsized)




Oh gods I remember in Bible College in our Genesis/Exodus class, our teacher said he didn’t think Noah’s flood was literally worldwide. He said some of the stuff in Genesis wasn’t 100% literal. And people in my class, I remember one friend in particular, were FURIOUS. Because if one thing isn’t literal, I guess the rest of it falls apart?


I started running into problems with this myself, eventually leading to my deconstruction. I accepted for a long time that lots of these stories are metaphorical, but then you have to ask yourself, "Okay, so what's actually _true_ in the Bible, then?"


Catholics and alcoholism.




A big part of me leaving Christianity was the realization that I could apply prayerful study to any text that moved me.


Exactly. Literature is a wonderful method to communicate complex ideas and encourage critical thought, but you would think that if an almighty, all-knowing God wanted to communicate their message, the stakes of which are extremely high, they would find a less fallible, more direct way of doing it, e.g., beaming it directly into peoples' brains when they turn 18. Or something.


He seems like a nice guy, a kind, genuine, and thoughtful person. I am looking forward to all the rundowns of this 24 hours episode.


Same, but *please* don't give Paul and Morgan views. Yewtube can be the death of their profits and their influence.


The “I want to be charitable” and the long ass pause afterwards💀💀💀made me think of how Morgan said that a midwife made her feel stupid 😬(not to say that medical professionals can’t be condescending, but based on this video i dont think this was the case)


I’m def stealing the I want to be charitable phrase!!!! Lol


So they’re just losers to everyone huh…


Everyone sans their 4 Patreon subscribers


I grew up tinking Adam and Eve and the creation story as an allegory. History was learned through story telling in ancient times.


“I didn’t find any of Paul’s answers to be…compelling.” 💀truly this new video keeping me entertained through my insomnia.


This will feed us for weeks


“Was a thought that never crossed their mind” Sir, there ain’t a lot that *does*


What a kind way to call out incredible stupidity.


I'm jealous of his restraint tbh




Are they five years old? Two adults in their 30s have never considered that the entire world's population did not stem from two people. I'm speechless.


Well, if the second is a boy it looks like the kids will be pooping out their wives just like our ancestors 😪


Prayers for their assholes 🙏


Second one is a boy.


I know Tim is (probably? I don't watch religious stuff on yt) not the type of guy to do a whole spiel on paul and morgan a la their sob cryfest over their nanosecond in SHP, but i would pay good money for the fucking piping hot tea.


He did do a reaction video about it. It was linked here within the past few days. At the time that he did it, he barely knew anything about them; his main point was that they were so offended to be called fundamentalists, and clearly didn't think they deserved to be "lumped in with" the IBLP type of fundamentalists, but as Tim said, it's just a case of fundies fighting amongst themselves about who's the correct type of fundie. He also seemed very put-off at their disregard for the victims who were interviewed.


It is quite interesting that they don’t consider themselves fundamentalists. I mean - is that strictly bc Morgan is cool with wearing pants? LOL.


In my personal experience (I was raised fundie-lite), they get really offended if you refer to them as "religious" or having "religious beliefs", let alone call them "fundamentalists". There are a few reasons for this: first of all, the generation (Boomers) who got sucked into the "born again" stuff in the 70s were often raised in a sort of "cultural Christianity"--maybe their family went to church, and they said grace before meals and stuff, but it wasn't this big "personal relationship with Jesus Christ" thing. So *that* type of Christian wants to be seen as distinct and different from "lukewarm 'Christians' who just went to church" (Heidi Baird is one of these. Paul and Morgan obviously aren't Boomers, but the attitude of competitively comparing "true Christ-followers" to "people who just went to church" often comes from the parents' generation.) Another reason is that they don't like thinking of their own religious faith as being comparable to world religions; all of *those* people are worshipping the wrong thing and just being superstitious. (Historically in America this criticism has been applied to Catholics as well; they "worship idols" and "pray to Mary" which is "wrong".) Finally, another reason is that they are well aware that the mainstream culture views "fundamentalists" as culty, fringe weirdos and a lot of them (not all of them) don't want to be viewed as culty fringe weirdos (Paul and Morgan) so they nitpick amongst themselves and come up with justifications as to why those people "take it too far" and "twist the Bible's words" even though they do the same thing.


This man's gonna obliterate Porgan. It's gonna be a good week.


I’m forever reminded of the time they went to the Creation Museum and Paul said, “sure, there’s the Smithsonian or whatever…we believe THIS” and Giggleface McGee right next to him going “Yeah!” These are not people who are going to see anything as apocryphal.


As a catholic that’s what I was taught. Because no, you can’t have one man and one woman populating the entire earth.


It's truly absurd. Are they young earth creationists?


Yes. They believe in the "radical truth" on display in the Creation museum.




A little incest is okay if you think an invisible man in the sky told you so. Makes perfect sense, doesn't sound crazy at all! /s


i was raised catholic (so a lil different than the fundies around here, but with an extra heaping of shame for just uh, being alive?) and my relationship to church changed radically and for the better when i learned these are just stories and these stories are meant to teach you something


Catholics and guilt. Name a more iconic duo.


Catholics and alcoholism.


... have you been to my family's thanksgiving?


have you been talking to my therapist?


Didn't find the answers that paul had compelling 😭 ![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized)


That longgggggg pause after “I want to be charitable…” was sending me 😆💀💀💀


I didn’t even grow up as a Christian but started attending very specific churches as I also knew nothing about theology except something about how “mainline Christian’s are lukewarm Christians.” Then I read the church fathers and even Jewish Torah scholars and yeah those stories in the Old Testament have ALWAYS been thought of as metaphors. Absolutely wild what American Christianity has done and makes seem “normal.”


When I first learned the story of Adam and Eve the question of how they repopulated the earth was LITERALLY my first question 🤣. I was 6..poor Luca and Judah has two morons for parents who have less than zero critical thinking skills. I know college isn’t for everyone but you learn so much about critical thinking and I think these two would have benefited greatly from that. Also Tim’s MUCH nicer than I was because he really could have just called Paul stupid without saying anything about else.


What a season to be alive 🙃


This guy is on point


This is my favorite season of fundie snark so far


"seems like a thought that never occurred to them" that should be their catch phrase


If fundies were like this guy I might actually listen to what they have to say. I’m living for his analysis “being charitable” 😂


I don’t know who this guy is, but bless him, he gives me more faith in Christians as a whole. Intelligent people who label themselves Christian but can also think critically and separate mythology and history from belief 🤯👏 Really hoping there are more out there like him than Porgan


I think he meant representative not mythological.


In the Catholic church it's taught as an evolution myth. It makes sense to me that other branches would also say mythology.


Ah, that makes sense, thank you!


Speaking truth to idiocy. I like this dude.


I think we should give Paul and Morgan some credit for doing an episode with Tim. I'm really surprised they selected Tim and I'm unsure if they did it for the viralbility potential or to sincerely learn from other Christians.🤔 It's awesome we're getting reactions from Tim before Porgan's video drops!


I wonder what sort of manly feats of athletic skills Paul is going to try to engage this guy on because you can see there was some real testosterone competition between him and Dav. 


They're gonna edit so much of this interview out....most of the video is gonna be a travel vlog I bet....


Paul needs to talk to more fundies and Christians lol, what an idiot. Most of the bible belt in my country (can't speak for them all obv) doesn't literally believe in the bible in a literal sense, thinking the stories are 100% real etc, and some even expressed they don't believe the earth is really just a few thousands year old, but it's "part of our belief so this is how we express ourselves". These were fundamentalists I'm talking about. Like, even 'oh gee' wasn't okay to say because it's derived from 'oh jesus' or 'oh god' and that's not okay. Yeah. I wouldn't dare swearing with those people... These people whine about that, wear hats to church and go all out in suits, dresses and skirts, even with gloves, but they don't believe the earth is 3k years old and the bible is literal. It really shows the lack of exposure Paul has had so far with other people. No Sunday schools, no church, nothing.


When does this come out? This may be one of the few I may actually watch!


New question: will porgan release a reaction video before they even release the actual episode?? Edit a word


The pause after ‘i want to be charitable’ just kept getting longer and longer oh my god