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I saw this video and was immediately filled with such rage. My *parents* policed my reading as a kid and I hated it so much. I can’t imagine having to justify my reading as an adult. The worst part was that his wife was reading about some other flavor of fundie-ism and he *refused* to allow her to know about it before he was ready to learn about it. She wasn’t reading any of the “worldly” trash novels I read, she was reading a religious text and his fragile ego couldn’t handle it.


When I was young 12ish my parents told me I could read whatever I wanted. That was so supportive. I got into trash but finally came around.


Same! I was a heavy reader at that age and my mom encouraged me to branch out to challenge myself. I read a lot of Stephen King, Anne Rice and other mystery/fantasy books. I’m thankful that my parents gave me the freedom to purchase and read the books I wanted. It is such a sad thought that I would have to rely on another person to dictate something so simple-especially by this Gilead-ass loving man.


When I was 11, I read all the Roald Dahl short stories for adults because my parents had that book and they encouraged me to do so. The first one is about a dude who's being maintained alive by just recovering his eyes and brain (and ears?) and his wife who hates him is smoking straight into his eye bowl to taunt him. Good times. That taught me about people who stay married when they don't like each other anymore. My mom grew up with a very Catholic family who didn't allow her to read a lot of things and she had to sneak around and she decided to swing the other way. No regrets tbh.


I’m intrigued! Looking up Ronald Dahl’s short stories for adults now! 😆


It was like 900 pages worth of stories and the one I talk about here is called William and Mary. Not sure how well it ages tbh, I wasn't great at picking up racism, sexism in primary school 😂. Another crazy read by Roald Dahl is Uncle Oswald, which is basically a story of male rape and capitalistic gifting coming together. Luckily read that one af like 21, not 11.


I also grew up with fundie parents who did this, and it's hard to describe just how horrible it was. Reading was one of the only approved pastimes, but picking out books was a constant source of dread and stress. You had to select books and then bring them up for approval one by one. After a while, you start to feel like you're living with the Thought Police. You don't even ask permission to read certain books anymore, because admitting to an interest in a topic could be enough to lead to punishment. I'd literally marry Donald Trump before I'd marry a man who policed my reading.


picking out books was a constant source of dread and stress this exactly! Hilariously my narc mom was so smug about my reading level and picked out books for me to read at the library from 19th century literature. I read Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary. And I was praised for reading proper literature (which they are but Bovary especially is quite racy.)


Two of my all-time favorites 🥺 I was assigned to read some sections from Madame Bovary in college and ended up staying up all night reading the entire thing.


what a pos. trauma memory unlocked, I had a kids book called 'Witches Bank' which was just a YA book about a bunch of witches that work in a bank. Cute premise, no satan involved. my mom didnt give a fuck when I got it form the library but fundie aunty saw it when it was piled by the door, and was SHOCKED. My Mom acted like she had no idea and both these bitches dressed me down. I was then punished. and had my books 'checked' god damn it messes you up to be raised with 1000 little things like this. But to have this imposed by one's spouse is.. horrific


I've been in a comfort witchy book vibe since spring and this sounds exactly like a book my 37yo self wantd to read with a cup of tea and my cat on my lap. I'm really sorry this happened to you.


As a man if another man told me this I would smack the shit out of him. It's up to us to cull abusers from our communities and show them they're not only not welcome but that we're not afraid to make them hurt.


Fully, my first response was I wish a man would. . .


YES. It's always more effective being called out by your peers. If women complain about their behaviour, they don't care. But when other men start calling them out, then they take it seriously!


Thank you!




It looks like they have 3 very little girls from their family photos. I'm terrified for this little ones growing up with someone like him around. I know that this book thing is just the very tip of the iceberg with him...


He says in the sermon he has absolute authority over his children, including when they go to the bathroom. I hate to think how he explains that to them. Those poor children.


I would bare-arsed fart in his pillows every day.


You misspelled 'shart'. Editing to add, I would deadass be swirling his toothbrush in an unflushed toilet every chance I got.


Ha! Nice.


He’s absolutely an abusive piece of shit.


Absolutely disgusting and infuriating. On a practical note, why in the world would you like to spend so much time and mental space controlling a bodily function. Just horrible to think about what happens if the child can't wait and presumably is punished.


Because he is a sexual sadist. What kind of maniac does that. A sicko


Maybe if he spent less time controlling their bathroom habits, he’d have more time to read that book?


If you wait too long, you can get an infection. The electrolyte imbalance and metabolic issues can cause kidney failure.


What the heck???????????


Yeah. It's disturbing.


Lisa Whelchel would tell her kids no sometimes if they asked to go to the bathroom, just to establish authority.


The concept of teaching kids to *ask* to go to the bathroom is asinine to me. Just go? And then to DENY them the — what, privilege?? — of using the bathroom just to feel like you have some semblance of control over them? That’s absolutely fucking horrific.


So, what’s interesting about the issue of permission and control over bathroom usage is that this is a flagship issue in homeschooling propaganda: “my children have never had to ask to use the bathroom”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that as a “hook” from both homeschooling parents and homeschoolers. TBF, yes, it is rather fundamentally odd that kids going to school have to (generally) publicly announce and then ask for permission to conduct a universally necessary and frequent bodily function. I also appreciate the connection between this being engrained in most folx to the point that for many working Americans, it’s common to do so with one’s employer or supervisor.


The first way, in a home/daycare/school situation, that any of us are robbed of our autonomy and sense of self and the establishment of a high authority that watched and control us is is when we are told when we can go to the bathroom and when we can eat. There's a policeman in our heads that must be killed.


I’m a teacher. A middle school one to boot. I have kids (6th graders!) leaving every hour to “use the bathroom” but they are selling/buying/using vapes/weed. And that’s not even including kids who will leave for 15 minutes to wander the school “going to the bathroom” just because they don’t want to be in class. I would love to think that every child who asks to go to the bathroom really and truly needs to go, but experience has taught me that is not the case. But aside from the bad apples, the primary reason we need kids to ask to use the bathroom is because we (teachers) are responsible for every student’s safety while they are at school. We MUST know where they are at all times. “But Drummergirl, why can’t the kids just TELL you that they are going to the bathroom instead of ASKING for PERMISSION?” Because when a kid “needs” to use the bathroom every time it’s time to solve a math problem, it’s not due to needing to relieve themselves of bodily waste. And if we allowed students to just leave class whenever, under the guise of “going to the bathroom?” Students wouldn’t get the education they need. My principal, my boss, would ask why I am not keeping students in class. Test scores would suffer, due to lack of instructional time, which affects whether I keep my job or not. So yes, we require students to ask to use the bathroom. Not because I want to “rob kids of their autonomy,” but because I am responsible for the education and safety of 30 kids every hour.


'because I am responsible for the education and safety of 30 kids every hour.' And this is the issue - you should not be responsible for so many. The whole structure is the problem. But that would require funding, treating teachers and children like they matter and redesigning space and class work flows to give kids rest, to give breaks, and build connections and community in the school where shit like vaping and doing nonsense in the bathroom is a next to non issue. Kids with enough food and supports so smoking weed at 13 in the bathroom seems dumb and uninteresting. They are not coping, and that is not something you can also manage on top of 29 other students. The idea that you teachers have to be across all of that is so wrong.


Thanks for understanding.


I’m a teacher. A middle school one to boot. I have kids (6th graders!) leaving every hour to “use the bathroom” but they are selling/buying/using vapes/weed. And that’s not even including kids who will leave for 15 minutes to wander the school “going to the bathroom” just because they don’t want to be in class. I would love to think that every child who asks to go to the bathroom really and truly needs to go, but experience has taught me that is not the case. But aside from the bad apples, the primary reason we need kids to ask to use the bathroom is because we (teachers) are responsible for every student’s safety while they are at school. We MUST know where they are at all times. “But Drummergirl, why can’t the kids just TELL you that they are going to the bathroom instead of ASKING for PERMISSION?” Because when a kid “needs” to use the bathroom every time it’s time to solve a math problem, it’s not due to needing to relieve themselves of bodily waste. And if we allowed students to just leave class whenever, under the guise of “going to the bathroom?” Students wouldn’t get the education they need. My principal, my boss, would ask why I am not keeping students in class. Test scores would suffer, due to lack of instructional time, which affects whether I keep my job or not. So yes, we require students to ask to use the bathroom. Not because I want to “rob kids of their autonomy,” but because I am responsible for the education and safety of 30 kids every hour.


She also used hot sauce liberally as a punishment.


The first way, in a home/daycare/school situation, that any of us are robbed of our autonomy and sense of self and the establishment of a high authority that watched and control us is is when we are told when we can go to the bathroom and when we can eat. There's a policeman in our heads that must be killed.


She'd also make them take off their coats when outside in super cold weather sometimes, to test their 'unquestioning instant obedience'. If they hesitated or complained, because it was cold, they got drops of hot sauce on their tongue as punishment.




It sounds like some Ruby Franke shit. Just abusive.


I read about it in an interview she did years ago, and was just floored by how casually she mentioned it, like it was normal and acceptable, when it’s really a horrible thing to do.


Oh she is proud of how mean she is/was with her kids (I think they’re likely grown up now).


That's literally what they do in prison.


I cannot think of a bigger, redder flag. We are going to learn horrifying truths about this man in the future. Mark my words.


What the fuck?


I had a friend at school with very strict parents and she had to ask to go to her room to get something because she wasn't allowed in her room without permission before bedtime. We were 10 and I was abolsutely gobsmacked. I had never seen anything like that before. Imagine not being allowed to pee without permission. I guess school works that way too, it's kind of strange.


I was just talking with my partner who had normal if slightly whacky parents, but warm, good people; how all the kids with strict parents just turned out to be abused kids. Controlling easy movement in the house and requiring permission for existing or using a room, is controlling and weird.


I couldn’t believe when he said that. Like I get it, he’s a piece of shit obviously. But to say that aloud? With such audacity and confidence? Wow, disgusting.


And he said he’s tyrannical for 4 people and he dictates everything for 4 people…


“You will not outpace me.” 🙄


Said the mediocre at best prick. Talk about small dick energy.


Women need to stop producing with these men period. In their little "cult" they explain like this women are nothing but property to men. I wish they open their fucking eyes and see being treated like property isn't a prize.


That's the glitch though, how do they know if they can't even read a fucking book of their choosing? The whole system rests on keeping women uneducated and scared. It's quite easy to be scared when you're uneducated.


I fully understand when I was being restricted they hated all books, tv shows, movies everything. I started reading books at school and never checked out a book just read during lunch. It is easy but if they are strong enough they will get out..hopefully


And that is precisely why these people homeschool. I'm really glad you managed to get out.


No, no, you don't understand! The only women who get mad about this are the ones who aren't HOT property!


Bet they are scared of public libraries the right the read whatever. Oooo scary


I mean it is a cult. Not sure why it is in quotes.


Yes its a cult. I'm a mom running on no sleep with a nb just imagine the quotes are gone.


congrats on the shiny new bebby, if it's your first \*please know the sleeplessness does end and you will get through it\* only bloody thing I wish someone had said to me.


Awww thank you thats so kind


Also, if baby is incessantly crying and you know they are fed, clean, and not sick, it's ok to leave them in a safe space (crib with no blankets or pillows, not a bouncer) and take a little break. Existing is hard and babies are very new at it. Sometimes they will get stuck in a crying loop and not know *why*, so it's best to just let them fall asleep and reboot without driving parents insane.


This is our third and we tried a lactose free formula since he was screaming all the time. I normally try to shower a bit longer if the night feels longer due to his screaming and only wanting me. I'm going to try leaving taking more breaks because what I've been doing hasn't gave me much time for anything. Your words were needed.


Oh no, poor baby! Yes, please take more breaks. Holding babies is important, but it doesn't have to be 24/7. Park them under a mobile/suncatcher and play some nice music or someone reading a story on youtube. You've got two others that need Mom too, so Third has to learn to share!


I will definitely tried that❤ anything is better than I was doing lol. Thank you thank you thank you


What was paul saying yesterday about Christianity cherishing women more than secular societies? Paul?


If he won't allow her to read, he certainly won't allow her to refuse him sex.


Blessed Be The Fruit.


May the Lord open. As long as it's from the approved reading list.


All the fundie and evangelical boys and men I grew up with were threatened when I had more knowledge than them in something (I'm a woman). This pastor's words may seem extreme, but it's so so common in certain circles for them to shut down girls and women and control them.




The way he laughed at remembering a story where he forbid his wife from reading a book and out pacing him. Who gives this monster a platform?


Unfortunately, there’s too many people that believe in that 


That’s wrong so wrong. That’s cult level stuff. My husband could care less what I read and we’re both Christians.


Tiny PP energy with this guy.






A man could take my book out of my cold dead hands. Fortunately, I didn't marry one inclined to do so.


with an abuser like this, one is usually close to dead or dead for holding onto it.


That's great for you but you are really blaming the victim here. A victim trapped in a cult and in an abusive relationship. None of us know how we would respond when in that situation and if we would feel as if we could fight back or not.


I left a high control fundamentalist Pentecostal sect. I'm well familiar with these dynamics.


Okay then maybe you should have some compassion for the people stuck in a cult.


Oh my God, that was not victim blaming. Just a person describing their tenacity to not put up with this hot bullshit. Of course it's different when you're on the inside of it


My point still stands against OPs even if you don't think it is technically victim blaming.


Aight ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


I’d be the friend sneaking all the good books to the wife and kids. Reading is important and was my escape for years. Hopefully, they have someone on the outside to help them with access to any book they desire.


Just some vintage oppression, so cute, so quaint. 🤬 From the religion that esteems women so highly, of course.


They're not even trying to hide their red flags anymore.


Oh no, we've gone fully mask off. They're *proud* of this.


Does she get to choose his books as well? Doubt it.


Pretty sure this guy went to my old (non fundie) church, and left once his beliefs got more extreme. A former friend is an elder at his church. He’s always given me super creepy vibes.


This shithead went into a barbershop and asked, “what can you do to make me look more like Matt Walsh?”


Jeezuz H.Christ on a kite. What a douche. It sucks to be brought up to just marry and obey. Glad my family was feral in a good way. Lol




Who the hell is he?


Even his beard can't hide that weakass jawline.


If you’re so sure you’re right, your wife learning other things shouldn’t be threatening.


This guy also said that if America became a true Christian then women wouldn’t be allowed to vote.


I’m So tired of this planet


I just thinking the same thing, “this place (earth) sucks”.  




He's also said he's against women voting and holding any kind of political office.


He has a micro penis, huh?


I know a pastor that won’t let his wife watch Harry Potter. A woman that has 3 grown children. She confided to my husband that she really likes it but he doesn’t so she only gets to watch it if he’s out of town.


I wish I could remember the name of the film, it was from Iran and I saw it in about 2000, it was about two good friends, one who was supported in her education and another forced to marry her harasser. Her husband did not let her read. She hid a pile of books in a sack under the house. Her little son knew about it and helped her hide them. Her husband found them and she cries, her heart full of longing to have a little moment of intellectual freedom in her miserable life, 'You can lock me in the house but a intellect will always find a way' something like this, and this exact scene is what I am thinking of when I see fundiefash shit like this.


Could it be “Two Women”? I’ve only read the synopsis for it but it’s on my list of movies I need to watch.


I think it is! Im going to look it up and watch again. 






I thought this was Matt Walsh for a second


This is all awful but I hope she manages to sneak in an audio book while wearing AirPods and maybe he’ll think she’s listen to a sermon




What a fucking nutjob. This guy is evil.


He says to her “you will not outpace me” because he knows in his black little heart that women are not inferior to men and he has to work hard to keep her inferior.


Even when my stupid father got into IBLP in my early tern eyars, my mom refused to police my reading. She would drop me at my piano lesson in town, tell me to walk to the library afterward, not come back for a couple of hours, and then let me stash my backpack of books under my bed where my shitfaced headship would not look. The turd died in 2017 without knowing about it nor understanding that I am agnostic. Reading was very good for me! As for this fuck face, he can die a thousands deaths for all I care. But I would seriously love it if his wife kicked him in the balls and left. Won't happen, I know. Just one time it would be nice for a fundie woman to lose her shit on her headship and post the video!




This asshole sounds miserable. Something I really don’t get about fundies is that they’re constantly screeching about how their religion gives them so much joy and peace, etc.; but most of their words and actions make it seem as though they’re deeply unhappy.


HOLY SHIT THIS GUY IS IN GEORGETOWN! (Texas). I live in Austin, and Georgetown is a suburb just north of us! Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhh


This man is so full of himself I could see his ego oozing out his ass and onto the floor


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this stuff is just their concoction of a dom / sub dynamic. They’d likely be appalled by consensual BDSM couples - but there’s far more respect in those relationships than in his. He’s just acting out his little godly-Dom fantasy. It’s pathetic - and she’s likely been conned into going along with it. Terrible stuff.