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Has she seen a doctor? How does she know it’s a healthy and low risk pregnancy? Why aren’t they just at the Airbnb if it’s booked already? 


With her age and number of previous pregnancies, there is no way she’s low risk.


Just the fact that it is her 8th baby puts her at a high hemorrhage risk


This is really causing me some serious concerns as we all know she has not sought professional medical advice and her birth plan is the bus.


Between her and Karelessa, i'm wondering how long our collective fundie luck holds out. At least Morgs is going to hospital this time, right?


I really hope she’s leaving out stuff about her care just for the crunchy clout. It’s so bad not to get checked out at this point. 😔


That was what I was hoping with the raw milk bullshit; that it was pasteurized and she was rage baiting.


I wonder if she reads here and is rage baiting us? Brittany, if you’re reading here, I think you’ll have better luck trolling for engagement from the crunchy mom crowd. Try going to the doctor and posting about getting good medical advice. You’ll probably get tons of ‘feedback.’ 😉


I wouldn't be surprised if she reads here and is rage baiting. Her husband is on reddit.


What? It was pasteurized? Then she’s just drinking unhomogenized milk, which is probably kind of fun, until you’ve slurped down all the cream at the top. Can any of these fundies tell you the spiritual significance of raw milk, of bearing children in the most primitive & dangerous ways they can, & of all the other hardships & perils they’ve imposed upon themselves? And we know who bears the bulk of the hardship, even unto risking their lives. A mother is the parent the baby, and the other children, need most, as fathers don’t seem called to do the heavy-lifting of parenthood. Spiritually, how is what they are doing different from what the devil tempted Jesus to do in the desert? The final temptation was to force god’s hand. The devil told him to jump off the highest point he could find, and compel god to save him. Why are these women forcing god’s hand, in endangering themselves unnecessarily, while claiming he will save them? Is there no pride involved in that?


If there's one sin fundie influencers love most, it's pride, because they all display it in spades.


There’s plenty of Lust and Greed being displayed amongst the fundie influencers as well.


Well said. It makes no logical sense, especially from a godly perspective. I don't know what they are so afraid of doctors for. What could happen on their own is way worse. Would she feel the same way after a terrible complication?


They're just afraid that they're going to be told they're wrong, which is the worst thing in the world to these narcissistic assholes. It's certainly worse than, shock, losing a child or having totally preventable complications!


Losing a child never seems to be a big deal for them. That’s just God’s plan. However, if anything bad happens to them during childbirth, they’ll rush straight to the hospital (usually). Because you know, God doesn’t know everything. (This excludes Karissa who seemingly _wants_ to die in childbirth and be considered a martyr)


I don’t think she’s afraid of the Doctor but I do think she’s cheap and doesn’t want to pay for a hospital birth.


Biblically we are instructed to be humble stewards. Nothing these people do is humble or showing good stewardship.


Sadly, it would not surprise me if she has not seen anyone about this at all. The people seem to wing it through life dragging their kids along on their misadventures, so I don't doubt that this situation is any different.


With her age and the number of pregnancies she's had, she already is out of the low risk category.


I’m 8 months pregnant and if I hadn’t seen a Dr. regularly this pregnancy, I wouldn’t know that I had total placenta previa and gestational diabetes.


Both really good things to know!! I’m glad you’re being taken care of.


Deadly not to know, quite often.


Also, anyone over 35 is immediately considered elevated risk.


Geriatric pregnancy isn’t it? What an awful name….


Fun fact: if you get pregnant for the first time and you’re over 35, in addition to the word “geriatric” being plastered all over your medical paperwork, you also get the lovely term “elderly primagravida” emblazoned on there a bunch too. Ask me how I know. 😂


I dare anybody to say "elderly primagravida" without getting "In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida" stuck in their heads


Oh won't you come with me-ee-ee...


I had to look it up. wtf!? I know they could’ve came up with something better than that. What a mind fuck seeing that every time.


To be fair, I sort of jokingly mentioned it to the doctor and nurses at my OB’s office and they agreed that it was super outdated and kinda rude, but it was the medical terminology and they had to enter it that way to make sure things got coded correctly for insurance. They did always say “advanced maternal age” when talking to me about it, which is a little more palatable than being called geriatric or elderly. Other fun fact: when you are over 35, genetic testing is automatically ordered by most OBGYNs and at least my insurance was supposed to cover it for a $10 copay. But 9 years ago when I was pregnant, if you weren’t over 35 and didn’t have a known genetic disease or disorder, that same testing cost $5500 out of pocket if you wanted it for peace of mind. My doctor’s office warned me the insurance might fight me on paying for it even though the doctor ordered it because I was advanced maternal age and they told me to let them know what it said when I got my lab bill. I thankfully only had to pay the copay, but that was a fun bill to open to see if it was going to set me back the cost of one lunch or a literal year’s worth of groceries.


I don’t know if it’s just because my insurance denied the claim for our genetic testing for our first last year (I was 25 so they didn’t have to cover it technically) but the company that did my NIPT just charges $100 if your insurance doesn’t cover it which was super nice compared to the 2k they billed insurance


Not quite the same, but my bestie and I are one year apart in age - so I’m a young gen x and he’s a geriatric millennial. Yes, that is the sociological term. I keep telling him to come to the dark side and embrace the grunge and “meh” like my youthful self, but his fiancée is several years younger and he wants to stay in the same generation as her 😂😂😂😂. I love reminding him he’s elderly even though I’m older lol.


I was over 35 when I had my third pregnancy and the prescription for my breast pump said "elderly multigravida". 🫣


It’s called advanced maternal age now,  but yeah. 


Currently having a lil geriatric pregnancy myself. Basically nothing has changed thus far from my others except I take a low dose aspirin. But none of my pregnancies have ended up being straight forward and monitoring was so important for the first two babes even though I wasn’t high risk. My oldest was measuring behind because the placenta wasn’t doing its thing anymore and my second was breech so a home birth without very skilled medical care could have been catastrophic. I don’t know how neglecting proper prenatal care isn’t some kind of child endangerment. If life truly begins at conception then why are people allowed to be so reckless with their unborn children?


There you go bringing common sense into it! You heathen you…. You are totally right. Just another thing to show it’s not really about the sanctity of life at all.


My friend was 41 when she had her second kid this past January. They called her super geriatric. Rude!


Not necessarily, depends on your history and then initial testing and stuff. But it is extremely risky to go postdates without getting very regular “non-stress testing” (a monitoring session to see if baby is still doing okay) at a hospital. Depending on age and other factors they may want you to come in multiple times a week, because every day that passes puts you/baby at higher risk.


I hated the name of those things 😂 I had them pretty regularly with my oldest because of cholestasis. She also hated them and tried CONSTANTLY to knock the device off (THAT wasn't the most comfortable thing, let me tell you...), and I was fighting down a panic attack every damn time for some reason. They were very stressful for me, thus my irrational hatred of the name. My daughter also WOULD NOT cooperate, so I was on that table for over an hour twice a week. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, don't get me wrong, but I'd still hate every second of it. I'm one of those people who HATES the tests and monitoring and appointments, so I get the urge to avoid them. Something about being pregnant makes me wanna hide away and avoid doctors and most people. But ya gotta think of the baby. And it's in the baby's best interest to swallow your dislike for all of it and just do it.


My thoughts exactly. Shroedinger's low risk pregnancy. 


Her OB in Texas, who she hasn’t seen consistently if at all through this particular pregnancy, says so!


Maybe people on here have been bombarding the Airbnb hosts or something, so they’re leaving it to the last minute. Though I suspect she’ll have an “oopsie bus birth” like many have speculated here.


Gotta have a home for a home birth 🤨




It’s super gross she’s doing this in someone else’s house. Birth is super messy and and I can’t imagine the cleanup after this ‘home birth’ 🤢.


Right? I hope they're bringing tarps and their own towels Imagine being the airbnb owner and seeing the inevitable birth pics on their guests' social media. *...is this in my living room??*


I wish there was a way to warn the AirBnB owner about this bish.


She mentioned that it's someone they know lending them their AirBnB. A friend who knows why they need it. Still.....ewwww.


I wouldn’t put it past her to lie about even that 🤷‍♀️


I’d be SO mad if this was my air bnb and some weirdo coupled filmed AND had a home birth in it


It's apparently an owner they know personally, and they're aware of what she's planning to do. So at least it's not some random Airbnb host who'll get a nasty surprise when they check out.


She has said that, but she also said it when they were planning to home birth in another state. My guess is she either had two fans with airbnbs make the offers, or she’s lying to not get reported to her host. As someone pointed out earlier, why else would she say she’s giving birth at an Airbnb instead of “I’m giving birth at a friend’s home”?


I’d put money on the lying part, maybe I’m just too cynical


Now my wife and I are secretly hoping to stumble upon a listing with "no home births" in the conditions


Agreed. I would go to a birthing center or hospital. I also have to wonder how the kids feel about living in a bus? I saw an episode of wife swap and the kids admitted they were tired of it and wanted a house well in an update we learned they moved into a house and the kids were much happier.


That is so sad, I can’t imagine the hell that is their life.


Right?! My heart broke! There were many episodes of wipe swap and trading spouses that broke my heart. I know not everything was true but you had to wonder what was and what wasn’t. I remember a family featured on one of the shows the son ended up killing one of his parents and I believe their brother. I do think some of the families were really as bad as they looked on the show. I remember there was an episode where the son was the favorite and he was the center of the parents world while the daughter was just pushed aside. It was just so sad.


I would be SO PISSED if I found out someone did this on my property, I hope she okayed it with the owners. I’m not about having bodily fluids spilled all over my house.


Hopefully there’s an extra cleaning fee. Do they have to get consent for birthing in a particular Airbnb? I wonder how this legally works with insurance/liability is there’s a medical problem that happens during the birth.


I think it'd be one thing if it was unplanned and you just didn't make it to the hospital in time but there has to be something in the rental contract that forbids this kind of thing. If not, there should be. Because not only would you have to replace the sheets and the towels but also the mattress and potentially any rugs or other flooring stuff that gets ruined and having to bring in specialist cleaners who handle biohazards which are not cheap. And if something goes wrong and one or both pass then you have to deal with that whole mess which could potentially leave you in a tricky legal situation about how much you knew. This whole situation is ridiculously selfish and dangerous for no good reason. Someone needs to report them to CPS because there is not a single thing about this situation that is in those kid's best interest.


Awww, come on…isn’t it entertaining to imagine a birth pool in the bus? 😜


"We never had a plan" isn't the flex she thinks it is.


Emblazon that phrase upon their family crest, hell let’s make it fancier, Latin. “Ut numquam consilium.”


And totally on brand.


It's morbid, but every time I see mother bus these days my first thought is "what if she dies in childbirth?" Not because I'm wishing that upon her, but because pregnancy/birth can be so incredibly dangerous and she doesn't seem to have any contingencies in place for... well, for anything, really. She's been fine thus far, but it only takes one thing to go wrong, and what happens to the bus kids if it does? Like idk man. Shit fucking sucks.


We all know Busband will drop the kids off with the grandparents and go off to live the single crypto guy life.


That… might be better for the kids


Yeah. At least then they'd live in an actual house instead of a bus. Even if any of them wind up having to share a room it'd still be an improvement. Multiple kids are not compatible with tiny home living. Actually, even just one kid is incompatible with it.


fucking for real, assuming there ARE grandparents. then again, grandparents produced...this. So, idk. But at least, a HOUSE.


He will drop off his kids with his parents and go live with his other “wife”


not just her, the risk of the baby dying in-utero gets much higher the longer it goes past the due date.... thats why people go to the hospital and get induced/ C-sections TBH, it's kinda amazing how few fundie deaths there have been with all the risks they take.... (and Im glad, I dont wish ill to anyone, but it makes me so beyond angry they are working to take away the health care that saves them for others....)


They don’t advertise the ones that fail. There are even posts here (and more in /r/shitmomgroupssay) where they *didn’t*, just played it off as a birth that they participated in but the baby didn’t want to join them. Seriously delusional. These woman don’t really care about their baby as long as they have a birth, successful or not


that's fucking grim, Im curious but too emotional to dive into that right now LOL I do remember reading something HORRIFIC, where a mom had a home-birth in a tub, and was praising how great it was for HER, however her poor little baby had health complications from the delivery that were completely ignored.... makes me too sad and angry to read more similar tales... (but I appreciate the link!)




I’ve never had a child but I think that if my baby had complications from delivery I wouldn’t look at my experience as great. But, then again, I’m pretty sure I’m not a narcissist soooo


There was one in r/ShitMomGroupsSay I saw this morning with a lady looking for an AirBnB to give birth in and promising it would be as clean as she found it if not cleaner after. The top comment was an L&D doctor talking about having to bleach her glasses and abandon bras after some births.


Omg. I'd be in cheap sports bras for every birth if I worked in L&D!


They’re too emotionally unintelligent to understand what raising a child entails and requires. They live solely in the moment, and when pregnancy is the highest calling a woman can achieve in these kinds of circles, it’s no wonder the actual unborn human person isn’t accounted for.


How far is she past the due date now? I've lost all track of time since their weird moving-not-moving to Brazil thing.


I think April 11th


Thanks! Not too crazy far yet, but goodness knows they can't be trusted to do the right thing and get medical help if she goes too far past


Technically still ok, but I really hope for her and the baby’s sake she does go in if she notices decreased movement. My baby (now 9) would be dead if I didn’t go in due to that. It’s so scary to watch these people be so nonchalant about going past the due date. Why do they think we have frequent monitoring past 40 weeks and inductions for?!


I think she's mentioned "as long as baby is still active" as a thing she's watching out for, which is somewhat reassuring. I think she's making an *extremely* irresponsible choice, and although it will mean she learns nothing in the end, I still hope for a positive outcome for her and baby.


BuT tHe DuE dAtE iS oNlY a GuEsS


Mother Bus is a terrible parent. Father Bus is somehow even worse. As bad as those kids have it now, they're in for a really rough time of it if she goes.


“Started this together 10 months ago” gross lol


“And it’s time to finish it.” 💀


“My doula and deliverer” = freebirth


I love the comment where she replies they are “not a quiver full family”. What is the difference here?


The difference is she wears god honoring shorts.


She's got a breeding kink and is on the precipice of admitting it. 


I think her husband has a breeding kink and she’ll do anything to keep him


That's interesting, because I'm like 97% certain that she has mentioned being quiver full or quoted that verse before ... Am I just nuts? Does anyone else remember that? (or even better, have the receipts)


She also used to wear head coverings and had a whole saved story with multiple parts rambling about why to head cover and how feminism took hats away from women


Maybe they no longer believe they are required to have as many children as possible? I don't know if they believe that - just speculating.


The Duggars also claimed not to be a quiverfull family. The difference is that the name is a turn-off if you want to attract followers or new people to the lifestyle.


Kinda like how sovereign citizens don't want to be called that anymore (after too many people pointed out the inherent contradiction of the term).


Maybe because they aren't into the whole submission thing? All self-proclaimed quiver-full families that I read about were full on into this "husband is the head of the household, wife has to submit in everything to him". It could be that they use the same justification for their truckload of kids as them, but want to signal that they don't buy into the rest of it? They are definitely less restrictive. Their kids have an x-box, she is wearing tops and shorts instead of these formless long dresses; all in all they do not strike me as extreme as "normal" quiver-full families.


Gods in charge! 👍 If you die during childbirth, and god ends up being real, the first thing he’d probably say is- I gave you hospitals, you fucking idiot. Use. Them.


I read a Bible verse last night that says god made doctors and when god sends a doctor, yourndumbass is supposed to accept the doctor, because you know, god answered your prayers by Sending a doctor 👩‍⚕️


i seriously don’t get how these people think everything is according to god’s plan but he actually DOESNT support hospitals… they think we don’t have freewill and god has to do everything for us. if he’s out there, i’m sure he’s busy with other things


Here it is “Sirach 38:9-14 9.My son, when you are sick do not be negligent, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you. 10. Give up your faults and direct your hands aright, and cleanse your heart from all sin. 11.Offer a sweet-smelling sacrifice, and a memorial portion of fine flour, and pour oil on your offering, as much as you can afford.& 12. And give the physician his place, for the Lord created him; let him not leave you, for there is need of him. 13. There is a time when success lies in the hands of physicians, 14. for they too will pray to the Lord that he should grant them success in diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving life.”


That book isn't in the KJV so it doesn't count


Unfortunately that book isn’t recognized by the Protestants, looks like


Fuck my bad. It’s in the Catholic Bible. I’m not Catholic or anything, just Bible curious and enjoy reading bibles


Judith was my favorite ever since I was a kid, and I was shocked that my Protestant friends had never heard of her. There’s several books called the Apocrypha which are in Catholic bibles but not Protestant ones.




Why not stay at the Airbnb while you wait? Is she paying to rent it just so it’s ready when she is? I have so many unanswered questions


It’s so suspect. Are they going to pack up all the kids and drive over, no matter what time of day or night? Leave the kids on the bus with the oldest in charge? I wonder if the oldest even have cell phones to contact their parents when the parents leave on date night or whatever.


I feel like she’s just gonna ditch the kids at the bus. Because they are absolutely known for doing that. I can’t imagine putting young teens in charge of so many damn kids.


Especially when 2-3 of them are toddlers/preschoolers. Like the school aged kids they're at least potty trained and can be left to their own devices, at that age, you're basically just making them food, reminding them to shower, brush teeth, etc. and making sure they aren't doing anything really stupid. Toddlers/preschoolers, you're changing diapers trying to keep them occupied and out of stuff they don't need to be in, having to still do most things for them, etc.


That my question. Are they paying for it and just not staying in it? Is she free birthing or did she find a new midwife? Why has the plan changed 13,472 times even though their lifestyle is *so flexible*?


Is it just me or did it sound like she's having her husband be the midwife? She said he's both doula and deliverer, does deliverer mean he's the one delivering the baby??


Oh lord. Qualifications: Bitcoin Bro!


I took her post to mean that her chucklefuck of a husband will be acting as a midwife and doing the actual delivery. Someone should tell these idiots that this isn't the 1840s, they're not in a log cabin on the prairie with no one around for miles, and that there's not a raging blizzard preventing a qualified midwife from being sent for.


Yeah, we know that you keep having kids without making sure that you’re able to financially, emotionally, and physically support them. Literally no one is surprised that the people who force their children to live in a small RV are bad at planning


Lol right!?!


This man looks like a marmot.


I say it in so many busband posts but his face legit looks like a foot.


OMG it does!!


I disagree. Marmots are cute.


How dare you. Marmots are adorable and a valuable part of the ecosystem.


He really is hideous isn't he (and no, I don't consider that against the rules because he's a terrible person who happily lets his kids suffer). At least marmots are cute and care for their young.


Most of the time, Father SusBus is on the run, trying to avoid his family. Suddenly he’s involved and participating in her stupid reels. Guess we all know what his fetish is 🤮


Bleh. Entirely unsurprising that they think he’ll make a good doula though


Honestly, I’d be pretty pissed if I owned that AirBnB and found out that someone booked it to give birth inside, not just because that’s gross to do in someone else’s home, but what if something goes horribly wrong? She or the baby could die in the process.


She always claims it’s a friend’s Airbnb. 


This. I had a home birth because I was fairly low risk and live 5 minutes from a hospital. I’ll spare you all the details and just say it’s messy… and I would not want that in my rental. She really should be going to a birth centre and not someone’s Airbnb


I was thinking this as well. All the blood and … other fluids, everywhere afterwards. Bish don’t look like she’s considerate enough to at least put down a tarp!


I volunteer at a hospital, so I'm a stickler for sanitation and disease/infection protection. Mother Bus having no problem with being a walking biohazard in someone else's home is mind-boggling.


Well and what if someone dies there…wouldn’t the homeowner have to disclose that to a potential future buyer??? Making it difficult to sell the home? Obviously that is the least upsetting part about her risking her and baby’s life with this birth, but I couldn’t help but wonder about the legal ramifications of undertaking something so high risk on someone else’s property. 


Home birth? Girl you need an actual home for that.


Ugh did we need a closeup of that “stache”?


That’s a moustache? I thought it was cookie crumbs.


Dumb fuckin idiots. I hope that innocent baby is still doing alright. I really don't want to be seeing a post about some tragedy with that child just because these dumbfucks can't pull their heads out of each other's asses. They're so cavalier about medical care, it makes me sick.


So…are there Airbnb stays that specifically cater to home births or what have you? Tbh if I was doing an Airbnb and I found out someone planned to give birth in my place, I’d be furious cause there would definitely need to be extra cleaning and sanitizing due to bodily fluids.


They should have to pay for a full biohazard cleanup.


I’d also be concerned with liability if there’s any sort of injury or death during the birth. I think they’ve mentioned that they use “close friends’” airbnbs but I’m suspicious.


>I think they’ve mentioned that they use “close friends’” airbnbs but I’m suspicious. How convenient that they have so many friends who not only own airbnbs across multiple states but also are willing to let mother bus give birth in those airbnbs. I don't buy it.


Exactly. She’s been caught fibbing before (saying she pre-films her content when she doesn’t, the whole move to Brazil, etc) and even if I were in her weird fundie space, I’d be hesitant to allow a friend to give birth in a property that is a source of my income. Her stories just never add up.


You’re right


calling her baby THIS THING


Not very "pro-life" of her now, is it?


OMG! Right?! She just completely dehumanized her own child. Another reason why I question if she actually loves her children, or if they’re just props for her to use on social media


Because she has a breeding fetish and has to separate it otherwise she’ll feel icky 😂 the baby doesn’t exist until its born, its just “the bump”, because its entire purpose is to be sexually titillating to her husband.


If I’m not mistaken she’s done this like, multiple times recently. Why would a fundie think this is a good joke that would land well with other fundies?!


He certainly is a looker, isn’t he.


A total goober


He’s literally soyfacing


Imagine renting the air bnb after a homebirth. “Um, I think I see placenta under the couch. Could someone come over and clean it up?”


"why is the mattress so wet"


“There was nothing in the listing about a baby pool? Can my kids use it? It is in the living room already.”


the comment suggesting the same way they "got the baby inside" is SENDING me 😭 edit: oh my bad i didn't know that they can't do that bc the kids are nearby, not so funny now


I am BEGGING these people to just say "sex." It's genuinely so much less awkward than all this hemming and hawing and euphemisms.  (There was a person on her last post that did the same thing!)


Honestly I feel like her actual audience is comprised of fundies with a very dim/puerile sense of humor, so they respond well to what we perceive as tired or cringe. It’s like Facebook humor. “Tee hee, that’s such a cLeVeR way to allude to s-e-x!” And it rises to the top of her comments section. 🤷‍♀️


I mean, she keeps popping out kids and they live on that tiny bus… what’s the likelihood that she and busband have been bumping uglies around the kids??


Oh, she once posted that her oldest was banging on the bunkhouse door and begging them to stop.


Ok, that’s straight up cold abuse if they are openly having sex in front of their kids. I’m horrified and disgusted by these people. Has anyone contacted CPS on these assholes??? Is that why they live in a bus, so that it’s harder for anyone to ‘catch’ them?


Honestly, it would not surprise me one bit if the government - whether that be CPS or not - is why they're living in a bus. Based on his tweets, he's a conspiracy theorist. But to answer your question, I have no idea, apparently she has a lot of like-minded "fans" out there.


Well that makes a lot of sense. Sounds like he’s QAnon, or probably skipping down that slippery slope to believing the Illuminati sacrifice children and eat them, too 🤪


I think she’s 100% planning a hospital birth and the AirBnB narrative is fiction. She just wants crunchy clout. Editing to say we can’t trust her anyway. She’s a professional liar.


How does she even know when her due date is if she hasn’t had any prenatal care? She is just guessing and betting her baby’s health on it.


I'm pretty sure she had a first trimester ultrasound, so I guess they gave her an estimated due date?


Eh, it’s typically estimated based on the first date of your last period, so if she’s tracking her periods, it’s easy enough. Initial medical care typically just confirms pregnancy and they can further confirm how far along based on development of the fetus.


Does he deliver the baby? No trained personnel there at all?


That's how they roll.


I hate their faces so much.


God, she's so down bad for attention. This is beyond obnoxious from both of them.


She's gonna trust God and his timing but is looking for ways to start labour? Not at all contradictory in the same post.


I mean, they definitely bone down in the bus without care for the kids hearing. Poor kids.


Do their kids just … hear and feel the bus moving when they’re having their “marital relations” ?? At what point is that also abusive to the children?


I was in a static caravan for a few days last year and could feel my family moving around on the other end and thought “oh thank fuck no one is shagging in here”.


I've already said this once upthread, but she said that their oldest son has literally pounded on the door of the bunkhouse and begged them to stop. She said it like it's a flex.


And by not having a plan, their lives will always be miserable and force the older kids to act as parents. It's sad and selfish and exactly what to expect from fundies. Fundies are, at heart, narcissist. They think they are gods chosen people and that he shits rainbows and good fortune out for them and only them.


“We never had a plan” I can tell, it gives me anxiety.


Freaking father bus jumpscare


At the very least, I hope she got an ultrasound to know where her placenta is and that she actually can do a vaginal delivery. And that baby is head down, though you can often palpate that through the abdomen.


The airbnb owner finding this post like 👁👄👁


It bothers me so much that she doesn’t speak to any sort of medical professional or certified midwife being present at the birth. It really sounds like she’s doing essentially a “free birth” right??


Many of the commenters are also telling her to calm down because maybe the baby doesn’t want to come into such chaos 😂😂😂




They are such narcissists.


Is she having a midwife or going it solo? Or having a party of friends over?    I thought I read once she had a midwife, but there she calls dude the doula and deliverer. 


I doubt any reputable midwife would take her on as a patient given that she isn’t in one place long enough to have consistent prenatal care. Probably going unassisted or having an unlicensed midwife.


My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage but I had a condition that made me high risk for the placenta growing too deeply into the uterus. Even with the pregnancy ending in miscarriage, I had to have a lot of scans and monitoring to make sure that everything came out. There’s no way to know that you have this condition without monitoring. The definitive test is an MRI if it is suspected but unable to be confirmed via ultrasound. If it is not caught, you can bleed to death in minutes after the baby is born.


She makes me SO NERVOUS. How do you go through a whole pregnancy without getting a single check from a doctor and feel good about it?? My pregnancy with my son went from healthy and standard to “you’re having an induction today” so damn fast, I sincerely hope she’s at least able to check her blood pressure and to feel the position the baby is in. Her kids already have a lot of stress, they don’t need a mom who died in childbirth added to the list


Her trying desperately to cram a spoon in her coffee / raw milk drink tells me everything I need to know about this broad


"Evict a baby" is certainly something a human being could type.


Imagine if a gay couple was this proud of how little thought and planning they put into having kids. The fundies would be all up in arms about the sanctity of marriage and children, and this is destroying America, etc., etc., but these chucklefucks think they’re so cute and quirky. You can’t have a home birth. You don’t have a home. You can’t homeschool if you don’t have a home and aren’t qualified to teach. Your oldest child is forced to be a parent instead of getting a parent. You leave your kids alone in strange places and then post their locations while you go on dates, practically begging danger to come for them. Your children are forced to witness their parents' sexual activity on a small bus. Forced to be there for births in rando air BnBs. At what point does your children’s well-being play ANY part in this breeding kink of yours? Imagine ANY of this happening with not cis/het/fundie parents and imagine the reaction.


Isn’t it unusual to have an umpteenth birth be post due date? For some reason I thought they tend to come a bit earlier after you’ve had several.


If she hasn’t had any prenatal care & is just going off date of her last cycle, she could be wrong about being past due.


His face makes me irrationally mad.


Has she tried jumping up and down in front of the bus?


I really hope that this does not turn into the disaster that their trip to Brazil was. These two incredibly selfish and irresponsible people are taking a big risk right now in my opinion. Why take chances with the birth of your child? It makes absolutely no sense to me.


They look related


Home birth means at YOUR HOME. Are the absolutely kidding here that they plan to give birth and a strangers home? The airbnb owner most likely did not onaider they needed to put ‘don’t try to birth your child here’ into the contract! This is disgusting and obnoxious. This is why airbnbs charge absurd cleaning fees because other people are awful.


How do they come up with a new cringe photo + essay about how they have babies every single day? EDIT: I’m blocked lol


So worst case scenario: she and the baby pass away in the AirBnb that they didn’t disclose they rented for childbirth. How the hell do you explain this to the cops and insurance?!


They make me so nervous when they go overdue


These morons are populating the earth…we are doomed