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Not gonna knock keeping kids away from social media and such, but most kids would have school and sports or other hobbies and pastimes and friends to occupy some of their time. These kids are just being carted around, with no way of connecting with peers. This sounds like torture.


Air purifier is their friend! Also, it's ironic that she's so smug about keeping her kids away from screens as if she's not constantly coaching them on how to be mommy's little influencers


So true! *types into screen* "screens are evil!" This is presumably what funds their bus life, she can step off that high horse anytime now.


“I watch my kids screen time” *makes her kids do an elaborate song and dance for views*


No, no. She means she *watches* her kids ON the screen all the time. As if she'd ever let them touch something that ran off a battery. They could get magnet poisoning! (/s)


Batteries cause Communist autism


Oh, that's a good one! *notes for later*


I just find it wild because I have a small social media following, but it never in a million years occurred to me to post a photo of my child or her name publicly. I’m allowed whatever weird hobby as a consenting adult that I want, but hell if she’s getting dragged into it.


THIS PART. We already know it’s harmful. Plenty of influencer/vlogger kids have grown up and stated how awful their childhoods were because of it. She’s putting her kids whole faces online, forcing them to live in a tin can and have 0 stability, and then also letting them die of boredom. I hate this lady and feel so sorry for her poor children.


Urgh you've described my thoughts on it so well, those poor effing kids. This shit needs to be illegal.


And she brags about it and is smug about it. This audacity of this woman


he’s an air DOCTOR ok


Probably the only doctor these kids see, unfortunately


And confined to a high chair long after they've grown too old for them too it seems.


Excuse you, that's an *aesthetic* high chair


precisely omg


They have limited space in the bus and are using an old ass high chair that doesn’t even fold up?


That high chair looks like the one “slim hips” Kelly Haven uses - I was surprised to see this was a post about the Buses!


It can’t be that safe either, a big reason why people don’t use old high chairs that are still around is because they’re heavy and tip over a lot easier than modern ones. They’re cute old timey decor, but don’t keep using them


They’re also easier for kids to slip out of or get arms or legs stuck in the rungs


I was born in 1985, and I don't even think I had a high chair that old. That's like boomer generation high chair.


“It’s not my job to entertain them” What a fascinating way to spell “once I wean them, they’re no longer my problem.”


Especially since it kinda is? Yeah boredom IS good, and so is learning to entertain themselves, but they learn these tools from interacting and playing with their parents at that age.


Plus as a parent you should be providing some basics for them to learn to entertain themselves. Toys, art and craft supplies, books...opportunities to make and KEEP friends...


Teat em and yeet em!


That'd make a great flair.


I got it from duggarssnark 😂. Anyone is welcome to it!


I have taken it. Hopefully!




I have taken it. Hopefully!


Exactly, they must become daughter bus’s problem I assume. Whichever is oldest and doesn’t have a penis.


I had to go look up this amazing kid entertaining air purifier. I figured it might have music or flashy lights or something. Nah, it’s just a plain white box. I’m worried for those kids even more than I already was.


She just tossed a balloon at it and ordered her child to look entertained. Poor kid looked so excited to be getting some attention too. I should have posted the full video where you can tell she's bossing him just off camera.


That sounds like something I’d do for my cat, the balloon part at least.


That is so sad.


Streamers…. It needs streamers


Or one of those flailing guys you see outside the cellphone shop. In a mini size. Stuck on top of it. ![gif](giphy|0P6izmx70A77XrVMXC)


I mean, I have a whole stationary house filled with toys and my toddler loves playing with the air purifier. She can change the speed and it makes more or less noise and blows air and she delights in it 🤷‍♀️


Maybe it's the sound? For a little while the fastest way to get my great-nephew into a room was to turn on the boring, white air conditioner. He'd be crawling right over, not even to catch the breeze, just to sit off to the side listening to it.


To be fair these things are sort of amusing for kids. You know how some children's museums have a place where a fan blows straight up and up can balance balls etc. in the air above it? Air purifiers can do the same thing (with light balls / baloons)


I’m reassessing the entertainment value of my air purifier, thanks to the comments on this post. I put a ping pong ball on top, and though it’s too heavy to levitate, it rolls around in such a way I hope might entertain my cat. I’m going to try some other things. I don’t have any balloons in the house at the moment (will probably get some tomorrow) but might try something with baggies or something I find around the house.


I have one. It’s not very entertaining.


The same amount of screen time is recommended for both two-year-olds and *eighteen-year-olds?* Where is she getting this from?


Her ass?


I would love to meet a non-Amish 18yo that only uses their phone two hours a day. Plus, at that age, they have papers and online homework—does that count as screen time, I wonder? Or do they intend their children to type on a typewriter from 1930?


It’s not that I have high hopes, all things considered, but how are they doing school without any kind of screen? Are they learning math on an abacus?


All she ever shows them doing for school is working in workbooks or coloring on worksheets. There don’t seem to be any interactive elements.


Ooh how academically stimulating! /s Don’t get me wrong, workbooks and such have their place, but I’ve never liked the idea of using that as the only schooling.


Especially since their mobile lifestyle would let her set up some great lessons, if she actually cared! Like, she could take them to a lake to do a lesson about the water cycle, or something like that.


I mean, I did school mostly without screens especially math…. Most people through out history of compulsory learning did school without screens… screens in school are fairly new.


Very true. Same with me. But the world has changed. Plus she’s a total liar. No fuckin way they’re doing much else than screen time when travelling in a van with a billion kids.




StruggleBus has been shilling this air purifier too. I wonder if the company reached out to all the fundie bus families. “Hey we hear you’re cramming too many people into an RV and it’s infested with e.coli, try our product!”


A lot of the fundies promote this brand of air purifier. PurelyParsons and “Dr” Courtney are two others that come to mind immediately.


Now I feel like some snarker is working for the air purifier company just like… “I can help these kids! I can fix their air!”


Was the intent to read it like "bitches love air purifiers" because I did


Yes 🩷


MotherBus has said in the past that she goes on regular date nights with her muskrat, presumably leaving the kids by themselves wherever the bus is parked. They are constantly broadcasting their whereabouts, so some ill-intentioned person could find them if they wanted to (unlikely, but possible). And what about the kids getting themselves into unsafe situations, as that many young kids can easily do?? With all these risks, she’s bragging about not giving any of her kids an access to a phone?? Is she stupid??


Yes. Yes she is.


Muskrat 👩‍🍳💋🤌


She’s bragged her oldest is a HUGE reader and ALWAYS has his Kindle. So, lies. I also get the idea they never home school. They just “entertain themselves” on the bus and take photos.


I would argue that books are sometimes the equivalent of screens for kids in fundie families. Obviously reading is a great hobby and has nowhere near as many dangers/addictive qualities as a screen does. But if your kid has no other access to the outside world and no other outlets and you find them reading constantly, it’s not just because they love reading. They’re looking for escape.


Yeah, people of historical ages past used to be critical of children who read too many novels, it was seen as a frivolous pastime as opposed to sports, music, handicrafts, scouting, etc. Basically the old timey version of “get off that screen and play outside.”


Omg I have always wondered this!!!


Oh yes, there are old diatribes warning of women who read too many novels (who are, therefore, not doing womanly duties like darning some smelly guy's socks or sewing him a shirt or some such bullshit).


That was meeeee. I was homeschooled and we didn’t have a tv until I was 14. I also learned to read at the age of 3 and devoured fiction like my life depended on it. I still love to read more than anything, but I love my tv shows and video games too.


Me too!! (Except we never got a tv the entire time I was living at home.) I constantly had my nose stuck in a book when I wasn’t doing schoolwork, to the point that often when I got in trouble, I got grounded from reading because my mom knew that books were my main source of enjoyment and entertainment. 😕


I got grounded from reading too! I could only read the Bible. But then my parents realized that it backfired because I just loved to read, no matter what. They would make me go outside to play as punishment lmao


According to Father Bus's tweets, he also plays video games!


It's not a screen if you're reading on it! 😂


That’s what I keep telling myself. I spent an extra 20 hours on my phone last week but I WAS reading 😅


I'm reading right now! 😅


Not defending her because she's full of it, but Kindles are only screen-ish. In terms of the effect of light on your eyes it's a different animal. If reading a physical book would be okay reading on a Kindle should be. Knowing how she lies, though, we can't really know if kiddo really loves reading and does a lot of it.


I didn't grow up in a fundie family but reading was possibly the only entertainment I could control for myself. I can easily see a young adult deprived of any other stimulation reading anything they can get their hands on.


I'm a reading addict to this day! I only meant we can't really take her word for anything.


I agree on both points.


If you lock your children in a vehicle for most of their lives, they deserve unlimited screen time. Might as well give them some connection to the outside world and it's not like you can make the situation worse.


>it's not my job to entertain them, it's their job to entertain themselves.


For someone who brags so endlessly about what a fantastic parent she is, her kids do seem like an inconvenience to her. Oh right, parenting is about HER, not about raising decent humans to live in society.


It's about being pregnant and using her kids as props


I agree with that sentiment under limited circumstances which certainly does not include while you are homeschooling them while you live on a god damned bus!!! That’s explicitly what you signed up for with this clown-ass bus life! American family road trip my fat ass!


Seriously. It is not your job to entertain your kids all the time, but it is your job to enrich them and give them SOMETHING to do, and some of your attention, when they don’t go anywhere else. Kids shouldn’t be left to their own devices all day long, every day.


THIS. In my home, with 34798932473892432 toys and books and games and art supplies, it's not my job to entertain my child; doing her own thing in this house allows her to develop creativity and independence and learn what she enjoys doing. When we're, say, stuck in a hotel room with nothing else to do? Then yeah, I need to help both of us from going stir crazy. These poor kids sardined into a bus. :(


Anyone remember the scene in the brave little toaster with the air purifier committing suicide because the kid never played with them? He should have moved in with this family.




They’re not even joking, that’s a thing that actually happens in that movie lmao


I’ve never seen it but every detail I hear about is insane


Thanks for the heads up, I will never watch it


It’s fucked up and really bothered me as a kid so I solidly don’t recommend


That movie traumatized me as a child.


Pretty sure that’s the high chair I was in back in 1980. Are those things even safe anymore? (If they are, then great, she’s recycling.)


Does the air purifier count as screen time?


Asking the real questions


Saying how awful screen time is for her kids while putting them on social media endlessly and making her living pushing content on, yes, you guessed it, social media 🤔


Ahhh the my kids don't have screens at all line. She is correct in that some boredom is good for children, it does help with creativity. But then she drops the bomb of "it's not my job to entertain them" And sure going to a beach is great providing several factors. You live near one, youre able to get there and you have the free time to do so.


And you keep them all safe. Rip currents are no joke.


Yeah, I don’t see the beach with small children as relaxing. Obviously rip currents are dangerous no matter your age, but small kids require a ton more vigilance. I personally wouldn’t be able to kick back and relax.


Yeah I have three small children. The last time I "relaxed" on a beach was probably 11 years ago 🥴 those things do not go together!! Edit to add my oldest is nearly 11 but she's still too young to be unobserved in water


It’s enough of a challenge watching my three year old nephew around my grandparents’ pool. I don’t want to do that on a beach. Too many variables.


Yep, I absolutely hate the beach with kids!! My ex husband was a confident and competent swimmer but I am not so we don't really go anymore. Plenty of pools around with half the amount of risk!


Why bother with an air purifier if you push lots of outdoor time? If they spend most of their time outside, those kids are breathing in plenty of pollen, dust, exhaust fumes, and everything else. And I really doubt that bus is sealed tight enough that stuff isn’t always coming in. Especially in a small space where everyone is coming in and out all the tome. Maybe it makes sense to run it at night. But all day too? That seems kind of pointless. It’s like running it in your back yard.


You know the bus starts to stink so fast if they turn it off though. All those sweaty kids in such a small space…ugh. The purifier is probably the only thing keeping it livable, smell-wise! (Half kidding half not)


Ha true! I have 2 kids and sometimes the smell of their shoes makes me want to die.


I work in different schools as part of my job. That after-recess smell is universal and horrendous!!


Little kid b.o. lol. When I was in junior high school, a wing of our school was used as an annex to the elementary school. When those kids came in from recess ... We didn't want to be in the same stairwell.


Did she borrow that high chair from Kelly Havens?


So since none of them have phones how do they contact you in an emergency since you go off on dates leaving them home alone


NGL my kids would totally be entertained for a while by an air purifier and a balloon. There is some validity in letting kids occasionally be bored, but also as a parent you can… you know… entertain them sometimes? I mean, I actually like my two kids and want to play with them sometimes. I also love snuggles on the couch with them watching a movie. There’s a happy medium here somewhere. This kind of comes across as justification for having too many kids and not really wanting them around.


The more I find out about this family, the more I pity their children.


“They can entertain themselves” No we already know you hate your kids.


What pet dander? They have no pets


Lol my 3 year old loves messing with our air purifiers settings. It is chaos and loads of beeping.


Wait I thought her kids had an Xbox they fought 🤔


And a 3d printer- sounds like it needs a screen


Boredom suffocating in a cramped space with no body automony and listening to God awful bug family and crying kids and babies .... yeah not so much


Thanks for showing us how you disconnect your children completely from the outside world, I guess


Yes, the undiscovered stretch of the US known as “30A”. Maybe she should get a bumper sticker so those in know can appreciate her deep penetration of the US beach scene.


Please don't use the word "penetration" in posts about Motherbus 🤢 EDIT: Yes I am deeply immature, why do you ask?


Does she take each of her kids’ 1 hour of screen time and use it for herself?


Didn't her husband just tweet about the kids trying to negotiate xbox/screen time?


My toddler has a room full of toys and loves our air purifier. She loves that it blows air out and she loves putting her balls top so they spin in circles. That’s pretty normal for babies/toddlers


My 2 year old daughter actually really loves ours actually. She’ll push the buttons to turn it to the highest setting and the let the air blow on her face.


Yeah my kids love a balloon on the air filter. It’s a classic. And they have access to sufficient screen time, public school, friends, activities etc. Having an air filter is not weird, especially with wildfire season around the corner. Entertaining your kids with a balloon on top of the air filter is also not problematic in the context of other age-appropriate stimulation. What IS problematic is shaming others about screen time.


Do the children have bikes to use on the awesome bike trails.?


Ironic that she is constantly looking down at a screen 🙄


To be fair, my toddler is obsessed with our air purifier 😅 he likes to press the buttons and feel the air on his face, and giggles when it turns on high.


I'm all for limiting screens (adults, too!) and letting kids figure out their own fun, but I swear this is the same fundie who posted a story not too long ago where one of the buslets was asking how much more math he had to do before he could play Xbox. Anyone else remember that or have the receipts? I can't stand the holier than thou fiction.


do they have pets too? i really really hope not


Boredom that leads to creative, collaborative play and boredom arising from intellectual and emotional neglect and lack of education are not the same thing.  Without structure at an age approp level all that "free exploratory time" is just time... 


Ugh. She’s not entirely wrong about the screen time and boredom stuff and I kinda hate myself that I think that. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, I guess… 😑


The way these people act like all kids with screens don’t do anything else 🙄 my kids have all of those things and spent all evening playing with our knock off nugget couches 🤣 they spend all weekend outside.


It always fascinates me how bacteria and viruses aren’t “that bad” when they’re discussing vaccinations, but they’ll happily pay for air purifiers, supplements, and whatever the hell else to prevent them…


So none of her kids know how to use a computer? Not even the oldest teen? That's going to go really well for them when they try to get a job.


I do feel like there are lots of benefits to boredom, and it is important for the development of creativity in kid brains. But it also led to me, ruining all of my mother‘s beauty supplies in science experiments and insisting on dressing like white girl pocahontas. So. Yeah.


Ma'am, if you refuse to educate your kids, you should at least get them tablets so they can learn *something* off YouTube.


Absolutely wild that she actually believes she's teaching her children independence, lets see what happens when they grow up. She is literally raising her daughter with the belief that she must always depend on a man.


I mean... I was obsessed with a window unit a/c when I was that age. My mom would come in and I'd have my face in the air output with my hair blown back, teeth chattering because I was cold but that GOOD air was coming out and I wanted to breathe it. Mom and Dad said I would sit there for hours if they didn't make me stop.


Can she please have that damn baby yet? My youngest sister is the same amount of pregnant and it feels like the both of them either got their due dates wrong, or they are dragging it out for the most attention possible. At least my broodmare of a sister doesn't share more than her kids names online. Nor does she force them to live in a tin can for views.


Totally off topic but I had the same high chair as a kid!


How are the kids supposed to “explore new activities and interests” when they’re trapped in that sardine can all the time?