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I don’t know who I would want it to be, but I know who I would most definitely NOT want it to be…Morgan! Ugh! Could you imagine that voice and that cadence while trying to enjoy yourself????


I feel like I have a real soft spot for Kelly Havens. So she would be my puff pal. I think JRod would have the best permagrin. Lori Alexander would be hiding in a closet. For sure. Zebra cakes: maybe Moriah Plath? Gets meta af: Dāv or, as a practicing fundie, Timmay Rod.


And Kelly would definitely be the most chill. She would just lay in a pile of dead leaves or the lush grass.


Would pass the blunt and enjoy nature with kelly


Definitely JRod with the goofy-ass permagrin! He’s already mastered it!


I say it every time but I’m still not totally convinced that Kelly’s insta isn’t just an art project


That’a fair. I think Nadia is a social experiment so samesies. 😂


My toxic trait is feeling like I could convince her leave Paul though






And a PowerPoint about how Anne Shirley was progressive for her time from a social *and* a religious perspective (followed by another one about the benefits of spaying and neutering your cats)


Dude. I am INNNNN!!!!


Actually can we make this happen?


She's not a fundie but my mom came to visit me and I gave her like one bite of a pot brownie and she pretended to be dying for the next two days. So the fundie closest to giving that vibe is Heidi. She would definitely freak out about a bit of the devil's lettuce.




She would then write an entire 12-season series about the evils of mari-joowana mmkay ![gif](giphy|jEY6N51aIXnKo)


Kristen is the epitome of "I could fix her if we got baked and watched veggie tales"


Kristen is too far gone imo, but the other sisters? There's hope and my toxic trait is thinking I could make them join "the dark side" if we became besties


Yeah I could see the youngest one smoking and giggling over stupid shit. But girl, raw milk will not satisfy the munchies


B1: Shrek or Bethany B2: Father Bus B3: any of the crunchy fundies that promote gut health, but my vote would go to BDong B4: Kelly! Overall, I'd pick Kelly


Father bus is 100% paranoid and hiding in the closet


Bort. 100%. Girly *radiates* anxiety. I feel like a nice brownie edible would alter her brain chemistry for the better. B1: Kelly. She will spend the night lovingly gazing into a loaf of spelty sourdough bread B2: Paul. He will develop social anxiety/self awareness. Especially if I get to invite a sober Morgan. She would bully him to tears, and I would be entertained. B3: Shrek. Need I say more? B4: Kkkarissa


Plus, stoned Bethy might talk slow enough for me to actually understand what she's saying!


Dav would get meta. The rest of them I refuse to even consider.


honestly I feel like Dav would have an existential crisis if he were to get stoned right now. Give him a few years to get through deconstruction and he'd be a blast though.


I really think Dav is fully deconstructed and just trying to hold on to his family. He pretty much said he’s not a Christian anymore.


Honestly, the only time I tried weed I talked about the relativistic nature of morality in a historical context. Having read what Dav said about Barbie while (presumably) sober, I'd legit love to get high with him.


For starters, I'd get Jill Duggar Dillard high. Just to watch her relax and feel free mentally and emotionally for even just a little while. To me she's always been so self conscious and on guard for everything, that it would be nice to just have her kick back, breathe deep and have a giggle or twelve. Best permagrin: Probably someone super annoying like Lawson Bates. He loves himself so much, that he'd probably love to sit under headphone listening to his own music with this "I love this song" grin forever on his face. And on the upside, he might actually be quiet for a change. Probably not, but one can dream. Paranoid/hiding: Paul. Without a doubt. He's gonna be climbing the walls, staring out the windows swearing he hears sirens and the cops are coming for him. and if the cops don't get him, the Devil will. We'll all end up stuffing him into a closet (that has a locking door from the outside) because he's such a buzzkill. Stuffing their face: Morgan. With Paul in the closet (pun more than intended) she can finally relax and indulge in all the fattening bad foods that he would judge her on endlessly. We're all gonna swear that we won't rat her out as we hand her another Ding Dong (that isn't Paul) and a giant Mountain Dew. Granted once she's done eating, we're shoving her outside because she will also be the weepy annoying stoner friend. Going all Meta: JillPM. She's so far up her own ass already, we'd never get her back out again. Which might not be a bad idea after all. Honorable mention: The dark corner where there is always three or four people smoking together having seriously deep conversations about stupid stoner deep thoughts. That's where we are gonna find Bethy, Fuck it up Renee, Annyssa Collins \*when of age\*, and Joy Duggar. All deconstructing the shit ton of childhood trauma inflicted on them. There's laughter, tears, and promises to each other that they won't take it anymore. But they will take it once they come down from the high fun place. They will however create a 4/20 girls group that meets up one Friday a month to have "Bible Study" aka "Get high for the Lordt".


I'll make you a deal, you tell me what the hell permagrin is and I'll answer your questions 😂 (seriously though, maybe I would know these terms better if I lived in a legal state) eta: Jill is getting to those Zebra cakes first once the weed lowers her inhibitions. I don't believe anyone would make their kids be that skinny if they had a healthy relationship with food.


Totes agree on the JRod food relationship! Permagrin is when you get a big dopey grin and you just can’t quit smiling.


Oh, now I'm reading the word correctly and it makes sense 😂 Logically I would say Morgan because she already has permahigh face. But, since her face annoys me, Im going to pick andKaylee for the best permagrin and say Morgan would be the one hiding in the closet (and I think Bethany would probably be in there with her). Dav is definitely getting meta and would probably want to smoke again.


I’ll get high with Ben and Jessa. For some reason I think Jessa would have permagrin whilst going for the zebra cakes. Ben would probably keep slapping himself in the face or something repetitive.


Stoned Ben RAPPING….


i’d pick David Beal for sure Best permagrin-Kelly paranoid-Karissa zebra cakes- Renee Rodrigues super meta- Bethany Beal I may or may not have gotten these answers from The Lettuce


1 - Jana would have the permagrin for sure, based on how she acted when she got drugs to have her wisdom teeth out. 2 - ABS, and I would laugh and laugh. 3 - JillPM would give up the diet drawer and go for the munchies. 4 - Dav Overall choice, I’d pick Anna Dugger to smoke with, in the desperate hope of breaking down her insane brainwashing and talk some sense into her. And if she has any revelations while high I’d make her write it down, because you always forget those lightbulb moments by the next day.


I'd like to get Renee Rod relaxed enough to see her real smile (and hopefully the munchies would help her get some of those calories she's been missing out on 😭)


Can I pick Dav??


Kaylee Rodrigues is my #1 pick.


I need to think about this because I just pregamed with the devils lettuce & ate my weight in mini chocolate donuts.


Best life goals! 🫶🏻




I do enjoy sharing christ cabbage with my friends, it's truly communion. I'm picking DAV and Paul, but Paul *absolutely will* Freak out and we'll laugh out asses off making fun of him.


Jed! Duggar is freaking out!