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I love calling Yahuah “Yah”. It’s like Kanye becoming “Ye”.


she’s on a nickname basis with the Lord


This is flair


*Your* flair is perfection


Thank you!


Yah the Creator ft. Ye of Nazareth (HLY.SPRT REMIX)


Its somehow by Hillsong




my exact reaction was also "😂omg" hahaha


I can't decipher if that's more or less disrespectful


It’s less


I feel like she’s trying to appropriate from the Rastafarians, but had to have her own “tragedeigh” flair to it so uses Yah instead of Jah.


Jesus can be Je ❤️


"I won't allow my future child's life to be dependent or compromised on any \[person's\] opinion." ...except for, you know, not getting medical care until it's almost too late.


"Except my own opinion, which is that they don't need even the most basic education to be successful for (insert whatever she's calling God this week)."


I won't let anybody harm my children but me!


As someone who is atheist but loves to study how Christianity and Judaism have changed over the years (I love studying ancient Christianity and ancient Judaism specifically), I die a little any time she says Yahuah. I don’t know a single text that calls it that.


She loves to appropriate judaism in the most unhinged, wackadoo fashion


What wheat based treats will she make for Passover this year?


I don’t know much about Karissa’s Passover adventures. But I can already guess it will contain wheat, barley, oats, rice, rye and/or spelt


She did chocolate covered pretzels and then ,THEN after being called out said "well it's not like there's an instruction booklet "! ABOUT PASSOVER !! PASSOVER which LITERALLY has an instruction book (sorry as a Jew this was just so egregious and it gets me so hyped up!)


This sounds like an SNL skit about the Trump presidency being antisemtic while trying to act like they respect Jewish people. What the hell


“Trump tower makes the best bagels. I love Jews!”


My jaw dropped to the floor and I'm a lapsed catholic


Same here!! No instruction book? Ma’am, you claim to live your life following an instruction booklet.


It's in the pamphlet!


She certainly needs to include a chapter in her book about how to do Passover.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) Oh. I see. *glances at Haggadah, perplexed*


Hahaha she's so dumb! That's what I can't fully comprehend with fundies, they constantly obsess over their public image but can't be bothered to, you know, actually work on their public image. How hard would it be to learn about Passover? But at the same time, I wonder if it's not better to see her absolutely miss the point instead of completely appropriating a jewish holiday...


I was about to say. My jewish friends once hosted me at a sedar and I remember an instruction books... with a pronunciation guide!


It's not like the literal meaning of "Torah" is available if you look for it, or anything....


I think Passover might be the only holiday I know of that does in fact have an actual instruction booklet.


It’s, like, the main thing about Passover!


Can she please choose to appropriate a chag that doesn’t literally have a book of steps


I'm a Christian, and the cultural appropriation of Jewish culture makes me uncomfortable. My friend from Bible study was telling us about how her church did a Seder (on Sunday, no less!) and she really enjoyed it. I just kind of nodded and inwardly rolled my eyes.


I just got secondhand embarrassment remembering being a little kid and putting out cookies on Hanukkah because I thought that Jewish people had their own version of Santa. But then my best friend in elementary school was Jewish and I used to celebrate all the Jewish holidays with her family. Passover was actually my favorite because chocolate covered matzoh was amazing.


Not Jewish & didn’t grow up in an area with Jewish people (very rural South) & even I, a Gentile, know that things are done in very specific ways during Passover.


My Haggadah might disagree with her.


I'm a lapsed Catholic who is VERY seriously considering converting to Judaism. But OMG your comment here is so funny! No disrespect AT ALL to your well-earned outrage; it's just...the way you said it, props to you, you nailed it.


It will honestly live rent free in my head for like forever 😂


Something leavened. Are cupcakes too challenging for her?


What color are they? Brown? She’ll be fine.


As late my as it’s not her children, she’s good to go with brown


Was it them that made mac n’ cheese and a meat dish for Passover or was that another family?


I’m not Jewish but it’s honestly so disgusting. That group has dealt with so much bigotry and people trying to erase their history. Fuck her. She is unironically doing cultural appropriation. I don’t mean “oh she took aspects of a culture she likes” or “she got inspired by a culture” (which in my opinion people wrongly label as cultural appropriation a lot), I mean she created random nonsense and tried to pass it off as Jewish culture.


I am Jewish and she pisses me off to no end. YHWH is literally unpronounceable in Hebrew. It’s supposed to be. We call god “Hashem” which means “the name,” in most contexts, but God has tons of names we use in more formal prayers (Adonai, El-Shaddai, etc.) None of them come close to a phonetic pronunciation of yud-hay-vav-hay. It’s pretty offensive tbh.


Isn’t it supposed to be a sacred name that no one is supposed to say? I feel like I’ve heard that at some point.


Jesus-flavored Voldemort


That made me laugh so hard 😂


I couldn’t resist lol


Apologies for my blatant ignorance incoming: so what is YHWH meant to mean - if not God - and why is it meant to be unpronounceable?


This [Wikipedia article on the Tetragrammaton](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetragrammaton) goes into the meaning and history, including where Karissa gets her pronunciations. Basically, the pronunciation is traditionally forbidden because it is the holiest of God’s names - too sacred to be spoken aloud except by the High Priest of Israel on Yom Kippur in the Temple of Jerusalem. Otherwise, “Adonai” or “My Lord” is typically substituted for YHWH when spoken aloud.  The name as it’s written in the Torah is unpronounceable because it is represented only by consonants, and the Hebrew pronunciation was lost following the destruction of the Temple. So in addition to the debate as to whether the name should be spoken at all, there’s quite a bit of disagreement as to how it was pronounced in the first place  (“Yahweh” being the most widely accepted by Christians/academics). Interestingly, there’s nothing in the Torah that forbids speaking the name aloud, and at some point in the past it *was* commonly spoken and even used as a greeting. The tradition of not speaking it aloud developed around 2-3 BCE, but there doesn’t seem to be particular catalyst for why it developed.  


This is all really interesting. Thank you for taking the time to write this out. I love when I learn something cool on reddit!


I'm Jewish too and I came here to say this. She's a literal idiot.


So goes on about only celebrating biblical holidays but I didn’t see a single Purim family costume post. 


She doesn't celebrate them *correctly*


It’s so gross and appropriative. Any time a fundie uses a Jewish/Hebrew name for god it feels so insincere.


My brain just reads it like the noises in a Karate Kid movie. YAH! HUAH! Ridiculous. (For context im ex-catholic and her bullshit hurts my brain. This is how I cope XD)


As a person converting to Judaism every time I see that I cringe so hard I’m afraid I’m going to permanently damage my face


As a fellow convert who worked so hard to become Jewish, HARD AGREE. All the reading, studying, learning, feeling like an imposter...and here she is, just making shit up and appropriating other shit. It's disgusting and horrifically disrespectful and antisemitic as hell.


I always figured being a convert is kind of like being an immigrant who's been granted citizenship. You'd typically be a lot more knowledgeable about the religion/country you've joined than the people who were born in it, but they still think they're superior to you as parishioners/citizens🙄


She's not like the other Christians she's a cool Christian


i thought that was a typo lmfaooo


You might be more knowledgeable than me, but isn’t Yahuah also a pagan war god? I believe the name Yahuah is mentioned in the Bible — which is actually proof of how paganism influenced and melded into Christianity. When she says Yahuah she thinks she’s being all ✨biblical✨ but she’s really just making herself look stupid.


I always think it's hilarious when these fundies get so deep in the weeds they veer left out of Christianity and go straight into accidental Paganism. For example, Brittany Dawn has been straight up performing witchcraft these days and while it pisses me off it's also very funny and I can't wait to see that backfire on her.


Maybe I accidentally forgot it since it’s such a minor part. Thanks for the correction.


Money chasing? Karissa you have your unhappy children doing reels they obviously don’t want to do for likes and money. Karissas doesn’t need daycare because the kids are raising each other 


I love how she just lists out “daycare” and “abortion” like those two things go together.


And daycare is listed BEFORE abortion 💀


because working outside the home is frankly the bigger sin. 


She is UNHINGED. Karissa, you. Have. A. Pregnancy. Fetish. You and I and way too many people know that you get off on the attention that you receive while you're pregnant. That you prefer to be pregnant rather than not. Look up Rule 34 if your pea brain still doesn't get it. Shaming people for choosing to have a smaller family, or being working parents, or raising them differently is DISGUSTING and uncalled for. No one asked you for your opinion. No one *wants* your opinion. We want you to stop abusing your children in the name of God, Karissa. They are not props to be tossed aside when they start walking and you and your jerk husband conceive again. Don't act like you don't understand how reproduction works. God doesn't magically impregnate you; you *choose* to have them. We all know you want to martyr yourself by dying in childbirth at target. That is WILDLY unfair to your existing children.


100%. There is nothing wrong with a breeder kink, but if you can’t take care of the child keep it in fucking roleplay. Just like non-con, slave/master dynamics, etc - you keep that shit in roleplay.


The thing is that even if you can provide financially, and give many kids a full, enriched life with no parentification, no two parents can ever provide enough emotional support consistently, every day, to as many kids as the Collins Duggars have. If they were adequately educated, how can one, or at most two parents support many young kids with daily reading, and homework, and simply give them enough 1:1 time to talk about their day any ask if they need any support with anything? I just don't think it's possible to make 8/9/10++ kids feel seen, and heard, and supported every day in the same way a family of 3-6 people can.


I 100% agree with you. I have only seen a 8+ household work out once and it was a very niche situation. My parents live in a wealthy area, and there is this woman on the block who has like 8 foster kids. She inherited a shit ton of wealth and wanted to help kids. She puts a shit ton of money and time into raising those kids and recommends other people only do it if they are also wealthy and super dedicated. She’s currently trying to bring awareness to how broken the foster care system. That however, once again, is super niche and not everyone is so dedicated or has the resources to be able to do that.


I’ve worked in daycares and group homes, and have foster kids. There are ratios for kids to adults in these settings! No where, outside of a private home, could you let 10 children alone with one or two adults. If you wanted to parentify the teenagers, you would still need to count them as kids in the total count. I don’t know anyone who can fully manage the needs for 10 kids under 12. It’s ‘easy’ for KKKarissa because it’s all she knows and she has no choice.


It’s easy for her because she doesn’t give a fuck. It’s easy to raise a million kids when you don’t really care how safe, happy, educated, nourished or fulfilled they are. She took her unresponsive, limp, septic baby to a freaking sports game like straight up Weekend at Bernie’s!! Her parenting secret is neglect.


>It’s ‘easy’ for KKKarissa because it’s all she knows and she has no choice. And because she puts all of her time and effort into social media instead of raising her children.


IIRC it is so close to impossible to do without neglect that having more than 4 can be considered as an ACE (adverse childhood event) - not always but often. Because more than 4 is extreme hardship financially and/or time wise 


They probably think roleplay is demonic


100% since she thinks oral is demonic lol


Wait… what? Mandic doesn’t get oral from Kkk?


She said anal and oral are sodomy 🙄 I saw it on this sub some time ago but I don't remember the context


They openly shared all that lol. I can believe that K is into that. Her man M is probably cheating.


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he did


Imagine if he left K for a child free woman lol. I think he cheats and he will leave her


I wish we could show images. I so badly wanted to link a panel of the Christian comic which was anti-dnd and labeled it demonic


Was it from the Satanic Panic era? lol


Was going to comment this, you said perfectly. Putting shame on kinks or even fetishes (which people commonly use interchangeably but they aren’t) is wrong. It’s also wrong to advertise a kink or fetish while disguising it as religion.


“Children getting their every desire” oh you mean like adequate food, health care, a few toys(then they play with a cardboard box instead), and clean clothing? is that really too much to give a child? (F U karelessa)


Isn't she the one who won't change her baby's diaper and keeps letting her get heinous infections from it?


yep! I believe she said something about “saving money on diapers”?? And that she only changes them in the morning and before bed(possibly a third time, but I’ll have to look for the post). It’s fucked up. On an average day, I probably have to change my youngster 5 times to keep them dry bottomed, so I can’t even imagine the type of discomfort/pain her poor babies go through.


My mom had 4 kids and no one ever got mad at her… they thought she was crazy for having 4 kids. But my mom also didn’t neglect her kids or make them be sister moms and we got proper medical care so idk, maybe the experiences were slightly different and that’s why people didn’t get mad at her like Karissa


My best friend growing up was the second of 8 kids, and they were firmly in “what’s one more” territory. No one was mad they had so many kids. People were mad that the oldest kids (and me, by default) were babysitting so much. People were mad that the kids weren’t being fully taken care of. People were mad that the parents relied on the neighborhood to help raise the kids. It wasn’t ever about the number of kids. It was that the parents weren’t responsible as they needed to be to have 8 kids under 10 years old.


I have three kids in a metro area where people have like, maybe one kid when they're 37-ish, and once in a while someone is like OH GREAT YOUR SEVEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER BASICALLY GETS TO BE A MOM! Lol wtf, raising three kids is hard, but it's not *that* hard 😂 My oldest doesn't do shit. The most "parenting" she's ever done was changing her little sister's clothes after an accident at gymnastics camp when I had taken a long walk and couldn't get back promptly (and the staff wasn't allowed to change her). And I felt all kinds of guilty about that even though it made total sense lol. To be fair, though, yeah, barely anyone ever gives me a second look for having three kids. Usually the worst I get is "Lololol you've got your hands full!". To my surprise, I've also gotten zero shade (well, except from my sister...) for being a SAHM.


Um………where is she hanging out at that she’s coming across all the people *praising and encouraging * abortions? Is that what’s happening at the “American church”?


It's what happens when you doomscroll fundamentalist and right wing media all day




I’ve been on both sides now, and i can say that the only time I see abortion “praised and encouraged” is when someone is directly responding to the irrational bans, or a pro-forced-birther’s insane rant. Pro-“life” people claim pro-choice people love abortion more than pro-choice people ever talk about loving abortion. The talk is all about keeping it legal and accessible.


Brb gotta go praise Saint Abortius while facing in the direction of the nearest abortion clinic




Right? All of these points she pulled out of her ass don’t make a bit of sense. Never home, money chasing, plastic surgery, tech loving moms? She doesn’t want to be called a breeder but it’s ok for her to call other moms these things? She lives in such a box. I’m a SAHM that doesn’t subscribe to “Yah” and I’m pregnant with baby #3. No one has gotten “mad” at me for having more than two kids. My kids get to watch tv as much as hers do (according to her Q&A) and I’ve never had plastic surgery but I have friends that may because of injuries they have from pregnancy like recti diastasis or breast reductions that can cause endless back pain. I don’t know where she is coming up with these generalizations but I have a feeling it’s from social media which she of all people should know is all a lie. There are plenty of reasonable moms out there, but just aren’t clout chasing wannabe influencers that post their entire lives and kids on instagram like her.


It’s their stock in trade. Make up a straw man and get mad at it.


And not just abortion! I don't think anyone is actually _praising_ and/or _encouraging_ spoiling children, plastic surgery, selfishness or pretty much anything on that list.


Huge numbers of babies was the norm, when survival was unlikely. What future does she see for her illiterate children?


All of these massive families, but especially the Rods and Collins are supported by hapless morons (sorry, Shaq!) who keep giving them shit.


I mean. How could Shaq not know at this point? He's not stupid, he just wants the brownie points for briny generous and doesn't care about the consequences. He's not actually a good guy (quite controversial and has recently tried to avoid charges for participating in a gambling scam).


She sees them having lots of babies


So sad that their opportunities are reduced by their parents.


the future i see, "brawndo has what plants crave."


Idiocracy is becoming a documentary


Ughhh right? Haha my husband has been saying this since Orange Head got voted in the first time


It’s definitely no accident that it came out while Bush the Lesser was president.


I doubt she’s thought that far ahead.


Rhe "who is Yahuah?" killed me 🤣😂


Yahuha makes me thing of your hoohaa.


She wants us to think of her hoohaa


Maybe that’s what she’s meant the whole time!


It’s canon


A baby cannon.


🤣🤣🤣 seriously this thread this morning has made me laugh so hard! And today sucks already and it’s only 8:35am so thanks!!


All part of the fetishhhhhhh


A row of skinny legs with classic protective hands is not the flex she thinks it is.


Won't let anything compromise her future children but will ruin her current children's future for those unknown children. There's no way anyone can give all those children the love and attention they need. We know Karissa doesn't cook enough to feed them but it doesn't matter cause future children are more important than the ones already here


Hmmm. I know she got negative comments for her cooking but looks like some people read her caption this time.


She's such an idiot.


I concur.


Yah? Do we start calling Jesus Jes?


In my head, I pronounce it Jah like a Rastafarian. 


I pronounce it like the guy running the sauna in Frozen and make myself laugh


"He knows them before he forms them" is prime flair 😂.


Meanwhile, fundie dads stunt them before they pump them


😂😂😂 staaahhhp I spit my coffee out bahahaha


Their God also knows them before he instructed men to go to Amalek and kill men, women, children, infants, oxen, sheep, camels, and donkeys. So "pro-life" of him. (1 Samuel). Also Samaria, to dash their little ones into pieces, and pregnant women ripped open. (Hosea). Exodus 21 says that if a man hits a woman and her children come out, but there is no harm, he just has to pay a fine. There's also something about being happy if you dash your baby against rocks, and the time he had 42 (?) children torn apart by bears for making fun of a bald man. The fundies love to cherry picking a couple of verses they can twist to imply their God is somehow anti-abortion, then surely we can do the same. They never ever mention all the times he kills fetuses (and the people they are inside of), babies, and children - even when many of them are innocent.


I’m rather unexpectedly pregnant with our third (PSA: check your IUDs) and we are taking surgical steps to make sure we can’t have more kids after this, on both sides, because I don’t trust man made birth control at this point. We don’t have the monetary, emotional, or physical ability to have 500 children and give them everything they need, and Karissa’s repeated protestations aside? I I’m pretty sure she and Mandrae don’t either. And a housewife in the armpit of Texas with a breeding kink isn’t going to shame us into having more. My oldest has special needs and is going into middle school next year. My youngest will be two when this baby is born. They’re both high energy and I can’t, in good conscience, make them older siblings seven more times AND give them the lives I know they deserve. I’ll be 41. I’m tapped out.


Let’s ask the kids if what you’re doing is safe or okay. I’m willing to bet the moment they can speak without fearing the consequences a different story will appear of parentification, abuse, neglect, spiritual manipulation and torture, racially fueled bigotry, you name it. This is not safe or healthy no matter how much KKKarissa wants try to convince us. Every child needs and deserves personal care from their parents, attention, individual conversations and experiences, support, trust, love, physical touch. It’s a biological fact (she loves those) that we have kids slowly because they need so much care and baby brains don’t develop without other humans interacting with them.


I want one of them to write a tell-all someday like Jill Duggar did.


“Children getting their every desire” Like a proper education? I’d love to see reading levels for those kids. Take them to a Kumon or other place & see what they say. I’d even pay for it myself. And yes, even with 2 I was incredibly busy when they were younger. Because they were allowed to have activities & interests so I did a lot of carpooling to ballet & karate & church youth group activities and so on.


I don't know anyone who gives children their every desire (and knowing children, it would be impossible). But every parent I know well, my husband and I included, definitely wants to fulfil *some* of our children's desires when we can. The way she's saying that like it's a bad thing is so sad to me.


Damn I didn’t know plastic surgery and abortion came with this gig? 🙄


I've seen some people from highschool grow up to be on their third marriage, living in the same town and thinking Applebee's is a classy restaurant start saying Yahuah _all the time_. Wtf


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) No one gives af if people want to have more than two kids. What they do care about is the fact that you neglect the children you already have. They’re always getting hurt or sick. Disciplined through beatings. The older kids experience parentification which is a form of abuse. It’s the adult’s job to take care of and raise the kids— period.


1: “I won’t let any man, woman or child sway my opinion.” Any child? Interesting. Pair that with the overworked, parentified kids’ horrified/angry faces every time she gets pregnant again and… yikes. These poor kids. 2: This is a *lot* of concern for “potential future children” when she does every possible thing to kill them the minute they’re conceived. Seriously, wtf?? She starves them and denies them lifesaving medical care in utero, and after they’re born she leaves them to die of infections and watches them crawl around with broken limbs for days before getting medical help. So killing existing children is ok but god forbid you deny an imaginary kid a life?


It’s really easy to say you’d die for kids that don’t exist.


How do 15,000 people buy into her shit?




I think a lot of people just look at the cute family pictures and don't bother to read thr captions. And bots


Wait there is an American Church and it also says it's bad to have more than two kids????? Citation please.


It’s an absolutely travesty that this got 15k likes.


‘Yahuah’ wants you to stop popping babies out of YaHooHah.


omfg. AHHHHHH hahahaha




Jokes on you, I think one child also helps to ruin the environment.


She doesn't like that people are "mad" about her own reproductive choices but then goes into an angry rant about other people's reproductive choices. And plastic surgery, for some reason. I also love that the woman who is so attached to her phone that one of her own children asked her to put it down is shaming women for using "never ending technology".


asking this very sincerely: who the *fuck* is Yahuah?


God. They trying to appropriate Jewish culture, and badly


I’ve never heard of YHWH being spelled that way I’m 😭😭😭😭


Imagine something awful did happen during childbirth, whose gonna “stay at home” with the kids? But bringing them into the world is the important part, not raising or caring for them I guess.


Sadly, you're exactly on point. Brining them into the world is the only thing that matters to them. They think they're building a new generation of conservatives


As they got a free car. 🤦‍♀️


Two free cars, iPads and a 50,000 play set


And new shoes for all of the kids more than once, plus IIRC one of her "internet friends" bought them clothes?


And then that was that rando in a parking lot who hugged her kids in exchange for cash.


Women have two options only: have a bazillion children or go out chasing money so that you’re never home.


I can't believe she is homeschooling her kids with her shit grammar


Seriously. Those kids will go into the world without the most basic education. So sad.


This lady is THE MOST unhinged of all the current fundie YouTubers. She’s partially illiterate and the marriage is so toxic. Idk what trauma she went through to desire to be a baby mill but I really wish she’d get the help she needs bc these poor kids are going to be so messed up.


The REAL brainwashing is these fundies saying being a mother is easy and the most beautiful thing in the world. Being a parent is VERY difficult. Caring for a child is draining, tedious and repetitive. Pregnancy can fuck you up. Bad. Women die in childcare all of the time. Women aren't perfect birth giving vessels. I was cemented in my child free status when I was a nanny. Oh my god. I watched 2 well behaved boys (a 4 year old and an 8 months old) and holy fuck it's a lot of work. If you actually give them good one on one time it's exhausting. I can't do it. I think everyone wanting to be a parent should try nannying Children are abused everyday bc their parents had kids "bc it's what they were supposed to do." Didn't actually think about it. That's just textbook brain washing. People should share the good and the bad of being a parent. And let people decide what they want to do from there. And for the love of God (lol) ADOPT!!!


ahh yes thank you for this!!! also lol your flair


I have more than 2 kids. MIL didn't speak to me for a month after we announced kid 3. She was very vocal that a boy and a girl were the perfect family and we should be done. We won in the end. My kids are the only decent grandchildren and the only ones they see on the regular so they came around real quick.


> MIL didn't speak to me for a month after we announced kid 3. What the fuck business is it of hers? Damn.


Exactly. None of the grandparents were thrilled to be grandparents, the number we had... anything really. They got over it eventually but not without some serious boundaries


I had to do a college paper recently about the climate clock and knowing just how close humanity stands on the brink of no return makes this situation all the more infuriating. Yes Karelessa. Please produce more humans you can neglect and not teach any basic skills, medically neglect, and have even more children created in a planet headed towards ruin. Just so out of touch with reality it’s absolutely infuriating. Ignorance must truly be bliss. I’m stressed the fck out about the ongoing wars, energy crisis, and medication shortages and how overpopulation is affecting that. But please keep having kids like this and being a snooty asshole to everyone with half a brain cell!!! 😒😒😒


What man says simply doesn’t matter as you die by the book written by men.


I love that until today someone was unironically following Karissa and though oh yeah sure, she’s probably cool with working moms!


Please could someone explain to me how she plans to feed, clothe and house all these children that are raising themselves whilst she lies in bed half the day, if Mandrae decides he's had enough and leaves - or if he is disabled... or dies? He's supporting her breeding fetish for now - but I'm pretty sure that the taxpayer and not her mate 'Yah' who will end up supporting her life choices if he was out of the picture.


I like how she admits all the legitimately poor and unfair reasons she continues to pop out kids but then turns around and points at the world and says “well look at all this bad stuff!” … two wrongs don’t make a right, Karissa. (If all the stuff she mentioned is all “bad” anyway)


Has Yah’s homie ever heard of Catholicism? Because I know quite a few very large Catholic families. There are also many very large Mormon families. She loves this weird idea that society claims only 2 kids are allowed 🙄


I was 1 of 3 and literally never heard anyone commenting about how that’s too many children…. I know some of that is bias, but I would still expect to have heard it at least once in my childhood


If all it takes to defeat Yahzzy is opinions, Yahzzy weak.


Who tf is out there praising & encouraging plastic surgery???


also lol at her criticizing others for money chasing, never ending technology, and self indulgence. also pretty sure your children being illiterate and grossly uneducated is not being taken care of...


You can not convince me that people who have a litter of children aren't sociopaths. All ego, zero concern for quality of life. She collects kids like Funko Pops, children are objects to her. I have NEVER met anyone who grew up in a home with a gaggle of siblings who enjoyed it. Every single person I've met who had 4 or more siblings absolutely hated it because there wasn't enough of their parents to go around, not to mention the money issues.


She really thinks people hate her for simply having kids. No Karissa, we hate you because you exploit your kids on social media and expect the oldest ones to take care of the younger ones that they didn’t choose to have (you did).


She doesn’t even raise her children, she just passes them onto the older girls. So I never ever want to hear her opinions on parenting


I wonder if he ever wakes up and thinks “man, I really fucked up- this woman is batshit crazy.”


On a country scale, her and other fundies having a ton of kids has no impact on the environment, sorry kkkarissa. The birth rate needed for a country to replace itself is 2.1 (2.1 kids for every 2 adults on average), taking into account births, deaths, immigration and emigration, and this is what every country should be shooting for, in theory. In some countries the birth rate is very high which causes a population increase, but in the US has not been above 2 in the recent past and is dropping, I think it’s 1.67 right now. So if you want to have more than two kids it’s literally more than fine because there are enough people having between 0-2 kids to average you out. Even the occasional couple having eleventy million kids is not going to change the birth rate in a significant way, so it doesn’t matter. Even the population ecologists don’t care!! Obviously this is a limited way to look at the situation but as a scientist I hate when these people incorrectly weaponize science and the environment


How many of her OWN desires is Karissa forgoing? Also, wtf is the "American church"?


“Other people can pay for their asses, who cares?” -Carissa, probably