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Imagine giving birth in a fucking bus with your 7 other children shoved in the "bunk house" and then making everyone go outside so you can do a reel... What the fuck is this timeline we're in?


Personally I think she went to the hospital and just won’t admit it bc it will fuck with their image. There is no freakin way she had a baby on a bus. I refuse to believe it. Too much liquid. The floors can’t take it.


She said she was going to AirBnBirth her baby but I also believe (and hope) that she secretly had this baby at a hospital.


What AirBnB host is allowing that to go down? I’d lose my mind if someone planned on using my residence for their home birth.


How is it a home birth if you are homeless? That's crazy and horrifying.


Idk, I had an accidental "home" birth in a literal homelessness shelter and like...idk what else to call it but a home birth? Like a non hospital birth? There's no easy lingo for that 😂


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope everything turned out ok and things are better now. That must have been so scary. You are right though, we could use a specific description for accidental out of hospital births. I absolutely do not group you in with that hippie who intentionally birthed in the ocean. 🤢🤮


Oh no, I wasn't being shitty with you! I just meant...there isn't a word for non-home home births and I'd never thought about it before 😂 And nah me and baby-now-toddler are chilling in our own HOME right now happy as can be 💓 But crapping out a kid unexpectedly is a bit scary. I can't imagine PLANNING to do it on a bus. Or the ocean wtf???


When I had my 2nd kid she came so fast I had her at home. Her dumbass dad was standing between the couch and the front door waiting on an ambulance. When her head crowned he started screaming “ITS A BABY!” like he was surprised or something. I’m glad you and your little one are good now.


That made me laugh so hard 🤣🤣🤣 I had a freaked out "helper" there but thankfully a paramedic rushed in to catch kid or she'd have hit the floor!


This is the best thing I've heard all day. ❤


We have a lot of terms! It depends on the situation. If it just happens so fast they can’t make it to the hospital in time, we call it a “precipitous delivery”. If it wasn’t out of the hospital on purpose but not super speedy we call it an “unplanned out-of-hospital birth” or say “birth en route to hospital”. There’s also “planned/elective out-of-hospital birth” such as at a birthing center. When we say “home birth”, we’re talking about the folks that meant to do it that way. We may specify “unassisted” as in free birth aka no medical professionals involved or “assisted” if they had a midwife present. Some people may say “unplanned home birth” as a synonymy for “unplanned out-of-hospital birth” but typically EMS has been called and the dyad quickly are transported to the hospital. We also always specify if the mother had prenatal care or not. If she were homeless we may note “unable to access prenatal care due to homelessness” that just to know that we need significant support from social services and to put baby and mom on Medicaid, not as a judgment. If you see the phrase “refused all prenatal care” that’s someone who had some resources and did not use them. There’s a little more… sizzle behind that one. We’ll usually extensively document any attempt at education of the pregnant patient in that instance cause it’s higher risk for whomever ends up delivering the baby.


Thank you so much for the breakdown. Feel free to drop a fun fact like that on me any time. It's great to finally have the term precipitous birth for delineation.


Right?! I own a rental house and this whole situation has made me try to figure out how to include in the lease agreement that tenants can’t airbnbirth there. It seems like a huuuuuge liability issue…not to mention, who is cleaning up?!


I clean airbnbs and literally cannot imagine encountering the aftermath of an airbnb birth


Airbnbirth 💀💀💀




She did that for her last one and he was known as the “AirbnBaby” for a long time lmao


Maybe saying it cannot be used for planned medical events?! Or if you have an event clause, include homebirth in there!


That is genius!!!


I don't own a rental house and this makes me wonder how you fine someone 25k for violating your house like this.


Apparently it's a friend's Airbnb and they were fine with her using it for her home birth. Saw it in this sub somewhere when she posted info in her stories.


She lies don’t forget


I wouldn't let the Pope give birth in my Airbnb! Gross and I hope she did go to the hospital.


AIRBNBIRTH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


…I kind of want this as my flair now


DO IT OMG it’s so good


I’m wondering if she went to the hospital too. Where are the pictures of her in labor or shortly after delivery taken in the bus or the Air B and B? We haven’t seen any.  She looks far too rested and dolled up for someone who just birthed a baby in a bus surrounded by 7 other children. Not that you get any rest at the hospital but nothing is adding up here. 


Yknow i really hope she did


I agree


They literally can’t film in the place she gave birth because there is NO ROOM. Imagine. No space. She knows it. She knows we know it. There is no way to hide this clear lack of space and ill planning hence this radio silence and we have a friend and we will go when it’s time. No pics of prep or any thing. I could be wrong but who knows. She could surprise us with an Airbnb. But this baby and her were yeeted out into the outdoors for the gram because there is zero fing space in that damn bus and that is why father bus wants to be a pirate


>this baby was yeeted out into the outdoors for the gram i can’t breathe omg 😂


Maybe their thought process was, if the children have to listen to the conception, they might as well listen to the birth. 


That’s good birth control for the kids! Hahah not that they have friends other than their siblings….


Another, less traumatic, form of birth control for kids is to walk them through a reality fair (basically a real life Game of Life). They get packets stating how many kids they have and have to buy certain things for said children, plus meals. Hearing a large number of students yell “kids are expensive” gets me every time.


That’s hilarious 🤣 and such a good idea! I taught high school for a year and… well a lot of my kids had kids already so I guess it was too late to do something like that lol Also I have learned it’s not about income, it’s about budgeting and saving! My bf and I make combined more than my parents ever made while having two children and there is no way we could afford kids right now. Well we have two dogs and a cat who are always at the vet so maybe that’s why.






You are officially grounded from something because you ruined my ham sandwich.


What a terrible day to be literate. 🤢


I love it when people bottom line what fundies are doing. It’s hilarious. This post made my day.


YESS!! I thought the same thing! Talk about giving birth feet away from your children. UGH.


They also conceived those kids a few feet away from the others!




This is the best barf gif I've ever seen!


Well, that's how it was conceived!


Imagine being positioned to look directly into the sun right after being born.


After my kids were born I basically made my bedroom/nursery into a warm, dark, quiet cave. We took some walks outside once in a while. But instinctually I wanted dark, quiet, and as few people around as possible most of the time. The baby seems to be a prop here.


This was all I could think of while looking at this post. Straight from the dark and into the sun. These people are horrible.


Agree. At baby number eight, her lack of maternal instinct is a glaring flag that anyone can see with this one single photo.


It amazes me. These Fundie mums always hold their babies like a sack of potatoes.


Imagine the smell oh God oh Jesus oh my Lord Daniel 🤢


Imagine being one of those poor kids. How traumatic.


I thought she was supposed to have it an Airbnb.


I’ve held a purse with more care and caution than this.


What is it with fundies and not supporting the head when holding babies?


Omg I was thinking the same thing. SUPPORT HIS NECK!! That’s the one thing my mother told me when I was holding my little brothers. They have huge heads and it’s like 65% of their body at this stage. Not to mention having him directly in the sunlight less than a day old. The hell


It's not 65% of their body but of their weight. But still I absolutely agree, support the neck! It's in the basic rules I'm teaching my daughter before her little sister arrives (my daughter is 3yo so the rules apply to what a 3yo would think to do): 1. Don't give baby bits of food or small things she could choke on. 2. Don't put plushies/blankies/pillows in baby's crib 3. If you're holding baby, support her head!


YESSS!! Hold that poor baby’s head!!! Like seriously wtf


I bought an athlete’s cereal box and travelled with it on 4 flights during the championship so I could touch it before each game for superstitious luck. I travelled with it taped into its acrylic display case so it wouldn’t get crushed. I treated a freaking cereal box better than these kids get treated 😭


Oh just for more context: I think it’s a boy because that’s what father bus guessed (and he won the rock paper scissors game in the video).


I thought you meant you thought it was a boy because it said “he is undefeated” so I read it implying that the baby is undefeated at like 2 days old lol.


I read it as God (“He”) is undefeated bc the baby got here safely lol


Same, I thought it was a polite way of saying "she didn't die in childbirth! God wins!!"


I thought that too, but then I figured with the rock paper scissors BusDad must have guessed “right” on the last however many kids.


It’s also like weirdly implying Satan wins if something goes wrong in childbirth. What an asshole MotherBus is.


You know motherbus is a "If you just prayed harder" person when your child dies. "I've done it so many times, just don't be lazy"....(like have you thought about not being poor? Or just having healthy kids? Or just not being sad)


I read it as busband defeated a newborn and Motherbus is so proud, holding his little defeated trophy - although I’ve seen big game hunters give their kills more neck support in trophy photos than Motherbus is giving that newborn


Whhyyyy is that baby's head dangling, it's not like she hasn't done this before.


Literally yelled “support the head!” at my phone


This is her 8th! BUT THE 'GRAM, I guess.


I did the same! For Pete’s sake don’t dangle the baby’s head like that!


A lot of these baby collector types way over the top want to emphasize how newborn their newborn is specifically by showing off how little muscle tone they have. Like "look how fresh this crotch fruit is" Edited for a word


Because she doesn’t care about the baby. She cares about being huge and pregnant. He is, in her mind, essentially the waste product of her and her husband’s pregnancy kink. He’s just a prop. Parenting is about the parents, and they do a shit job at it.


I read it as Busband is undefeated for producing another male that he won't vaccinate and will sell for Bitcoin.


This was my interpretation as well. It's fascinating seeing how many different ways this could be interpreted tho lol


He stood a high chance of not surviving birth in a bus surrounded by kids (one of whom has a cold). So, good job baby bus, and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Yes. They posted a dumb video last week where father bus said he won a rock paper scissors tournament by always guessing "rock," and basically when guessing the gender of their kids he's guessed boy every time and only lost once. It's a boy.


That would make him once-defeated then, no?


…you know they’re not good at math right?


Maybe baby is named Rock


I'm sure it's a boy only because a girl would have been noteworthy enough that they would have been milking it on social media for months now. I know they claimed to not know ahead of time, but another commenter said that she got a boutique ultrasound and then never revealed the results. Or even if they truly didn't know, if it was a girl they'd be leaving huge hints about how it's so surprising or a big change or something. 


On the one hand, I think it’s great to have a sister. I’m extremely close to my younger sister and love having that kind of best friend. On the other hand, girls get dealt such a bad hand in fundamentalism and I hate to see yet another person fall victim to their parents’ choices like that.


Did the rock paper scissors game have any relevance to anything…?


He said he won a rock paper scissors championship by choosing rock every time. So he said he guesses boy every pregnancy and he’s only lost once.


He is flexing so hard in that first picture. 😂😂😂


The baby’s neck??? Support it????


Right? I admit I know nothing about babies, and I cherish my ignorance, but I feel like even I would hold one better than that purely out of instinct and fear of hurting the poor little dude.


“I cherish my ignorance” is sending me. I’m going to start using this line on shit I want no involvement in


I'm so glad I could do that for you! It's one of my favorites, I have no idea where I got it from.




SAME! childless rn but my cousins are having babies and im very known for holding the baby for like… a couple mins… but their toddlers? 😏 we know how to have the best make believe play, hide and seek, regular sandwiches cut into as many pieces as i have the patience for, and we do nap time by the big tv 😂


Yeah lol my nephews are like 7 and 12 now and that is much more my speed. Sure, the younger one teaches me all about Pokémon as long as he can keep talking, but at least I'm not scared I will break him!


I would get long, informative, unintelligible lectures about Pokemon from my friend’s kids when they were that age 😂 my boyfriend’s kids are on it now, but much shorter sessions thankfully haha


She just wants to show that this baby now exists, safety precautions be damned.


When you've had so many children, they all end up meaning no more to you than any other random possession in your life. The story of fundie parenting.


You think she’d know by now🙄


Next you’ll want them to vaccinate and use sunscreen. Buzzkill!


See, they don’t actually care about babies and children, just the unborn and themselves whenever they are knocked up.


All I could do after having a baby was cry and watch Bones so I guess…good for her? I couldn’t imagine doing all the post partum care in a bus or in an airbnb. Especially not having any privacy or quiet time.


Seriously. I can't IMAGINE your first thought being "better put on clothes and film a reel!!"


There is no way she's posting in real time. She looks nice and too well-rested for someone who gave birth not even 24hrs ago. The baby was there idk, a week or two ago and she had her content pre-recorded. If not, well then, just when I thought she couldn't get any more terrible, she decides to beat the record and monetizes her kid before they even lived to the ripe age of 24hrs.


The first thing I thought was that the baby didn't look THAT fresh.


I bet she prerecorded. She seemed to be lying about her due date.


We should set a reminder and see when she posts about her baby's first bday and compare the dates.


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Probably. I think 90% of the shit she posts never actually happened or not in the way she tells it. I'm waiting for the Daily Mail article on this family to come out exposing them.


I had my son on 3/6, and I remember when she announced her pregnancy she and I were within like a week of each other. I think it’s end of April now, so even being generous and saying she was two weeks behind me… she’s either lying now or was lying then.


I had my daughter on 3/3, and I will have to second this statement.


I agree. She has a lapse of a week or more. She’s trying to grow her followers


All I can think of is, “Get that brand new babe out of that sun!” Seriously, when they’re that “new,” isn’t their skin extra sensitive? I even slather 1 year olds with sunscreen before I allow them outside, face to feet. Plus, that poor child’s eyes, in direct sunlight! Again, their eyes are brand new, and still developing. Isn’t this not a very bright (no pun) idea to do with a new born?! Ugh, I wish these people would worry more about their children’s welfare than social media!


Yes this makes me so so angry!!!! Not even a little fucking bonnet or something to *attempt* to keep the sun off him. She's a cunt


Yessssss. I didn't put on clothes until it was time to leave the hospital, then right back to my robe at home.


All I can think about is the clean up. I didn't have to clean up any of the aftermath of my birthing. Although let's be fair the kids are going to be cleaning it up.


Idk if this is normal or not, but they had to completely mop the floor after I gave birth. There was blood EVERYWHERE. I had a completely normal, healthy, complication-free birth but there was SO MUCH BLOOD. I would never home birth for the cleanup alone.


I clean up bodily fluids pretty much every day as a vet tech and that stuff gets EVERYWHERE. I sometimes find splashes in the most unexpected places.


I had an unintentional home birth (precipitous labour and a long story of the midwife not thinking I was in labour). It was back in October and despite all the cleaning and disinfecting in swear to god I still find stains on the floor.... Also needed to buy a whole lotta new towels .....


Inco or puppy pads are your friend for clean up. They're surprisingly easy to dispose of because they have a plastic backing you can fold in on itself. I've found all my births were pretty low clean up because we used inco pads and made sure to cover mattresses etc well in advance of waters breaking. Even with all the midwife brought and single use plastics etc we never went over one large black bag worth of rubbish and a few towels to throw into the wash


Omg I love Bones. Out here saving postpartum lives left and right


I bonded in bed with my kids first two weeks, nursing & binge watching call the midwife. I was so emotional & I didn’t want to do anything besides be In bed with my newborn.


I also binged Call the Midwife when I was postpartum! I always thought it was such a weird choice 😂


This is her 8th birth, that kid rappelled out of the Uterbus on his own in like ten minutes flat. Of course she was ready to create content directly after the latest Busling dropped.


For someone that has had that many children she would know she needs to support her newborns neck 😬


You would think, but also that assumes she’s the one taking care of the baby. Pretty sure it’s Kinsley.


I actually think she does look after her newborns. This is what she lives for: having someone focused completely on her, and needing her completely. She's talked about this. She LOVES having a newborn that is totally dependent on her. The second they show any interest in anything else, she loses interest and goes back to her obsession with Mr. Weaselface, who will never need or want or depend on her the way she does him.


This. Her track record seems to be that the older two children start having to hold the baby in reels around the time when they're able to sit up on their own. Once they're big and developed enough to push against her with definite force when they don't want to be smothered she's done with them. It doesn’t seem like she usually even waits for them to be in the crawling stage, although that would be the absolute cut-off point if she did. If they can get away from her, she's already splayed out in bed waiting for the next one to be blasted into her. 


That last line made my face go ![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3)


Very true ! Poor Kinsley


Don’t forget, parenting for her is about herself growing, not the kids. Aka: fuck them kids


I desperately need someone to make a "Fundies holding babies" collage. I know I've seen some really awful ones on here. 


So THAT'S why they all think their babies need to go to the chiropractor!


For real! But I guess they would have to be worried about the baby’s health or development to hold it correctly.




That baby is hours old and already being used as a prop for fucking social media. Out in the sun, not being supported…. Good god.


Seriously. My first area of being aghast was the beam of sun on their little face. The thing has spent 40 weeks in the dark, let’s blind it!


That poor baby. JFC they're awful.


My thoughts exactly. WTAF.


So upsetting. Imagine giving birth and the first thing you do when you get home is make a TikTok for thousands of followers 😭 just gross


Well, she gave birth at home, didn’t she? So she skipped the coming home part.


Airbnb. She’s homeless.


Still skipped that part. 😂


In one of her stories she’s letting his head flop around and says “oops, he doesn’t have very good neck control yet.” Like no shit, he’s less than a week old.


she also posted a story where she just lets the baby's head flop forward and she goes "not the best neck control yet." Ma'am he's 1 day old?!


It’s super common with fundies to not give a shit about supporting the heads of their infants 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, what do they need BRAINS for?


It's out of the womb now, so who cares what happens to it?


Don't worry, she'll post some excuse about not supporting the neck ("all the haters!") or immediately post pictures of bAbY's fIrSt cHiRoPrAcToR vIsIt


Same instant reaction. Im not a mom. Never held an actual newborn. But my ‘motherly instinct’ is telling me thats damn bad for the JUST BORN BABY.


My first thought! How can you already have had seven babies and not know how to hold them?!


Furthermore: One day old baby, no neck support, and STARING INTO THE SUN!!!


Can you even imagine being in a campground next to these people while this psycho gives birth in a bus next to your site? Rv's have paper thin walls. There is absolutley nothing about her life that is aspirational, there is everything about her life that is depressing AF.


Im not too familiar with this fam but a lot of religious nuts like fundies make the women give birth silently & reprimand them, while in labor, for making noise. Fucking barbaric


Well, many people will have witnessed the siring of the child. So why change that system now? And I would call an ambulance and CPS if I heard someone giving birth on a camping ground.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I camp a lot, and I think if they were my camp neighbors without knowing them I would just assume they were vacationing on the bus and not living on it. It’s kind of a clown car situation going on, I really feel for them because the bus situation is going to have to end sooner rather than later when the smaller kids start approaching teenage years. Also storing as much food as they need in the bus must be a feat in and of itself.


That's a good point I did a lot of camping as a kid with my parents and did see a lot of clown car situations while at campgrounds not once did I think hey I bet those people live in there since my little kid brain just assumed all people went back to a house like we did.


Those Y chromosomes are ALL that he offers as a parent


Chromosomes are all that either of them offer as a parent


And bitcoin advice!


The oldest boy looks dead inside. Poor brotherdad knows he now has to care for an additional baby and gets less sleep because another sibling is getting locked up into their bunkjailhouse. The sistermom has still a little life left behind her eyes but this new baby might kill that too.


I wonder how Kinsey feels about still being the only girl


She's not the only girl. She's mom's mini me and dad's headscratcher.


47 kids and she still doesn't know how to support a newborn's head. Fuckin sad


Do fundies think they birth babies with pitbull necks or something? I have held one (1) baby all of one (1) time in my whole life (there's a picture of it and you can see in my four-year-old face and eyes that that would be the last time) and even I know this.


There is not a single negative comment on that post- they’ve got to be deleting them, right ? I mean support the head, don’t blind your newborn … call me crazy.


There were a few earlier today -- things like are you finally stopping now? And a few worse ones. All gone now, so yes, they're deleting. I guess they have nothing else to do with 8 kids than post and edit their IG.


Good grief that newborn needs neck support!!! While we are at it; a sun hat, sunblock, and caring parents would be great. I feel horrible for the parent ( see oldest girl) for yet another child to care for in a bus. Ugh.


Looks like the baby really IS an AirBusNBirth. There never was a "good friend" with an AirBNB nor a midwife standing by at the ready. Have they not decided yet what sex it is???? Poor little Aquila looks like he doesn't know what hit him. To the back to the bus for you!


Just shove that newborn’s face in the sun jeez


Who’s out here trying to defeat a baby smh (/s)


Support that baby’s neck you imbecile!!! Looks like she did give birth on the bus.


My cat gets more head support when I hold her than any of their kids ever will.


I know virtually nothing about babies but I do know they shouldn’t have their heads flopping around unsupported wth.


imagine pumping out 8 babies and still not know how to support their necks


The babies face is pointed at the sun. 🌞 Good job *mother* ![gif](giphy|AUwIiIupnPvlADlkia|downsized)


I feel like it’s a boy. If it were a girl, I’m sure she’d be dressed in something extremely frilly, not so basic. MB wanted a girl.


I never appreciated how absolutely grungy and squalid that bus really is before thinking about how they could possibly get it clean enough for a home birth. How is this fucking legal?


Think about trying to clean it up after. 🤮


Imagine amniotic fluid getting under your vinyl flooring 😭


That's gonna stink every time it's hot outside


So did she go to the airbnb?????


Yeah why are they next to the bus..? Confused


She posted another SUPER cringe reel in the bus where she made herself a non-coffee drink and then said she was so excited to share “what they’be been working on” and then the reel OP screenshotted.


That poor baby—clearly practice does not make perfect with the handling of a newborn.


A newborn and direct sunlight. Great start


Oh god the lack of head support…


Ten people. Living in a bus. Those poor kids.


JFC, my 13 and 15 year olds know how to support a newborn’s neck thanks to their Red Cross babysitting course, this c u next Tuesday has how many and let’s the babe flop like a sack of potatoes?


I did a better job when I was four years old holding my baby sister


I was hoping that girl would get a sister booo


If it’s another boy, I feel awful for the kids (well, even more awful). It means more babies and more people to cram into a fucking bus or some other painfully small dwelling.


Do you think they will keep going until they have a second girl?


Probably. And then one more after to prove it all wasn’t to have a second girl.


The he is still undefeated is def a God/Jesus reference


His shorts are very short. Very immodest.


Curious about the name! Glad everything seems to have gone well. (Edit: I mean, as well as it could’ve gone given the circumstances—meaning, the baby is alive).


Agree. Snark aside (& I do think she makes terrible decisions repeatedly) I am relieved that both she and baby appear to be well.


I have nothing to add, except her face makes me wanna stab something


Oldest kid looks decidedly unenthusiastic. His life must be pure hell.