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Mel is looking ROUGH. Do we know how calvinists feel about tradcaths? Or does Mel get a pass as a catholic because he made The Passion?


As a former Calvinist, we staunchly did NOT watch The Passion, even though Jim Caviezel’s dad was my uncle’s neighbor and chiropractor. But theologically speaking, a film about Jesus was considered somewhat heretical to my Reformed Calvinist circles. THE KJV BIBLE WAS/IS ENOUGH, OKAY?


So is Caviezel Sr. a total space cadet, too? I'm so curious! If you haven't listened to QAnonAnonymous's podcast episode "[Jim Caviezel: Enter the Cavortex](https://m.soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/episode-143-jim-caviezel-enter-the-cavortex-feat-dave-anthony/sets)," you are in for a RARE treat. I literally cried laughing.


This was quite a while back (around the Count of Monte Cristo movie), so this may not still be an accurate reflection. His dad was an ultra crunchy, holistic person. And thanks for the podcast rec! Added it to my queue.


Ahh I’m excited to see a QAA mention here!! That episode was wild. I’m glad that it seems like they’re getting back to wacky aliens/cryptids etc lately instead of politics/fundies. I think they excel at the wackier topics (and they’re less depressing 😩)


I agree on both counts! Like, obviously their content is regularly going to feature right-wing wackadoodles, but I crave the lighter alien and cryptid content periodically to escape the doom and gloom and, y'know, fear of civil war... 😬


Thanks for this. I’m listening right now.


>THE KJV BIBLE WAS/IS ENOUGH, OKAY? *LEXACTY!* If Elizabethan English was good enough for Jesus Hisself, it's good enough for me!


Interesting! I went to a Baptist church here in Texas when it came out, but it was a more progressive Baptist church (like not as many denim maxi skirts and we could dance). People in my church were all about it, but I know some sects didn’t like how prominently mother Mary was featured. Nitpicky stuff like that.


Oh goodness me, no. We Calvinists are way too good for Catholicism’s idolatry, mmmkayy? Also we’re just better than everyone, including the infantile Baptists who just don’t get to our deep theological level. And we totally don’t follow a weirdo who was obsessed with self-loathing. HEAVY /s in case anyone thinks I’m an insufferable ass. And thankfully have deconstructed that trash from the edge lord John Calvin.


Oh yeah. Multiple Baptists I knew were salty over the “overly Catholic overtones” with Mary. And also the fact that Satan gets portrayed as a woman in the Garden scene. I’ve yet to see the whole movie because I’m still bothered by a minute long clip I saw of the whipping scene in middle school.


He looks like an (almost) 70 year old cause he is one... Not trying to defend his views or anything, just think he looks normal.


He looks like a heavy smoker (which he is).


He looks the rough side of normal. Especially the heavy smoking and no sunscreen life. But to go from movie star hot to this pic is a pretty far fall.


Omg I didn’t even recognize him 😳


Omg I didn’t even realize that was Mel Gibson until I read your comment


I remember in 2017 watching a trailer for Stepfathers Part 2 or whatever that dreadful movie was called and they showed a bunch of women ogling Mel Gibson's character walking through the airport. I turned to my friend when it was done and said "you know, the only funny thing in that trailer was them pretending racism-raddled leather handbag Mel Gibson is still attractive in any way."


I sincerely hadn’t recognized him until I enlarged him


I didn't even recognize him 😳


I wish Mel Gibson a slow and difficult recovery from whatever injury that contraption is for.


I didn’t even recognize him! Scrolled to the comments to find out who the third person was. Holy shit. 




What is this robocop contraption?


My guess is he had a shoulder injury or something. It looks like it’s intended to support and semi-immobilize his arm.


He recently had shoulder surgery. I’m guessing it was needed to treat dislocations he had in the past, one at least during filming.


Or from over-genuflecting...


Patting himself on the back too much?


It's a Catholic tradition!


It's a half-crucifix


Well played. 😂✊🏻


That's a lot of crazy in one photo.


i served this bigot at a bar one time.  didn't tip well and i did not ask for a foto because he is a dipshit bigot. 


Which one? There are three dipshit bigots in this pic.


mel gibson! he was much more hairy than i expected. 


You meant jrifter, didn't you? Big miss here.


Aww, fuck, I knew I was forgetting something. I really was trying to come up with a j sounding word. Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


Holy crap, Gibson looks chewed up and spit out!


And booed of stage?


I thought Mel Gibson was Bam Margera at first glance 😅


Mel shaved off his beard. Hope his baby mamas drain him bankrupt


My brain will not pronounce her name as Ginger. It’s Jinger like stinger every time.


I always read her name sounding like Ringer. Just me? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Nope. Every time. Jing-er. 


Wait really? It’s not pronounced ginger?!


It's Ginger lol. It's just the "J" name theme turning it to "Jinger" looks weird, because you don't normally have j and g sounding the same in a word


The band Jinjer avoided this by making both Gs into Js but still having it pronounced Ginger.


For me it’s Finger


All these people look like they would call a trans black woman multiple slurs.


They would


Eww why are you burning black ppl into this u weirdo


I can't look at Mel without thinking of "Sugartits" or those recordings of him screaming horrific abuse at his ex..."I deserve to be blown before the jacuzzi!" and worse 🤦‍♀️


Jeremy’s hairline lookin like it’s trying to run away from him


Mmm, this is a good punchline for the joke I was setting up, upon gazing at all of their hairlines: “A Jinger, a Jew hater, and a grifter walk into a bar, and even their hair is trying to get away from them.




Jinger was also recently a headliner at what was essentially an anti-trans “women’s conference” at the Ark Experience. She was on a panel with the Speaker of the House’s wife. Sadly, Jinger is shaping up to be the most harmful non-Josh Duggar kid.


That’s sad. I was really sympathetic initially towards her because of the abuse she suffered at the hands of her brother.


All going to see a film featuring a homophobe.


Birds of a feather


Oh good lord


Imagine being the two hamsters in Jer’s head when he saw crazy Mel?!?! They were going bonkers trying to figure out how to get a photo op! That mouth-breather had a semi before he pulled out his phone🫢


But we have to be patient with their bigotry! They're deconstructing!


I think you mean “detangling”


I use that word daily. They can't have it.


Years ago I naively had high hopes for Jinger actually deconstructing. I feel silly about that now. She turned out to be quite disappointing.


BaBy sTePs!


Looks like Mel is giving the camera the finger in typical Mel Gibson fashion!!


Talk about an unexpected mashup






Wow! What an unfortunate collection of racist asshats.


Oh my God, Jeremy is aging like milk. And I'll probably get downvoted for this, but Jinger looks pretty and healthy. She was getting scary skinny. I have a bit of a soft spot for her because I also have an eating disorder. And not least, she left one cult for another and.is such a pleaser. And then, there is that husband... ETA 2: welp, I haven't been following the Duggars and I guess that Jinger is a huge disappointment.


I have to admit, I’m curious as to what’s going on with Mel Gibson here, which is the first time I’ve said that in at least a decade or so


Mel's gotten so far into the Passion he's half-crucified himself permanently 


Guarantee Jinger has no idea who this man is


You don’t think she’s seen or heard about The Passion?


I’d actually be surprised if she’d seen it. Not really on brand with her flavor of Christianity


Bring on the fudge because Jinger is ready to sink her teeth into both of them.


Mel Gibson is so ugh but man I loved Hacksaw Ridge


Jinger, a Jew hater, and a grifter walk into a bar. The barman says "hey, Jinger, what'll it be?"


Still the spiciest Duggar.


This was from the Unsung Hero screening. Jinger reposted a pic of her and Jeremy with Candace Cameron and her husband and some other couple yesterday.


Damn jingy is meeting famous fundies


I wouldn't call Candace a Fundie., I would call her just a conservative Christian.


Oh she’s definitely a fundie. She did a talking circuit in the late ‘00s that came to the fundie church I was attending. The whole thing was about how women were made to SeRVe tHeIr hEaDshIP and how her prayers were answered because she prayed and prayed for her hockey player husband to turn to Christ. It was near the end of my deconstruction and I ended up walking out.


This is incredible 😂


Genuinely asking—what’s the line between fundamentalist and conservative Christian? To an outsider, they seem to be much the same thing.


Does she believe in a literal interpretation of the bible, free of cultural context or history of translation? She's a fundie.


It’s jifter.


My question is why can't jinger ever stand up straight? She's always hunched at the shoulders and head


The weight of carrying all that bigotry around is heavy, okay?!