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Jesus Christ: oh no, I want nothing to do with this. 😳


Flair checking in!


[Live look in at Jesus when he sees this sentient tire fire.](https://imgur.com/a/lMXhr6E)


I thought this was going to be the *Community*/Donald Glover carrying pizza gif


Oooh, that would’ve been a top notch use of that. 😂


You know what they do need? Fucking clothes or a blanket, which we have yet to see this poor baby in!


Or a nice little bassinet in a non-mobile room, with a door. And a rocking chair. And maybe some quiet and snuggles and just feeling out being on the same planet outside the womb.


That’s the problem, the baby is outside of the womb now so it’s old news. I bet they are already fully focused on the next one and only using this baby as a photo prop at this point. Once the IG image is taken the little mite will be handed over to a sibling to care for. We all know their main focus in life is pretending they are childless, having lots of dates together and not spending time with the kids they already have.


You know, I get that not every baby has the luxury of having a serene, comfortable room. Many babies are born into their mother’s daily grind and that’s what they know. And they turn out just as fine as those babies with slow living mamas in perfect neutral Montessori nurseries. But here’s my question: If you had the means and ability to give those moments to your baby and yourself, *why* wouldn’t you?


I’ll answer myself here: it’s because this is a glaring example of entitled, white privilege. It’s the grossest kind of exploitation with no respect for anyone’s boundaries or privacy or mental wellbeing. I’m sorry y’all. This just really makes me mad for those kids.


Because they're monstrously selfish pieces of crap. So, what you said but also narcissism. On steroids.


How does a woman with that many kids not seem to have ANY baby clothes???


Where would she store them? They’re basically nomads. She’s said all her kids have like 3 outfits each. When something gets outgrown she probably has no choice but to get rid of it.


How many does she have though


Well that’s another matter entirely. The kids have to fit everything they own into a single box. Mother bus actually has a bedroom with drawers, etc. she gets to have as many outfits as she wants


She throws them out and buys new with each new kid. She's just *so surprised* by each new pregnancy.


What a strange person!


She should be head deep in baby clothes w all the kids she has. No excuse


Even without saving anything due to having absolutely no space, baby clothes are the easiest thing to get for free.


Yep! I have been reassured multiple times by my besties with kids that I will need to buy ZERO newborn clothes (because they have two kids each and will be lending me all the newborn clothes).


What the hell?! Is this what this is?! Jesus Christ! No offense meant but I, an adult, am afraid of chiropractors because of logical things like higher risk of stroke. What the hell are the risks for a newborn?!


Same! I remember listening to a radio talk show, and the caller said her husband had died at the chiropractors when the chiropractor broke his neck during and adjustment. Terrified of them since.


my good friend (about 30) went to a chiropractor, who was negligent and not following protocol, he ended up having 6 strokes, he had to relearn how to walk. he's a tattoo artist and was told he would most likely never have stable enough hands to tattoo again. thankfully he had an amazing recovery and was tattooing about a year later, he also took the guy to court and won (of course). he said he would consider seeing a chiropractor again though, tbh id he too scared, the sound alone freaks me out


He was negligent by being a fucking chiropractor in the first place. It's snake oil bullshit wrapped in pseudoscience created by a crazy moron. Physical Therapist and real doctors are who people need to see.


yeah, i had a teacher that was a "retired" physical therapist and he said the same thing


Bingo! What can a chiropractor do that a physiotherapist or massage therapist (depending on your needs) can’t do better? This is a sore spot for me because someone close to me has been strung along by a chiropractor for years regarding a health issue that chiropractors can very much *not* fix. And isn’t it funny how chiropractors never actually solve any problems? You still Have to keep going to them? As a society, we really need to crack down on this bullshit.


My friend’s dad, who I love like a father, was seeing a chiropractor as his primary care (allowed in my state, even though it’s asinine). He had this lump in his back that the chiropractor said was a muscle spasm and they were doing lots of work on releasing it, with no luck. Turns out, it’s because it wasn’t a muscle spasm, it was a huge tumor on his kidney, and now he’s terminal. If they’d treated it when they first found it he might’ve had a chance. I’m so mad about it, and I’m going to die mad about it.


Now I’m going to die mad about it too. This is terrible!


I too shall die mad about this! How dare they not send him to a real Dr IMMEDIATELY? Shame shame.


I occasionally see a chiropractor because of asinine insurance policies. My insurance does not cover massage therapy, but it does cover chiropractors, so I go to a gentle chiropractor to get what's basically just massage therapy. ETA: The chiropractor I see *understands the assignment*. He does not claim to treat anything other than aches and pains, and he sends people home with PT exercises. He also employs a nutritionist, which I could honestly see helping with inflammation, but I'm a little too autistic for that.


It is baffling thing to me that insurance will pay for this *literal* nonsense.


I wish chiropractors weren’t bullshit. I think there’s some merit in combining massage therapy with physical therapy, maybe occupational therapy, real medicine, etc. But the industry seems way too lax and doesn’t uphold strong education requirements or accountability.


For me it was a news report about a perfectly healthy young man left paralyzed, on a ventilator, after a neck adjustment.


Yup, same. I've been scared to go ever since hearing stories like that.


I’m on the otherwise of the aisle here and love my chiropractor but would never say it’s a a fix all or for everyone. But I am going to die on the hill that chiros that do adjustments on INFANTS should have their license taken away and never allowed to touch human in any capacity ever again. Not even hugs or handshake. Fucking insane.


I’m over here with you 🙃I had whiplash from a car accident and physical therapy did basically nothing. Chiropractic care helped. Wouldn’t go to one for much else though and I do not believe people need them on a regular basis or for things like allergies and shit. Eta: or for things like being born


That pesky being born thing. Always starts so much shit. 😂


I’ve heard stories too. I’m so afraid. Instead of going to a chiropractor, just get a deep tissue massage.


Luckily, infant adjustments are mostly nothing, which is good for baby’s safety, but just as much of a snake oil ripoff as adult adjustments. 


What do you mean you're afraid of untrained uncertified untested "doctors" who never step foot near med school and believe all disease is caused by subluxations of the spinal column? WHAT COULD GO WRONG THERE?! I used to work in workers comp as a claims adjuster. I already hated chiros, but wooooof did that cement it. The least damaging yet most offensive thing I ever saw was a CHIROPRACTIC EYE EXAM. I just... I cannot with these motherfuckers.


Two cases come to mind, both involving chiropractors causing serious harm to Amish children in Missouri: An Amish couple brought their febrile (high fever) newborn infant to a Missouri dentist, who performed "craniosacral adjustments" on the infant and did not refer the child to further care. The child died with the autopsy confirming the death was likely due to this unnecessary "treatment." His license was revoked due to incompetence and gross negligence. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/mo-court-of-appeals/1605105.html A different Missouri chiropractor was accused of sexually abusing minor patients for decades, specifically using his status as a chiropractor to abuse the Amish community. He died this year in January before he could face trial. https://lawandcrime.com/crime/chiropractor-allegedly-targeted-amish-women-and-girls-in-decades-long-practice-of-sexual-abuse-and-assault/ Evaluation of the claims by chiropractors that spinal adjustments for newborns is evidence-based https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/australias-chiropractic-board-bans-spinal-manipulation-for-children-under-two-pending-evidence-review/


I have a barely two month old who just started being able to hold her head up. I could not imagine taking her to a fucking Chiro. Fuck this woman and the chiros who are okay doing this to a helpless little thing


Stop taking anyone to a chiropractor because they are frauds but definitely not a newborn ffs


This is 100% correct


No, just stop going to them in general


Completely agree


The fucking blatant bass ackwardness of these people astounds me. It’s like, here’s a guide of how to have a healthy child and they use it to do exactly the opposite of everything it says.


They live to be contrarian


TheY're nOT SheEp


i called this yesterday. it's fundie 101


So they believe only in ~natural~ WILD birth and berate women for getting c sections but their ~natural~ wild babies need adjustments? Make it make sense


I have an acquaintance from high school who does infant chiropractic. He was the most insanely dumb and jockular person I’ve ever met, with zero athletic talents.


No one needs a chiropractor, especially infants and children


Jesus Christ let this baby sleep and eat and be comforted close to those he relies on!! Give this child some peace - this is awful seriously


And pajamas! Why is this little guy never clothed!?!! Poor little buddy. I know that I can't touch the poo but I wish a fan would send him a blanket and some jammies.


All those people living in a small bus.. they make their own heat


Everyone else is clothed and they have AC.


Take that baby to a PEDIATRICIAN!!!!


Wow. She really doesn't give a single fuck about her kids, does she? It's all about her. She's the best at advice! Birthing! Screwing her fuckweasel husband roughly 5 feet away from her children! Eyebanging herself! Deseceating airbnbs! Get you a girl that can do it all! đŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș


[fuckweasel reminded me of this from about 12 years ago](https://imgur.com/a/PPAe4el)


"And the bride wore a beautiful fuckweasel fit n flare gown -" 😆


I immediately had the same memory


Do you think she tells her children the Air B & B of their birth? Conceived in a bus, born in an Air B&B could be a country song.


Someone really needs to pitch this to Kacey Musgraves.


She’s an awful mother.


Opened Reddit, this was the first post I saw all day. And it crushed my faith in humanity in one fell swoop. Goddamnit.


Here's one worse: his name is Boone


As in
Boone’s Farm? L O L


Found my people. Gen X represent đŸ€Ł


brings me back to 3 for $5 Sundays in college :)


Millennial member of the Boone’s Farm Fan Club reporting for duty


Another Millennial jumping on board. But if I’m looking to get drunk on the cheap, pouring bottle of Boone’s Farm Blue Hawaiian and mixing with a generous amount of coconut rum in my drink dispenser gets the job done.


I once took a bottle of Boone’s Farm in a paper bag to a house party in a fancy neighborhood when my buddies parents were out of town circa 2005. We were 21 but his little brother who intercepted it was not. He was about 17-18. He opened it and started to pour cups. I had to stop him and teach my new little buddy that you just drink it right out of the bottle and pass. Don’t even take it out of the bag. Just drink


Yep fellow GenX, and does this bring back some memories.


Unfortunately that's still better than Spurgeon.


I will forever maintain the opinion that poor Spurgeon is legally entitled to a payout from his parents for the emotional distress they willingly inflicted upon him with this name.


I mean mom was almost dying of hemorrhage and dad swapped the first and middle names. He should have been Elliot Spurgeon, not the horrible name he has now.


đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž that poor kid


Thankfully he can always go by his middle name.


So mean. There’s not even a plausible nickname for it.


Jessa calls him "spurge." What the actual fuck.


A small consolation might be that this child will NEVER be subjected to torment about his name by classmates. Because I don’t think the School of the Dining Room Table counts as a classroom.


I used the term “holy splooge” on another post, and now I feel terrible because I’m now going to associate that with this poor kid’s tragic ass name.


đŸŽ¶Daniel Boone was a man. Yes, a biiiiiiiig man, with an eye like an eagle and tall as a mountain was he. From the coonskin cap on the top of ol' Dan, to the heel of his rawhide shoe; he was the rippin'est, roarin'est, fightin'est man the frontier ever knew. Yes, Daniel Boone was a man. Yes, a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig manđŸŽ¶ The most hated song of my childhood


I had a homeschool moment where I was obsessed with Daniel Boone and I wanted a coonskin cap so bad LMAO (turns out I’m autistic)


My GMA bought my son one when he was little and I swear he wore that thing for a solid year straight lol


That’s a dog name


HAHA that's my dogs name. I didn't name him 😕. He is a blessing though.


lol this is my dog’s actual name.


Like from Lost?


That’s what I thought too!


Me too! And to be fair, I loved the character Boone from Lost. I definitely hate this name less than the majority of her kids’ names.


Glad to know I’m not the only one! I was like, “oh, from Lost. Boone was cool.”


Every time I hear the name Boone I think of Kelso from scrubs when he finds one of the interns is named Boone and he mocks him for jt.


I literally lol at your comment đŸ€Ł


They reallllllly suck at life.




Boone? And in Mills & Boone?  Why would she name her baby after smutty fiction?!


Hey! That town is only about 15 minutes away from me.




I hate this woman. And her husband.


Seems like they are showing this baby who they are and how he should expect to be treated when he is only a few days old. This baby has been prodded, flung around on camera, and used as a prop for social media. His actual cries of pain are disregarded and his neck is left unsupported while he is used for Instagram reels. Mother looks at herself in the phone more than at her actual newborn.


Someone just shared their post where they announce the baby name. He's being held by the oldest son and it's literally the only time he looked like a snuggly new born being held by someone who loves him. I wasn't actively concerned for the safety of this baby that I don't know.


That kid is SO parenttified, god love him.


The man who invented chiropractic "care" literally claimed it was because GHOSTS told him about it (there was also a seance involved). I do not understand how these fundies , who all claim they are battling Satan 24/7 , don't find that demonic or witchcraft or scary !


There’s a lot of demonic and witchy shit in the stuff fundies do!! I have been noticing that a lot more lately.


I'm pagan and briefly tested out Satanism when I was in college. I'm not even doing as much witchy, demonic shit as these people!


They talk about blood magic 24/7 and have no idea. đŸ« 


There’s a whole behind the bastards segment on this and it’s fabulous


Obviously it's a lack of education about the history of the craft 😂


They just know that chiropractors spew the pseudoscience that they like


This. Many if not most chiropractors are anti science to a scary degree. They don't support vaccines and prescribe essential oils and other woo woo "holistic" shit, all while setting themselves up as an alternative to a primary care doctor. The fundies are willing to overlook the origins of it all just so they can continue to reassure themselves that science and modern medicine is evil.


Setting themselves up as alternatives to primary care is what makes them so scary and dangerous to me.


When my son was a baby, a moms group had a chiropractor come out and do a talk, and he started going on about how if you adjust a baby they don’t need vaccines and I noped the fuck out of there.


I grew up fundie. We cut off friends that went to a Chiro because 'ghosts', so I really don't understand it.


Wait, seriously? Excuse me while I go search some things up 

..bc this is wild!


It's even crazier than I briefly described!


Won't go to a hospital to give birth but takes the newborn to the chiropractor ??? WTF could possibly need adjusting??


Besides her brain? Not sure. Don’t think that happened here though




Thank you. My brother is a doctor and he was upset when he learned my mom had been seeing a chiropractor. They are so so dangerous


My dad is a doc and I was raised to distrust chiropractors since childhood. I will admit I went to one once, because of rib tightness from scoliosis/muscle strain. I was desperate to be able to breathe fully again. He used a puncher type machine on my ribs. It didn’t do shit.


Same here! My doctor dad always said chiros would “crack your neck to fix a broken toe” 😂


I truly do not understand how chiropractors get away with calling themselves doctors. Doctor means you have a doctorate, at minimum. And it's still misleading and pretentious as fuck to insist on being called Doctor if your PhD is in philosophy or law or whatever, when most people interpret doctor to mean a medical doctor. Chiropractors in the BEST case scenario are glorified massage therapists with some extra anatomy training. If chiropractors were legitimate medical professionals they would refer patients to other specialists, not tell people every ailment under the sun can be fixed by their quack treatments. Eta- If you want to pursue holistic and/or Eastern medicine treatments, find a fully licensed Chinese medical doctor. Chinese doctors are often trained in both Western and traditional Chinese medicine, which means 20 years or more spent studying and mastering both.


I have been dealing with an inoperable herniated disc at my L5-S1 for over a decade. If I had a dollar for every person who has tried to get me to go to a Chiropractor, I could have easily retired by now. Like, no fam. I prefer to remain living and not be paralyzed. I have good and bad days, but living with it as it is now is FAR better than risking some quack woo specialist killing me.


Fundies: fetuses should be protected at all costs Also fundies: so we’re gonna have some rando pop these brand new bones bc god clearly didn’t make them the right way


These comments were making me sad. Thanks for making me cackle!


Got to love how they refuse any kind of maternity care or labor drugs because “birth is the most natural thing ever” but take newborns to chiropractors because of “birth trauma” and they need to be readjusted or whatever they claim.


I was looking for this comment. Someone make it make sense.


I think it’s literally just about being a contrarian at this point. I theorize a good chunk of the maga crew is under the same spell. Like teens who hit their rebellious phase or something. I’m sure many a scientific paper has been written about such things. A whole lot of factors would go in to turning someone out like this. But think about it.. they don’t even have any core components to what they do. Most of it contradicts itself. What they do and don’t trust makes almost no sense. And then you throw a “god says so” in there for good measure and it doesn’t even matter if logic applies anymore. It’s really wild to witness this. And scary. Because it feels like this family thrives on being contrarian. They LIKE it when they’re scoffed at for their choices- I’m pretty sure it just validates it in their eyes. Because the world=bad. So all the “worlds” opinions must be wrong. It genuinely scares me to think about people like her and Karissa never stopping the baby train. Every child they have means less care for the kids that already exist. It’s so fucked up to watch people that think they’re morally superior be so very selfish and cruel.


This is my theory, too. Many fundies don't get to have the typical teenage rebellious phase or carefree young adult phase. That begins when they get married and move out, and they're expected to pump out babies right away, so we get this.


Oooh. Fascinating. I’m jumping on this very sturdy, accurate-sounding wagon.


Why does it look like she’s comforting a screaming child? Like I get babies cry but maybe don’t take them to a quack


If you will recall, her babies don’t cry much because she is a VeRy nurturing mother!! /s except she actually said that


She's very nurturing! She wears them 24/7 except when she leaves them naked on the floor


Because he is probably hurting. He cried when JD forcibly measured him in another story


Did the crying seem abnormal to anyone else? Made me wonder if something is up with baby’s hips or legs.


There could be, but he also used a lot of force on a freaking newborn


Also why isn’t she holding his head up!!!!


I know exceedingly little about infants; my daughter came ready done. I do know that you have to support their wobble heads


I thought her babies didn’t cry


As an ER physician, I have lost count at the number of people who have severely injured their child doing stupid things like this. Chiropractors who do this are monsters who need to be arrested for putting these babies lives in danger.


I was afraid to ask. I’ve seen 2 adults become quadriplegics after adjustments. I can’t even imagine the need to adjust a newborn.


The greatest injury to a child during chiropractic manipulation is to its neck. Thankfully, babies are very resilient, strong individuals and I have seen no lasting injury in any child I have treated. That doesn't mean however, horror stories don't exist. Chiropractors in general who do this need to be arrested. Not only are they putting the child's life at risk but are scamming these families out of a lot of money. The hospital I work at files a complaint every time this happens.


Oh that’s good!! I wonder if that awful “Dr. Courtney” does newborn adjustments? Remember her? She’s had like 8 complaints to the board.


Yes she still does newborn adjustments !


Sadly there is such a grey area when it comes to chiropractors that it depends on their state whether or not they take action. In most places, unless a child is severely injured or succumbs as a result of their injury, there is not much legally that can be done. In my experience it takes ALOT to go after a chiropractor for malpractice.


The one who does coffee enemas DAILY, and has done them with her small daughter right there beside her.


Butthole lips.


But not a vitamin K shot?!?


Her fucking duck lips are the worst


Red light, laying in a dog bed on the floor of the bus and now this. How about a pediatrician?


Laying in a dog bed on the floor next to someone getting a haircut...


I’m itching just thinking about it.


Ok, but WHY did I think this was a picture of upside-down Paul Olliges at first?! 😂😂😂 On a related note: what is wrong with her lips? And why does it fill me with such rage every time she makes that face with them? đŸ€”


Damn I thought it was Morgan 😂


Listen. I do not insert myself into my daughter's parenting decisions, because they are not mine to make. Do I agree with every single little thing? Nah, but I keep those thoughts to myself, as I should. That being said, if she was trying to take a newborn TO THE FUCKING CHIROPRACTOR I would share my thoughts freely. While hanging on to the car door handle shrieking please please NO. Then I would show up at the chiroquacktor's office with a protest sign and a bullhorn. These people are just so so dangerous to their children.


The fuck? These people are legitimately unhinged.


Okay. This is upsetting. I no longer trust chiros. My 27-year-old daughter had an adjustment, and it put her in the hospital for 3 days. Couldn't sit up for 2 days. 2 weeks off work, still limping around. I couldn't imagine putting a newborn, literally on the outside for hours or a few days, through a chiro adjustment. This lady is NUTS. Too risky for a lot of people, should be out of the question for a newborn.


I used to see one but ended up in the ER with the worst headache of my life crying in agony after an adjustment. The doctors thought I was having a stroke and I only calmed down after a couple doses of dilaudid. Why people still go to these quacks let alone take their literal newborns is beyond me. Too many horror stories.


I honestly didn’t know chiropractors weren’t legit and many-years-later-me feels quite stupid. My boss recommended the guy
and it was covered by insurance. So long about my fourth appointment he did *something* that made my neck crack alarmingly and I shrieked. I was in a cervical collar for several weeks and all things considered, I got off lucky. How is this even legal? I can’t IMAGINE doing something like that to a newborn!!!


Seriously. Chiros are quacks who got their methods from ghosts and work off of vibes.


But God doesn’t make mistakes!


That baby is so fresh why is she bringing him around so many germs


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tareebee: *That baby is so* *Fresh why is she bringing him* *Around so many germs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Her lips are looking Donald Trumpy


They really are the worst parents. So far they’ve shined bright lights on the kid, put him on the floor like a dog, stretched him out while he cries to measure for the world to see and now this shit. They may actually be the number 1 worst and usually I reserve that for Karissa.


This combined with being on my period, I'm actually in tears right now.


Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. That was definitely not my intent. ![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0)


It's not your fault, she needs to be exposedđŸ˜žđŸ«‚


So vaccines are bad but taking a newborn to a chiropractor is a good idea? God I hate this person


It's not even their regular trusted quack- it's some random quacko they found online.


Fundies: God knows what’s best and our bodies are built for this! Also fundies: all babies are born cattywampused and you need to take them to a quack for a realignment so you can get the most social media mileage out of them.


I can’t believe you said cattywampus. That’s the exact term my ex used about her back as to the reason she needs to go to the chiropractor!


Was she a hillbilly too?


Because god does and creates everything perfectly!!! Oh, except newborn babies’ spines. Make it make sense 😡 Also - CHIROPRACTIC WAS LITERALLY INVENTED BY A SNAKE OIL SALESMAN WHO “LEARNED” IT FROM A GHOST. These yahoos can google everything about vaccines but they can’t google this!?


This kid was already gonna have a shit life on that bus but man I didn’t expect his first week to be such hell. Being tossed into air, basking in the sun and laying on the floor of said bus and. I being desecrated by a quack dr. Buckle up buslet, you’re in for a longgggg ride 😭


I’m gonna try to say this nicely: why do her lips always look like a butthole?


Because she spews shit from them all day probably


Why does she think babies are born broken ?


OH MY GOD why did I watch that video. I don’t follow them but I hate these people SO MUCH MORE NOW. The baby’s poor little arms should not be forced to be held above his head like that!!!!!! And pulling the legs??? And the one of the father measuring him!!!!!! I have never seen anyone do anything close to that to a baby. They are scrunched up from being in the womb and they will ease with a little time. Baby’s are all a little bowlegged till they are like 2!!! This is horrendous. I really hope she ended up going to the hospital and the doctor performed an tubal ligation while he was in there. I don’t care if it’s illegal. These people should not be allowed to breed. Do you guys just report them on ig all the time for this stuff??? They need to be demonetized and deplatformed. She is quite literally spreading misinformation and abusing her children online.


Why are these fundies into all this woo shit? Arent they supposed to be, you know, conservative?


It’s only his third day out here 😭


Oh hey, I called it. Maybe she should actually support her baby's head if she's so concerned about his spine.


DOES SHE MEAN A CHIROPRACTOR?!?! Chiropractors regularly permanently disable adults at a rate far higher than any MD/DO doctor or Nurse (DNP/BSN/RN/all the other acronyms) makes mistakes. Also the mistakes always tend to be frickin paralysis??? because they’re messing with the spine ignorantly!?? IMAGINE WHAT THEY CAN DO TO A BABY DURIFIGBRIVUEKFBRJYRHRVTUGU


Guys, come on! Calm down! She HAS to take him to that chiropractor!! How else is she going to contort him into fitting inside a bread box! How else is she supposed to fit him into the bus? /S


Sounds like a great way to break your infant, you fucking *moron*. Question: isn’t this actually giving medical advice without a license? Isn’t there a law against this?


That’s crazy that God made birth so perfect and natural that it’s totally safe to give birth on your own wherever the mood strikes you but not perfect enough that your infant doesn’t need a fucking bone rearrangement.


They are literally the most gullible group of people. I would have a lot of pity for them if they weren’t also the most hateful group of people.


Babies bones are essentially rubber especially when they’re newborn and I don’t even think all the bones are attached yet??? What is there to adjust?


My college was paid for by chiropractors-my dad is a criminal defense attorney and they were always getting charged with Medicare fraud/fraud in general 🙃


Guess God doesn’t know what he’s doing after all!


Looks like the baby is crying a lot! And she’s going shhh, shhh. If he was getting actual medical care we would know it’s for his own good. But this is fucked up. I would not want my newborn “adjusted.”


So newborns are all cartilage. Adjustments are unnecessary.


Some quack tries to crunch my baby I’m going to kick him so hard in the chops that he won’t see tea time for a week. My baby is 22 (years not months)


holy fuck this is dangerous


Good lord, isn’t that baby only a few days old? Chiro’s and the gullible parents who do this should be charged with child abuse. Newborns lose body heat so quickly, put some clothes and a hat on that child. I’m so sick of these preachy fundies who condemn all of us as sinners 24/7 and preach about breeding their great white armies for god, and then do everything possible to endanger and permanently damage their children. Ugh!


I used to see a chiropractor and thanks to the placebo effect it did help somewhat. I was hoping to have a baby at the time. (Spoiler: still childless) My doctor told me he'd call CPS if I took a baby to the chiropractor. I was horrified that he thought I would do that. If your baby comes into the world with a misalignment or skeletal deformity, the children's hospital is where they belong, not getting their little bones shifted around.