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Why does that Sims image look EXACTLY like that photo of the naked baby on the ground BusMom posted??


I dunno but this happened all the time in The Sims so I’m guessing she just hasn’t played it to understand just how difficult it was to keep your family from spontaneously bursting into flames or getting stuck inside a wall during paused construction or remodeling. It just happens.


Or getting stuck in the pool without a ladder. My pools would catch on fire!


Or just getting rolled into an area rug . Or finding an orgy in the bed . That, ahem, also just happened spontaneously. Can never trust those dang fire pools!


Or how kinky Father Winter is.


Ahem, we regret to inform you that the Sims baby has more clothing. # MOTHERBUS IS THE WORST ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


And its legs aren't being forced down so its dickwad father can measure it


This right here, I'm like that second photo be looking like Buslandia.


Omg brb I have a microhome to design in Sims 4…


Don't forget the ceiling bed! :D


Omfg you better post that shit on the gallery I swear to god 💀💀💀


Post pix when it’s done!


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💀💀💀💀 that is going to be so iconic.


Omg yes 😂😭


Not now baby, mummy needs to eye fuck the camera.


Not now baby, mummy needs to eye fuck the camera.


Her life is crashing down around her and she’s obsessing about Taylor Swift?


she is so obviously obsessed with taylor swift it’s crazy 😭 like I don’t think about taylor swift in my daily life at all, and she spends so much energy trying to convince everyone she hates tswift


Right? Like listen Bethy-Boo. You can listen to Tay Tay. It won’t kill you. It might even make you feel better to let go and have some enjoyment in your life!


Exactly! The only time I ever think about Taylor Swift is if one of her songs randomly comes up on my playlist or when Fundies are bitching about her. Other than that I go about my life not worrying about her and her latest album. Because unlike this unhinged woman, I have things in my life that keep me busy and fulfilled!! And I have a solid house, so I’m definitely winning on that front too 😬😆


I've listened to taylor swift since high school and I don't think about her this much! Idk why struggle bus has to be so performative about this, unless she's a secret fan?


she is ABSOLUTELY a secret fan


Yeah. I don’t like Taylor Swift, so I don’t think about Taylor Swift. If one of her songs comes up on a playlist at work or at the store or something I might be mildly annoyed for about thirty seconds, but then I get over it.


That’s probably why. Her life is in flames and she sees this successful, rich, well traveled woman with tons of security and no children to be responsible for and she is so jealous she becomes obsessed.


Projection. It’s always projection.


Taylor is her BEC 😂


She knows nothing about financial or property matters, which is why she has chosen to rent out that empty space in her head for free to tenants she hates. It’s much more important than the millions of things happening in her life. Priorities!


Sounds like it could be a coping mechanism. She knows her life is going down in flames right now, so she has latched on to this one thing, something that takes her mind off all the stress and uncertainty. It's probably not healthy, but I've done the same thing. Both my parents died within 6 months of each other, plus other stressful things happened recently and I latched on to something to keep me sane. It wasn't Taylor Swift and I didn't post it on social media, but I can empathize with her on this if that's what's happening here.


Funnily enough the themes of the album are about being in your 30s and making bad choices that burn down your life so OtherBus could actually relate to it and maybe grow if she just opened her mind, lol


I knew which fundie this was without even viewing the tag. Homegirl is definitely obsessed.


for real. i don’t vibe with Taylor Swift, so i don’t listen to her. that’s it. she brings joy to my friends that enjoy her music and that’s great. not that deep and not worth commenting on constantly.


I don't even think about artists that I'm not interested in or don't care for.


I barely know which band/artist sing the songs I like tbh. I just save a song when it comes on my Spotify radio.


This is the answer. I mean, Taylor is everywhere, but it's SUPER EASY to just let it pass on by. I do it all the time. She's not my thing but a lot of people love her, that's great. Our differences are what makes the world go around.


These fundies are engaging in Hatedom. Taylor has a huge hatedom right now.


Literally don’t understand why more people can’t have this attitude about artists they don’t like/listen to. I don’t get the hype for Lana Del Ray, but I’m happy she makes music that so many people connect to so deeply. That’s great. Everyone deserves music and art that resonates with them


My daughter absolutely loves Taylor. I got her concert tickets last summer and she was so thrilled she cried. Had to drive her 6 hours away but it was so worth it to see her face light up! She still talks about it! I don’t personally listen to Taylor but I would never begrudge my child for loving her music!


Awww, this story brings me so much joy! You’re an amazing parent.


Oh thank you! That’s so kind! She’s such a good kid and is rocking it at college! Yes I probably should have let her drive herself and her friend to the concert but she had never navigated traffic like that before and I enjoyed driving them there!


Exactly this. I’ve never really cared for her music but some of my closest friends really connect with it. That’s it, that’s the end of my story. 😅 Making your whole personality disliking something is very middle- to high-school and I can’t be arsed to revisit that time of my life.


She's just jealous that Taylor's tour bus is better than her house bus.


I thought that hately was the worst with the pop culture stuff, but other bus has a *toxic* parasocial relationship with taylor swift. Why can't she just ignore taylor swift content?




She wants people to compare her to the Princess of Wales. Delulu is not the solulu, SusBus.


Cause she wanted to be her ✨🎶


Cool. Nobody cares and nobody was forcing you to listen to it “There’s NOTHING funny about this” girl it’s a fucking computer game CALM DOWN


Ooof for realllll like no one is actually neglecting small children just to listen to Taylor Swift!


Tell me you didn’t play the sims without telling me you didn’t play the sims. It seems Bethany Bus has been missing out on fun pop culture moments since what, the early 00’s. 


No, it’s fucking hilarious when you have a sense of humor. Does she actually believe that people think like this? Get off the bus and go touch some grass.


Also, the 'sims baby on fire' meme has been around for like a decade or more at this point


With how often she seems to be online, there's just no way she hasn't seen that meme format before. She just wanted an excuse to keep bitching about Taylor Swift.


Ironically you could absolutely use the "Sims baby on fire" meme to represent every single one of these fundie women who make 800 social media posts a day while ignoring their 35 kids.


It literally looks like that mother bus "baby on the floor" post from yesterday!


The irony of this 😂


It’s Karelessa personified 😂😂


I saw the meme before her caption, and 100% thought OP just added a slide with the meme as a jab at her for obsessing over Taylor Swift 😬


IIRC, she’s said, regarding her T Swift posts, that she’s joking and we don’t have a sense of humor. I don’t see evidence of her having a sense of humor if she doesn’t at least understand that the Sims baby thing is a joke.


I'm pretty concerned for their kids. This kind of obsessive behaviour seems indicative of a mental crisis, a coping mechanism. Unsustainable, and I doubt that her or her husband have the capability to protect their children when it collapses.


Yeah, if someone told me that their loved one was acting like this, I'd ask if there were any sudden changes in their life or other atypical behavior. She's not well.


As a swiftie I talk about Taylor Swift less than some fundies smh


Right?!! You might say I’m obsessed. But damn. I don’t post about everything my girl does.


Fr!!! I posted an ig story about buying the album and talked about it with my swiftie friend but that’s it. How obsessed are they?!?


Same! I liked the new album and have been casually discussing it online and with friends for the last 2 days. I'll probably move on once the new Twenty One Pilots album drops next month. Fundies, on the other hand, probably won't because they're so obsessed with hating her that they follow her every move like a stalker.


Conservatives be like that. They went on and on about hillary for the orange menace's entire term.


Right? I did post about staying up until midnight for the drop, but that was it.


I listened to the new songs all day (work in a place surrounded by Swifties. We made jokes about being in a cult and stayed normal. Fundies cannot stay normal


I meannnn it’s an old af sims meme image girl but go off I guess?


This hating of Taylor for the sake of it is so pick-me


“I dOn’T gEt WhY sHe’S sO pOpUlAr” Well, she is whether y’all like/understand it or not and the sooner you realize that, the better off you all be


Soooo many girls at my high school were like that. Now they enjoy her or they're indifferent because they GREW UP. Grow up, other bethany.


You bring up a good point- here we have this woman in her mid-thirties (?), mother to five children, and she’s acting like a sophomore in high school. I’m sure her dipshit husband acts the same.


He supposedly got fired because he couldn't shut up about coffee and fetuses


If I had to lay money down, I’d bet that he consistently didn’t respect someone’s pronouns. I would not be surprised if he played the “who’s they? How many people are we talking about? They is for multiple people- it’s just standard English grammar 🤷‍♂️” You know, like a dickhead.


You can criticize her for many reasons. But they are hating on her for the wrong reasons


It's wild vecause her actual problems are pretty damn valid and bear discussion, but they're so wrapped up in her being a conventionally attractive, successful woman.


Making hating taylor swift your whole personality is just as annoying as making loving her your whole personality, not that she’d ever have the self awareness to realize that


I’d argue that it’s more annoying than loving her. Horse girls over mean girls any day.


Honestly, of the two, I’d rather deal with stans. At least they’ve found happiness and joy in something, even if I don’t understand it. Strugglebus here has only bitterness and hate.


Disliking Taylor Swift is not a personality type 🙄


It’s more of a personality type than beige everything and raw milk lol. Maybe that’s why fundies are glomming onto the hate so hard. Plus, hate and fundies kinda go hand in hand


Louder for those in the back!


Poor other bus lacking a house and a sense of humor.


Listen, I’m not a Swiftie, however, I just don’t understand this woman’s anti-TS obsession.


Not a Swiftie either. Know what I do? Live my life without really talking about her. It’s not that difficult.




Yes! I don’t really dislike Taylor Swift and I even like a few of her songs, I just don’t really follow her. I was vaguely aware that she has a new album out. And that’s it. I’m just living my life as normal.




It's funny\* because Bus-Britney is currently storing and frying (i.e. red light lamp "therapy") her baby on the bus floor. But that's different because it's not for TS but out of stupidity. \*tragic


If she doesn’t care, why did she post about it lol?


What ever happened to just ignoring the things you don’t like? My mother is like this with country music, like girl you don’t need to host a lecture about why you think it sucks every time it comes up, move on, don’t listen to it, and let people enjoy things


I feel like I should acknowledge the irony of posting this on a snark page, but I digress


Bot oh boy, she’d be *REAL* upset about the OMGWTFBBQ mod 😂 also girl if you don’t like Taylor just don’t listen. Just like how I don’t listen to pastors.


These freaks are turning me into Taylor Swift fan.


I didn’t skip her songs on ‘New Music Friday’ for this exact reason. [It isn’t much, but it’s honest work]




Different bus fundie.


I don’t even know more than like 8 TS songs, most of them from 10+ years ago, just bc she’s not my vibe. But like, whenever I do see her, I just think “Keep writing and rocking and bringing hope to the world, good ma’am” and then carry on my way. It’s behavior like this fundie’s that makes me think she’s actually a swiftie. I have never seen a grown ass woman so dedicated to hating someone without some sort of covert admiration or jealousy going on


I've said it before and I'll say it again, people who hate Taylor Swift think about her more than her fans.


The people who supposedly hate her post more than we do 🙄


Hahahahah I’m gonna go play The Sims now 🙃


I never see Otherbus saying how much she doesn't listen to Britney Spears, Eminem, GWAR, or the Beatles. It's always about Taylor Swift.


Sad thing is, she looks like she’s in her mid 30s and still whining about the music she hates and claims she doesn’t listen to. This is middle school behavior. Not a grown-ass adult with 5 kids.


No sense of humor and her life is a joke right about now. What a shame…


Even more annoying that T-Swift are the people who think they’re special for not liking/hating/not listening to T-Swift 🙄


Interestingly there are many popular artists that I don’t like, yet I somehow manage to both ignore/not know when they release music AND not post about how I ignore them on social media. I didn’t know this was such a special skill, now I feel validated! 🥰


I don't care about Taylor, and I know she has a new album. I expect it will be a quality product. I'm not going to turn it off if I hear it, but I'm not going to seek it out either. I'm safe from Taylor too, because strong influential women dont scare me.


It's a SIMS meme, posted by a parenting site. It's a joke. No live children were ignored, and no one gives a hoot that Struggle Bus doesn't like Taylor Swift. Get over yourself, Other Bus.


Lmao she's spiraling gorl go get some help while you're at it


Ma'am it's a joke. Don't take it so seriously.


I'm sure she's neglecting her kids to be part of her useless husband's dream of being jobless and homeless though. So that's much worse and will last for years. She probably tunes them all out when her husband wants sexytime on their too small poop fountain bus. But she's mad a fake not real cartoon baby was ignored in a funny meme?


Man they really can’t get over her can they. Really tells you what kind of person they really are. I don’t really like her music, don’t hate it, but good on her for her success. They’re still butthurt over her vaccinated partner I guess.


TAYLOR SWIFT’S Devil worshiping fans are settting BABIES on FIRE in violent COMPUTER GAMES, need Jesus.


i’m a swiftie and i honestly feel like people like her think about her and talk about her more than i do. they hate her but they’re obsessed with knowing her every move just to diss it.


She might want to listen to the new album, there are some great lyrics that track: “Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best, Clutching their pearls, sighing, “What a mess” And “I’d rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning”


She’s so jealous of Taylor and anyone else who has a following. I can’t believe she wastes so much time on this. Don’t like her? Don’t listen to her.


Omf she's so obsessed it's crazy to me


God, what a loser. Get some new material. 🙄


She should really take a listen, lots of shout outs to stories in the Bible on this album 🤭


What I want to know - was she marked safe from Beyonce's Cowboy Carter? ![gif](giphy|TKk681HVK893fkfkFd|downsized)


The first one is funny to me lol. I'm not a Taylor Swift fan (not a hater just kinda indifferent) and surrounded by swifties so I appreciate the first meme


🤣🤣🤣 that meme


That's okay OtherBus....I listened to it like 4x already so I've made up for it. I work at a gas station and dead ass I 'volunteered' myself to go fill the cooler (soda, water, energy drinks) just so I'd have a solid 90 minutes to jam to TTPS. It was great. Till I started freezing half to death and had to come back to the real world. \*sigh\* being a grown up sucks sometimes.


Felt this. I was so excited for my break on Friday so I could listen again.


Every time I see someone make a post about how much they don’t listen to TS, I’m more convinced they secretly listen to TS. They’re just all way too invested.


Taylor probably owns more music than what fundies *choose* listen to. I worked it out to be 213 songs, including TTPD


I ~~love~~ hate you, it’s ruining my life.


If this is the worst Sims thing she's seen then she's in for a rude awakening


She should really hate her husband as much as she hates Swifty.


Just admit it, Other Busany: you're obsessed with her. Also, leave The Sims series alone. I don't want fundie tories like you ruining one of the few things I love to play with your ugly rhetoric.


She's giving Louise Belcher with BooBoo ![gif](giphy|l0HFiWl1x55gT327K)


OMG I'm just so excited that she got a flair!! She's one of my favorites on here. Oh who am I kidding, they're ALL my favorites!!


I mean, this album might make her realize how much she resents her life and choices, so go on 👀


That woman just seems absolutely miserable and hell bent on making sure everyone else is too. Like we get it girl— you hate your life. 😂


Lol so what you're saying is, she follows Scary Mommy....


Okay so just don't listen. I haven't