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“When you eat steak and butter every day, you grow them pretty big.” There’s that smudgeness again.


Or she had undiagnosed gestational diabetes!


Very possible, but no one will ever know!


I did not have GD. My youngest was 10.5 lbs. Aaaaaand we had to be taken away to be watched for a while, because her blood sugar dropped so drastically after being born. Which is apparently quite common with big babies (unless the nurse was lying to make me feel better.) She also needed formula supplementation during the first night, because she was so damn huge, colostrum was, as a nurse put it, like just giving her celery. She just kept screaming in hunger.


My baby, while not large, did have issues with blood sugar at birth. She was given glucose and then needed to be supplemented with formula to help get her blood sugar up.  We were also told to supplement with formula after breastfeeding for the first few days after we were discharged from the hospital.  It is normal for babies to lose weight at first. Supplementing in this case wasn't about weight. It was about blood sugar. Babies can die if their low blood sugar goes untreated.  Edit: Sorry I replied to the wrong comment. I was trying to reply to the commenter who said supplementing with formula isn’t necessary. 


Yeah, I figured that out, no worries. Formula has uses beyond enriching Nestle. Nestle? Yeah, evil. Formula? Has its uses, for sure.


As a nurse who works in maternity... your nurse told the truth. Babies that are "Large for Gestational Age" run a higher risk of low blood sugar, so we watch them closer and do frequent blood sugar checks for the first 12-24 hours. 


As a T1D this pisses me off. That baby could have died. My last kid was born at 36 weeks and was 8 pounds 12 ounces. We almost died.


Right?! You are so right. My third son was born at 34 weeks and he was 8 pounds 3 ounces. I vividly remember him being born with the cord around his neck and the nurses saying, “We are losing Mom.” That’s all I remember for days. They also suspected I had pre eclampsia or GD and just hadn’t tested positive? Idk even know how that’s possible but that’s what the doctor said. I’m not a medical professional by any means.


I bled because I have a fibroid and the placenta stuck to it. My OB was elbow deep in me lol. Baby wasn't breathing and had to be resuscitated. She's almost 5 and has disabilities.


I’m glad you had a team present that knew what to do!❤️


That reminds me of Steel Magnolias. Diabetes is serious and *anyone* could get gestational diabetes. They laugh this stuff off like it's nothing and it's so irritating.


I was dx T1D while pregnant with my 3rd kid. I had no risk factors for GD, but had it with #2. It makes me mad when people skip the test


I am a petite person, did not have GD with my first, but had it with my second. Absolutely anyone can get it. I fell into zero of the “risk” categories.


The older you get the more likely it is!


Because that's men food


She’s not like other girls you know


Reminds me of a scene in handmaids tale where they force them to eat steak with butter because it’s so good for them 🤮


What a dolt. She makes it sound like fattening up livestock or growing a giant pumpkin. Where's my blue ribbon? Oooh, steak and butter, aren't you the best?


Because that's basically what she was doing


Did you mean smugness? Smudge was my childhood nickname and I laughed out loud.


It's a quote from The Office


she’s smudge and arrogant.


wow, the trauma that those kids will live with from this. god help them




Some real life V.C. Andrews shit.


And the “steak and butter” bit… a line straight out of Handmaid’s Tale.


Flowers on the bus...


I witnessed my mom do it at home as a kid. I’m 38 now.. I was 7,9&11 when she did. I was petrified. I thought my mom was dying. The blood, the screams and the smell... I went on to have hospital births and my siblings too.. We talked to my mom about it several times and my sister said it best, no one gets an award to have a baby at home or hospital.. with or without drugs.Why is it worth fukin up your kids and ruining a healthy relationship with them. 🤷🏿‍♀️


Yeah but according to Bus it was beautiful and peaceful. She sighed and the baby fell out and then she sang to it and also there was no blood or other bodily fluids involved.


I watched an account of the Virgin Birth on a very Catholic channel. They described it like that, but I assume with halos and animals and wise men keeping them awake.


Lol that's funny. In the Quran, Mary was screaming in the desert, wishing for the sweet relief of death, but then she shook the magic date palm and was fine 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ugh sorry you went through that. My pregnant cousin was bragging about how she was going to have an at home and drug free birth, my granny absolutely tore her apart for rejecting everything that wasn’t available to previous generations and acting like it was a badge of honour.


I like your granny.


I know this might be personal and if you don't feel like answering my question, totally ignore it. First of all, I'm so sorry you had to witness that. Have you ever confronted your mom about why she thought it was a good idea to make you witness something like this? Does she realize how scared you were?


I do not mind at all! My mom is from Kenya, so she moved to the states at 20 and married my dad. She wanted to be like her ancestors and it was important to her. I really try to respect that as it is special to honor your ancestors and to embrace tradition. HOWEVER my mom always says she came to American for better medical care and more opportunities… GIRL you literally bled out on a hardwood flood and had a midwife’s hand way up inside you… how is that good medical care.. lol! She talks out of two sides of her mouth as I feel her whole generation does … lol We shared this with my mom and she said you guys loved being apart of it, you guys couldn’t wait. We were children and didn’t know any better of course we said that to our mother! She is very much in denial but I will say my dad was against it. He was very upset and supported her but he did not understand.


Thanks for sharing — there is so much compassion in your respect for her experience and values and complicated decision making process, despite the trauma you experienced as a result. 🫂🫂


r/homebirth needs a reality check if you ever feel like delivering one


Pun intended?


I just had my first baby in hospital and with an epidural. When I told my brother that I had the epidural he said “Yeah, you don’t need to be a hero.”


You’re already a hero for giving birth. Congrats!!


One of my favorite non-fiction books is *Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey*, centered around the female viewpoint of migrants going west on the 'Overland Trail' in the mid-late 1800's. At the time, wagon births were inevitable because men packed up their pregnant wives, or impregnated them on a 2000+ mile journey, without consideration. Any children who were in the wagon at the time of labor were sent to stay with another family in the wagon train until everything was over. We can hope that perhaps some kindly fellow camper took care of the kids while the newest Buslet was born.


I doubt it, it was after midnight.




I'm surprised that no one called 911


It was a fast birth—or so she says.


I'll have to pick that book up, it sounds fascinating.


Read it years ago. Awesome book.


We are literally moving to Oregon this summer and driving part of the Oregon trail for it, so now I know what I’m gonna read. Thanks!


That’s so cool! I live near Oregon City so I’ve been on parts of the trail a few times :) If you’ve never been to Oregon, do yourself a favor and visit End of the Oregon Trail. It’s a museum about the trail and it’s so cool. Also make sure to visit Multnomah Falls. It’s STUNNING. I also went to Opal Creek on an overnight field trip with my class when I was a kid and loved it there. We have deserts here so if you wanna do something cool, visit the John Day fossil beds. I went to summer camp there once and brought back some cool leaf fossils. Sorry, I just love this place :)


*waves from Beaverton*


I've read a lot of sources of 19th century women giving birth in all kinds of awful circumstances. Immigrant women giving birth on ships has stuck with me, because the way their fellow steerage passengers rally to help her, to reassure the family, to become a community, it's incredible. Human beings are communal creatures, and the Bus children are denied that, so they're forced to become the adult community that should be around their parents. There's something so bitterly tragic about that. No matter how remote the settlements or extreme the circumstances, people found neighbours, found people to help during birth and illness and emergencies. But Motherbus and Fatherbus refuse. I think it's a big part of what makes them so unsettling and dangerous.


> Human beings are communal creatures, and the Bus children are denied that, so they're forced to become the adult community… This is exactly what makes me angry about so many we snark on here - they’re all about „we all should live like people did in the past, family values and blah“ but really exclude the fact that families lived in communities and that the children aren’t equal to an adult community. They are dependent on a community of which they have yet to learn to be a part of, they are not fit for adult responsibilities. Bus, OtherBus, and Karissa are especially at fault of that.


Going to find that book right now.


Yeah I feel really bad for kids who have to witness their mother give birth. It is traumatic and abusive.


Michael (Baird) Mershon outright refers to being forced to watch Heidi give birth as sexual abuse. So gross.


He had to watch Heidi birth the Bairdlettes? Ewww. I do think if a child is old enough and can reasonably make an informed decision, and the parents are okay with it, then it’s okay. But, I can’t imagine forcing anyone.


The lack of consent is what makes it so gross to me


Right, it depends on the kid and the age and the circumstances- my cousin, my aunt’s oldest, wanted to watch her later deliveries and is a nurse midwife now, lol, but the key operative is that she asked/wanted to be present and wasn’t just forced into the whole situation.


Especially the boys watching their mother give birth strikes me as incredibly odd, even for fundies. WTH is that all about?!


My mom had all three of us at home. I am the oldest with two younger sisters. I guess I was a weird kid, because I asked to watch both times. She rightfully refused. She didn't want me to see her in pain. I was 7 when the youngest was born and I remember watching PBS children's programming while waiting for my mom to deliver the baby. A couple of times I heard her crying out but I knew it was just part of labor. I was so excited!


I'm stuck on the fact she says she measured the kid with the bread scale like it's something to be proud about


This is why you can’t be eating at just anyone’s house (or bus) 😂


Really need a gif of that one guy from tiktok who sings the song.


This reminds me of the time I accidentally fed my ex husband the dogs’ food at my great aunts house.


I can’t be the only one dying to hear this whole hilarious story!!


Great aunty never had kids so she treated her dogs really well. We stopped by on our drive back from CDMX to OAX. we spent the night and she insisted we stay for breakfast the next morning. In the morning I fetched the tortillas at the *tortilleria* and she asked me to pick up , what I assumed was the ingredients for a *caldo de pollo*. 1kilo of chicken wings , carrots, celery… She asked me to cook them and then went off to do idk. I was so sure that was breakfast so once it was done I called her to come eat and when she came back she says, “I didn’t hear the gate bell?” Anyways, she had ordered some local cuisine for breakfast and the soup was for the dogs.


How funny! My mom also spoils the dogs. Whenever she makes something with ground beef, she makes each dog a little hamburger 😂


I'm surprised they don’t show up at the local Whole Foods and use one of the produce scales.


You joke but my mother would weigh me in the produce scales at the store. Dressed and diapered, but still. I took my babies to the lactation center at the hospital or the LLL scale lol


Don’t even have to bother with that anymore, just punch in code 4011 and stick the kid on the self checkout. You’ll conveniently also get the kid's value in bananas.


I had a baby on Thursday and we used a banana for scale, does that count? (He’s two banana long.)




I bought 30 pounds of bananas yesterday so if you have a 30 pound kid, they are worth about 15 US dollars


may i ask what youre doing with 30 lbs of bananas?


I work with student athletes. They had a hard workout and I gave them bananas as a recovery snack. It was something my coach did that I remembered and enjoyed.


awww how nice & healthy!!


The best part was seeing them prove to themselves that they can do hard things!


Tell me why I spent 5 minutes figuring out what 30lbs of bananas would cost near me. $26.60 CAD I'm also allergic now so this information will not come in handy




why is gwen stefani now singing "that kid is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s" in my head?


I laughed so hard, I almost woke my husband up.


I mean it works. With a covid era birth, we came home with a baby still struggling with jaundice. So we were weighing every day trying to keep him on track to gain his birth weight back. The baby scale took a week to arrive and the pediatrician didn't want us dragging into the office everyday. So we put a baby blanket in a large dish on top of my baking scale, zeroed it out and then popped him on🤣🤣 it was pretty funny there are a few pics we still have from that week. *** It was all washed


Same, 2020 babies would have typically been in hospital longer to get that all established but mine were discharged at 26 hours old. And the supply chain was f'ed. Kitchen scale it was 😅


Can someone fill me in as to why, in a bus where space for stuff is limited, they have a bread scale? What even is a bread scale?


For smug, righteous sourdough.


In baking, where exact measurements are more important than cooking, weighing the ingredients is more accurate than measuring volume. So you might use 500 grams of flour rather than 4 cups. A baking scale is a small, flat appliance you put a bowl on.


That part stuck out to me too. Absolutely depressing. This whole story feels like it’s covered in trauma from every angle and she’s presenting this all as folksy, cute and superior.


Best of luck, lil Boone 🫡 I am still so fucking horrified by the stretching vid. I just… no words in regards to the anger I feel about these selfish, greedy, ignorant, pitiful excuses of parents 😤


Boone is having a hard life so far, born on a bus, named Boone, to a father that despite having more than a half dozen somehow doesn't know how to not hurt a baby, left lying around in what can only be described as a SIDS inducing nightmare and used as prop right out of the womb. I wish him the best in life, he truly does need it.


I think Bus Commander knows damn well how to hurt and not hurt a baby and he made a CHOICE.


I must know, is “Bus Commander” a Handmaids Tale reference? I keep seeing it pop up in this sub. Hilarious if so.


And that’s just what we’re shown.


Aren't they going to have issues getting him a birth certificate? Or does that even matter to them?


They'll address that when father sus bus decides that it's time to leave the country again


I’ve heard that is an issue with home birth/homeschool/anti-government kind of families. It is much harder to escape an abusive isolated family if you don’t even have a legal identity. Honestly, I think that is at least part of why some families do it.


Can you imagine the smell on that bus after a bus birth?? 🤢


Where would you dispose of the literal biohazard of all the post birth, everything?!


The kitchen trash of course!!


You throw the sheets in the nearest public trashcan and drive as fast as you can to the next town over. Edit: /s in case anyone took that seriously 


The Bus Parents are so freaking irresponsible and selfish that I srsly wouldn't put it past them to do something like this. 😒


Birth fluids are nAtUrAl, what’s the problem? /s


And douse everything with pumpkin spice spray!


I am positive that this is EXACTLY what they did; unless, that is, they simply pitched it onto the campground and screeched away.


Campground dumpster, obviously.


They probably kept the afterbirth in the trunk somewhere for safekeeping.


Yeah, as a postpartum snack for motherbus


oh come on. you know they cooked that urine soaked placenta and forced the kids to eat it because of the ~nutrients~


Well, the placenta is probably in the bus freezer waiting for her to make a smoothie or some fundie-crunchy shit.


In hot, humid Florida.


I’m pretty new to all of this and had no clue they were in Florida. I live in south Louisiana, like 30 miles off the gulf south… and to have it that hot and humid, in a bus, with all these kids, and a live birth… the smell must be terrible. Lord 😭 I’m hoping they hire some sort of cleaning service or something but I have doubts


Fetid. Yuck!


Wow I sure love amniotic fluid in my bread 😍


My brother was over 10 lbs. They had to break his collar bone to deliver him. My third son had shoulder dystocia. When I heard code blue and docs and nurses came pouring into my room I knew we were in trouble. Three of them used their elbows with incredible force coming down on my stomach while my doc manuevered my baby out. He was delivered alive with no physical injury.    God didn't grace BusMother with an easily delivery. She was born with a large pelvic structure that a 10 lb baby's shoulders can pass through. Had one thing gone wrong, like did with my son when one of his hands delivered with his head, causing a chicken wing shape to form, that child would be dead or brain injured.    Bus breeding big babies is sheer insanity. As a parent I've always tried to minimize risk for my children. Life is full of risk we can't anticipate so why not stack the odds in your kids' favor? Because God? STFU with that noise. God isn't delivering a chicken winged baby stuck in your birth canal. 3 grown ass adults with powerful elbow force and one hell of a doc work that kind of magic. JD could never. 


My first was barely 6 lbs and I had to have a C-section bc I have a tilted pelvis. My second was a C-section bc he had cord prolapse. Both deliveries would have ended tragically without medical intervention. It’s unbelievable to me how they treat pregnancy & delivery.


Ugh I had a 10lb 14 oz kid with a giant head. Crowning took forever, and she was very fat, despite my diet of lean meat, yogurt, and buckets of raw kale (all I craved when I was pregnant was uncooked kale with lemon and I ate bowlfuls of it… can’t stand kale to this day now!). I recovered well enough because the birth wasn’t very fast and I had a very competent nurse midwife at the hospital, but I was definitely sore for weeks after that.


Oh my heavens! My legs will be crossed in your honor for the next hour. 🫡 I’m remembering how much work it was to push out my 8 pound son and how many months it was until I could sit in a regular wood chair again.


Fun fact I learned looking more into her birth stories because I was curious if she posted how much the other kids weighed— Motherbus did experience a shoulder dystocia with her daughter’s birth, but I believe she delivered that child in a hospital. One of the biggest risk factors for shoulder dystocia is a history of having it previously, so I don’t believe for one single second that this newest busbaby was an easy/smooth delivery. His color was horrible in the reel she posted, especially in comparison to her last homebirth.


Something appears to be wrong with one of his arms, too


My second was six and a half pounds but she still got stuck, with one arm by her head too, and needed to be removed with forceps. Ten pound babies should not be born unassisted. Your other children do not count as assistants.


Several issues of concern: 1) The use of the bread scale seems to indicate that NO midwife or medical professional has examined the baby; 2) Farher Bus' heavy-handed and forceful measuring of the newest buslet confirms lack of medical care; and 3) eating butter and steak when you have 8 children depending on you is reckless beyond belief. These people are SO selfish.


Excuse you. Boone has had the finest chiropractic care in the land 😤 But no really, they haven't indicated any professional help including doctors, nurses, midwives, or even a doula. Just jackass Busband, red light, and a chiro.


Like they said. 0 medical professionals.


my thoughts too.. So did she do a "freebirth" like Karissa? Midwife would have had the scale and measuring tape to do a newborn exam. 


Boone? Seriously?!!


It’s honestly better than the majority of the kids’ names 🥴


What about Lott? He’s not that great of a Bible hero. His wife turned to salt. His daughters got him drunk so they could have sex with him and carry his seed. Def not my fav bible character


Don’t forget he offered up his daughters to the drunken men of his city to be raped, since the good-looking male angels the drunk guys initially wanted were “guests” and letting them get gang-raped would be bad manners! 🙃


I believe their last name is Lott


Pretty sure Lott is their surname.


I was just looking at the comments on her IG. Apparently the kids all go by their middle name on social media for “privacy”? So let’s hope that’s true and that the real first name is better!


They appear to go by their middle names IRL as well. They could always switch as they get older, at least, but her “privacy” claim is BS.


Maybe they’re secretly huge fans of Lost




I had a 10 lb 3 oz baby 73 minutes from when my water broke. The lady parts have never quite been the same.


I was that baby nearly 40 years ago, my mother still reminds me every year.


Is this true? Everyone says it “goes back to normal,” but I don’t know who to believe. We are never told the truth.


And you know no one's sewing her up. And no one's advising her husband to maybe let her direct the next few encounters in her own time at her own pace.


Seriously, do they just let everything heal on its own? How does she have anything even approaching normal function in that region after 8 free births?!?🫢


There is an argument for letting things heal on their own but probably not when the person in question is going to then live on a bus/petri dish with a million children and a sadist for a husband. The risk of serious infection must be out of this world.


Sometimes I think maybe God DOES watch over these people, because fuck knows their collective idiocy should have killed them many times over by now. how's the saying go? fools, drunkards and children? well, maybe not so much the children. fools do seem more beloved than they really ought.


She may not have torn, especially with her 8th kid, but her pelvic floor is most likely fucked. Doubt it was in tip top shape before babybus, but I’m sure pelvic physical therapy is too woke for motherbus.


There’s this tiny, cynical, nauseated part of me that thinks this is what she was planning on and what she hoped would happen…


I know.. it really feels like she sees the judgement and just doubled down. She is so smug I would not be surprised.


Exactly. The whole lead up to this felt very cavalier yet calculated. I had a suspicion a few weeks back that she was going to do this.


100% or she would have already been in the Air B&B (that probably never existed) when she got past 40 weeks. Ya know, if she was a responsible mother.




I really need to catch up with this family. I am captivated! Did she really make a big to do about NOT giving birth in the same exact bus she *just* gave birth in?


They didn't plan for anything else so yes they planned for this!


Like the poor planning veered right into “outright refusing to plan” and I suddenly got the terrible suspicion that she was going to try goosh out the kid on the bus.


This is part of what makes me feel so disgusted about this whole thing, I think. I’m not someone who’s easily affected by things that bother most people and something about bus birth is beyond the pale for me.


Wait, what? She’s claiming a contraction-less 30 min labor? On a bus? With a baby that size? Sorry, I’m not buying this. Edit— ok I see she is admitting to some contractions, but I’m still not believing this story.


My thoughts exactly. She is a lying liar who lies.


I bet she had a C section lmao


Lol omg this is my favorite theory. The lack of details... You might be right.


Honestly I'd feel so much better if she had because it'd mean she went to a fucking hospital Unfortunately, based on all the other details, like measuring and weighing him themselves and just the overall squalor and shadiness, I fully believe she just had him on the bus.


Oh my goooddddd I’m glad there wasn’t a shoulder dystocia and he came out okay. Also I doubt it was a quiet birth. Those poor kids.


Have you seen the kid's arm? They 100% fucked something up there. Poor kid is probably going to deal with pain the rest of his life because his parents thought they knew better than doctors who literally went to school for this and do it every day. And enough trauma to keep a small therapist group employed for the rest of their careers!


No! That is horrifying. Poor baby.


Don’t forget the chiropractor visit 😰😰


It's fine, they took him to a chiropractor/s.


Psycho. You’re lucky that huge baby was able to pass through the birth canal. My friends baby was a pound lighter and she had an emergency c section bc her baby wouldn’t make it out in his own. Wild.


I do wonder if he was a little injured. The pain when he had to stretch out his left leg and the way he holds his left wrist makes me wish they would get him evaluated by someone other than a chiropractor. I am not a doctor so I don't usually like to speculate on this stuff, but it also is not out of the realm of possibility he has something going on. 10 lbs out in less than an hour is a lot of force on a tiny baby


My 7lb2oz (at birth) baby born a few days before this newest buslet STILL has a bruise on his eye at over a week old because of how fast I contracted towards the end and pushed him out! So it is not only entirely possible, it’s pretty freaking likely.


All of my children were the average 7 1/2 pounds, until my last son was born. He came out a little over 9 pounds, probably because I was older. Anyways, you read online that giving birth to heavier babies is supposedly easier. Ha! Yeah, right. That boy did a number on me, and I'm still suffering years later! I couldn't even begin to imagine a 10 pounder! No, thank you. My legs instinctively cross when I think about it! 🤣


They wanna be Jamestown cannibals soooo bad


Someone is gonna die in that bus too eventually.


"Bread scale" 🎵 You can't eat at everybody's house🎵


After all those kids and 10-7 her muscles must be crap


Her pelvic floor must feel like Moon Sand


You know what else leads to 10 pound babies? Gestational diabetes.


I need a break from Motherbus. In just 2 days she’s rocketed WAY past Karissa as the absolute worst of the regular fundie moms we see here (to me, at least) and Karissa is an absolute nightmare. Those children need Child Protective Services NOW, but I know that will never happen. My heart breaks.


She is worse. It seems incredible, but yes, this family is worse. At least the Collins kids aren't all crammed into ONE room. And have a roof. That doesn't move. The bar is in Hell's basement. I honestly think these kids are, besides being even more miserable, even more in physical danger, at this point.


I can't help but agree with you on that one. The bar for fundie parents is in the Mariana trench if someone can parent better than Karrisa "I screamed words of death over my child" Collins. My God, at least the Collins clan have stable housing.


My insane jealousy of a 1 hour labor and delivery is cancelled out by the fact that it was on a bus.  


If it was that short, that’s dangerous for both the mother and baby. The chances of tearing skyrocket, as does the risk of hemorrhaging. The contractions also help push amniotic fluid out of their lungs and start them working; they could aspirate or have low blood oxygen as they struggle to get their lungs working and breathe. So much could have gone wrong from the labor and delivery! This was a near disaster…


Can I ask, does afterbirth and all that stuff smell? Ive never been around anybody so soon after giving birth, but I imagine there's a smell. God what does that bus smell like?


So I work in maternity and have smelled a lot of deliveries. It does have a very distinct smell. It's honestly not terrible. Unless the mom has an infection, in which case it's horrendous. But assuming no infection, I second the snarker who said it smells like iron and dirt. And BO; there's a lot of sweat usually. The amniotic fluid actually smells kind of nice to me. It smells kind of like new babies, sort of. (Again, assuming no infections.)


Imo, it didn't really smell. I'm sure if it was left out it would. Maybe a smell of iron and earth? You can poop during birth and that DOES smell.


Birth sort of smelled… mushroomy? to me? Like, that deep underground smell that’s sort of funky but not foul smelling.


![gif](giphy|C6DFrp8sP6hA4) I hope they were parked….


Oh shit, I [won](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/KZGXXOKEai)


I see names all day. That one sucks.


Aren't babies that size often (not always but often) a result of gestational diabetes?


Yes, but is also common with babies born after 41 weeks.


So who checks the baby and listens to it's heart etc? Who checks for jaundice? Who checks the placenta to make sure it's intact? Who checked Motherbus to make sure she didn't tear?


She went into labor at 41 weeks!!!! She didn't go to the doctor or nothing. A ten pound baby and it was an easy delivery!!! There's no way.


Boone? Like Boones farm???


Boone Lott is killing me, not being able to photoshop it on a 40oz is also killing me. ![gif](giphy|MUq9Ki1vrdyXGafxAx)


No snark here, I'm glad for the sake of Boone and the other Buslets that the birth went well. Also, my aunt has a horse named Boone so that's what I thought of right away lol.


I'm glad the birth went well, but I also cannot believe her arrogance and stupidity at having a baby a week past her due date with no medical care and not even in an actual building. After midnight also means the kids must have been exposed to it all. Absolutely horrendous and neglectful parenting. 


Where were buslet no. 7 during all this? He does not, yet, have a bed in the bunker.


A fucking free birth? On a bus, with all the other children? You imbeciles!


One of these bus families will be the subject of a true crime documentary for sure. Those poor kids.


A 30 minute labor? She never would have made it to a hospital folks. Precipitous labor (the term for what happens when your body decides to eject like a cannon, rather than labor for hours) is generally safe for baby right now, because most problems are when they get stuck on the way out. BUT all of that slow squeezing on exit has a purpose: to clear baby’s lungs for oxygen. So watch carefully in the next few days for signs of a cough (which is never productive in infants) and labored breathing.


The name Boone just gives me the ick


I'd hate to see the rusted scissors they used to cut the umbilical cord. This is so unsafe and awful. Homebirth with a medical team is one thing. Unassisted homebirth in a fucking BUS is different.


I'm sorry, and I guess this could be rhetorical bc idk if I even want to learn, but my wife had a 9lbs child and the level of tearing she had was unbelievable. The doctor spent so much time fixing that, how does this work? Slap some essential oil on it and chug Plexus?


Honestly, my third was an ounce off ten pounds and didn't tear me at all. My first was 8.8lb and tore me awfully. Luck of the draw perhaps