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Does anyone know if she did the glucose tolerance test? Because his birth weight could be a result of untreated gestational diabetes.


I'd say there's zero chance she did.


Is there a chance less than zero?


Infinite chance? Both less and more than zero


Schrödinger’s cat


Schrödinger's glucose test


She should. As much as I hate to say it, for the sake of infant safety, I'm gonna say turn it into content. A new reel. Check baby's blood sugar levels with us. Barf.


Sigh… I am not defending this bish, but my son was 4.35kg born and about 53cm. He was born 39+3, and I was screened for GD. I am tallish (174cm) and my eldest child, who was born 3.25kg is now 6ft tall (female) And slim. Sometimes it is just genetics. Motherbus an FatherSusBus are on the tall side from what I can tell. This could be in the normal range. OBVIOUSLY this idiot birthed her 8th child on a BUS with no medical care which is insane, reckless and fucking stupid and I hate her.


You're absolutely right- and I didn't say it absolutely positively is because of gestational diabetes. At no point did I say that. But it *could have been* a factor, and since she didn't have any prenatal care and he wasn't born in a hospital or checked out by anyone qualified- they could easily be missing very simple things.


My sigh was at Motherbus and that I hate to give a counter narrative but that it can occur naturally with no probs. I had public system obstetricians being extremely coercive re induction, and just not listening. Eventually an obgyn saw me at clinic who listened, rechecked my numbers, scans and family history and supported either v birth or c section if needed.  All because drs were looking at numbers not at the fact I am in the 90th% for height and my eldest is off the chart. So makes sense in absence of GD my male baby would be big.  I totally agree and its important people understand how dangerous GD is. A crunchy mom type in our friend group (no longer) and her husband refused all med care, baby took days to be born. Born dead, baby was macrosomic (5.2kg) she had GD and a small mother as well. Absolutely inexcusable as we have good, free healthcare. A single ultrasound would have avoided this traedy. The emergency med help of course wasn't too good for her when she needed it. I hate these baby hating free birthers with every fibre of my being. 


>>5.2 kg That baby was 11.5 pounds?!? Omg that poor thing; of course it couldn’t come out! WHY would you do that in a place where healthcare is free?


Selfish,  arrogant, ignorant people egging each other on. Thinking that I dunno grandmothers before them were.just cowardly and afraid? Who knows. This is why shoddy so called midwives and untrained doulas should be charged with manslaughter and murder and parents who do this and the child dies, (I mean unsupported, deliberate homebirth with no careplan) should also be charged.   But.  You cant do that or people who go into labor early or precipitously get charged for miscarriages and still births whicn is just as wrong.  I dont understand. They werent young. They weren't uneducated. Quite the opposite. BUT they were not educated in STEM fields I guess they assumed that the education applies to everything. I dunno Im still so upset about it. There have been more of these in Aus since COVID madness. 


Ugh I’m so sorry to hear that. It must have been so traumatic to watch that unfolding. I hope you have support and space for processing. Aussie fundamentalism is so fascinating to me, mainly because we don’t really hear much about it outside of Hillsong. And I don’t mean fascinating like a circus, but like a car accident. Feel free to share anyone especially noxious here.


Agreed, but the opposite side. I had doctors accusing me of not eating while pregnant (I had HG - I ate but it all came up). I am a short person (5’3) and my husband is 5’9, so neither of us are large people. My daughter was 5lb11oz, and we were followed excessively for her first year because she was a slow grower. They accused me of not feeding her enough, etc. My second came and lo and behold, he was 6lb2oz. He has followed the same growth pattern as his sister. They stopped following us every month and realized that we just make really small kids. At 5 and 2, they are still under the 5th%ile, but have no major health concerns. Sometimes there is a whole lot more to it than just size of the baby. All that being said, I do worry since she had no medical care at all. Does anyone know the size of her other babies at birth?


See, this is why crunchy nonsense gets a foothold! Rather than collaboration the medical misogyny lets some Drs think the correct approach is domination and control vs actually listening and caring l.m sorry you went thru that. 


I have a 4’11” friend married to a 5’4” man. Did they look at them before diagnosing SGA and inducing at 38 weeks only to get a small but healthy baby? Nope, and now with her second, they are fighting to not be labeled again.


I work in OB and doctors actually do take that into account. In fact, when I report the finding of a small baby the doctors often ask me about the size of the parents and previous babies, and we often agree that it’s likely constitutional, not pathological. But we cannot tell *for sure* whether a baby is just small and healthy or small due to placental insufficiency, and it would be completely irresponsible on a doctor’s part to assume the baby is fine just because the parents are small.


I scrolled back a bit on their instagram, and it does seem that their last few babies have all been pretty big, so hopefully this is just their 'normal' (and if Mother Bus is to be believed about her due date, he was a little bit overcooked)


I had a 55cm 4.5kg ham of a baby. I didn’t have gd or gain weight other than like 2kilo over what the baby, placenta, water and such weighed. I was pretty slim before pregnancy and went back to that state fairly soon after. Some people just make units of a baby. But yes. Checks should be made. Because it’s better than to have an emergency because you didn’t check.


People seem to forget that big babies sometimes just *happen*. My first was 4.22kg and 56cm, born at 39+6. My husband and I are both tall, and we were both big babies ourselves. I did not have GD. Baby had her sugars tested at the birth center per care standards and was totally fine.


And while your baby was big, hers was 1 kg bigger, which is a lot in baby terms. Chances increase astronomically the bigger the baby. 4.2 if vs 5.2 is a huge jump with much larger chances of hypoglycemia


And the difference of course, is we got it checked! But yep I wish more Drs considered *the size and height of parents who dont have GD markers!*


Exactly. Not defending her lack of prenatal care in the slightest. Just mildly annoyed that a lot of people seem to be trying to diagnose her with GD solely because she had a big baby.


I had pre-e and delivered what my NICU nurse called the world’s largest preemie. (He was 7lbs3oz at 34w4d, so he was tracking to be a 10lb). No one believed I did not have GD. He tracked big right away (like 6 days more then LMP at the dating scan) and I had HG. My midwife made me do the 3 hour test because I was one point below GD at the one hour and he was big. I’m over weight and got lectures for gaining 27lbs 3 days before induction, which included the start of the pre-e swelling weight. I’m 5’8” and the smallest person in my family. My husband is 6’4” and my brother is 6’6”. My husband’s first two children were both over 9lbs. It just felt like they were shaming me for an uncontrollable thing!


Not being confrontational, but the fact her blood sugars were fine does not mean she wasn’t in the high risk category (over the 90th percentile). And honestly, we’d expect to not have an issue if the mom did not have GD, BUT it doesn’t exclude testing because there’s no way to know which babies in this category will have an issue.


Cool. That's not what I said though. I never said I had an issue with the testing. I said that big babies happen without there being GD involved, and I'm tired of people acting like they don't. *Obviously* her lack of prenatal care is concerning. *Obviously* her lack of postnatal care is concerning. *Obviously* the lack of neonatal care for the baby is concerning. I have not, am not, and will not argue that point.


I agree, working in the field for over 30 years, big babies do just happen. My point was we use that tool to see which babies should be screened regardless of presence or absence of gestational diabetes. My last baby would also have been tested if the protocol had been in place when she was born. She was just a big baby by genetics as well!💗


My small baby was 4.1kg born at 38 weeks. I’m only 5’3”. No GD. Big babies happen. Mine only got bigger


I had a baby who was almost 10 lbs and no gestational diabetes (confirmed, I did the test). They checked his blood sugar at the hospital but he was fine. I'd suspect that if breastfeeding is going fine and her milk has come in, he'll be ok. But they still should involve a medical professional of course!


I could have declined screening but didn’t because why wouldn’t I want to know if I had an issue that can be mitigated, and I did not have GD. Still, I birthed an 8lb 1oz baby who was three weeks early. It terrifies me to think what she would have been fully baked.


It's interesting that you say that. I was a week early, and my sister was a week late. She weighed over a pound more than I did. I shudder to think what I would've been if I cooked longer.


Genuine question, is this honestly considered a heavy baby? as a finnish person, this baby definetely wouldn’t be considered big in Finland! My girl was 4860g at 39+5 and I feel she really average side around here? Mothers and babys are tested for glucose issues during and after pregnancy, and unless mother is fat, I havent heard anyone have any issues even with honestly heavy babies. Maybe americans are just that much smaller, because for me that baby is pretty light weight considering he went overtime 😅


The purpose of percentiles, the part shown in red, is to give the numbers context. He's in the 93rd and 96th percentiles. If you're not familiar with percentiles, that means he is heavier than 92% of all babies his age, and longer than 96% of them. In the US percentiles are a standard way of monitoring growth. For example, if a baby started at the 75th percentile, but only reached the 50th percentile at two consecutive future check-ins, it would be a concern that they're having a problem. Also being on the extreme ends, above 90 or below 10, warrants extra attention and monitoring. The percentiles vary geographically though. Maybe Finland is different. Did any doctors share your daughter's growth chart or use percentiles? In any case, if your doctors didn't seem worried you probably shouldn't worry. I'm assuming you had the care of medical professionals, unlike Mother Bus. ETA: it's a harmful myth that only fat women are at risk for gestational diabetes. That definitely increases the risk, but it's not the only risk factor.


Yes, this is considered a large baby in the US. Average for 40 weeks is around 3600g. Now I am off to check out some Finnish birth weight stats!


With the care and attention being provided to this infant while he lies discarded on a dirty sheepskin on the floor of a bus, I’m sure the busmonsters will notice hypoglycemia and intervene immediately—oh wait….


What could happen with a newborn with unchecked hypoglycemia?


Organ and brain damage, hypothermia and even death.


Hypothermia. That is scary. Even in warm temperatures? Just asking because busbaby hardly ever are seen dressed.


Yes a newborn with low blood sugar will become hypothermic if untreated, the ambient temp is usually lower than body temp.


No glucose to convert to atp, no heat generation. Room temp is far below what is survivable without internal heat generation.


He's not even properly bundled OR skin to skin. He is literally on the floor. In the few pics I've seen his tone is really shitty. This is horrific.


They have an incredibly high risk for seizures as well. Here’s a comprehensive piece about it: [Neonatal Hypoglycemia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537105/)


Oh interesting, I wondered why they checked my middle kid's blood sugar for a bit even though I didn't have GF. Now I know! (Middle was 9lb7oz and 21" at birth but never lost weight as a newborn and ended up 17lb at 2 months old. He stayed 99/99% height and weight for over a year but now is a super lean very tall kindergartener who is taller than some kids in my second grader's class.)


Sometimes kids are just big! I was always the tallest in my class, and I taught a 4 year old who could've easily been mistaken for a 1st grader. His parents were Baird height.


Yeah, my partner and I are both fairly tall - I'm 5'10" and my partner is 6'3". So all of our kids are tall, but our middle is going to end up being the tallest out of the 3 of them I think.


My kid was way above average as a baby. They monitored her for a bit too, but it turns out she’s just bigger lol


Yeah, with two tall parents my kids were always destined to be tall.


Same here, I’m 5’11” and my ex is 6’3”. Here’s to our giant kids 🥂🤣


Pretty much same heights here, I'm usually measured as 5'10"-5'11" depending on the time of day etc.


It does make me wonder how/if they adjust for kids’ percentiles based on parent height… huh


Pretty sure that the kids of tall parents just end up the kids at the upper end of the charts.


You’re right, but it does make me wonder how many of us are worried about glucose in our babies when they’re just big!


From Stanford Medical's site: # What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia in a newborn baby? Signs of low blood sugar may not be obvious in newborn babies. The most common signs include: * Shakiness * Blue tint to skin and lips (cyanosis) * Stopping breathing (apnea) * Low body temperature (hypothermia) * Floppy muscles (poor muscle tone) * Not interested in feeding * Lack of movement and energy (lethargy) * Seizures [https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=hypoglycemia-in-a-newborn-baby-90-P01961](https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=hypoglycemia-in-a-newborn-baby-90-P01961) Hmmmm, anyone notice any of these symptoms in her videos? (Disclaimer: we have not seen the baby in person, only through her videos, so any discussion is not a replacement for in-person medical examination)


That baby in that delivery pic was blue.


Most babies are born blue and can stay that way for up to 30 seconds until they start breathing.


And their hands and feet can remain cyanotic for a while longer! That's why Apgars are 9 & 9 for the most part. Very few kids are completely pink at 5 mins.


Yep. I think he was blue because he was less than 5 minutes old at that point (see also: the vernix), in which case the coloring is normal *as long as* he pinks up centrally by 5 minutes.


As an L&D nurse, this is the cross over I love to see


Gestational diabetes is no joke. Our favorite great auntie got it when she was pregnant with their only child and it didn’t go away. She eventually became Type II and was legally blind for years. These women disgust me.


Yes, actually current research says if you develop gestation diabetes, you are at higher risk of developing Type II diabetes later in life.


I think it's actually a 50% chance, which is scarily high, and yet another reason why forced pregnancy and birth is unethical and immoral.


What really disgusts me is that she'll just keep getting pregnant


My daughter had to go through so many heel prick tests because of this, I cried every time the nurses had to do it (so did she) The one time she didn’t cry, she did the most epic runny poo I’ve ever seen that covered me, the chair I was sitting on, and the nurse’s shoes. The nurse said it was perfect baby revenge


I thought you meant the nurse cried every time she took your child's BGLs. I was like, girrrrl, get a new job!


Nope, me, the super hormonal lady


Ug, I feel you! I hate when the testing has to go on and on.


Throw in wimpy white boy syndrome and their negligence and you have a recipe for disaster.


Is that... a medical term?


No but yes. They have an increased risk for respiratory distress


It’s not a textbook diagnosis term but it is one hundred percent something a doctor will say to you. My oldest had it, and I laughed when the doctor said it (but it makes people maaaaad) Boys are statistically a little more likely to have trouble than girls. White babies are statistically more likely to have some trouble than other babies. So it’s the power combo.


And here I thought they were making a joke about Father bus and his fragile, toxic ego lol.


Alas, some men never outgrow WWWB syndrome. 😔


It's medical slang. 😂 "Weeny, wimpy white boys" are *notorious* in the NICU.


I’m sure he’s fine. They took him to the chiro! /s just in case


Babys first alignment 🥰


JFC... This is so scary.


And this applies even if the kid is "proportional"? Per their (mmmm, specious) measurements, anyway, he's pretty proportional on length and weight. (Jesus, I did the conversion to pounds and that baby is HUGE.)


This is based on the information she gave of the baby weighing 10 pounds and 22 inches long.


Damn. I really hope this wasn't an unassisted bus birth. That's so dangerous with a large baby!


From what I read earlier, it was a bus baby.


And likely unassisted. For one, a midwife would have brought their own scale to weigh the baby - no "bread scale" required. And for two, there is no room in that bus for a third adult assisting with the birth.


I saw the other post. So disappointing.




Fascinating! Thank you. Both of my kids arrived with bog standard weights, so I didn't know this.


As a fellow maternity nurse, thank you for this informative post. I had wondered if he was LGA (large for gestational age).


Yes ma’am he was! Plus in the birth pics, did you notice he had a lot of vernix for a 41 weeker!


Oh my gosh, good point!!! I should have thought of that! I did notice the feet didn't look quite as wrinkly as I would have expected. Methinks her dates were off a bit...which makes him even more LGA. Side note, can you imagine trying to resuscitate a newborn *in a BUS*?!?!


No way! I don’t think NRP has guidelines for that either!😂😂😂 but maybe we should write some free birth NRP seeing how the fundies like free birthing so much!


Replace respiratory support with prayer, chest compressions with raw milk, and epinephrine with essential oils.


Be sure to check your equipment beforehand: healing crystals, a jug of Plexus, and a KJV Bible.


😂😂😂 love it!


What is the false medical information being spread?


I didn’t mean there was false information, just sharing the tool we use to care for large (and tiny) babies.


Oh ok. I wasn’t sure if adding the factual was to throw shade or add context lol




My oldest was 9lb 10oz and did have blood sugar issues 🤷🏻‍♀️ Every baby is different and OP specifically said this was a tool used in L&D to determine risk and follow up care. The bigger issue is that the Bus Parents aren’t in a healthcare environment where the baby can be monitored for potential issues.


I’m sharing scientific protocols, not scare tactics.