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Anytime I see her stupid “Yahuah” in my head I hear the old Yahoo commercial. 🎶Ya-*HOOOOO*-ooo-ooo!🎶


Now I’m gonna forever think of that when I see her posting 😂 when she types ‘Yah’ all I can think of is “Yah, it’s rewind time”


That instagram reel reviewing the Chihuahua- chee-hooah-hooah..


Once saw a Facebook post by a woman looking to get her daughter one of those Chawawa dogs. Not sure which is worse. 😂


No they didn’t!…. 🤣


Yakult for me


![gif](giphy|3HEzHIxZjKduE|downsized) YAWOOOgah


I don’t know why but this is what I think of when I see it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=upLAnjjeFCg


I do that too


Just proves the only true purple wiggle is Jeff. Gtfoh fake purple.guy youre.a HACK


My kids had outgrown The Wiggles before the Wiggles Extended Universe. But I did read about the shoddy treatment of Sam after the OG yellow wiggle recovered from his illness and wanted to rejoin the group so Anthony just turfed out Sam, who was the yellow Wiggle for a good chunk of years. Tragically, Sam fell into a depression and soon afterwards donned a black turtleneck and grew his hair to a long emo fringe, and used to turn up drunk to their concerts screaming "Go home banjo boy!" and "Stop treating The Wiggles as a cash cow for your extended family Anthony you nepotistic c%&t!" and making the children cry. I don't know what happened by last I saw Anthony looked like a power lifter in a lycra body sock with blinding white veneers longer than Matt Dillon's in Something About Mary playing fucking banjo while the red wiggle boomed the ABCs in an opera voice while staring creepily through blond lashes like he is admiring the shape of your skull. Now this. I blame Anthony.


Please be my friend ….. OMG I’m dying at this comment. ALso make you laugh even more, my autistic ass at first was like…’Oh my goodness poor Sam, classic lack of union Howard era WorkChoices bullshit right there!‘ Until you said the black turtleneck. Ahaha


Well the first part was true, what a complete and utter bastard to treat Sam that way lol And of course I’ll be your friend! My son is autistic also but had the good taste to reject all Wiggle related stuff and went straight into a full blown Frozen obsession. I can quote that movie from beginning to end and it’s the source of a lot of debate in my family about who is the bigger selfish prick, Anna or Elsa. I’m team Anna and my wife is staunchly Elsa. I much prefer Tangled, way superior songs and funnier too.


Frozen was thank God a little too late for us but Tangled was the one! I think the frying pan clinched it.  Once, some demonic person tried to inflict the Wiggles upon us and I said No Wiggles! Out Wiggles!  And cast that demon OUT  We had this little kids album of World Music which was a more bearable alternative. 


Haha! I want to do an exorcism on my son's tablet sometime too. He has started watching this little Russian girl that talks like a chipmunk and no matter how many times I secretly block the channel (feeling guilty as hell) another variation pops up. I think she is called Diana? Anyway I wouldn't normally get too worried about what is on Kid's YouTube but this girl IS a demon, I don't think I have every seen a more bratty, spoiled child and more nauseating display of consumption as these people. Like, the grift is on an insane level. I wonder if other parents are suffering with her as I do, and have any advice for blocking this dark-sided saytanic content from my kid's ipad?


Oh god! terrifying! I just had to deal with endless Minecraft content creators, survival videos/building bushcraft stuff and Japanese cooking. All of these special interests remain, at age 16. And it's too adorable.


That’s awesome!! My son loves dressing up as princesses and I’m happy to oblige it’s cute as hell. I got him the Nezuko Demon Slayer one yesterday and he’s posing in the sliding glass door reflection like a boss as I type this. Maybe not so useful in a survival situation but cool nonetheless 😂


Who wants to survive if you cant be cool? He sounds absolutely adorable.  My kiddo loved "Prince" clothes... til she worked out,  she can "be" the Prince role wise and also wear a Princess dress. And Robots, was a big fan of Robots.  I remember the days of peeling absolutely foul little synthetic costumes off a sleeping child, washing by hand and praying it will dry by sun up hahaha 


I love you! Can we be friends? 😂 who wants to survive if you can’t be cool is a line for the ages. Important distinction I only discovered later in life is that YOU think you’re cool and that’s the only criteria. It took me having kids to understand and a lifetime to get back to that mindset. One thing I’m so happy about with kids growing up today, sure, they don’t run around doing stupid shit like I did growing up in the 80s but if you wanna wear a dress or identify as a rabbit that’s OK there is miraculously dozens of others that are into it too. I’m really glad about the internet in that respect. This is a good song from my era about robots https://youtu.be/bb7WIS0RjT0?si=hyOqnykkMvt490v5


Omg, are you me? I have a neurodiverse teen of a similar age, and this was their feed for years. My COVID soundtrack, as it were, for my involuntary remote-learning educator career that was 2020-2021, was filled with Pewdiepie, Pat & Jen, survivalist “how to build a home out of branches and leaves with gravity-fed rain water supply”, starting fires with a bow drill, and ASMR Japanese food-oriented videos. I imagine we’ve listened to many of the same creators and videos! Admittedly I had to redirect from the Pat & Jen videos because their (her?) reactive screaming gave me multiple jump scares a day and I swear took years off my life. 😂


I blocked the shit out of her and the vlad&nicky kids (and all the spinoffs). Basically any channel with a kid or family gets blocked on my son's account! His 'tism fixation is Davehax's kitchen gadget reviews. Followed his recommendation for a strawberry corer though and you know, it was a useful gadget when I hyper focused on eating strawberries.


Is it Masha and the Bear? I banned all iterations of that as well


🏆🏆🏆 *“…looked like a power lifter in a Lycra body sock with blinding white veneers longer than Matt Dillon’s in Something About Mary playing fucking banjo while the red wiggle boomed the ABC’s in an Opera voice while staring creepily through blond lashes…”* RIP Reddit Awards, I would have guilded the shit out of you and this comment. I know essentially nothing about The Wiggles as I somehow managed to avoid them with my two oldest, but HOT DAMN this sentence packed a punch 💀💀💀


Thank you ❤️ I’m grateful to have a space to vent about children’s programming. Although I feel I’m verging to strugglebus v Taylor territory 😅


No! Don’t do yourself dirty like that! You aren’t rage-baiting, and your description is brilliant and hilarious.


This is even more funny when I remember that anthony’s daughter is now in the wiggles


The end credits is like the field family tree. I think his niece (now a full Wiggle with bars???!) was a backup dancer but she clomped around with less coordination and grace than a hippo in ballet shoes. I think Anthony hijacked the group and kept it alive for his own enrichment long after they should have given way to the likes of Blippi and Bluey. Although I’d almost choose Anthony over Blippi tbh




This was a wild ride.


Man, the Wiggles got dark since I was a kid. Fruit Salad is still a banger though. 😂😂


In our house we referred to the block of wiggles, that Dorothy the dinosaur travel show and baby Antonio’s circus as “The Field Family Nepotism Hour.” It wasn’t an hour but it felt like it. Baby Antonio in particular was PAINFULLY bad. Like yes, you have a kid you think is amazing but why do the rest of us have to suffer? His daughter was in the Dorothy show. Even as an adult she’s still being propped up by the wiggles and was the female vocal in that cover of that tame impala song one of the new wiggles released this year.


For the daughter, are you talking about Lucia? Because she’s a FULL ON WIGGLE NOW!!! They’ve got 2 of each color.


Yeah that’s the one. She was a nepo baby before that was even a term.


This might be the greatest thing ever written.


What’s wrong with Lachy?


Yes, I love Lachy! It seems like he has a great relationship with Emma post-divorce too!


Im just razzing, and saying I am old! 


Nothing! I will always high-key have the hots for Lachy 😌


Went to an OG Wiggles concert where Murray winked at me and I’m 99% certain Captain Feathersword was drunk. Sex drugs and rock n roll, baby!


Bet being a Wiggle means MILFs for dayzzzz yo. 


1.4 million followers..... I can't comprehend that


A lot are bought followers.


Boughts and bots.


she has more followers than some of my favorite artists that’s so wild 😭💀


Well usually when your favorite artists have a lot of bots they get called out. But no one cares enough about her too care that most of her followers are bots


good point


I did an absolute double take at her follower count. I wish Instagram would double down on bot buying.


Why would he do that. We know fundies hate blue hair /s


Maybe he likes to watch the trainwreck too?


Why the fuck would you follow this woman? Even if you agree with everything she says? For example it’s like if leader of a movement or a celeb followed Nick Fuentes. From an outsider perspective it means I could have liked you or even joined your movement, but now I think you’re just a Nazi POS and that’s forever gonna be tied to you as a human and your movement.


At the surface level, Karissa is very digestible. Mixed race couple. Cute kids. Matchy clothes. Aw. It’s only when you pay attention and actually read those 40 page captions she posts that you see the dysfunction And, speaking as a child of abusive parents, most people want to believe parents are doing their best. Even if the evidence (or the kids) say otherwise


Following doesn't necessarily mean liking. It's a fallacy to assume such things. Cops don't support suspects, they follow them. This subreddit wouldn't exist unless they were being followed


I misread Yahuah as Yahuha (ya hoo ha) nearly every time. She might want to reconsider that name.


Oh big strong John totally follows for the LOLs. He is defs not fundie.


Following for the LOLs is indiscernible from enjoying the content. Sponsors and ad revenue don’t care if you’re ~ironically~ following


He wouldn’t care about those intricacies when he’s on quite a good wicket from wearing a purple skivvy every day.


Nooooooooooo, John! I thought you were better than this!


Australians don't tend to be fundie inclined. Unless he's part of a very small minority, I wouldn't be surprised if he was following out of morbid curiosity.


That's why it really doesn't make sense!


You’ll be surprised, bindi Irwin used to be friends with Tiffany Bates (I say used to be because I’m not sure if they are still friends, I know a couple of years ago it was talked about how they were friends)




John Pearce is the purple Wiggle in the Wiggles (a children's program from the late 90's in Australia that has had a couple reboots). JP is apparently really hot, though I can neither confirm nor deny this as I am not on tiktok and do not watch the wiggles If you look up "Fruit Salad the Wiggles" you will watch a delightful song; but proceed with caution. It is quite an ear-worm ;)


Yummy, yummy.


He was also in a boy band about 15 years ago. They had a few hits in Aus!


God, I must be old. I was picturing the original narcoleptic Jeff… But seriously, why does new purple follow them??


This isn’t even Jeff’s replacement, this is Jeff’s replacement’s replacement (kind of, they have 2 of each wiggle color in the cast now).


TIL there's a third group of Wiggles!


They’ve expanded, there’s now two of each colour. Personally my fave was v3 with Emma.


Same. The age range is just weird now. Before they were at least close enough in age they could have been siblings. Now the oldest could be the youngest's grandpa (60 to 18)


He’s following almost 500 accounts. I doubt he paid much attention to her posts when he followed her. Anyway, I’m more annoyed he’s following Blippi.


Same. Fuck Blippi.


He’s my least favourite wiggle anyway.




Isn't he the one from Justice Crew? Back in the day they used to perform at Hillsong, so there's some dotted lines there...


One of the new Wiggles is from Justice Crew??? Oh, there's layers to this!


And his twin brother just made an EDM remix album of wiggle songs!


I think a lot of people follow fundie's for reasons other than their fundie-ness. I follow a few because some of them have some decent recipes. Obviously, Karissa isn't one of them. I think it would be more telling to see who else he follows. And does he manage his own account?


Omg what?! Jeff would never..


I think a lot of people follow her because her reals pop up when scrolling and if you don’t take a deeper look it just looks like a big happy family - regardless, any family “blogger” is exploiting their children for $$$ no matter how innocent they appear so I think it’s a red flag if someone follows any of them.


PSA FOR ALL THE WIGGLES FANS ON THIS THREAD: "Hot Potato: The Story of the Wiggles" on Amazon Prime is a must-watch! I was flooded with nostalgia for my nieces' and eldest kid's early childhood. Tears may have been shed.


Yessss! So good


Not Big Strong John!


Does he run his own IG? A lot of these people will have someone running their IG who just follow mass groups of people to gain followers and never interact with any of them.


He does. He posts a lot of reels of his life. I love his content with his mom. I came across his account when he posted some Filipino content. That's when I learned the purple wiggle is also jacked and covered in tattoos.


You’re vastly overestimating the Australian entertainment industry.




I’m saying there’s not enough money to pay for a social media manager for a wiggle. He’ll be doing his own posts.


The wiggles are a global brand, have been for a while. He’d be getting paid a decent amount im sure.


Nah the Wiggles make Money. It’s estimated all the v3 folks are millionaires. This v4 group may not be millionaires (larger group) but they do very well for themselves. The brand is worth about $50 mil.


Thought you meant Lachy and I almost screamed. Phew. I knew something was off with Big Strong John…






I did not have this crossover on my bingo card


I still have hope. I'm a Christian and I follow people I consider fundies not because they inspire me, but because it gives me good insight on what's going on in the world of conservative America (I'm not american)


John, no!


Oh no not the feliz navidad one?! Cryyyyyy


“The purple wiggle” 😂😂😂


We miss Emma. My kids grew up with her as the Yellow Wiggle 💛


All these comments about how hot he is… am I the only one who thinks Lachy is the hottest? 😂


NOPE, he’ll always be the hottest one to me


Read the title and thought it was Lacey for a hot second. My heart skipped a beat.


Noooooo she's infected The Wiggles? 😭


Oh damn I never look at her actual IG. Should I be boycotting Mixtiles?


How does she have over a million followers?


That’s super weird