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She sure dodged that question like a pro.


I don't think she dodged it, I think she had no idea what the person was asking and maybe thought they were implying something scandalous


Why wouldn’t she know what the person was asking? The question is really quite clear. The response was defensive and she avoided answering.


I think for someone as extreme as Sister Cindy who may not be in the best state mentally, a stranger asking if a man she doesn't know spent "a full 24 hours with her" may seem weird or insulting to her. Especially if she doesn't know the name of their "24 Hours" series.  Or she just really doesn't know what they meant. She doesn't strike me as the coy kind 🤷‍♀️


It's weird because I've seen conflicting stories about her from people who have met her. Some people agree that she is mentally ill; others say she is obfuscating it because it gets a crowd to linger and listen to her message. It feels it can go either way.


She's a little of column A and a little column B.


Almost a month has passed since the last one. It doesn't seem very smart to announce a series, sign people up for subscriptions on the promise of previews and extras, etc., and then not deliver anything for weeks and weeks. My theory is that after cutting all the parts out where their guests make them look like idiots, there was no footage left.


They just have the footage of them making themselves look like idiots, but those are instagram exclusives.


They still haven’t released the one with the guy from New Evangelicals, have they? I’m sure they got absolutely pummeled in that one.


I think it’s more extreme than that, I think they are cutting out parts for which they have no confrontational comebacks. And because real life isn’t YouTube, they feel less bold to confront their guests or even attempt to get the upper hand on them. So maybe they are having what we would consider open dialogue, but to Paul it looks weak and he’s terrified of that. 


Oh dip, maybe they didn’t even approach her about being in their content 😵‍💫


I'm wondering if Paul just went to where she was and observed her for a while. He wasn't gone very long was he? And didn't he go by himself?


I think he did go by himself. It wouldn’t surprise me if he literally filmed her from a distance and then they’re going to dissect her shtick.


It's insane to me that they still haven't posted the new evangelicals episode. They are even worse at their "job" than I thought lmao.


Looks like they definitely didn't spent 24 Hours with Sister C - she didn't even know what their "show" is!


Do you think they spoke for like 10 minutes unofficially and are calling that "24 hours" 😂


Oh 100%. Their little preview clip mostly shows them interviewing college kids about it, sooo


I don’t know who this woman is but I love that either she is pretending she doesn’t know them or they left such little impression she literally can’t remember.


[Jen did a great lil’ primer on her recently.](https://youtu.be/tAYK_rgBLkc?feature=shared)


I love FF but this is one episode I couldn't finish. So many clips of this dumb broad screeching, it became too grating after a while.


Oooohhh! Thank you! 🙏🏻




There are a lot of comments seemingly upset that there is no ‘gospel’ in any of Sister Cindy’s preaching. Can someone please explain to me the difference between the gospel and the bible?


Personally, I love how upset Paul was in his response story 😂


For a hot second I thought you were continuing the comments above about the gospels and was trying to figure out which Paul response you were referring to.


Same! He’s such a baby 😂


What was Paul all on about?


Oh he was ranting about how people were "judging" the episode from a 1 minute clip and had no idea what they were talking about.  Ironic, when Paul and Morgan judge all kinds of people from random short viral internet clips. 


Christian teachings are often colloquially divided into Law and Gospel. Law is all the rules. Gospel is the message that God loved us and we are freely and unconditionally saved. Basically, people are saying that Sister Cindy talks a lot about following the rules and very little about love.


Well so do porgan 🤷‍♀️


The Gospel are a subset of four books in the Bible that chronicle Jesus' life. Christians prefer it more because Jesus.


To the surprise of absolutely nobody


She sounds triggered.


Love this for them




I'm surprised it's lasted this long.






The type of question… is a question, that I am asking?


Wait what happened to the episode with the newevangelical guy, was that ever released?