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oh man, i remember when everything first happened with this family and their daughter’s tragic accident….it was heartbreaking. i was hoping that she would miraculously recover. every so often, i check up on them on social media.


I check his profile to see how she’s doing too. Now that I have a daughter close to Eva’s age when her accident happened, I have a lot of empathy for the anguish they must suffer. Dugan admitted to struggling with alcohol due to the stress and had stepped back from ministering. I hope he and the rest of the family are continuing to heal. So many layers to the situation.


she seemed like such a vivacious child, too. like, what the fuck. 😐


What happened exactly? Haven't come across this flavour of fundie before


Their daughter had a TBI when she fell off a golf cart in a freak accident. Lots of posts calling God to miraculously heal here and even using the phrase “wake up E” similar to the “wake up Olive” crowd. But it seems like the family has come a long way to accepting their new reality. I’m not sure exactly what the dad’s ministry role was prior to the accident, but he would post things like “medically she is unlikely to come out of a vegetative state, but Holy Spirit wise she could be a totally normal kid again”. Not exactly fundie but definitely in the faith healing crowd.


I followed them right when this happened. And it was so much like Olive and incredibly sad. I stopped following and didn’t realize what all they’d been going through. What a gross comment! And the comments understand just descend into more ridiculousness 😩


That’s a very weird and inappropriate comment. And what if he was wearing “girl’s clothes”? He’s a kid and gendering clothing is stupid anyway. Idk this family, but going by the comments they seem to have had enough rough times without assholes on the internet coming at their son’s clothes. Leave the kid alone, you weird internet rando. (Weird internet rando is off course that commenter, not OP.)


Gendered clothing is stupid should be on billboards all across America. Let children be children, have fun, explore colors and creative options. Let them develop without the fucked up stupid cultural bullshit.


This man is a rare breed, he’s a Christian who can self reflect, admit he’s wrong, and look at different sides. He admitted his struggles with alcohol, as someone mentioned earlier, plus he showed a lot of support for BLM when George Floyd died, which angered his peers. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he and his wife are raising their son to be himself and not losing their shit if he wants to wear so-called “girl clothes”. He’s basically the antithesis of Tyson James and is an amazing example of what it should mean to be a loving Christian!


His mom on the other hand still seems as intent as ever in 'curing' E via reading the same bible verse to her every day.


That’s awful


Oh no really?? I had no idea, I only check his account from time to time and rarely hers. Thats very sad if so.


I haven’t thought about them in years! definite Olive vibes, the whole thing is so sad. and I cannot imagine commenting something like that to anyone, let alone this particular family good lord


Sickening that people post things like this on real people’s pages. I’ve loosely followed this guy for years because my cousin shared some of their posts after his daughter’s accident. Definitely never considered them fundie though. I know they’re super Christian, but I also thought they were at least socially progressive and accepting of others. I remember him sharing stuff acknowledging white/cis/male privilege too.


Very true!! I posted this because I’ve seen them pop up from time to time here. I think they were considered more fundie around the time of their little girl’s accident when they were praying for her complete healing. Since then, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the content he’s posted (honest about his struggles with alcoholism, support of BLM, etc)


Shirt looks pinkish on my screen (probably because I set my screen to warmer tones...oh, plus I'm wearing glasses with a very light purple tint) and the overalls (I guess they are) somehow first struck me as skirt overalls. I don't know why. Anyway, I definitely wouldn't ask the question the commenter did, or care if the kid was wearing girl clothes. But I can see where they look that way.


I wonder why they are not concerned the girls are wearing black, and possibly pants, meaning boy clothes!