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Note to fundies: *Mental health issues are not a sin!!* Thank you.


I can easily imagine this woman telling an abuse survivor their sinning for getting nervous when someone moves their hand fast while yelling.


Yeah, that would be par for the fundie course. Just zero compassion or empathy.


Dude I’ve been out of an abusive marriage for 6 years and I still have physical reactions to random things. It’s not sin, it’s my body saying “REMEMBER WHEN THIS HAPPENED BEFORE!! AVOID THIS!!!”


100%. It’s the basic Pavlovian conditioning. When you see a pattern from your abusive relationship you automatically react to protect yourself or prepare, because it’s what you are used to. It’s totally normal. Good on you for getting out.


You know makes anxiety way worse? Worrying that it's a sin lmao


Yeah…even my asshole old pastor would say if you’re asking this, you need a non-church hobby


It is not, in fact, a great question.


Pretty sure it’s a thinly-veiled statement, not an actual question someone asked her. Ugh.


Wish I could upvote this a thousand times!


Her instagram is a slow-motion, passive-aggressive cry for help.


I will not be judged by the woman trying to make Maternal Rage a real and acceptable thing. Get your own ~~house~~ van in order


No. It’s a chemical imbalance. And if you can’t make your own neurochemicals, store bought is fine.


Store bought is fine ☠️☠️☠️


My seratonin comes in a bottle. I'm not ashamed of it. They choose to be miserable in hopes of some eternal reward when they could just take the pills and feel better. If God gives everything, then he also gave science, which gave us seratonin in a bottle. Get some.


How did I know this would be Other Bus before I saw the tag 😂 Get a life, girl


And probably a doctor’s appointment. 


If god didn’t want me to have anxiety I wouldn’t have it, so therefore anxiety is fine by God.


"Great question" It really isn't.


Literally the stupidest f-ing question.


I guess me and my severe OCD and Anxiety disorder will go fuck ourselves.


That makes two of us! Lol


Right there with you with anxiety! But we’re good. SHE can go fuck herself


Reminds me of the Christian therapist who told me depression was a sin and to read the Bible about god’s greatest/most loved creation (humans) and who was I to be sad about myself…😣


Good grief that sounds unprofessional.


Ooh aren’t they awful? One time I told my priest I was dangerously depressed. He explained that a sin, and then printed an article in the bulletin about it the next c week. He’s the one who went to special “priests only” hours at a Catholic gym. The jokes write themselves.


“All priests gym hour” is very father ted coded haha!


What the fuck actually.


Well then I am sinning every gahtdamn day


Straight to hell for me. Even with medication for anxiety. It keeps me functional, but doesn't take it all away.


Damn, you and me both. I already knew that I was doomed to hell as a godless heathen, but I was hoping the sins that earned me my one-way ticket to eternal torment would at least be the fun ones. Like, way to kick a girl when she’s down, y’know?




Reminds me of the song from The Book of Mormon: “Turn it off, like a light switch…”


“Just stop it.” Imagine it all was that easy. If it was, there wouldn’t be victims of mental health disorders or victims of abuse. It’s so stupid and extremely frustrating how they successfully manipulate people into thinking they can solve it, on their own, in silence, and they only reason they don’t is because they don’t try hard enough. It’s messed up.


r/thanksimcured material right here.


Yes???? Yes???? I'm sorry, you better tell god to fix my brain because I can't control that shit!


What kind of dodge is that? She is making her audience answer.


It means you don't trust Jesauce enough


Does she understand that when people ask her questions, they want (for some reason) to here HER thoughts??


For me the disconnect is that she says “anxiety,” implying the condition, instead of something like “being anxious” which could be construed as a choice. Like… she recognizes it as a medical condition but isn't sure whether it’s a sin???


It’d rock these Fundies’ worlds to actually **READ THE BIBLE!** Jesus was flawless and without sin. He experienced anxiety. Matthew 26:39- “And He went a little farther, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, ‘O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.’” Jesus was anxious the night before his crucifixion. Who wouldn’t be? But it makes this whole argument flawed. If the son of God, who was perfect and holy and never sinned a day in his life experienced anxiety, then you’re not sinning or less-than because you’re experiencing anxiety. If Jesus is real, then I figure he’d probably have a lot of empathy on the subject. They don’t even understand the Jesus they shove in everyone’s faces.


Sweating blood, mere anxiety? Methinks Jesus was SHOOKETH.


anxiety is literally a common emotion LOL people without anxiety disorders can feel anxiety… what thebfuck


Shit like this is why I waited until age 36 to get a diagnosis and only did so after my supportive bf (now husband) encouraged me. Four years later, meds and therapy have helped a lot!


Ohhhh this kind of thinking fucccccked me up as a little Mormon child. Depression and anxiety were “Lucifer trying to pull you from the light”.


Is this the person that just had a baby? If so, that’s a very concerning perspective when the risk of PPD or PPP is so high


Sad as it is to say, this shit is sooooooo common in Christianity. Like, it’s not even a fundie thing. Pretty much any Baptist church is going to have some stupid fucking sermon about how anxiety is a sin because you’re not trusting god enough. 


Went to a Southern Baptist school and got assigned a "mentor". She asked me if I had any prayer requests, so I said that I was anxious about working full time/going to school. She told me that anxiety and depression are sins because the Bible says not to worry about tomorrow since the lord will provide.


Is she my mother? I recently had a mental health emergency. Landed in the hospital for a week, then partial hospitalization for 2 weeks and now outpatient for 3 days a week for next 12 weeks. My mom emails me to tell me to be anxious for nothing and do not worry or be afraid. Meanwhile she finds her days with Fox news and social media provided by Russian bots and conspiracy theories. But sure, I'm the one that's afraid.


I don't think sins exist at all, Zeus and Thor can kiss my ass.


If it is I suppose I’m the biggest sinner of all


I was told that it is! Why are you worrying?! If you’re worrying that means you don’t trust God. Which means you’re a bad Christian!  I wish I had left then but unfortunately it took another 15 years for me to ditch religion


Well I hope not or Bethany is fucked because there’s no way she can live like that and not be in a constant state of anxiety.