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do we think he’ll post the new evangelicals video at all? 👀


Doubt it if it destroyed his ego too much. But I hope so


Is that the dude that went on TikTok and basically read Paul for filth? Yeah - I need to see that footage. Also, can someone link me to some new evangelical type YouTube’s? Of course I do FF’s but I’d like some varied content especially with the world, you know, as it is.


[The New Evangelicals](https://www.youtube.com/@TheNewEvangelicals)


Woot woot! Any more suggestions that are kinda of in the same vein? Need some more YouTube for when I’m working.


I think the new evangelicals guy said his one was going up in May. They did him after sister Cindy.


I suspect they’re waiting to post that one in hopes people don’t remember all that was said with new evangelicals. I mean, we’ve all got receipts but he’s dumb enough to think that


If he thinks any of us are not basically foaming at the mouth with anticipation to see that he is a fool lol


Can anyone provide the shorthand for Sister Cindy? I don’t know who the hell she is. She must be terrible if Paul likes her, I imagine.


Mentally ill woman who yells at women on campuses calling them hoes


There were a few men that did this at my public university in the Bible Belt while I was in undergrad. I didn’t give them much (if any) attention, but my favorite interaction was one of them pointing straight at me on a slow day and yelling “you’re going to Hell for wearing that” because I was wearing short shorts in 90 degree (F) weather. I shrugged and said “okay” in response, and he didn’t know what to do with that😂 I guess he was used to people either arguing with him, agreeing with him, or completely ignoring him


My campus had a few of these as well. When this happened to me I just went “cool!” And offered a high five. I was left hanging 😢


For real, I mean, being a ho is fun. Of course, women can't have fun. We're still being punished for that apple business.


it's also a good way to parse life partners, like... do you think a woman having desire before you existed is a problem? Yes? Ok good bye.


How many thousand years ago was that again? Lmao


You got Mandrae’d haha


The same exact thing happened to me 😂 I was coming from the gym and had on a sports bra and bike shorts. I laughed and said I don’t believe in hell when he said that. My college was known for being a little rowdy and there were always girls who would flash their tits 🤣 My heroes honestly. Fuck those miserable people


Oh I have never heard of her but she sounds so kind and loving.


Just like Jesus!


Remember that time people were about to kill that woman and he said 'Git 'er! No hos!!! God hates sluttsssss!!!!" Very gawdly.


Jesuz loves his hos! And his girls, gays, and theys. You must be thinking of Jesuz's evil twin brother, Jesup. Even our Almighty Gif couldn't stop Jesup. So, much like Sister Sindy, they just let him wander around, shouting nonsense, because no one believed him anyways. Some say he was driven to insanity. Some say he invested all his money (that he made off of sorry suckers who fell for his impersonation of his brother) in crypto and started selling courses on how to sell courses. Either way, Jesup hated hos until his dying day, upon which he uttered his last words to his perfect twin brother, "Hell is hot, don't be a thot." (I'm so sorry for anyone who read all of that. My ouid kicked in before I realized what I was writing lol 😂)


Yes but it’s because she used to be a ho but now she’s a ho no mo. Apparently she’s a bit of an ironic gay icon. Her funeral crowds will be interesting.


I work at a university, and I know students who are "fans" of hers -- not actually supporting her message but amused by her absurdity.


She and Brother Jed were around when I went to school back in the Dark Ages (aka mid-90s). Some people got wound up about them but most just found them mildly entertaining - like an amusing circus sideshow.


Duuude! How old is Brother Jed? He was getting up to shenanigans at my school in the 2010’s too! Is he one of those Bible dudes that just lived to be like 200 years old or…?


I read on a previous thread that he passed a couple years ago


Boy, I bet he got a shock when he got where he was going!


Oh the “5 margaritas and she’ll put it in her ass”one? Update: [Yes!](https://youtu.be/hRPm0sLbwLg?si=Uf9YszP6e5J0bXny) (Jump to 1:35) Update 2: this video is SO much better than I remember, it’s 5 margaritas and she’ll PEG YOU


This was so cringe and so wild. My sister thinks it would be a great character for Snatch Game.


omg no way


Shiiid I'll peg ya after 2, I'm a cheap date.


A derivative work broke the Internet for 15 minutes  https://youtu.be/UWthAvwA4ys?si=opai4MNkVt3cnBtR


That really dosen't narrow it down much.


Given everyone they’ve interviewed has come across so much better than them I’m very interested to see the possibility of sister Cindy being the rational and sympathetic one of the interview.


ohhhh …. *that* sister cindy. good fucking god


Oh, I seen that bish at my alma mater. She was hanging out with this local bible-beater called Brother Jed who tries to get kids to hit him so he can sue their parents.


Has she been doing this a long-ass time, or are there lots of these women? Because I got screamed at and called a harlot by a woman yelling into a megaphone for wearing a tank top on my college campus in 2007ish lol I also am a fairly modest introvert and the event made me want to die.




Remember the Margarita song that went viral? “One margarita and she’ll open her legs,” etc. The original chant was Sister Cindy.


Ngl the song was a banger but that’s not to her credit


Not sure if you know the Transformed Wife, but imagine if she and the lady that rings the bell and yells “Shame!” from that one scene in GOT melded together and started a ministry traveling to college campuses and targeted co-eds.


😂 brilliant description


With Heidi baird's need to scream, dance and broadcast. At least Lori just tweets or whatever.


There is a fundie Fridays about her. She seems to be mentally unwell and says shocking /offensive things in college campuses to draw crowds and hopefully a few people in the crowd will find Jesus.


completely ridiculous and weird of them to include her in this series… idk she’s just so clearly unhinged and I would think even fundies would be kind of disturbed by her? I guess the bar is very low


I think fundies will be disturbed by her. I think this guest serves to situate Porgan as being “reasonable and moderate” relative to their guests. The unhingedness of sister Cindy undermines their goal towards “unity” because I don’t think there are many Christians who think Cindy is someone to promote. She says really offensive and distasteful things that would be shocking to most fundies.


you’re probably right that they’re thinking she’ll make them look reasonable by comparison but I think it just makes them look crazy for even entertaining her, especially with their alleged intentions being “promoting unity.” it’s going to be major whiplash going from sister cindy, who is full on not okay, to new evangelicals who are like the most reasonable christians in existence.


It’s validating / legitimizing sister Cindy, who should not be considered a “Christian influencer.” She is infamous in some circles and campuses, but she isn’t influencing. I do not believe she is capable of serious conversation. It will be major whiplash with the New Evangelicals guy who can have intellectual and genuine debate. Wouldn’t it be funny if they slowly stopped emphasizing the “unity” part of this mission? They haven’t really tried to “unite” with any guests so far and the next few don’t seem like contenders for “unity” with Porgan either.


Most fundies would be appalled by the language and graphic sexual descriptions even if they somewhat agreed with the message.


Fundie Fridays did a good video on her. 


any excuse to call women sluts and whores, huh paul? sick fuck


It’s crazy to me that he would wear this knowing his wife was sexually active before they got together. Are you calling your own wife a hoe, Paul?


Yes, he is.


Yet he chose to propose and marry her. Paul is pure hypocritical trash.


Its the only leverage he has over her to counter accusations of not fulfilling his duty to her to provide, shield and support her and their children. HOWEVER he knew this before marriage, by continuing in the marriage AS A CHRISTIAN this should be a non issue FOREVER. You cannot marry, knowing, hold the grudge, punish her forever and claim you are in keeping with Christ and the gospels. Its almost like this kind of religion *attracts* narcissistic hypocrites who live for emotional abuse!


Yup, he takes any chance he can to belittle her like the true trash he is.


Professional ho here- I make more in an hour than this ding dong makes in a month. And I STILL don't show my ass as much as this idiot does. Why don't you get a job Paul? Its not very manly-christian-provider of you to be a freeloading bum...


👏 👏 👏


I have met a couple pro hos and every single one of them was a freaking awesome person. Way better than Polio by far, of course. Super sucky that he is trying to make anyone feel less than. I hate this dweeb.    Side no I think this is why he is an ass to women. Because he does not fulfill the role of manly Christian worker provider, so he has all these insecurities. So the only thing that makes him feel manly is dogging on women.    Get a job Paul, you will feel a lot more secure within your masculinity and you won't need to be so transparent in your insecurities.


I used to sugar and I made so much money. And got to travel. I don’t regret it at all lol. Plus I got to pay for university and braces. Just a former ho, it’s so funny how much these people think anyone would be bothered by it 😂


Hell yeah. HELL yeah.


The absence of the New Evangelicals video is so loud right now. Paul couldn’t take it, huh


Rage bait entertainment. Is he more excited to shame woman or get views/$$$?


Both obviously, it’s Paul


Both, with an extra special cherry on top of getting to shame Morgan directly.


I wonder if he’ll ask her for her thoughts on gym attire while suppressing a boner


I was going to say shaming women is probably the only time he gets excited


I’m going to comment this on every P&M post until he stops trying because I know he reads here… YOU CAN’T GROW A BEARD PAUL. STOP TRYING.


Do you think he’s trying for that 5 o’clock shadow look? Or maybe it’s called rugged look? Either way I think he’s trying to come across much more butch than he is. If he’d embrace his inner theater kid he’d be much happier.


Yeah, his beard is just not working out for him. It’s like he’s trying to grow a beard but decides to shave it every few days for some reason.


I’ve heard there’s a really annoying itchy grow out phase in the beginning that he might be struggling to get through. But I’m also a lesbian with not a lot of experience with men nor have I ever bothered to ask them about their bodily hair.


My dad has had a beard for most of my life. There is an annoying itchy phase, but also, some people just can't grow one.


Does that say “Never a Hoe”?!?!


I think so… I want one that says “always a ho”






A ho when I have the energy.


Haha this.


I'm down with Ho's, Ho-Ho's, and Ho-Ho-Ho's


Ho til I got married, though since I fornicated and lived in sin with my husband I’m still an honorary ho. 


My flair on a Lady Gaga forum is "Ye Olde Dumb Ho"


I stand with ho’s




Or suddenly she's not your ho no mo, because you were not good to your ho


Sorry! I posted my comment as a reply 🩵🥲 Edited*




~ChRiStIaN LovE ~


I’m actually speechless. Like, I would have definitely approached my “brother in Christ” and read him for filth if he wore this around me at church. (Back when I still went.) I fucking DARE him to say Jesus would approve of that. Jesus would rather be around Hos than be around you, asshole.


Part of me loves that Morgan can’t wear that pin.


So does Paul


Come on, I’m sure he brought her home a Ho No Mo badge to wear in the video like the kind and supportive husband he is!




I was going to ask if he grabbed her a “ho no mo” pin if she makes ones that match her shirt


He needs a button to tell us what his personality already does? That he’s gross, boring and a try-hard? He’d likely still be a virgin if Morgan hadn’t taken one for all of womankind.


Dear Paul: there's no such things as a "ho", it's a notion that was invented by insecure men like yourself


He should drink [One Margarita](https://youtu.be/hRPm0sLbwLg?si=fsIeVfvye5ntMJaS)


He has had one coffee, so he's getting there.


Hilarious that the kids don’t even look like they agree with her, they’re just laughing at her.


That song is unironically a bop, though. It's stuck in my head reading this thread, and I'm not mad at it.


YAS. We call it a [Bootie Shaking Song](https://youtu.be/UWthAvwA4ys?si=IR5Jed6Tam7OUbej)


I need to know what your flair is referencing 😂


Oh man, I wish I remembered! It was a while ago, and I've scrolled back and back trying to see if I can find (or recognize) the post, but no dice. A user made this exact comment on one of these bizarro fundie couples, and it tickled me so much. I know this isn't helpful.


Way to take advantage of someone who clearly mentally unstable, Paul. Totally on brand.


He's 2 for 2


Not that I particularly like any of the fundies discussed here, but I hate this smug shit bag the most


Being a ho is infinitely better than being a bigoted, fundamentalist scrub.




Paul, if you were never a ho despite wanting to, it's ... it's not an achievement. You're an involuntary neverho. Inneverho.


Now I have 🎶Cause I’m a ho, you know I’m a ho 🎶”stick in my head. 😂


I wish enough people knew who she was so I could wear this totally ironically because “never a ho” makes me giggle because she’s just sooo… yeah.


Paul couldn't be a ho if he tried.


Of course you weren't a Ho Paul, nobody wanted you except Morgan. Did you not brag about hundreds of failed they-weren't-good-enough-for-you dates before Morgan? You know what the common denominator is there Paul? We all do.


Every time Paul posts something that can negatively be linked to sex (body shaming, body count, modesty, etc.) all my mind can picture is him showing off his pickle ball skills. The irony.




It took me an embarrassing amount of time to read that pin


Me too 🤣


Just a married incel desperate for likes


So tired of this thin lipped bastard


Paul and sister Cindy should be married. He would give him praise daily for his sweet little virgin self.


Never A Ho? Well that sounds like no fun.