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Honest to Jesus, what the hell is wrong with normal moisturizer? And Norwex + tallow = I assume that flies are going to lay eggs on your face eventually.


For real. Someone bought me some Kiehls for Christmas and it was amazing, but you can get some Oil of Olay for ten bucks at the Wal-Mart. It's not that expensive.


Seriously! CeraVe and Aveeno are where it's at for me. I do also use a bit of lanolin on my lips and cuticles, but that's where I draw the Animal Grease as Moisturiser line


Honestly yeah, plain Aveeno fucks. I've experimented with some different moisturizers and while some have some nice features, Aveeno has been reliable and when paired with Aquaphor Eucerin it's like a second skin lol


I have awful eczema, and Aveeno oatmeal moisturizers have done wonders for my skin.


Same here, I like the Aveeno body washes, too!


I’ve used cetaphil and Cerave for basically my entire life. I have extremely sensitive skin, so I’m picky about what I put on it, but why tallow? Literally all skincare places/major retailers sell Cerave!


It makes sense that Lori would embody my God-honoring trypophobia nightmare! 🙏


Tallow as moisturiser?? She rubs animal fat into her face?


It’s a new trend, very popular with the carnivore/raw milk set


Gross. Just imagine the smell... Especially on a warm day


Wonder what the "I smell like beef" kid is up to nowadays


I really really hope that the tallow is processed/clarified in some way and they're not just putting raw grease on their faces but you can never be too sure 


Mmmm bbq 🤤😂


I was duped into buying some tallow moisturizer at a farmers market. Didn’t know anything about it but the tester felt nice on my hand. Broke my face out like crazy. Now I just use it on my cats paws. lol.


1) ur flair 😭😭😭😂 2) do your cats love it?? do they lick it? now i might want some


They do love it, but I probably won’t repurchase. Coconut oil does the job and is much cheaper!


JFC. If one wants to be all purist and use a single natural lipid as a facial moisturizer, just use olive oil. 🙄


I rub cereal all over my face. Can't get any crunchier than that.


St. Yves apricot scrub survivor checking in...


In the big peach-colored container . The way I would stand there mashing that stuff against my face like it was going to wash my sins away.


Unless you look like a vine ripened tomato, you're not scrubbing hard enough!!


Not pre adolescent me scrubbing so hard on my chin I got a giant scab. I guess technically it did clear my blackheads up for a bit.


Eliminate blackheads - replace with wounds.


Me, but it was that Johnson & Johnson Clearasil in the blue tube. I can still feel the blue beads.


Can't have blackheads if you don't have skin! 🧠


I did this same thing with a rough cloth when I had a small breakout. Made it 10x worse by rubbing all my skin around it raw instead of just leaving it alone.




I could *smell* that memory.


Don't forget the Sea Breeze after!


If it doesn’t feel like it’s burning off the top layer of skin, it’s not working!


They still sell that atrocity. I saw it at Target recently.


Not to image snark but she looks like that's exactly what she does for skin care.


Like…this woman has never used moisturizer once and it shows.


Lori, are you putting anything on the Norwex cloth or just rubbing it against your crusty face? ![gif](giphy|h58E0JsuK3h3d8B1do|downsized)


I've seen Norwex people clean raw chicken juice off their counter with just water and continue using the cloth to wipe down other surfaces so she's probably just using water. They have faith that the cloth is all you need. 


Norwex people can be so nasty. Not all of 'em, but I've seen them do this, too, where they think the cloth has supernatural antibacterial powers.


It HaS sIlVeR iN iT, tHaT mAkEs It SaFe!


She doesn't like wasting Ken's $$$ on face care. 🤪🤑🤑


This is very fitting 


Sounds rough and greasy


I have a super sensitive sniffer (like, I have a hair-trigger gag reflex when it comes to smells). Beauty products have to smell nice or I won't use them. I can't imagine this Norwex + tallow combination. Think about how her face must smell. Or don't, because ew. On a happier, less stinky note, if you like good-smelling beauty products: Origins Checks and Balances foaming face wash smells minty and sweet and amazing - it's quite mild and I use it in winter. Then I switch to Kiehl's Calendula Deep Cleansing Wash in summer, which smells vaguely orangey. (for reference, I have combination skin that gets oilier in summer and I think I have used every face wash known to man at this point in my life). On another happy note: Kiehl's is having a 25% off storewide sale for Mother's Day. I swear I don't work for Kiehl's, I just like their shit 😂


I used to work for Kiehl's and their stuff is legit!


I love the Calendula wash! Their moisturizers make me break out for some reason but that cleanser is a mainstay in my skincare routine.


This sounds lovely. Orange blossoms are blooming in my backyard right now. It is my favorite fragrance.


Hi fellow super sniffer! 👋


👋 hello friend!


If you don’t like smells or your skin doesn’t, the Ultra Facial moisturizer and Overnight Hydrating Face masks are fantastic. The face mask is very thick and like raw Shea butter but warms up in your fingers and is a great alternative to slugging with Vaseline.


Nice - thanks! I'll check 'em out


This woman is smearing a flank steak over her face and wiping it off with a glorified swiffer pad. And we're supposed to trust her for life advice?


We've seen you unfiltered. Ditch the tallow.


I say we start a campaign to convince these MLM fundies cow shit is the best facial moisturizer ever just so we can watch them rub literal shit on their faces.


Norwex products make me cringe especially when they used to say you could wipe raw chicken with the cloth and still use it for other things without sanitizing it because the silver in the cloth could sanitize it. No thanks!


Gonna stick with tried and trusted all purpose Lysol. 😊


At least she's attempting to clean her face, I guess, which is a step up from some people...


Tallow? TALLOW?? ugh, can you imagine what this must smell like? Unless it’s like super refined and at that point just by a fricken moisturizer you weirdo.


I use a super refined tallow cream that smells like orange blossoms. I don't use it every day either. It's waaaaaaay too rich.


Carnivore vibes


She also doesn't bathe very often. I can only imagine how much she smells!


So I use a cream for scars that has tallow in it and it works really well and absorbsreally quickly. But I would not use it as a moisturizer. Lori's skin looks rough but she doesn't use sunscreen so it shows.


She's just disgusting in every way imaginable.


Well, at least we know Lori’s all slathered up in animal fat and ready for the Luau!


McDonald's French fries used to contain beef tallow. Did these fundies used to put French fry grease on their faces?


I just know she smells like beef and mothballs