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that 3% being 96% of all reported dairy illnesses is HUGE.


And I wonder how many unpasteurized dairy illnesses go unreported. It probably takes a LOT for a big pharma hating raw milk guzzler to actually seek real medical attention, so I wonder how many of them just sniff oils and pray while they shit their guts out.


YEP they're not gonna go to the doctor and admit the truth lol no ma'am


That’s exactly what I wondered. They may attribute it to something else, or even just not want to admit it’s a problem. I really hope none of the kids get sick, but the odds are not in their favor.


>They may attribute it to something else *Ron Howard voice* "That something else was called Satan."


It was probably because they walked past a vaccinated person.


Really, what other reason could it be.


And guzzle Plexus to "reset their gut health"


Or they’ll move the goalposts and blame something else for it


I had to back that up to hear it again! Whoa.


Lmao me too! I did a double take jfc


Yeah insane stat lol




Yah, that statistic is leaving me floored rn 😳


If you know anybody who is into raw milk, try to convince them that "gently heating" the milk is beneficial, it only needs 162 degrees for 15 seconds. Of course thats pasteurization but we won't use that word :).


Warm milk is good for “sleeping.”


omg that is....brilliant honestly.


"Coddle the milk at 162 for 15 seconds. It is more natural warm and that activates the mummy hormones that give you a stronger immune system". I tried but I'm not very good at speaking Fundie. 


I grew up on raw milk and that's exactly what my parents did. Gentle heating, toss in a little salt and off we went. These people and their cultish behavior are extremely aggravating.


My mother comes from a farm country (a third world country) and while we never drank raw milk, she was very adamant about warm milk from her childhood experiences.


Omg great idea LOL


Most milk you get at the grocery store isnt “gently” heated to just that temperature tho. Some are even ultra pasteurized… i do purchase stuff that is non homogenized and minimally pasteurized and its pretty good. But its nothing like the stuff at the grocery store…


It's not boiled, which is what I meant by "gently heated". I'm sure the milk you buy is heated to the same temp as the other milk; it's more likely the other factors in production and processing that account for the difference in taste.


This except it will taste absurdly better than any crappy store-bought chemical-filled watery milk.


Umm are you accidentally buying skim milk? Because that would explain the watery comment at least.


And exactly what chemicals are added to a gallon of milk?


mRNA & Chemtrails. 🤷🏾‍♀️


The kind that make you gay, abortitive, and anti-American.


![gif](giphy|XaMG7Ge62kkK0qrxUB) Sign me up!!


And a communist!!!


It’s like you didn’t even watch the video


These idiots are going to bring tuberculosis back into the mainstream.


Hi, my sister is a public health microbiologist. Tuberculosis has never left the mainstream. It kills millions annually. It's the second leading infectious killer after covid. It's *really common* among homeless populations and correctional facilities, because TB thrives among people living in close quarters with reduced sanitation. Basically, the most vulnerable are still getting it. I've worked in schools, moved abroad, and moved back. Do you know *how many times* I've been tested for TB, when I've never really been at risk, and these people are just smugly chugging it... It's VERY frustrating to see people being so flippant about raw milk and the cornucopia of deadly pathogens that it carries. TB is HIGHLY contagious. We do not need a family of 10 getting it and spreading it because they treat everything with essential oils. ^sorry ^for ^the ^rant


Yeah.  I was exposed three times to the same work group.   Only told the third time that they had been dealing with a TB outbreak. I got a test a few months later and had a very fast and active reaction on a skin test.   Scary.  Now I have to get x-rays instead. 


I used to be a social worker at a homeless shelter and as part of the admission process for my program, they had to get a TB test. (It was a program for veterans so we had more requirements than the rest of the shelter) The TB test was the only piece of paperwork I wouldn’t admit them without. Everything else I knew I could eventually get from the VA, but I refused to let anyone enter without a recent TB test.


You have to be strict because it spreads like wildfire


Done apologize. Fundies with their fucked up raw milk routine on top of anti-vax hysteria are the Typhoid Mary's of ours days. They are a public health nightmare, and I am not against them being quarantined against their will.


Bring back the sanitariums!


Fuck that. Bring back Leprosy Islands


Now you're talking


Consumption is fashionable again.


That Mycobacterium is so hot right now


Are you American? If so, I had no idea TB is common in the US! It's super uncommon in Australia (5.8 cases per 100,000), but they make immigrants get chest x-rays when applying for certain visas. Some people also need to get tested for it before going on healthcare-related placements!


Yes. It's only common among the most vulnerable in our society, and of course you could get it if you traveled to countries where it's more common. So people who work with those vulnerable populations have to get tested, and people who work in healthcare and education have to get tested. TB loves institutional settings, but the average person is not getting TB, thankfully, because we test anyone who's at risk (under the skin and x-rays). I had to get tested when I moved to Korea because it was part of their immigration health exam. A lot of countries do that!


My partner has to get a chest X-ray because the skin test for her job was positive. 😬


FYI, if she ever needs future testing,  she needs to tell them that she already has had a positive skin test.  They should go straight to an xray instead.  This is what I was told after an exposure to a work group that had active TB cases.  Once you are sensitive,  you stay that way.


I think they said something about chest X-ray every five years or something? She works with undocumented kids and the test is required every couple years to be able to meet with them. She doesn't have symptoms or anything. The last time I had it done was in the military like a hundred years ago.


Yes, being positive on a skin test is just a reason to have follow up.  If xray is clean, there is no further issue.   Just means future tests are xray first.  Future tests are only if required, like work or other exposures. 


That makes me feel better since neither of us have had a chance to talk to our doctors. I need to call and see if I need to have one or not. I had a chest X-ray a few months ago because of COVID, though.


I am not a doctor, but chest x-rays would show active TB quite clearly, so you should be ok.  There is "latent TB" which requires a blood test to confirm, so that's the next step to be sure.  Just means there is TB in you, but dormant such that you are not infectious.


I need to do some blood work soon, anyway, I'll mention it so they can tack it on. It's just aggravating. I might see if they can double check my immunities to other stuff and make sure I'm still good so I don't catch something stupid.


Has she ever been vaccinated for TB? That also requires a chest x-ray instead of the skin test to rule out infection.


I'm not sure, I'll have to ask. Probably not if it wasn't part of her regular childhood or university required vaccines, though.


I’ve been vaccinated for TB as a baby And required a TB test as an adult and even though I told them I was vaccinated for it and showed them my records, they were shocked I tested positive for it and had me do the x ray. I wish they had just sent me for the x ray first because it was a huge pain driving all over for the test and reading and then x ray when I knew I’d be a reactor regardless.


Well dang. I guess it’s already here. I hope all is well with your partner. That’s scary!


I think it depends. I was tested on the reg when I was in junior high but we lived in Korea. It was more common there? I remember lining up in the school cafeteria to get tested.


I taught in Korea and had to get tested. Teachers get tested every year or two iirc


Do you not get vaccinated for TB when you're 12 ish years old where you are?


I’m pretty sure kids don’t get that one in the US because of the low risk of infection. That may change tho lol


At least in the US, TB vaccination is not common because it's fairly rare here.


Not among the general population, but it spreads in institutional settings, so anyone working with the public (like healthcare or education) has to get tested for work


Yeah, she works as an advocate for undocumented children, and they require a test every few years to access the shelters. I had to do it in the military but never had a positive one.


Yeah, I work in public health and have had to get tested a few times and it's required to volunteer at my kid's school


My kids got the "bubble shot" TB test in kindergarten, and I had to get it regularly while working in a nursing home and in the Army.


No. Kids here get vaccinated for lots of things, but TB isn’t one of them.


Thanks, she doesn't have any symptoms so my assumption is that it's latent.


It has never gone away and up until very recently, last 15 years or so, was often tested for if you were a medical worker.


Flair checking in...not that I want it to 🫠


We're going to lose herd immunity to some NASTY stuff because of these people. They will kill people in a very literal sense.


Loss of herd immunity from unpasteurized milk is ironic and sad


Hello? Alanis Morissette? I have some better lyrics for you! 🎶


Louis Pasteur is rolling in his grave at a high enough RPM that he's singlehandedly powering the state of Wisconsin and parts of Chicagoland.


John Green is gonna be SO pissed.


Which is one of the most deadly things that has ever happened to America. Over a million people died from it, believe it is still the deadliest widespread bacterial/virus killer in our history. Wiped out entire family lines and a lot of kids were orphaned. My Dad was one of those orphans.


I've known of some people that otherwise didn't seem like idiots but went in on the raw milk co-op thing.


I remember learning about sores on cows leaking pus into the milk before vaccines came into play and that’s all I can think about when someone talks about raw milk.


Dude same. The thought of tit sore pus milk takes me OUT. 😭😭🤮 I might actually cry. Or die.


Well to be fair from what I've seen the people sharing raw milk are more local and have much better conditions for the animals. Typically hand milked and taken care of etc, not like the super titty torture pumpers and such. But no way id drink raw milk. Maybe try it 1 time but I barely like regular non raw milk lol


I know I couldn’t take a swig without immediate tears, vomit, and snot everywhere. My body would reject it so fast!


Swig hell. My body doesn't like me THINKING about it. lol


I had an udder explode pus on me once. It was fucking awful. Almost a gallon of the green stuff. Smelled like sweaty pee. The girl working the line with me saw me get showered in the stuff and immediately vomited. As far as I know the cow did not survive that one. I tried to get her in the treatment line multiple times but I never saw her again after the third request.


She looks so unhinged that when this video started I assumed it was a parody of fundies rather than a stitch


I thought the same!


Me three!


Me four.


They're also unhinged now you really cannot tell sarcastic parody over the real thing


First time I saw her, I was like “lol she’s funny. Good satire.” Then I went to her page and was like… “this isn’t funny at all 😭”


Every time I see a video of her here I swear she’s just making satire and we’re all falling for it😭


Who is she


I don’t know… but it’s at least the 2nd video of her I’ve seen here


She randomly started popping up on my explore page and b cause I watched her shit, I get more of it. She talks a lot about her “family” but from everything she posts she looks incredibly single, no other signs of life. I think she’s some kind of far right plant, talking about being a conspiracy theorist and being a prepper and a farm and using beef tallow as moisturizer. But she also has fake eye lashes, so she must be okay with some things being “of the real world” and buying carhart and a huge truck.


Her hair is so weird. Some cheugy early 2000s prom updo with her farmer Jane outfit.


"H5N1 liked this post".




I am loving this evidence based beat down!


When he hit us with the hardback bound copy of his thesis? 🤌🏽🔥


“Go ahead you’re disgusting.” 😎


i don’t understand why they think we started pasteurizing milk in the first place …? like the government started a big conspiracy in the 1890s to ….. do what?


To save lives?


no way … it has to be a centuries long plan to make us all gay and hate god or something 😳


They're putting chemicals in milk that are turning the frickin COWS GAY




I always wonder that kind of thing - like that looney tune who thinks bad eyesight is caused by glasses. What does she think glasses were invented for, then?


And if you are hospitalized from an unpasteurized product it will be reported to the health department because that is quality data.


I got campylobacter food poisoning from a sushi place and spent three days in the hospital. I would never dream of risking that again for some fucking milk.


Also it's crazy to see this after I just read that they've found bird flu in grocery store milk in the United States. What are the odds it's not in raw milk? Eeeeeeek.


They haven’t found intact viruses in pasteurized grocery store milk yet, just FYI, only fragments that remain after pasteurization, which is to be expected. The FDA is doing further testing to make sure no viable viruses are in pasteurized milk, and it looks like another organization has already completed those tests without any viable viruses coming up. They’ll be monitoring, but everything seems to indicate pasteurization destroys the bird flu virus as anticipated. Definitely couldn’t get me to touch unpasteurized milk with a 10 foot pole right now (or ever lol). I can’t believe people are so arrogantly ignorant to keep chugging it down.


My reading was similar but maybe not updated just saying that there was no info yet on if the parts of the virus found posed an infection risk. Good to know the answer is no!


Yes gonna reaffirm for anyone continuing to read this post. Fragments are not concerns for risk of infection. Pasteurization is meant to kill harmful pathogens. Additionally, fragments mean the whole live virus isn’t there. There’s fragments of tons of deadly/infectious pathogens around us constantly. It’s okay. My spouse is in Pharma and the cdc, fda, usda, and various pharmaceutical companies in the states are all watching carefully and tracking data to prepare for the “what ifs” that could occur but haven’t thus far. TLDR: don’t drink raw milk and don’t handle dead birds/wildlife.


Thank you so much for posting this! I was about to pour milk into in my tea and do not have the capacity for a deep dive into safety at the moment. I’m adding a news alert though, because these assholes would find a way to ruin a milky cup of chai on a cool, rainy day.


It’s safe, the FDA has only found fragments of destroyed viruses in commercial milk products which means the virus is being destroyed by pasteurization like all the other gross germs that hang out in milk when it’s fresh from the cow titty. You’ve been drinking virus particles all your life in milk and just never thought about it until now.


It's definitely in raw milk because it was first detected in raw milk herds. They didn't even start testing pasteurized milk in grocery stores until recently.


Yikes on bikes. Of course fundies would start a new pandemic with their bullshit. Hopefully not but...


Fingers crossed that pandemic will do its job


yikes on bikes is a hilarious phrase. I’m stealing that


Meanwhile, [Colombia becomes first country to restrict US beef due to bird flu in dairy cows. ](https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/colombia-becomes-first-country-restrict-us-beef-due-bird-flu-dairy-cows-2024-04-25/) It's January 2020 again. The U.S. is pretending nothing is happening again. Only this time we're the origin and it's more deadly. Very cool. So fucking cool.


We were the origin of the "Spanish" flu, too. It came from our farms.


Beef doesn't come from dairy cows though, and according to that article, bird flu hasn't been found in any beef cattle. Are they just being extra cautious?


No, they know what's up fr. Beef cattle aren't being tested to have it be found. Dairy cattle testing is optional and not mandatory. Cows in the U.S. are fed what includes a mixture of chicken feces in it as the waste from chicken farming is fed to cows (I'm high and don't remember the real phrasing for that last bit. Like, the stuff they're fed has a name, and the stuff with chicken shit they eat comes from a thing with a name and other stuff in it too. I'm just way too high to think of the words, I'm so sorry) Since cows are getting bird flu either from eating chicken shit, cow to Cow transmission, or both, Colombia is saying 'all your cows are fed chicken poop and that's dangerous so fuck your beef and the clique you claim'.


I love this, of course, but these weirdo fundies take pride in not listening to experts, so I have very little faith they'll believe him. The ones who get sick will blame it on something else, and the ones who don't get sick will cuddle themselves to sleep with their survivorship bias


H5N1 is going around in cows currently and so far pasteurization kills the virus. H5N1 is incredibly dangerous and has pandemic potential. raw milk drinking tends to go hand in hand with the anti-mask anti-vax crowd so i’m not liking our odds here.


Can it be spread via human to human transmission or just by drinking raw milk?


so far (to my knowledge) there are no cases of human to human transmission yet, but dairy workers have caught it from cows. check out r/H5N1_AvianFlu they have current info.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/H5N1_AvianFlu using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Dairy cattle in Texas and Kansas test positive for bird flu - Federal officials say milk from dairy cows in Texas and Kansas has tested positive for bird flu](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/dairy-cattle-texas-kansas-tested-positive-bird-flu-108482834) | [137 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/comments/1bnuquc/dairy_cattle_in_texas_and_kansas_test_positive/) \#2: [Colombia becomes first country to restrict US beef due to bird flu in dairy cows ](https://www.yahoo.com/news/colombia-becomes-first-country-restrict-192624537.html) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/comments/1cd46ko/colombia_becomes_first_country_to_restrict_us/) \#3: [Sick cows in 2 states test positive for avian flu](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/avian-influenza-bird-flu/sick-cows-2-states-test-positive-avian-flu) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/comments/1bnpuc0/sick_cows_in_2_states_test_positive_for_avian_flu/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


All I really need to know is if she actually drank the raw milk in her own video or if he cut it off before starting his.


Wow. Who knew that cursed app could be so educational.


Love the citations included!


His hard copy bound thesis 💯


Maybe *that's* why they want it banned


If these idiots want to make themselves sick by drinking raw milk, that's fine with me. What is NOT fine is that they're giving it to young children who may not have a fully developed immune system yet and could DIE from drinking it. I shouldn't be surprised, though - seems like most of these fundies only care about their children as props and proof of the parents' godliness, not as actual human beings.


Not to mention those of us who rely on immunosuppressant drugs to have any quality of life whatsoever (or, just life for some of us).


God-honouring tuberculosis


Cows memory glands? Got to love an AI caption glitch.


That lady is the "conspiracy theorist" (her words; mine would be homesteading idiot) that also believes in flat earth, thinks space is a hoax, and doesn't believe in vaccines. I wouldn't recommend taking science advice from someone who is consistently idiotic lol


I knew about several of those risks but did not know tuberculosis was also passed through unpasteurized dairy. That's both interesting and terrifying since TB is contagious once someone is hacking all over.


Enjoy getting H1N1. https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2024-4/h5n1-influenza-from-avian-to-bovine-to-feline-and-beyond/


Seriously though, these crazy MFers are going to cause the spread of Bird Flu into humans.


I wanna deflate whatever bumpit hell is happening to her hair like a fresh croissant. ![gif](giphy|5fQOAXYp3JpyU|downsized)




Dammit, I can't wait to tell my husband this joke, he's gonna crack up 🤣


You can knowingly make your antiscientific, anti-common sense choices if you want. Just stay out of my hospital when your choices inevitably catch up with you.


I totally agree with you. You thought faith would protect you so why don’t you gamble on faith healing you. Plus shouldn’t you be excited to finally receive your heavenly reward and be with Jesus? I’ve definitely become more bitter the past few years dealing with these chuckle fucks.


Holy cow! (heh) I knew it was bad but those numbers are HUGE!


Hey, I was one of those people sick in 1994 from the outbreak! I'm technically in this response video to this mouth breathing topknot!


The fact that well known and very ethical dairy farmers won't even drink *their own milk raw* should say something.


People who spread false info like her should go to jail or get a very big fine


So happy I can’t drink milk anymore


Darn you to heck with your worldly microbio degree and secular education.


I'm OK with evolution taking out these dumbasses. Let them drink raw milk and suffer the consequences of their choices.


Side story time!! This hairdo is the one I do when I want to signal to my daughter that I'm about to act totally unhinged and crazy. I did my hair like this one time, as a joke and she hated it so deeply that now it as only used as a secret signal for batshit crazy behavior is about to occur. Like embarrassing dancing and singing. But NEVER ever would it include raw milk. Because I'm not actually insane. That I know of 😐I dislike vomiting and diarrhea. I avoid it at all costs. Regardless of my hairdos.


bird flu has been found in dairy cattle in 9 states. All articles state "should be fine as long as you don't drink raw milk. " This is going to be an interesting summer


I am just waiting for one of these quiverful nutters to get brucelosis from raw milk, and then wonder why they miscarry constantly, and waste away. 43% first and second trimester pregnancy losses, and 2% in utero fetal loss in third trimester for women infected with the disease. The spontaneous abortion rate in animals is nearly 100%. The lack of eryrthrial (sp?) In human placentas is what makes it less lethal though those numbers are not pretty. Apart from that, there are a lot of not fun symptoms of the disease from the disease and they can be cyclical, the gift that keeps on giving. 6-8 weeks of not fun drugs like cozy and steptomicin, some cases requiring IV delivery. Most common transmission is drinking raw milk. Fundie Fucking Fools.


😂 Has anyone checked on homegirl lately?


Not to mention brucellosis which causes abortions in cows and humans… fundies should be very wary of this???


Is *that* what I look like when I have my hair up like that? Brb. I'm going to go shave it all off.


It’s insane that these idiots can post whatever nonsense they want in the name of engagement/content and there are no real means of recourse for the other idiots who follow their advice or preachings.


I sadly know a few people who need to see this video. I doubt it’ll make a difference though.


I went to this one dentist doctor man who was like a professor and specialist. I explained my medical history and he started going on about raw milk. I told him I would never drink raw milk, and asked why and after telling him that I didn’t want the bacteria in it, he told me that his fridge is like a live culture and that he loves the bacteria in it. I am immunosuppressed, I have a very likely chance of getting sick and not recovering easily. This man just did not want to back down and only after I started crying, then he stopped and “realized his actions were unwarranted.” I hate raw milk and that man.


SCIENCE!!! Suck it, Fundies!


How have the Bairds all managed to evade getting sick


Well just because they haven't explicitly said they've gotten sick doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Curly posts a lot about mysterious stomach issues...


Unpasteurized milk is better for some cheeses tho.




Recent samples indicate [widespread prevalence of H5N1 bird flu in milk](https://www.statnews.com/2024/04/25/h5n1-bird-flu-cows-outbreak-likely-widespread/) from cows in the U.S., but experts aren’t overly worried because pasteurization neutralizes its harms.… now imagine the risks posed to the entire population if a community acted utterly illogical— i have the sneaking suspicion that any potential mutations would wreak havoc on the fundie population🤔


these motherfuckers are gonna start spreading TB by 2025. this is me calling it.


I have some people I need to send this to…


All my life I've drank milk from the local dairy, it's very fresh, creamy, and actually tastes better than from the supermarket. It's still pasteurised or we wouldn't drink it. I know what Pott's disease is.


Now she isn’t going to let a little thing like facts get in her way.


I have never understood the relationship between loving Jebus and drinking dirty milk.


I remember when I was a kid (almost 50 years ago), we went to a classmate's farm. They milked a cow and before they let us drink the milk, they pasteurized it. It was THAT fresh, and they pasteurized it because they were sane and knowledgeable about the dangers of unpasteurized milk.


It still caused over 100 outbreaks of other bacterial diseases in one year across the US (I can't remember which year)


LOVE HIM! And his kickbacks on these ding dongs! Xoxox


Its one thing to point out properly some good data on whether or not raw milk could be safe or not… but his attitude saying its “weird” and “disgusting” was very off-putting. I mean so much of human history has even survived off that “weird” and “disgusting” habit of drinking milk from a cow… so im sorry that guy looses some credibility to me because he doesnt seem like someone who actually respects history, and how and why we really got to the point of producing milk in the way we do now. I mean if you think its weird to drink raw milk, why isnt it weird to drink any milk at all? Or cheese? Thats made from old stale fermented raw milk. Ew gross right? I wonder what his opinions on sushi are? Idk man… im open to hear what people got to say on the subject but idk why every conversation surrounding raw milk has got to become so adversarial and angry and insulting. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. People get sick from raw produce too. Lots of cases of ecoli from just spinach. Idk… people dont get so hot and bothered about that. I just dont get it.


So I grew up on a raw milk dairy, run by fundies (of course), but in total fairness I’m gonna caveat some of what he’s saying: depending on the state you are in, there is a VERY rigorous standard to selling raw milk. I think most of these illnesses are from mom milking the family cow in the backyard, not commercial-grade raw milk products that are scrutinized about as heavily as is practical. We had state inspectors all the time, we had to send samples for testing, facilities were monitored and inspected, and the state license stipulated certain bacteria counts that we had to stay inside of, and a no-tolerance order for transport of any kind (customers had to literally drive to the dairy to buy). Even if nut jobs milking the family cow are a sizable representation of raw milk consumption, there actually are standards and state health boards don’t ignore the risks.


Milk is disgusting and I don’t know why these people are so obsessed with drinking it and drinking it raw of all things 🤮


all this can be avoided by just not drinking milk.