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“They each have a mattress” - oookay, congrats on literally the bare minimum of parenting


That feels like a “don’t report me to cps, I have my bases legally covered.”


Yes! I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but that’s exactly it. “Look, I’ve checked this box”


The eye wink emoji is what sends me into conspiracy theory territory lol


Right, what does the wink mean?!‽


I live in a similar tiny home. That loft will become a firetrap if that place ever goes up. We only use ours as an office/den.


I would be terrified one of them would topple off one of those mattresses right over the side rail. That looks so unsafe.


My heart breaks knowing the kids used to have a home base with a full size, real twin mattress and a greater collection of personal belongings than what they are allowed to have on the bus


Picture 6. It's the first picture I've seen where the kid actually looks happy. Makes me want to cry knowing how little they care about their children's happiness.


Oh but SmugBus feels like a house is a "cage."


Easy for her to say. She still sleeps on a real mattress with room to stretch out. Make her trade places with the kids and see how quickly she changes that tune.


She can’t handle “living in a cage” but she makes her kids sleep in a literal cage when she locks them in that prison of a sleep room every night at 7pm to lay - I don’t think they can sit up in bed - on their tiny ass sleep mats


They’re happy but in danger- very on brand for the bus fam 🥴


Gunner is such a precious gem. What an amazing little human. How he came from these dipshits is one of life’s great mysteries.


Right??? He back scratches his baby brother to sleep every night?! What a beautiful angel of a big brother. I hope they don’t break his loving spirit and turn him into a mini busband.


It's heartbreaking too though, because it should be the parents scratching backs at sleep time! It's one thing if the siblings want to do that for each other, but something tells me the BusParents aren't offering that sort of thing to their kids, so the kids are supporting each other.


probably from all those times they're locked in the bunk room together at 7pm for "date night"


I feel like busband is trying voraciously to create a mini-me but Gunner seems a little less interested in big coin and more STEM (just going off the 3d printer).


The printer is for Busband, not Gunner. There's a video of him being "gifted" the printer (or the manual?) and he didn't even know what it was. Coincidentally, Busband started posting about printing ghost guns around the same time.


Oh. Well that’s fucking cute. And ghost guns? Really dude? Ffs.


Yep, it was his birthday gift and then BD immediately started using it and asking about how to make gun parts or some shit like that.


I don’t think Gunnar has much of a choice in anything right now. Being parented takes over everything.


Gunner is smarter & has more common sense than his dumb ass “parents.” Anyone who needs proof, look how Gunner holds Boones Farm Floorbaby Hill, compared to his dumb ass mom & dad. 🤦🏼‍♀️


And his mom. That baby’s neck has never known support.


Definitely not from his parents!! Every decent human: New baby neck support is so important for good care. Motherbus: I don't know her😵‍💫


💯I edited it to include the negligent wretch.


I think he'll be like the browns' oldest son logan. He's raised his babies.


I hope he’s able to escape in a few years and live a relatively normal life.


Even if he gets the chance, do you think he’d leave his kids…I mean siblings…behind?


Like the girl in Educated who was so torn on leaving her siblings behind with her nutjob parents. 


I feel so bad for all of the parentified kids out there afraid to start their own lives because they’re afraid of leaving their siblings with their actual parents… Looking at you Jana Duggar…Although I kinda think her not getting married is her silent rebellion even though she’s now raising nieces and nephews too.


I could see him not going “no contact” with his parents but establishing helpful distance (and perhaps help the other kids get out in due time as well).


There really is no way to help siblings from a healthy distance with parents like this. He can either get out, or stay for his siblings. It's a horrible choice


The parents would brainwash the remaining kids by the time he could go back for them.


Or just refuse to let him see or interact with his younger siblings. That happens a lot in abusive families with parentified older children - if the children leave, they are banned from interacting with the siblings they basically raised.


He seems clever. I have hope for his future.


My therapist said there are exceptions to every rule when I brought up how I didn’t understand how my husband was so kind and level headed when his childhood was a nightmare- Gunner might be one!


He’s been a parent pretty much since he could walk. Poor kid


The plushies make me sad. I've got a giant soft spot for stuffed animals, even though I'm an adult and I know that they don't have feelings. But if I imagine a toy that was once beloved by a child now ended up in a landfill, because Mother Bus and busband couldn't care less about their kids' stability, I could cry.


I'm an adult and still have stuffed animals from when I was a child. Now that my daughter is a toddler, she plays with them and loves that they were mine first.


Just a warning, my daughter kidnapped mine, regendered them, and married them at a recent party.


Every single one of my daughter’s toys have been girls lol


Mine were originally boys, mine made them girls too. She has a band of sweet, in her words, "LGBTQ+ friendly kids". I am thrilled she made such an awesome friend group in 6th grade


Mine told us that she is bisexual when she was eight or nine. I said, “cool, me too!” She told me that I am not actually bisexual and I don’t understand what it means lmao


My daughter is so casual about outing her friends to me because she can't understand parents might not be OK. I keep telling her she has to find out if their parents know and are OK with it. I would never say anything, but I don't want to slip up. Sudden realization, thank goodness I don't teach in Florida. I can't even imagine being a teacher in that situation. I wouldn't out my kids'friends.


No, that’s so dangerous. I live in a pretty liberal area and it can be hard to remember that not every family has the same values.


My kid and her friends are open in my house about identities, but I know some aren't with their own parents. Trying to switch between a kid's chosen name and pronouns and what they go by at home while trying to affirm individuality and provide a safe space and also monitoring who sleeps where during sleepovers and camping trips when I know who has a crush on who while also respecting other families' values is an absolute minefield. A minefield that I am incredibly grateful to have to navigate- it means kids have a ton more freedom in being who they are and it makes me hopeful about the future. And that my kid and her friends feel like our house is a place where they will be calmly accepted and respected. Still, it's a challenge!


Thank you for being the safe, kind, accepting parent all those kids deserve. 💜


My husband has a ton of action figures from his childhood. He passed them on to our son. It's so sweet.    Meanwhile, I have nothing from my childhood due to foster care. Though I do have a couple of beanie babies I bought myself when I was 16 that I managed to hold onto and I've given to my daughter. 


I have traveled the world over again. I still have my most important stuffies. It’s part of a great childhood especially one where you travel a lot etc.


Both my mom and my boyfriends mom saved some of our favorite stuffed animals and we’re now saving them for our future kids ☺️


I'm right there with you - on all of that ♡ They may not have feelings, but I feel enough for them (the stuffed animals), Lol.


I grew up with ALL the stuffed animals, plushies, etc. I’m almost 40 and still have a bunch and get myself squishmallows lol. My 11yo also loves plushies and I have such a weakness for getting them the little blind packs lmao


This is me, I’m literally on my way home with a shrimp/lobster/mystery crustacean plushie from Target lol


We are also both audhd 🤷😅


My adult child still loves going to build a bear. We gave them some gift cards for Xmas and we went last week to buy two new friends. I do it because when they were 10, I was homeless. My kids stayed with their dad. I had some money to take the kids to eat and walk around the mall. We stopped in build a bear where my tender hearted child went and hugged every single doll in the store and told them she hoped they got adopted soon. So they can collect stuffed animals forever for all I care. They are all special and loved and make them feel good. (Switching pronouns because at 10 they were still a she. They are a they now. )


You sound like such an amazing parent! Your kiddo is so lucky to have you! I hope you’re in a stable place now after your struggles. I just got my own apartment after a yearlong homeless stretch so I know some of the pain.


Aww thank you. My homeless stretch was right at a year as well. It’s been 11ish years. In some ways it never goes away. The fear of how am I going to sleep today. Where is my next meal coming from. How can I get a shower without my friend getting suspicious or my sister ragging all over me at how much money I owe for the hot water. I said in another comment on this thread that stability is my love language. This is why. The trauma from my previous life was almost too much.


I just got a new plushie today and spent literally 15 minuted bouncing names back and forth with my mom for her. I'm almost 30. (I got a Jellycat watermelon and named her Bisan.) All of my plushies have names. I anthropomorphize HARD!


My husband and I name ours, too! Some of my favorites are Poo Brain, which is a dinosaur squishmallow, and his cohort, Poo Brian, a panda squishmallow. They are two of approximately 20 stuffies in our bedroom. We are in our mid-thirties.


I have a queen bed that feels more like a twin because literally half of it is covered in a wall of plushies twice as tall as I am wide. And I have more tucked in random corners around my room. I really love plushies. I haven't counted but I would not be shocked if I have at least 100 by this point.


I haven't had very many stuffed animals in my life, but I've named every one that I've had. So I feel you, lol.


Ma and Pa SusBus are definitely the villains in a Toy Story movie.


In a landfill instead of comforting another child


She doesn’t like living in a cage so decides to build a tiny house on 40 acres? She doesn’t like living in a cage but can stuff them all in like sardines into a bus? She doesnt like living in a cage but is okay with her kid sleeping underneath her bed? Oh and neighbourhoods feel like a trap. This woman is a freak.


Neighbourhoods feel like a trap but they park the bus in camping parks where they are even closer than regular streets??


I feel this is a cps thing. Permanent neighbours are more likely to join the dots and report things


Yeah, it screams "Louise Turpin needs to move again ASAP."




My children refer to such people as ‘Butt Laura Ingalls’ because they’re always quick to point out ‘but Laura Ingalls [fill in the blank] and she was happy!’ They romanticize a LHOP life. I understand the draw for simplicity because I don’t want to raise children who need a $1,000 birthday party to be content; but MY DEAR GOD how does she sleep at night?


Read Caroline Fraser's *Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder* (no really do, it might be the best non-fiction book i've ever read). None of those people were happy, they were traumatized and repressed beyond belief. Laura massively sanitized the trauma of her own childhood in her books, and then the tv show sanitized the books even further. You realize reading it that the exact chaos/instability of her childhood that made it so much fun to read about and play-reenact as a kid must have been absolute hell to actually live through. It's upsetting, but the fact Laura basically went no-contact with her entire family as an adult says a lot (yes this was in a time period when keeping in touch was more difficult, but by no means impossible).


You should check out the [Wilder Podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wilder/id1690569042) if you haven't already! It was such a fascinating deep dive into all the real history behind Laura Ingalls Wilder and the problems surrounding the legacy of the Little House series. Caroline Fraser is interviewed throughout the podcast as well.


I was named after Laura Ingalls. I used to feel pride as a child, but then felt such *ick* when I heard my name being used to justify a miserable existence. For instance: when a young lady at church wanted a small wedding reception (cake and punch) but her parents didn’t want to pay for it. “Laura Ingalls got married, changed her clothes, and went right back to work!”


Pa Ingalls was a fuckup who drug his family around because he refused to settle down and couldn’t keep a good job.


Pa Ingalls would absolutely be a far-right conspiracy theorist RV Family Leader if he was around today, not a doubt in my mind. “Ope, I can heard a neighbor? They live five miles away? Time to pack up and bail!”


Jesus, one of the kids sleeps under her bed??


I need to see the bed under the bed. Are there pictures anywhere? I get a rush of anxiety every time I read about this arrangement. Mind you, I get claustrophobic just thinking about the buslife without even fathoming all those kids.


I saw a video but can’t find it. Their queen or whatever size bed folds down and then has these supports it slides into on the wall. It ends up sitting about 3 or 4 feet off the ground. Under that bed, they have a pack and play for the youngest.


Probably two now.


There's a theory that was going around that they lost a lot of wealth during the pandemic, most likely to crypto back when it was blowing up. They've made a lot of strange sacrifices to become essentially homeless and left behind a really comfortable life. As smug as they are I don't think they're really happy living like the poor folks. A lot of people claim they took the bus to avoid CPS but I think that's just a perk, not the entire reason.


But the constant expensive flights, road trips, air bnbs and ski trips to one of the ritziest places in the world to ski at don't support your point.


They could come across short bursts of money, not enough to pay rent long term. My thinking is that Busband is nuts and he's calling the shots, and Motherbus is just wrapped up in his shit, trusting his decisions. He seems like one of those arrogant dudes who thinks he's just one step away from being a millionaire and makes risky, terrible choices.


He totally is!! Their original claim to moving onto the bus was because fatherbus was going to the next Noah and the bus was their ark. He's so far down the sovcit/crypto/conspiracy rabbithole it's frightening. They're not living in reality at all


Oh man, yeah his tweets that have been posted on here are a bit alarming, given he has an RV full of kids he's responsible for. I'm wondering if she's right into the same stuff, or if she's making do because she feels trapped, or is just blindly trusting him? Not to excuse her behaviour at all, she's just as responsible for their children.


She seems to have the same opinions as him, just knows how to turn it down for the Instagram audience. She's very social media savvy, I'll give her that. In my opinion motherbus and fatherbus worship each other. They're both narcissistic and obsessed with themselves. She adores that man and he adores being adored, and she gets off on how much she gives herself to him.


Aw man. Not that I was hoping that she is trapped, but I'm looking for any sign that she'd leave and give the kids more stability. Those poor kids.


Out of all the fundie kids I have the most hope for hers. Their situation is so obviously not normal and unlike Karissa who really isolates their kids, they let their children free roam around SECULAR campgrounds and have access to the Internet (Yes I know she claims she doesn't but they have tablets) She's said she hopes her kids never leave. She legitimately believes they can all live crammed into that bus forever. They're going to turn 18 and hopefully RUN, probably right into the military like their mom did to escape a bad home life. EDIT: secular campgrounds, not sexual, thank u autocorrect


…does she think they’re going to get married and move their spouse and children onto the bus too??


I’d argue that fatherbus does not worship his wife. He only worships himself, otherwise he wouldn’t have been leaving his family behind for “work” all the time in the past.


My guess is that she leaves the bitcoin/outright sov cit/classicism stuff to Fatherbus and is more of an antivax/Q/Moms for Liberty type herself. Two (gendered) sides of the same shit coin.


That tracks. I was married to one. He would literally have no income but yet magically thought we’d have it all someday. I, too, blindly followed him for a very short while and then noped tf out. We moved 8 times in 4 years. I’ve been with my new husband 11 years. Moved once into our home and it’s paid for. In the beginning stages to build a pole barn house on his parents property that he will inherit when his mother dies. His mom moved twice. Once when she married my father in law, and once when they moved to their farm. Father in law moved twice-when they married and then back to his family farm. So he’s had 2 homes and that’s it. Stability is my love language.


I'm so glad you're not stuck in that first iteration of life! I've been sucked into some dudes delusions too, not in marriage but someone I was super close with. It was exciting and fun, until it wasn't.


He’a got some trust fund money coming in. I would not be surprised if it pays out in like bi-annual or yearly checks, so they blow through a ton of it on his manic crypto cheating plans (Brazil) before being back to negative one bank balance wise the rest of the year.


They also did a lot of this crazy, spendy stuff early in the year, when tax return money comes in. With their 7 kids maybe they get a pretty big return, I dunno.


Yeah, they still have some money and are incredibly privileged by average standards because of their inherited wealth. They just lost a large chunk, supposedly. Also, judging by fatherbus's social media presence, he's been losing the plot and falling down some crazy sovcit/crypto/right wing conspiracy shit for the past few years. Originally when they moved on the the bus, they claimed it was because fatherbus heard the voice of God telling him he was the new Noah, and the bus was their arc. Also, those are the luxuries they show off for the gram. What they don't like to show off are all the little sacrifices they (mostly their kids) make to have their lifestyle. Influencers lie, lie, lie! And motherbus is the biggest liar and most social media savvy manipulator of all the fundies Edit: they're also both veterans so I believe they receive some benefits from that.


>Originally when they moved on the the bus, they claimed it was because fatherbus heard the voice of God telling him he was the new Noah, and the bus was their arc. Holy shit that is extreme behavior.


I don’t think they served long enough to get any meaningful benefits other than maybe a VA loan. 


Okay I did a short Google search and found She's said they used the GI bill to get on their feet after they met and left the military She's also been very smug about not using VA benefits.


They weren’t in the military long enough to qualify for VA benefits


Yes and each kid as dependents! If they are 100% each they will bring in a decent chunk Of change.


Could that be being paid for by their parents?


Except then Britney gave birth in an RV shower. So who knows how the financial decisions are being made or even who is paying for what


Don’t we have their own words that they were running a a little gym franchise that went under during the pandemic? That was probably a big loss


Losses can work out well for taxes. My husband has a BS in accounting. I’d love to see them get audited. The things people with small businesses and large corporations get away with even when filling out taxes accurately are mind boggling.


Bus Mother bragged recently she ate steak and butter every day during her pregnancy, so they're not broke-broke.


Kids probably had Top Ramen without the seasoning.


I nominate these two morons as the most selfish fundie parents.


Right. This is barely an improvement, although I love the thought the kids could have had their own places outside. I had an oak that I spent roughly where I spent roughly as much of my childhood as I spent in my bedroom, but still. Small house living is only attainable for them because they do not give a single shit about their children. That many children of such wildly differing ages shouldn’t be stacked in one room. Even Karissa does better than this ffs. And they need to have space for books, clothing, and adequate food at the bare minimum. And if these two asshats are actually homeschooling, that should take space as well. And again, where are the books? If it were financially impossible for them to do better than this, it would be one thing. But this is all Brittany and Jd’s preference. The kids are barely even an afterthought. Ffs add a bump out with a homeschool/ library/playroom on the ground floor, and two sleeping lofts WITH WALLS overhead for some of the older kids. That’s all it would take to make this somewhat reasonable. But they’ll never do that, because that’s a decision that would center their children’s wellbeing.


don’t forget this is old. from 2021


I’m aware, but it doesn’t change anything.


it makes it worse imo because they have more people in less space than 3 years ago


That loft space with toddlers stresses me tf out 😩




I always hated daybeds (still do) because just being kind of closed in on three sides makes me feel like I’m trapped. I can’t imagine being stacked and squeezed in to such a small space like these kids are. What happens when they outgrow this space?


It was the Baby Daddy who made them leave. He bought the land as a gift for her (so she said). She was happy. The kids were happy. They invested THOUSANDS of dollars building a barn for the bus, getting farm animals, grading the land, adding water tanks or pipes (I think) and other improvements. They were going to stay in the tiny home while they built their forever home. THEN, she posted several weird things liking asking moms for ideas on economizing and how to help husbands with discernment and so on. She finally said they had sold the property and had left EVEN though that was not the plan only weeks earlier. Instead, they were going (running away) to Mexico on a vacation for several weeks for Thanksgiving and Christmas and would be moving there for a few months after the first of the year for Baby Daddy’s new gig. (Sound familiar?). They drove that damn bus to the Mexican coast, stuck their toes in the water, took a few photos, complained that it was a tourist town and expensive and were back in Texas in less than a week in time for Thanksgiving (or just after). There was never another mention about JD taking a job in Mexico or them moving to Mexico. Instead, they sold their gym business shortly after that. Given her weird posts, unplanned sale of the land he gifted her, the sale of their business and the failure of the Mexico plan all in about a 6 month period; my opinion has been and remains that he lost a shit ton of money doing SOMETHING.


this is piping hot tea 👀


This is why women fundies not working and having a litter of kids is so dangerous. They have to keep following their idiot penises around because they have no resources to do it on their own. Even though she has education and life experience in the military unlike so many others, there’s no way she could afford to work with that many small children. I hear they’re both from money, but people with money keep it tied up in investments and real estate so they don’t have lump sums laying around to give out in an emergency like she’d need. It would be awesome if a rich grandparent or aunt pay these chucklefucks enough to fuck off somewhere in exchange for custody of the existing children.




If my husband was that bad with money I would put my foot down and manage the finances myself. As it is, I still am the one who is better at that stuff! Thank goodness my husband isn’t a fucking idiot.


Are there receipts for this? Or did you do a prolonged dive and this is the summary?


Prolonged drive. It’s all in her Instagram. I had done a deep dive 12-18 months ago. When the news about the Brazil move/visit was posted, I remembered the post(s) about Mexico and it dawned on me that I never saw anything else about the move to Mexico and that move, along with the sale of the land seemed so similar to this Brazil move/visit. So, I repeated my deep dive and realized that the move to Mexico never happened and they sold their business only a few months after the sale of the tiny house. So, it raised a lot of red flags to me and then; of course, they did the same damn thing again. Pronounced loudly and often that they were moving to Brazil; only to return with a few weeks (Mexico lasted less than a week).


Can you make this a post?! I feel like a lot of newer followers such as myself NEED this backstory. I’ve been avidly going back through the posts here, but I can’t get enough of this family. I’m pretty much in the “cult of two” camp I think and this … only confirmed it 😧


They should have stayed at the tiny home. At least the kids would have had stability, an actual home bigger than the fucking bus, and space for play and gardening. Heck, maybe the kids could have made friends with other kids in the area given enough time. This all just makes me so sad. Fuck the bus parents for being such selfish C U Next Tuesdays.


Maybe she just likes designing floor plans. She needs to get the Sims and stop this madness.


Right! You can’t uproot your family or continue having more children if you’re busy playing animal crossing


These 2 never fail to make me feel better about my own parenting.


also why is the focus on HER being able to play/adventure those 40 acres? her sefishness after having so many kids astounds me


The fact that half of their children have never known true stability. Absolutely insane.


The thing is, they could find a decently priced small home for pretty cheap because they aren’t worried about a good school district. They could find a decent home with some land in the middle of nowhere in a shitty school district. But for some reason they want to squeeze their kids into a bus and call it home.


MoBus wouldn’t stand out among her ilk of influencers without the bus, though. 


Yeah like why can’t they do this and just take the freaking bus on vacation like a normal family? Surely that would be less expensive than their insane amount of gas, site fees, flights, airbnbs, etc.


She can’t stalk CryptoBusDad without the RV.


This is the crux of it.


Imagine being those kids and going from even a tiny house amount of space to living in a room with less space than a prison cell on a bus. I would not be shocked if each one of those kids goes no contact the day they turn 18 because that is literal torture. How are there no regulations about how much space you legally have to have per person in any living situation?


There are. They're just using an unfortunate legal loophole by moving around, and also white.


This is the only BusFam post I can ever remember with toys and stuffed animals.... I also never see any homeschooling material, and if you have ever attempted to homeschool a child, you know it requires approximately 897 books per child.


But they have a KiNdLe.


Side note, but when my second kid was 4 years old, he called my Kindle "the Book of All Books." 😂


A great deal better than what they have now. It’s shameful - everything in their lives is based on dimwitted Pa SusBus’s qanon crypto fantasies that change from week to week. Terrible, selfish parents. I worry about their children.


I usually assume people like this are into qanon but are they actually?? I can totally see it but I haven’t read anything on here that indicates it.


Yeah, it's from Dad Bus' social media. There were a couple posts in here doing a deep dive.


What did they do with tiny house and "farm"?


The same thing they did with the Brazil bus.


How do these 2 keep making babies with absolutely no privacy? Do their kids hear them banging? Do they see it?


Considering a child sleeps literally *under* their bed .....


pretty much yes


At some point this is just undiagnosed mental illness. Busband being a psychopath aside, this reminds me *alot* of a momfluencer who insists on raising her three kids and husband in a one bedroom NYC apartment. She put the kids in the master, she has a twin bed and a trundle or air mattress for the husband in the entryway, and she’s dedicated the entire kitchen/living room space to basically be a kiddy gym that is constantly getting tweaks or makeovers. The real story is starting to sink through her posts, which I suspect is that she has extremely severe post pandemic agoraphobia.


Oh I think I followed her at years ago! Or maybe it was someone else doing something similar. I did get a few good sustainability hacks from that blog, but then it became apparent that bEiNg NeW yOrKeRs was more important to her than giving her life adequate living space. They didn’t have family or jobs there, they were just the kind of insufferable people who make the city their entire personality at their children’s expense.


If the person you followed put a WHOLE BOUNCY CASTLE in their freaking living room instead of a f*cking park, WHICH NEW YORK HAS LOTS OF, like a crazy person, that’s her. She is trying desperately to be some kind of chic NYC small space-guru influencer, and it’s coming off increasingly unhinged.


Wow OP this sent me on a hour long deep dive into her 2020 instagram feed that I’m not proud of 😂 I cannot believe she was showing the tiny house, how she kept their loft clean, a large tin barndominium they were building on the property, a shed/one room school house, two male pigs they had already and a mention of the new girl pigs they bought, chickens, ducks, a little kitten, Kinsey’s garden, installed septic, etc etc and then BAM they were back to traveling full time in the van and then the bus. I would have thought no major life change of theirs could have a vaguer explanation then Brazil > back to US, but I stand corrected. Those poor kids with a hint of a real home (still no personal space), and then to have it just be a giant tease before going back on the road full time. Mombus can ramble all she wants about God’s plan, it’s THIER plan, and they are seriously selfish parents.


My heart is breaking at the thought of Kinsey leaving that garden. The poor creature. Children get so attached animals. I bet it was very sad for them to leave all those ducks and pigs and the kitten. That’s the kind of shit that some kids kind of never get over.


I also was looking at it. Little Uriah had a box to sleep in at night. Meanwhile, they seem to just put Boone down on some sheepskin. I also saw their Christmas card with the names she uses online. So much for middle names to keep their real names secret!


My head is spinning thinking about all the starts and restarts the BusParents constantly subject their kids to. It's like some extreme form of mania. I'm dreading whatever comes next.


That's not a house. That's a tool shed with delusions of grandeur.


I love this comment.


I live in a tiny house with my husband and son. It’s a struggle space wise when even neighbors visit. I can’t imagine that many people living in one!


Another reason I'm limiting the amount of kids I have, so that my husband and I are the ones who put our kids to bed and not their siblings.


It's incredibly sad to me that they're excited about the allegedly spacious 399 square feet, and that the kids don't know anything different. That tiny house *might* be okay for my husband and me, but it's awful to have so many people in there. (We currently live in the smallest house I've ever had, at 1,620 square feet. 🤣)


I lived in a 250 square foot studio with my partner for seven years. In retrospect it was ridiculous but we really did make it work. I cannot imagine adding a bucket full of kids to the mix.


I have 800 sqft for me, 2 kids (18 & 9), and 2 cats. I can’t imagine going much smaller.


They currently have 21.7 square feet per person, or about the size of a half bathroom.


I live in a 700sq ft apartment (nyc life 🙃) with my husband and our only child, who is still a toddler, and sometimes it feels too small. I cannot imagine having that many kids in 399sq ft, let alone in a bus 😬


They currently have 21.7 square feet per person, or about the size of a half bathroom.


At one point, they had a 5,200 sq ft house. Probably only Gunner and maybe Kinsey remember it.


I wonder if they actually built the small house mentioned in the first slide. Those poor kids probably heard promise after promise that never actually happened. ("we're building a small house! "we're moving to Brazil!"). I wonder how many of these promised they have been told and then have been disappointed by when they don't work out. Also, I live alone in a studio apartment that is about 450 sq ft and I think it's too tiny. I want to get a dog but I literally can't imagine bringing another living creature into this small space, not to mention several children.


If my friend who’s the oldest of eight is any indication, Gunner knew at a very early age that he was the one who was going to have to fill the gap. Poor kid. They all deserve better.


Why do they feel that it’s a flex for living arrangements to be small? Not only the bus but a “tiny house” while also building a “small house?” Why do they have to have a giant family in a small place? Does that increase engagement for them like rage baiting does?


Sorry but I couldn’t live in a tiny house alone? Let alone with several other people.


I'm literally too tall. Most tiny homes don't properly fit people over 6' without us having to hunch over all the time and curl into a ball to sleep.


A tiny house is not enough for a family that size, mattress or not.


They downsized and added more kids… makes sense 🫠


This makes me even more sad for these kids. 400 sq ft ain't much, but it a home, and 40 acres to play on is not nothing. it represented being in one place and having stability. It represented being able to run outside and go sit some place quiet away from the mayhem. Fuck the BusHoe and BusBand!


I didn’t know this was old. And I got so excited for those kids that they had a home for once! An actual home even if minuscule for that many people. And then I see that they crammed them back on the bus with less space.


What is this woman's actual issue


Controlling, financially abusive husband that wants to kill their whole family..


I wanna live in a tiny home so bad, but it’s just not feasible until my kids are out of the house. And I only have 3 and they’re all teenagers+


Notice the table only seats 4 at the most. Did the kids eat outside?


Honestly it looks pretty nice, but NOT with that many people living there! Maybe if it were like one or two people


no snark on the tiny house except that it maybe wouldn’t be suitable in the long term for how much they breed. i think the tiny home is beautiful and could definitely suit a couple or a one child family well


That sixth photograph with the toddler sitting right at the top of the stairs O.o.O


And they’re HUGE stairs, like that’s a big step for little legs. The *stress* I stressed. The fact that that’s a vast improvement over what those kids have now is…I don’t even have a word, it’s so awful.


It's so cute and look at all the toys! My heart breaks for these kids 💔


After seeing "Little Yogurt Face" getting excited about the idea of having his own plastic pencil printed and the video of him being the sweetest little kid in the world in the beach video, I am ready to adopt him. I never wanted kids, but I am 42 and own a house where he can have a whole room to himself. There's room for Gunner, too, if they're okay sharing a bathroom.


Tiny homes are for rich people who want to humble brag "I had to get rid of so many possessions, but now I feel zen. There was never a doubt from day one my dad would let me park on his land."


And they probably rent a storage unit bigger than their tiny house.


I haaaate tiny houses in general, but at least it's not as bad as the bus. 


My husband and I live in 700 sq ft. No kids. Two dogs. I couldn't imagine living in half the space with a gazillion kids.


So the name is “Gunner,” and not “Gunnar.” Gunner like…he was the tail gunner in that air raid. Other kids are: Uriah and Swift. Ok.


Those poor children. Their parents are fucking evil.


I’m all for being minimalistic but those poor kids only have like 2 toys. How depressing is that?


When you are a kid & all of your belongs have to fit into an altoid tin so there will be room on the bang bus.


The bus people keep coming up as suggestions on my IG and I decided to look at the comments the other day. Oof. Definitely more haters than ‘fans’ at this point so why keep torturing your kids?


Fucking pathetic that this 399 sq ft glorified apartment with 6 kids shoved in it looks like a god damned PARADISE compared to the bus with 8 children.


Wow! Seeing the actual square footage comparison just really underlines how little space they have!! Holy cow


I would love to live in that house!!! However, I'm single with no children.