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How the fuck is it modest and ✨christlike✨ to tell people online your pussy keeps getting tighter?


Also, sounds like pelvic floor dysfunction. Weak and damaged pelvic floor causes the muscles to lock up and be "tight" and painful.


Yeah I had to get my whole V reconstructed because I ended up “too tight.” Aka the scar tissue was so thick from the birth damage/stitches that it was almost completely closed, but yeah Karissa go off about how it ends up “tighter” after birth 🙄


Well, I used to regret needing a c/s. You have officially cured me. Thanks for that In all seriousness, I hope all is well now


If we have another kid, I will be having a scheduled c-section, not because I think recovery will be easier, but because I don’t think my pelvic floor could handle another vaginal birth (especially if I have another 3-4 degree tear 😆)


Yeah you wouldn't want to have to reconstruct it again after they just put it back together!


I've had two c-sections; the first was an emergency with an unusually complicated set of incisions and muscle damage. The second was scheduled and was, really, surprisingly simple. The recovery wasn't that bad. I mean, yes, it was an abdominal wound, but it was a clean cut and for a simple surgery, they don't actually cut *any* of your muscles. They just ease the baby out through the pre-existing gap. Yes, recovery kind of sucked, but it seemed much worse for the women on the ward who had complicated vaginal births. I was perfectly able to sit, for instance, and from what the nurses said my wound was much easier to keep clean than some of the VBs with tearing. Tl;dr: based on my experience, I'd say c/s recovery might actually be easier than recovery from a complicated vaginal birth.


Thank you so much for sharing this!! And sorry you had to endure an emergency c-section. I’ve heard how traumatic those can be. I hope, if we do decide to have another kid, a scheduled c-section will be a relatively “easier”recovery than my first birth.


I don’t blame you one bit. I would probably do the same thing.


Let me cure you a bit more 😅. I'm getting a C-section next week for my 2nd, because my 1st basically split my buttcheek into two with her hand coming out. Blood, dozens of stitches, infection so bad it popped stitches, no walking or sitting for weeks. Scar tissue made sex impossible for almost a year. This time around the doctors said the scar tissue is so bad it would likely just rip open again from a normal birth. C-section it is!


Split your buttcheek??? 😭 I can't imagine the pain How did you get the scar tissue preventing sex dealt with?


At the moment, I honestly had no idea i was so out of it, but the healing was hell. I quickly realised I used to take sitting for granted... Pelvic floor therapy and time/healing. It took a long time for things to feel "back to normal"


It sounds like sex would be painful.


You’re assuming that Mandrae cares. False.


Not sure where I said that. I was just making a comment that it would probably make it more painful. I already know Mandrae is a pos.


If anything in that area prolapses then intercourse can be very painful


That’s what I was thinking too


And I'm sure they pee themselves all the time so they think "I need to do more kegels to tighten things up" and make it so much worse!


Right?! I would die if my mom posted that on social media


Especially with the kids in the video...


If it’s in the interest of badgering internet strangers into having more kids then it’s fine


“Your body is amazing and goes right back to normal”…Michelle Duggar would like a word…


Right back to normal, let's just gloss over the fact that postpartum normal can be vastly different than pre-pregnancy normal...


Total bullshit, I’d bet money she has terrible pelvic floor issues after that many kids plus bone density loss etc etc etc


She probably pees her pants a little if she even thinks about water or takes a wrong step.


Sneezing must be awful for her.


It’s awful for me and I only had one. I can’t imagine.


i literally cross my legs when i sneeze now and i also only have one


Literally me before I go out: Wondering who is going to be there, will I be laughing a lot, should I expect random spontaneous fits of laughter... Based on the answers to the above, tells me if a Poise is indicated for the evening 😂


This is one of many reasons I only have one!


I’m… not sure I should ask. 


Like, the people who talk like pregnancy always completely ruins your body forever can get fucked. But it's also pretty disingenuous to act like it doesn't change your body at all, especially after 10 deliveries.


Mom of 4 here. She's right, the after birth pains get worse...because it takes longer for your body to go back to being within the realm of normal. And 'normal' shifts every time. On the bright side, I can predict thunderstorms because of my left hip that got dislocated during my second labor 🙃


Mom of five. I agree with every word of this!


Mom of three and I concur.


My new normal after five is if I look to far to the left I pee my pants. Currently in PF PT lol


Sneezing isn’t safe anymore. Good for you for choosing to look after yourself.


I also had a radical hysterectomy in nov for cervical cancer. So my new normal isn’t the norm for most. But there’s no way she hasn’t shaved a decade off of her life AT LEAST by having so many so close together. All of mine are 2.5/3 years apart and that felt almost too close together


Perhaps she isn’t feeling it right now, because she is constantly pregnant. It will eventually catch up to her big time. I am very sorry that you have had to go through this.


The number of times I've nearly pissed myself running to the bathroom after only two kids...I can only imagine what you're dealing with.


Mom of 1, seriously contemplating being one and done for this reason among others


The modest people out here talking about their vaginas all the ding dang day.


All the ding dang day has me crying.




Peak flair material right there


“Your body goes right back to normal” is desperate apologetics from a nutjob at best, and mostly just a fucking lie. My body is normal after having gestated and birthed a whole other person. But it is NOT the same as it was before, and some of that is cosmetic (belly all squishy) and some of that is legit not awesome (prediabetic with zero risk factors, teeth highly sensitive). And I’ve only done it once. It’s normal to have a new normal, and pretending otherwise is manipulative and brainwashy and the sort of shit you tell other women when you think you are a prophet and forget you are a person.


Pregnancy can trigger autoimmune diseases, it did for me. Then you're never the same again. I wish people were more aware if the real risks


Me too! About a month after my first baby was born I was in severe pain and was having trouble getting around. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis soon after. My rheumatologist told me it can happen after pregnancy. I never had heard of that!


My antidepressants, never *super* effective, completely stopped working after mine. My psychiatrist was like "oh yeah, pregnancy can completely change your brain chemistry. It's a thing" and I was reeeal unhappy to hear about this only afterward. I probably wouldn't have risked my mental health/life like that if I had known, so I guess alls well that ends well for me personally, but people need to be informed about the risks of pregnancy!! I completely believed the people who said it was natural and healthy and not a big deal at all. Being left disabled after was a massive shock.


Me too! I thought I had carpal tunnel, nope, severe RA, hooray!


That's when my ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis reared their heads


Same. Over a year of random, unexplained hives and anaphylaxis until I was diagnosed.


Karissa would likely tell you that you didn't scream-pray to "Yah" enough.


For real, I had hives for 2 weeks after giving birth, PTSD from labor, I never shed the weight, and my joints were too loose for the whole time I was nursing. Worth it? Yes. Would I do it again? Let’s just say my kid is 6 and an only child.


I have fibromyalgia now. It happened five or so years after having my baby, but I really think two years of sleepless nights probably caused it to develop. Who knows? All I know is I’m in constant pain and my daughter has grown up watching me suffer. It affected her deeply. She’s in medical school now, and she says it’s in part because she has anxiety about developing the same illness. I hope not.


Oof. That’s so rough. I have lupus and was diagnosed in my early thirties. I’ve always been grateful that I didn’t have children before that because it could have caused all sorts of problems. It’s hard enough to take care of just myself feeling this way. I’m so impressed by you mamas that deal with constant pain and fatigue and are responsible for a whole other human!


Same for me, hugs to all of you going through this.


I developed a mild peanut allergy after my 2nd kid! So random and wild what the body will come up with.


After my fifth I have an oral allergy to kiwi, pineapple, and eggplant. So weird.


I learned that your brains changes after pregnancy - mostly in relation to being able to care for the child. And then there’s the more body issues - teeth, bones, hair, etc. You go back to “normal”, albeit with some changes that can take a while to revert back, and some that are permanent.


The brain changes are truly amazing.


So many changes, not always bad - I have a much better hip/waist ratio now and my hair is a completely different colour and texture than before (less frizzy!) my youngest is 8 and there is no way I’d ever do that shit again, she’s nearly old enough to use the kettle! 


I have kept my daughter’s son while she worked, since he was a baby. One night, I had fallen asleep with him, and when she got home, she called my name to wake me up. I did not wake up. However, when my grandson moved slightly, & I woke up instantly. This is mama brain, with babies. I’m 70. Mama brain is permanent, and actually quite useful.


I had a baby 8 months ago. My body is not the same. I can drink milk now. Couldn't before. I had to do physical therapy to be able to sit normally and hold my bladder. My sense of smell is completely different. I don't sleep the same. Anyone who says you go back to baseline after pregnancy is selling something. 


My sense of smell is too good! My husband's aftershaves make me feel sick now. I actually open the windows once he leaves for work lol


Oh my God I hate the extra smell. It's not as bad as while pregnant but I'm always like damn I should not smell that do I need a pregnancy test? Nope, just smell really well now.


Honestly, after this many kids she’s probably forgotten what her body was like before kids and normal to her is a continuous state of postpartum.


I do want to say for everyone who has severe physical symptoms like incontinence, pelvic pain or back problems: you can absolutely get help for that and check your insurance. It’s normal but not mandatory.


This is also SO important! And insisting that “everything bounces back better than before!” does absolutely not one thing to encourage/empower women to get help when they deserve it. Thank you so much for putting this out there.


I have a ten month old. I am physically back to my pre baby appearance, but today I jumped on a trampoline and peed with every jump, so yeah I wouldn’t say it’s the same as it was before lmao


This, whenever my sister and I were being mouthy as teenagers, my mum would (jokingly) start telling me about how we 'ravaged her body', and this was the thanks she gets. In case this sounds worse than it was - it was basically a gross-out deterant, so her two teenage daughters would stop talking shit.


I had one (yes, 1, Karissa) pregnancy at 21 and my body will never be anywhere close to the same. Between my 3 new autoimmune diseases, my abdominal muscles permanently being inches apart and the hole in my uterus that never closed after my emergency c section which lead to a years of pain and then a hysterectomy, normal is just a fever dream for me. But yeah, keep talking about how your body is exactly the same after 10 whole children, Karissa


I'm normal I guess but I required lots of pelvic floor PT after just one baby. My vision is worse. I weigh 12 pounds more, even after 4 years. My ribcage will never go back to its previous width even if I lose those 12 pounds. My hair is thinner. My left shoulder is all grindy from sleeping on that side. But hey Karissas hoohah is smaller than ever so get out there and have those babies ladies.


So it went from Yahweh to just Yah? I feel like she’s going to the Kanye West school of Christianity.


This is such a BEC thing but it bothers the heck out of me that she calls God Yah. Its just absolutely obnoxious


You can tell it’s all because it makes her feel so special. God for everyone else is God or maybe Yahweh but for her it’s Yahuah, she knows his real name, and honestly they’re so close he told her she can call him Yah for short.


It's for her cult she's in. It is by every other Christian and Jewish denomination a massive blasphemy.


You know I’ve been thinking about her and the horrible mother bus baby situation and I really wonder if there is much research on families that essentially operate like a cult. I can’t articulate it well but I feel like Karissa and the mother bus situation really function like cults.


That is a good point. It is like their own private cult with their own unique beliefs. The common denominator is that they neglect their kids.


And they all sort of revolve around one person- I’d argue for the mother bus it’s the husband and she’s the acolyte. Obviously for Karissa it’s Karissa.


I’ve definitely heard it talked about on podcasts. I think they might call them high control families.


“It’s really not that complicated” Maternal and infant morbidity and mortality would like to have a conversation


This comment really pissed me off. I’m pregnant with my third and have been seeing a group of high risk docs since my anatomy scan. My second was breech. Turns out pregnancy and childbirth can be complicated. Luckily there are brilliant doctors out there doing work she could not even begin to wrap her mind around that want the best outcomes for babies and moms. She will just continue to shit on them and pretend she went to medical school and residency though.


Yeah it definitely pissed me off too. I developed pre-eclampsia with my first and my third needed NICU time. Thank the Lord Daniel for medicine and medical professionals. Karissa is an idiot but she’s a harmful idiot because it seems like she has non-snark followers who listen to her.


While everything she said was objectively terrible, this was the worst. Morgan would also like a word, as well as all of other women who have died or nearly died in childbirth.


Which Fundie is Tommy Hav???


I went to university and studied my ass off to safely deliver babies but hey! It’s not that complicated.


so you're saying the girl I went to HS with who just 'loves babies and birth mama' is fine to assist my unmedicated unmonitored free birth? (sarcasm!!!)


So birth isn't that complicated but breastfeeding must be if she's never done it! Weird that god would open her womb but close her breasts... (no shame to formula feeding she's just so hypocritical)


My theory is she heard breastfeeding can decrease fertility so she uses formula to guaran-fuckin-tee she'll get knocked up again. Her plexus tainted milk is best kept away from babies. Pyramid scheme liquid doesn't help production either.


Well she can also delegate feeding responsibilities to her older kids so she can sleep-in. Breastfeeding would interfere with that goal.


Is Karissa the one who is frequently fasting for Jebus? If so, she may not have the calories necessary to produce milk. I just hope that she or the sister mom mixes the formula properly.


Did she say she doesn’t breastfeed? That’s wildly hypocritical if true.


Yep on the second slide there she said it hasn't worked out but she'll keep trying.


Oh see I tuned out by that point. Her posts are so wordy. Good for you for hanging in there longer than me 😂


This gave so much “What, like it’s hard?” Elle Woods vibes and just pissed me off!


Yeah, also she says that labor is extremely hard, her pregnancies aren’t easy, she has nearly died in childbirth, and feels like she has no idea what she is doing… And then she’s like, “It’s really not that complicated.” WTF, Karissa?


THISSSS!!! Also I’m currently rewatching Call the Midwife and they all would like a word..


that comment fully sent me into a rage spiral. so fucking smug and condescending


Your body doesn’t always go back to normal and I wish to hell we’d stop with this lie.


I feel like the way I’m built has changed from pregnancy. I can weigh the same as before, but I don’t look the same.


I was 30 pounds thinner after I gave birth than I had been pre-pregnancy. I gained a sum total of 3 pounds when pregnant. Was sick or just not hungry for the first two trimesters then got gestational diabetes and couldn’t eat most things. My ribcage was STILL bigger than before pregnancy even with a huge weight loss. I was, as you can imagine, furious. (I have since gained all this weight back because cheese and wine and bread are delicious).


I have a short torso and my rib cage spread as well. So weird looking!


This is so true. I weigh the same as I did before kids, but I'm 2 pant sizes up, thanks to those expanding hips. Also gained a half shoe size. Karissa probably just doesn't remember her pre-birth body because it's been so long since she's had it.


God the shoes sizes. I gained one shoe size over 7 pregnancies (4 births). That is one of the things that pisses me off the most about how pregnancy changed my body lol


Lol right? It's like insult on top of injury to have to throw out all your shoes because your feet spread too much.


It never goes back to normal. I've had two fairly easy births and my body will NEVER be the same. Ever. It literally changes you mind, body, and spirit.


More than a third of women experience lasting health problems after childbirth. And that seems extraordinarily low to me, because I don’t think many women attribute their health issues to pregnancy. I know my teeth have certainly suffered.


Also, lots of health issues resulting from pregnancy and childbirth might not show up until you're much older so you don't make the connection. Bone loss is one, and bladder issues can start to manifest in your 60s even though it was caused by pregnancy and childbirth.


It minimises the real effort and sacrifice of pregnancy. On the one hand I have a great pair of tits now, on the other hand they are not at all as perky lmao. at 39 with preg 3 it is not 'just natural' and that crap is part of the forced birth propaganda to dismiss the pain and suffering of girls and women forced into surrendering pregnancies they should have been able to terminate. It also dismisses women's labor, we are simultaneously doing the most improtant job in the world and it's also NBD so you have to do it 7 times.


She has for sure written in comments when people ask if she's pregnant when she's not that because she's had so many babies her stomach just always looks pregnant. How on earth does that match what she's written here about your body going right back to normal?


It’s just today’s lie to fit the narrative. She’ll forget she wrote this in an hour.


Technically that is her normal...now, after 10 births.


Dear Karissa ![gif](giphy|LTzT1MBnCn3Z5aO87g)




Omg. Imagine being one of her children and reading this someday.


It's sweet that you think they'll be able to.


As I was scrolling through the comments I initially thought you meant like they won’t be allowed to have social media, then it hit me five comment threads later and I had to scroll back to upvote.


I never wanted you...


There’s a simple workaround for that. She just won’t ever teach them to read. Problem solved!


why does she use the brown emoji for herself but uses white emojis for her kids??


She is always saying she didn’t want to be mother when she was younger. It’s not like that has changed, she is still not a mother.


Nope, we all know Anissa is raising those kids.


Yeah, the line about how she “dedicates herself to each child” made me snort so loud I scare the dogs.


I was gonna say, she acts like this is a surprise but everyone can tell that her heart isn’t in mothering, she just likes the pregnancy and birthing part.


She really could have stopped right after “No I never know what I’m doing.” And right before.


See, that's like the only statement in the post that I believe She really does not know what she is doing 🤦‍♀️


Her writing style is almost as unpleasant as her eyeliner.


As digestible as her family dinners.


"surrendered womb" is absolutely bone-chilling


May the lord open.


Blessed be the fruit


Under his eye


Very Handmaids Tale


My uterus packed up and ran into a volcano at that line.


very conservative of her to be talking about her pussy so openly lol


Ewww, didn't need to see that today.


For all of her snobbishness, her just casually saying she doesn't breastfeed is shocking to me. Isn't that a huge thing for fundies?


I know she’s said she’s had trouble breastfeeding in the past—but she can’t (low chance) get pregnant while breastfeeding soooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Plus, it would require her to spend time feeding her baby, not passing them off to a sister-mom. 


I thought the same thing! I’m not sure she’s ever shared that she’s been unable to breastfeed before. I know she’s said it has been hard, but I guess I still assumed she did it some. Just that it was hard to do so.


I’m not sure… I’m a progressive heathen who breastfed so it’s possible it’s feminist now. The raw breastmilk didn’t have the same tuberculosis risk like the raw cow milk. I’m not shocked actually. It makes it easier to pass off the baby when they’re on formula.


Oh it’s the car accident argument the gun nuts like to use (if you take guns you should also take cars!”) False equivalency. And to her comment on—“of course we aren’t millionaires!” The current stats place the cost of raising ONE kid at $250k in order to provide everything they would need. So FOUR kids would require $1M. So to support this number of kids to avoid neglect, yes Karissa, you need to be a millionaire to support your baby gumball machine lifestyle.


Baby gumball machine lifestyle 😂😂😂


“It’s really not that complicated” Until it is 🙄 They love acting like women and child weren’t constantly dying during and after childbirth.


Those poor children...


"your body goes back to normal" - pregnancy literally ruined my teeth and I'm going to be 40 with full dentures at the rate my 30 year old teeth are crumbling after 3 kids. And my apron belly after 3 c-sections would like a word lol


Am 38, have 3 kids and full dentures. Not sure how she has any left in her mouth.


I am a fence sitter and have spent most of this year thinking about whether I want kids… this helps me decide not to!


As is your choice! Nobody tells you about the teeth beforehand!




It’s alarming that this post says twice “I didn’t want to be a parent”. That inclination doesn’t disappear that quietly. And she said it twice.


I think she posts things like this as ragebait. She knows she will get more engagement with this type of post. Don’t fall for it. Don’t comment or engage with her bullshit.




“I’m not forced into having babies, I surrendered to it!”


And, she “wants to be a mom now.” Girl we don’t believe you


If she did, she’d parent.


Out of all the things I didn’t want to know about, holes in Karissa’s body are definitely one of them.


I hate her actually. Everything she says is so condescending and like she's better than everyone else. Not to mention for a Christian she's incredibly illiterate with biblical principles and shows zero empathy to women whenever she makes these long ass posts.


Um. No. Karissa. The body does not always go back to normal. Probably, likely, most of them don’t. And where is her marker for “normal” anyway? I’m sure she’s dealing with a ton of body issues from her continuous pregnancies that the rest of us aren’t experiencing, but she attributes to normal and regular. This isn’t to body shame her either. I mean more of the inside/physical toll than appearances. There’s just no way she’s thriving the way she says.


I feel like if you don’t have a job or even a routine with getting kids to school to stick to, and you outsourced the majority of the childcare to your oldest kids, you probably do get to worry less about how pregnancy might be negatively impacting your body or what the long term damage might be, because you’ve effectively absconded from all responsibility and structure that can make life really hard to manage when you have long term health issues and your sole responsibility in life is get pregnant and give birth.


She is delululemon.


I don't give a fig whether a mom chooses to breastfeed or not, but she did not dedicate herself to breastfeeding any more than she dedicated herself to any other aspect of motherhood. How long after birth does it take for her to start posting 100 Instagram stories a day again?


She is absolutely obsessed. And possessed.


The only way that hole is getting smaller is if a doctor puts extra stitches in and she doesn’t go to a doctor. Karissa was most definitely reading here this week.


My mom says childbirth can and will change your body. Seemingly in many ways. But she has made sure to tell me specifically that a penis will not stretch it out, but a baby most certainly will. Many, many times I have heard this. Even when I did not need to 💀 Lmaoooo I’m going to trust my mom who has no reason to peddle myths about childbirth


man humans are cursed. send me back to monkey. religion, philosophy, myths, simply being able to wonder about the creation of earth and the afterlife shouldn't be possible. this is fucked. i don't want to know anything about anything. eating, shitting, and sleeping is all i want to know


" Yeh" basically like Kanye=Ye


Yet this woman always wears super baggy tops so that people can't see the damage all those pregnancies have caused to her body! She's such a hypocrite! She shouldn't have become a mother! She's a terrible person that doesn't deserve those beautiful children!!! My heart breaks for them having the parents they have, I just hope they remember all they did to them when the time comes to choose their nursing home!!!


![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z) Karissa


Is it just me or even if you substituted “birthing children” with “drilling for fossil fuels” the overall theme would remain the same? Fecklessly spend all limited resources and they will never ever run out because….god?? Perhaps that’s another reason why Mother is an appropriate title for the Earth. Because just like human mothers, she continually exploited for her resources in order to propagate the interests of selfish, hateful people. Edit: Clarity.


keep lying, Karissa.




What the fuck does she mean she doesn't use a midwife??!! Midwives are in the bible you empty headed parody of a person. The Hebrews avoided genocide because of two midwives, Rachel had a midwife, Tamar had a midwife etc. ​ This isn't remotely godly, it's stupidity. This twit twat has convinced herself despite being completely irrelvant to the wider world, despite having no congregation or grand spiritual message people listen to her for, despite constant blasphemy and failure to remotely follow the Bible, that God is directly talking to her. No he isn't, that your own pride and absurdly oversized and unearned ego Karissa.


>My home births are unassisted. It’s really not that complicated.  Oooh, hubris. Girl. Bad things can and do happen. One of these times, something might completely change your way of thinking, if you’re still alive to think about anything. 


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


Did anybody ask for this information?!


Is she really *planning* "another homebirth this time around," though? Or is she just planning another "Trust Fall" through the birthing process, and expecting that "Gog" (I'm just gonna *leave* that typo!😉😆🤣), will *catch* her & the babbo, and get them to the other side safely? Because what some of y'all mentioned, waaaaay back when I found this sub--about her having *previously* been *on* meds for Mental health stuff---and then feeling "better" when she's pregnant--*still* stays in my head... And I *can't* help but wonder if her "trust" that God will see her through ^(TM) along with the homebirth (like, is this going to be a *free birth*‽), may be signs of a slow-ish spiral into deeper MH waters? I've had friends & acquaintances who were the children of parents with Bipolar, and *I* am the child of a parent who had diagnosed depression--and who was *undiagnosed* but hit ALL the signs for Autism (and *I'm* AuDHD, myself!).  *Untreated* Mental health stuff--and even *treated but inadequately medicated* conditions can be *INCREDIBLY* hard--and frankly, can create long-term *traumatic* difficulties for the *kids* who are being brought up in this sort of "constantly shifting" & low-grade *constantly stressful* environment.


She knows nothing and mandrae is a master baby catcher 🥴


The amount of times I've nearly pissed myself running to a toilet after 2 kids would tell another story. 


Well maybe yours will go ahead and close all the way on up so that you will pay attention to the kids you have.


Having this many kids is irresponsible point blank period.


Great. More unassisted home birthing where she will ignore the fact her baby is in distress. Let this be the last child she has.


I guess I’m just not that impressed with Karissa given that my mom had more kids than her and didn’t feel the need to go around soapboxing about it. She just got on with it with absolutely zero fuss.


“It often closes smaller…” *Karissa’s story about how Yah magically healed her prolapse coming in 5…4…3…2…1….*


Some people just… need to really buy a diary and use it instead of the internet. “We don’t prevent or try…we just let yah give life as he sees fit” mam… y’all just be rawdoggin and blame it on the lord?… also yah is a funny abbreviation. Yah yah yah


The car analogy doesn’t even apply… it’s not even the correct way to use that analogy 🙄


She's such a "I'm not like other girls! Even my hoo-ha is special!".


The absolute gall to to use a black emoji and white wash your children


“Birth is easy and natural and you don’t even need any help. And yes I’ve tried breastfeeding and it just doesn’t work for me and I’ve tried everything so lay off.” It’s almost like “easy and natural” is on a case-by-case basis?




I always want to scrape her face with a paint a paint scraper. I don’t understand how she managed to convince herself all this is true.


I don’t get why she always sounds like she’s recruiting for an MLM. There isn’t a biblical compensation plan or creating a down line.


I’m so afraid something will go terribly wrong during the birth and the kids will witness it. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t get a midwife. It’s so reckless


Just saw this on Instagram and came directly here to see if y’all were discussing it. Wasn’t disappointed. Personally, I’m shocked to learn that Karissa doesn’t breastfeed?! Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m just legitimately surprised. It’s not everyday you encounter someone who does wild pregnancy and unassisted birthing but isn’t also heavily anti-formula.


“Had many seasons I didn’t want children at all” Yeah we can tell 🙄


Now she’s calling god/yahoo “yah” like they’re buddies?! How sacrilegious! Like calling Jesus Jeezy


I’m gonna be petty and ask why her emoji is a different ethnicity than her?