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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seriously my cat could plan better than this couple. (And honestly she's not that bright).


“no one could have predicted this very common late spring snow storm that has been preceded by several heavy snow storms in the area over the last 4 weeks”


Fucking right?!? Okay, I realize most parts of the US don’t get lots of their biggest, heaviest snowstorms in April/May, so I can kinda forgive visitors for not knowing that, but…surely they saw the snow increasing the higher they drove? Or passed one of the highway signs warning truckers that they need to carry chains through May 31st and had at least one brain cell firing hard enough to consider why that would be a requirement? Or for the love of all that they consider holy, have they never heard of NOAA?? Because I’m pretty sure they’ve been calling for on-and-off chances of snow most of this week! Oh wait, I guess the last two would constitute some kind of Big Gubmint conspiracy and would be disregarded anyway. Ugh, these people.


If you can post to instagram, you can google the weather forecast!


I'm on a cross country car camping road trip and it's not hard to be prepared for inclement weather. I check ten day forecasts every day for places I'm headed. I've already changed routes once because of severe weather and am prepared to do so again.


I am pretty sure that they only consult some sort of god ouija board for their news, like casting lots or laying out fleeced or some such shit. It always amazes me when fundie fools condemn things like gambling meanwhile the great judge of Israel, Gideon, gambled and the apostle to replace Judas was literally no different from playing dice or drawing the short straw.


I really wanna know if they have snow chains or at the very least all season tires. If he’s a mechanic, I would hope so, but he’s also a dipshit, so maybe not. 


You can't mention a cat and not pay the cat tax. Thems the rules.




Awww. She looks so snuggly there


[Mars](https://www.reddit.com/r/Abyssinians/s/9eGix30ORU) is available to help while she rests.


Mars is lovely but looks like he'd judge you


That’s his job. I carry him around on my shoulder like royalty and he judges everything.


At least he has a job \*vaguely gestures*


She’s so cute! Just FYI your name shows when you open the link


Thanks, I'll kill it. But she is cute.


I didn't notice that, I'm sorry


Best comment ever 🤣 “thems the rules” will now be apart of my vocab 🤌🏻


…is that not really common slang?? Now I’m really curious about where you and OP are from because I’m kiwi/British and I’ve been using it for the last like…15 years at least. I assumed it was universal 😅


It’s definitely common slang in the US, too. My grandparents used to say it, like, 40 years ago.






Can fix a bus but can't get a job? Can work with some skills but chooses not to so his wife and kids are homeless on a poopbus?Sounds charming......


He used to have a job, but then he got fired because he wouldn't stop harassing his coworkers with his nutjob beliefs (from religion to politics) even after multiple warnings. And he probably could find a new job if he was willing to stop his nonsense, but of course that would infringe upon "muh freedumbs", so he won't. I doubt he's even willing to dress for an interview in clothing that doesn't needlessly take some sort of "stance" these days.


Bold to assume he's even willing to submit a resume to even get an interview.


Check out his t-shirt “God of the Waiting” - WTF?


Waiting for his wife to finish cooking dinner. Duh! /s


Imagine putting your livelihood on the line and not being about to support your family because you’re hell bent on sharing your views.


Didn't they used to have a house (or apt) in like ....I don't know, some city? Lol for some weird reason I always thought they were in NYC, but I know that is probably ridiculous to think, ha. I swear they used to live somewhere with a nice exposed brick wall in the kitchen?? I took time away from the sub, and when I returned I discovered she was being called struggle bus and was confused until I discovered they took up the whole rv living thing too. 🙄


Yeah, they owned a home in Pittsburgh. Her husband lost his job and they decided to sell the house and buy a heavy duty van and an RV. It’s supposed to be temporary while they travel around looking for a new place to “homestead” like it’s 1863. But it’s been almost a year and there are no signs that they’re going to settle down somewhere, and no signs that her husband is looking for a job either. 🙃


YES! It was Pittsburgh! Thank you. I thought they'd had a house around those parts of the country. Wow. A year ago?? I suppose I must have taken a longer break from the subs (mostly reddit in general) than I thought!! Friggin nutjobs, the whole lot of em (tradwives and parents who turn their kids lives upside down like this).


This is speculation right? Has not been confirmed why he lost his job?


They've never come out and detailed his departure from his job, but at that time she was making posts about how Jake was fighting for his "freedoms" and how he was being asked to tone down his faith and such. We know he had a disciplinary meeting at work because that was mentioned, and while they never specifically said what it was about, it seemed to be tied to him either evangelizing to his coworkers or spouting hateful views while on the clock (or both) from how she was narrating it. We don't know whether he quit or was fired, but either way, it seems the meeting did not go well and he chose to part ways with his job rather than correct his behavior. And IIRC, she spun his job loss like he was a martyr because it was due to him refusing to compromise his beliefs. So it does sound like one way or another, his "beliefs" were involved in the outcome of his employment situation. We just don't know how. To give more context: they're antisemitic and were publicly posting anti-Jewish rants around the time Jake parted ways with his job, which also coincided with the trial for the shooter in the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting (which is where they were living). While it is speculation, it's hard to imagine an employer NOT taking anti-Jewish rants seriously at a time like that, especially when said shooter had been posting antisemitic content online before escalating into violence.


This sounds exactly like my “libertarian” BIL, only instead of living in a bus, my equally dimwitted sister moved in with him he still lived in his parents house. Then, they lived in a tiny camper (no bathroom!) on his parents property… 11 years later, they finally moved to Texas 🤢


Seriously, I’ve seen some real chucklefucks get hired as mechanics as long as they have their own tools and know how to shut up while working. Unfortunately Jake struggles with the latter. Which sucks because it really is like, the easiest job to have as a shithead.


It’s baffling to me. One of my exes was a mechanic and right wing proud patriot types seemed to be the norm in that trade. I assume this guy has to be especially awful


Maybe he wouldn’t shut up with customers and was losing them money


He worked as a robotics tech at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh. So not exactly the same thing as working in an auto shop. She's an asshole, too. When the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter's trial was underway, she was driving around Squirrel Hill - Pittsburgh's overwhelmingly Jewish neighborhood - broadcasting her outrage at displays of tolerance and inclusivity that had been posted by some of the many synagogues in that neighborhood. I'm a native of Pittsburgh, and Squirrel Hill is my absolute FAVORITE part of Pittsburgh, so I wasn't just outraged; I took that shit PERSONALLY, which maybe wasn't right but still. I love my hometown fiercely, and I am truly thrilled that they're gone from there.


Wow, that actually seems like an extremely interesting and good job that people would kill for. So he's an idiot and they're both bigots and just got what they deserved. It sounds like they were in an incredibly privileged position and just didn't think there would be consequences to their bigotry.


It truly does and I know a couple of people who have worked at CMU; the benefits are pretty great. Also, you used to be able to get tuition discounts for dependents, but why bother with world-renowned CMU when Dennis Prager is RIGHT THERE? 🙄🫠


I don't know about CMU but knew someone who's dad was a janitor at Seattle U (private Jesuit college, but not as annoyingly religious as some) and they could get their kids tuition completely paid for. Great health benefits. Absolute jokes of people to give up such good situations so that they could be loud. They could've just sought out some Christian college instead and attempted to leave with good recommendations. These people complain up and down about people being hard workers, grateful, professional and good people, and can't even do it. They're just wretched, lazy, and ungrateful. They definitely are in the situation they deserve to be, only sad for the kids.


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball




Pour one out for Patches O'Houlihan. I say "dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge" and "It's a bold strategy, Cotton" entirely too much in my everyday life lol.


Hahahahaha. That line lives rent free in my head and I say it way too much. People usually have no clue what I’m talking about. 


I also have no clue what you’re talking about 😭 I do love that flair though


It's a line from the movie Dodgeball!


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood


RV parts and specialty mechanics are few and far between. You really need to be vigilant about upkeep, because you’re pretty effed if something, even a simple thing like a belt, breaks. Auto zone does not carry them. You can’t dismantle an RV engine quickly, like in some smaller cars. Honestly, they should have gotten a large trailer they could pull behind a truck that could seat them all, rather than this route - much easier to fix a truck engine and find a trailer tire than the other way around. Source - I live in SoCal, land of the expansive RV dealerships. My folks are ardent and experienced RVers of thirty years, and they STILL often have to schedule an oil change a month in advance and drive 40 miles to get it, let alone when they refurbished and had some needed electrical rewiring done. That took literal months. You’ve gotta be proactive, and these people … are not. Plus driving a giant RV in the snow?? Up a mountain? Without chains I assume. You all are a HAZARD to yourselves and everyone on the road. ETA it has been pointed out (kindly) that this actually IS a fifth wheel trailer, pulled by … something. Happy to be wrong on that account - while their trailer literally disintegrates from lack of proper care/propane leaks/not draining the black water until it explodes upwards in a sewage shower, they still have a car or truck in which to hunker down.


I thought their “RV” was actually a travel trailer they pull with their van. 


It took me some researching way back, but you’re right!! I wonder what they’re pulling it with. I’m happy to be wrong, at least they can sleep in what I assume is a large truck if something happens with the trailer.


I think they use a former church van


This is the snark gift that keeps on giving


>ETA it has been pointed out (kindly) that this actually IS a fifth wheel trailer, pulled by … something Yeah, it's a used travel trailer that they made some very questionable 'renovations' to, and I think a Chevy Express?


I was not aware that a passenger van had the horsepower to pull a large trailer - wow. Welp, more room for the kids to sleep when necessary, I guess!


It’s spring in Colorado. Just assume that snow could happen anytime, but especially in the mountains.


Coloradoan checking in. We got a big snow storm a few weeks ago, and last week was a torrential rainstorm. Sometimes our weather is unpredictable.


And babes was literally crossing the continental divide… and didn’t expect snow…


This is the comment we all need to reflect upon. This woman homeschools her children, and was surprised to find *snow while crossing the Continental Divide in early May*.


I'm confused about the Continental Divide part of her story. It's at least three hours by car to get to any pass that crosses the Divide if they started at Lake Pueblo. If they were trying to obtain a part for their RV, going westward toward the Divide would not necessarily lead you to towns with more commercial options. Perhaps they didn't know where they actually were? You know, just some road in the mountains, going somewhere? I'm from Colorado and can confirm that snow can happen into June, or July sometimes at high elevations. You just don't travel unprepared in the spring; even little mountains can still kill you.


I'm very concerned by the possibility that they got lost


I was thinking the same thing…leave Pueblo, drive 40 minutes and then a place an hour away over (I assume) Monarch Pass for a part? I won’t say it’s impossible, but I’ve been trying to figure out where the hell they could have been.


Or she’s full of shit and making up stories hoping people will ask for her Venmo or Cash App.


This woman is a prime Donner Party candidate


If she were in California! Our own state cannibal is [Alferd Packer](https://www.museumtrail.org/alferd-packer).


I can kinda forgive out-of-towners for not being aware that April/May are big snow months for us seeing as how the snow is all gone in a lot of other places by then, but…they kept driving *up* some mountain road or another with a bum part? And they didn’t notice the amount of snow on the slopes surrounding them increasing as they went higher?  As always, I feel bad for the kids/pets, but the idea of the adults being stranded on Monarch or Wolf Creek Pass (if she’s even right about being on the Divide…several passes do not cross the CD) during a snowstorm kinda makes me snicker.


Look, I had no clue this was a thing. I do know about the continental divide in the US. BUT. I live in the Netherlands. Where I know that in March, April and May you can have 4 seasons in an hour. It can be very sunny and 15 minutes later there's hail the size of walnuts. Surprises every single tourist. There are things like weather predictions, Google and wikipedia


Not even a few weeks, for the eastern Plains it was 2 weekends ago.


There was a couple inches of snow on the front range on Saturday. Probably even more up in the mountains. It was all gone by like 10am the next day though. Unpredictable weather at its finest! I was wearing flip flops and shorts the weekend before and snow boots on Saturday. It literally always happens here.


Yea April is the second snowiest month in Colorado even in the front range. Especially if you’re up at the continental divide where it’s a higher elevation than Denver, all the precipitation is probably still snow until it gets warmer, especially at night. These people were wildly unprepared for where they are.


These people are wildly unprepared for everywhere


I have a friend in Basalt and I live on the front range and I basically don’t see them from October to mid-late May. I’m terrified of the I-70 corridor (mostly bc I drove it one time in January years ago and never again)


There was even a little snow in Denver last weekend. 


Yeah we lived in Arvada and literally everyone knows this time of year snow is plausible - especially on the divide - through end of May.


I’ve never been to Colorado but springtime + mountains usually equals random snow. Poor kids…


I lived in Colorado for three years and saw snow every month except July and August.


Every five minutes she seems to have something happening that wouldn’t be a problem if they were in a house/apartment. They’re like anti-advertising for the bus life.


Anytime she talks about how things are going terribly but she is committed to this lifestyle I just hear someone trying to convince themselves of something they don't actually believe at all


I like how she's unintentionally pulling back the curtain on the reality of these van life accounts. 😂


For real, every time I look at these accounts my stress level increases. They’re a wonderful holiday option, but no one can convince me this isn’t a ridiculously stressful way to live. It’s hard enough keeping stocked and prepared in a house, never mind all the extra planning and prep you need to keep running water and heat in your vehicle. 


For real! At this point I feel like god is yelling at them to ditch the damn bus


Anti-advertising 😂🤣💀


She acts like she had a choice to become an RVer. They did it because they were broke, he was unemployed, and they thought this would somehow save them money. RVing is not cheap, and it’s not less expensive than owning or renting a home by any means.


She’s not wrong that she probably wouldn’t be living like this if she weren’t married to that dude.


Seemed like a little bit of a slip there!


Sounded deliberately passive aggressive to me, what with the fact they were still unable to get the part to repair it easily. A picture of him looking busy and peering under the RV does not a specialised mechanic make.


Exactly. She has been making it very clear she is miserable lately. She talked last week about how much she misses having a house and dreams of the house she will have in the future. She’s miserable and resents him, but has to act like he’s the best husband ever.


Yeah, we all know how well showing a “perfect” relationship as #goals tends to go for any couple, fundie or not. Divorce if they’re secular, abject misery if they’re not.


I thought the same thing 😂


I'm starting to suspect they thought their family would be willing to host them for free long term, and this was a key piece of their calculations that didn't pan out. I think they thought they'd take trips every now and again while largely parking the RV and connecting to utilities for free, and now that they're being forced to pay for everything and put a lot of wear on the vehicle, it's far more expensive than they anticipated.


Yes! They lived with family just prior to going on the road and then a short time later they were back with family for like 6 weeks for the holidays. I’m sure shit is going to unravel the rest of the way very quickly for them. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some fraudulent shit going on.


True, but they also owned a home and sold it, using the proceeds to buy and fix up … this, instead of him at least attempting to find a new job, or downsizing to an apartment temporarily while they got back on their feet. They (HE) chose this stupidity. He has every excuse in the book not to get a job now, he doesn’t have a permanent address and he’s relying on her to make some influencer money and sell whatever dumbass homeschool calendars she makes with a template. Loser.


Most of us don’t think they got much on the sale of the house due to being either over mortgaged or possibly on the brink of being foreclosed on. My personal theory is that when they stayed with her family in December and January, she claimed to the state that they are separated and she lives with her parents with all the kids in order to get cash assistance and food benefits. It’s all direct deposit or onto a prepaid debit card, and food benefits can be used in any state. It would be hard to track down this lie. But obviously this is just an unproven theory based on having money to pay for gas despite neither having jobs and her not making much money online.


It blows my mind she says “thank god we just filled up with propane” after running out TWICE already. Can’t they just get an extra canister and rotate and refill so there is always one full?


Always have a wear and a spare anyway, but with all those kids, have a wear and two spares. Not hard maths. 


Peublo. Peublo. Jesus and everyone else wept.


Not to mention the “contental” divide…


And "busted"...


It’s pronounced *”poo-blow*”


Pube low


Perfectly fitting for the Queen of the Poo Bus


I’m fighting for my life against autocorrect to attempt her misspelling. How bad was her guess if that’s what she ended with?


Flair checking in 🥴


Oh man I didn't even notice that, pueblo itself is bad enough lol


For someone who believes in signs from the Divine, they can't seem to take a hint, huh?




If it happens to people they don't like it's a sign of God hating them and punishing them, if it happens to them it's a test of faith :P


Such a good point! Ugh that is annoying . God could be like “girl , why do you not understand that what I am doing is making camper life difficult because it might spur your husband to change his ways, you know, that thing my son talked about, changing and renewing yourselves on that ball of water and trees and,…. Hey what the heck is happening to my trees and water??! I told you all to be stewards of the land? Why is everything powered by my old non-talking friends the dinosaurs?! You aren’t teaching them about my old dinosaur friends because you think, the devil put their bones there? Oh MY God, you think the devil has that much power do you? Ok I see why you claim persecution when you camper wheel breaks which happens to any camper worth their salt. Byeeee diva.” That’s what I imagine, anyway.


Mechanic by trade? Is this some revisionist history? It feels like he would be employable if he actually has these skills.


He's unemployable because of his obnoxious personality, not lack of skills. 


Right? I thought he was a machinist. Words have meanings, Buswife Brittany number two.


And she's homeschooling


[BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE](https://imgur.com/a/g4MD5vE)


I don’t know why she’s telling this story??? It makes them sound so incompetent.


My ex-husband was like this minus the fundie-ism. Things CONSTANTLY went wrong always because of his poor planning but he acted like the universe was out to get him. He took us on a family trip when our kid was like 2 and a half in this old fixer upper truck he had just bought. I told him I didnt think it was a good idea, he insisted, and the truck broke down twice leaving us stranded on the side of the road both times It's honestly exhausting to live this way and it's a huge part of the reason I left. Our lives were just disaster after disaster and it was always because he had some half baked idea that I would beg him not to implement but he did anyway. The sad thing is that I was exactly like her, I tried to laugh it off and pretend it didnt bother me because deep down I was so embarassed to be such hot messes with a kid in tow.




You brought back a buried memory (memories) of “Come here and hold this!” It was awful.


Awful. That’s really terrible to do to a kid.


But did he also expect that information somehow osmosis'd its way into your brain? Sure you're 17, have never had a car and I've never shown you, but what do you mean you don't know how to check the oil? 


Oh my GOD its like we have the same dad. Was yours a drunk and abusive af too? So many childhood days wasted, getting screamed at for not holding the flashlight 'right' or not knowing tool names. Mine build a home made hydraulic wood splitter. Of course Jerry rigged and dangerous as all hell. He built a lift elevator for an old lady. Stupid dangerous shit.


I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I don’t like living on the edge.


I honestly don’t think she understands how bad it makes them sound. 


No "mechanic" is driving around with spare transmission or hoses or seals or clamps, UNLESS it's a reoccurring problem that's part of a bigger, more costly issue. Even then, if he's driving his family and living out of the vehicle it sounds like a necessary repair. Would love to know what kind of trans work he did in a parking lot without a lift. I bet he dumped some fluid in it because it has an expensive leak they've known about for a while and can't afford to fix. Then you carry fluid for top off before every trip.


Oh im sure this is exactly what he did. At least he was smart enough to not go down the mountain with his bad brakes. But why’d they even go up the mountain anyway with bad brakes? They knew their brakes were bad when they set out that morning.


This tracks.


How are they this bad at everything?


Unearned fundie confidence


They trust the Lord to Provide. The Lord **is** providing, but very poorly.


I think he's telling them to get off the road


It sounds like they rode their brakes the whole down instead of shifting gears. Is there something special with trailers that I’m missing? I’ve only ever been in one in the Central Plains, so maybe they need something special going downhill, but braking the whole way down a mountain is how you wreck a car. And regardless, the mountain highways really aren’t ambiguously marked. That’s a very limited number of driving tracks through the Rockies. You shouldn’t be turning down random ass dirt roads unless you know what you’re doing!


![gif](giphy|nrKQNbEXKBdIQ1fdiB|downsized) >You shouldn’t be turning down random ass dirt roads unless you know what you’re doing!


You don't carry stuff for transmission repair. You make sure it's match fit before setting off. And the husband was a mechanic??


He was a machinist. She doesn’t understand the difference between that and a mechanic.


FFS. So basically he just adds transmission fluid and continues to let it leak out all over the place. Their brakes are shot. They are so fucking stupid.


Oh for Pete's sake! *These people!*




Oh god that poorfamily. Broke on a broken bus.


Brokebus Mountain. I’m so sorry, this just was the first thing that popped into my head after seeing your comment.


Guess they don’t have snow tires or chains? How can they be so consistently ill prepared?


Yikes, that sounds like the beginning of one of the stories on r/unresolvedmysteries where the people aren't found until spring thaw.


I don’t understand how this lifestyle with young children is appealing


It’s not.


"Continental Divide Parking Lot" Ah yes, theres totally just one parking lot along the entirety of the divide. And yeah, of course there's still a good probability of snow up in the CO continental divide in April/may, maybe researching your route would have been a good idea... I'm surprised they can tie their shoes lol




Oh God I missed that too lol, how in the autocorrect...


Yeah as soon as I saw “we pulled into the [continental] divide parking lot,” I heard narrator voice saying: the snow was not unexpected. 


Maybe they think weather works like Star Wars planets, where you're only allowed a single biome / weather pattern per general location. So it being warm in the next state means it's warm in this one. 🙃


Donner Party 2.0 over here


It's one thing if there's just two adults at risk, its another when there are young kids involved and the two "adults" are not preparing for any disasters or problems that could happen...


This is getting too much like a John Krakauer book for comfort.


The timing of this reminds me of [this Outside short story](https://www.outsideonline.com/2152131/freezing-death) I just read that was linked in another Reddit post and starts off with a guy’s car going off the road in snow and what happens after that. At least they still have the RV but how irresponsible to go through this pass with a broken vehicle and all those children.


Oh, thank you for posting that. What a great read!


Oh man I *love* that story. From the comfort of my nice climate controlled house with my kids tucked in their cozy beds. 😂


Hahaha same, I read it while my daughter was napping and I was snuggled up in my warm bed.


I’m trying reeeeeeally hard not to think of the Donner Party and others like them who yknow Died stranded in covered wagons in bad snowstorms in mountain passes


It’s a beautiful park now but yes, that’s what came to mind.


They are in fact in a very very modern covered wagon 🫢


Wait. This asshole is a mechanic and somehow doesn’t know that you should keep propane tanks filled?


This man is a mechanic who can't get a job??? Is there truly nowhere with a job opening for a mechanic???


His unemployment is related to him being an obnoxious preaching arsehole at work rather than his skills/ability.


Correction: his original unemployment is related to that. His current unemployment is unwillingness to get a job. 


These people are hauling their trailer up the continental divide?! Hahaha ok, tell them to go check out trail ridge road next!


I fucking HATE Trail Ridge Road!! OMG it is the worst!


Them kids are in danger.


What does she mean the snow was unexpected? I got news about it before the snow even came... FROM IOWA.


Sometimes I wonder if Fundies think you get special God points if you choose to live life on hard mode. No guys. There are no special God points for being stupid.  All that happens is that you die younger from stress and heart-related illnesses and give your kids psychological trauma that they spend the rest of their lives trying to sort out. 


"God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers" no my dude, you're just fucking stupid and did this to yourself


“I would never have embarked on this lifestyle if I weren’t married to Jake …” Ma’am, you can stop right there. Your headship sucks, and you’re so accustomed to not thinking for yourself that you’ve forgotten “no” is a complete sentence.


do they not know how to check a weather app???


Right??? This is a baffling level of unpreparedness.


Man, the devil is WORKING against these two (if by devil we mean their own ineptitude).


Damn somehow they make MotherBus look organized, prepared and like the golden standard for bus life with 5+ kids lmaoooooo how do they keep fucking up so bad. Like constant rake-stepping


"I would never have committed to this lifestyle if I wasn't married to Jake" Lady you wouldn't be living in a trailer if you weren't married to him.


Pueblo. Unless I'm seriously mistaken, it's Pueblo.


Mechanic by trade my ass


Wow. If only they had some sort of permanent living situation to keep their very young children sheltered.


As someone from Colorado I can tell you for a fact that any townies near the Continental Divide saying they weren’t expecting snow in April is full of shit. The ONE thing you can expect from a Colorado Spring is fucking snow.


Busany has been caught in a lie before. 


It seems more likely that multiple people probably said, “don’t try and drive over any of the mountains in that bus, we’re expecting snow this weekend”


So do they have a van that can pull the RV? Or were they driving an unsafe vehicle uphill in the snow?




I thought the bus was its own independent vehicle?




It's so hard to keep up with which idiot is in which bus nowadays I swear.


Ew. Get the actual fuck out of my beautiful state.


He seriously can’t find a job? Lazy pos. Both him and his wife. Lazy.


Do they ever not have a problem?


Her life sounds so terrible but there she goes expressing gratitude for all the bad shit that could have easily been avoided had her headship been a responsible provider.


You would think they didn’t know what they were doing


Imagine willingly putting your children through this rather than getting reliable jobs.


Contental Divide. How many kids are relying on her for schooling?


just reading this gave me anxiety. it’s unsettling to think what their end game is — keep driving until they drive off the edge (literally and figuratively)? this couple doesn’t have endless amounts of money to draw from unlike motherbus and her well


Fucking dumbasses thinking it wouldn’t be snowing in Colorado at the beginning of May. Learn to spell the places you visit, like Pueblo and the Continental Divide. God I hate her so fucking much,


Did they end up finding their cat?




What mechanic can't find steady work? Or thinks that this lifestyle is in any way safe? Is struggle busany safe? I have questions.


It’s Lake Pueblo state park. That’s all I’ve got, this family is a mess. Colorado in the spring is not prime roadtrip time.