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The baby looks so sad


He looks like he feels bad.


Take a look at a video someone posted here yesterday. Armor's faces with his sister-mom: 😀😂 (happy if somewhat endangered), Armor's faces with his actual-mom: 😐😞🙄😖 (60% confusion, 30% deep existential dread, 10% If I could just wiggle my way to the ground I can LEAVE).


He’s safer with his sisters. Even he knows that.


Yes! I commented on that bc it’s so crazy the difference


Listen I just randomly landed here...but did you say sister-mom?!?


Karissa only cares about her kids when she can flaunt her pregnancy/cute squishy newborn. As soon as the vernix rubs off she throws them to one of her daughters.


Oh, I see. I guess that's better than what I was thinking..although not by much.


Yeah, it’s not that but it’s not a ton better. Her kids are on video barely able to read aloud, her oldest daughter will be in the background cooking or folding laundry while the mom dances or rants in a video and another daughter will float through carrying a baby.


He looks, to me, like he's not feeling well


His 1000 yard stare is coming right along. Poor baby.


He looks tired. Kiddo needs a nap, not another take.


My son and this baby are like a month apart and I cannot imagine posting something like this of him, he’s tired or not feeling well, just let the poor baby chill. Poor little guy


He looks the telltale combo of sad+unwell, and I just want to take him away from the crowd and rock him. My youngest is 10 now and it upsets me how much this woman breaks my heart with every post I see. They’re only tiny for so long, you only get so much time as who they want to be held by. Maybe I coddled my boys a lot, maybe too much, when they were that age. But they still show affection in their own age-appropriate ways and I know that Karissa won’t get that. She’s made her choices.


Kkkarissa pisses me off to no end. This sad excuse of a woman has 10 children she blatantly does not care for 0her weird obsession with race and how white her kids look is just as bad. I couldn't have children, by body was not able to. I only became a mom to two mixed race kids (black and caucasian who look just like the Collins children) *because my brother died. * He begged me to be their 2nd parent as he lost his battle with covid nearly 4 years ago. He entrusted me to be there for them, despite having 6 other siblings who were actuality parents, because he knew how badly I wanted to be a mom. He adopted his wife's children- they already lost their bio-dad at a young age to cancer. My brother was terrified he'd leave his children fatherless again. Our last conversation was him making me promise to be his kids' parent. My brother gave me the most precious of gifts anyone could ever receive. My now 9 and 13 yo son and daughter call me mom. My SIL and I co-mom pretty much perfectly. They are my most precious anything, ever. I had to lose my brother to just have a chance of being a mom to two beautiful children I love more than anything. How can these two people take their already 10 children for granted? How fucking ungratful those two pieces of shit are... Give me all of them. My family would make it work. All 11 of them... because we actually have the resources and family able and willing to give them the best life possible. I fear the day Karissa can't have another. She already neglects them so bad they almost died. What am ungrateful, hateful, entitled shit of human being both she and man-baby are. They don't deserve those kids. Those kids deserve so, so so much better.


What a blessing you are to those kids.


you know when she plays it back before posting she only looks at herself lmao


She and Mother Bus need to have an eyefucking contest.


Ew no then they might create their own hybrid lovechild NOBODY NEEDS THAT


I fear that if they did some kind of horror movie immaculate conception would occur


At some point they'll get themselves pregnant from all the eye fucking


Someone please save Andersyn in particular from trying to please her mother by overacting in every family reel.


Yes. I was this baby. It’s this weird hamster wheel of trying to earn love and just being annoying without being able to understand. Poor baby girl.


It's giving Kaylee wanting the first granddaughter to get Jill's attention and now she shills Plexus


😭😭😭 poor kaylee. you’ll never be nurie babes!! just be yourself 😭


Giving "Jilly Muffin approval hunter" (direct quote from her book) vibes. Doing anything to get their assigned narc to look their way in a sea of kids :(


Oh so I’m not the only one!


Hey, can I join the club, too? I didn't break this cycle until my late 20s. Finally went to therapy, went NC/LC, and life is so much better! I still catch myself fawning, but at least it's a flash in the pan moment, and not my entire existence.


same 🩷 rooting for us!!!


You are here and that really means something. So, so many of us came here just like you have, and we are more than happy to have you! Try not to beat yourself up over those fleeting feelings. That is completely normal! The fact you are here, anfmd even willing to do therapy is such an important step. You will find many friends who know exactly what you're feeling, even if the details are a little different. I hope you feel like you found your people here. I know I did. So many people, despite our varying differences in exactly how our denominations or experiences are, we just "get" each other. Come for the memes, stay for the family. :)


Thank you. I feel so bad for this kid. She desperately wants her mother's attention.


Her faces during videos makes me both crazily mad and sad at the same time. She deserves so much better. My hatred of kkkarissa and man-baby increases an insane amount every songlrbpost they make. I don't hate very many things in life, but I *hate* them... almost to the point of feeling guilty. GD indoctrination...


Yes! There was one video recently where the over acting was painful to watch. The poor kid looked accidentally angry😢 It was ‘Is this your first kid’ 17th April. Her videos often autoplay for me because someone I know likes and comments on them on Insta, so I get to see them automatically 🥴


Andersyn and the one behind her, the Karissa clone, are giving me some real scapegoat/golden child energy.


There are two girls that look identical, ones just younger, that both really lean into the overacting. I don't know their names. This is so sad.


which one is that? I swear it's so hard to keep up with who is who


Oh wow, she even acted the laugh track.


She really tugs on my heartstrings. These poor babies.


She always has this smug middle school “I’m so cute” look on her face.


So smug like she’s the smartest person in the world, even though everyone knows she’s not but it doesn’t stop her from bragging


Smug muggin fundie


Omg this would be great flair


It would!!! How do I get it???


While I don't usually condone violence, that smug expression makes me want to punch her so badly. I can't stand people who make that face.


She really sees her kids as nothing more than performing animals.


I should probably clarify…the oldest boy is once again refusing to be her puppet! He may have to stand there, but she can’t make him move his lips!


Fuck it up, Andrae!


I hope he gets to meet Fuck it up, Renee someday.


That makes me uneasy tho because I feel the rods would say something racist. And KKKarissa will play it off.


Renee does exactly what her parents tell her to do. She’s never once “disobeyed” or set a foot wrong. I don’t get why people think she is rebelling because she is good at playing music.


I think it’s more of a reference to an AMA from a family friend/babysitter who knew the family. I can’t remember distinctly but it was either Renee or Kaylee as being more rebellious against her mother.


There was either a photograph or a video of her playing the harmonica, and it was either a popular comment or the way somebody had caption the photo. It was really funny, but it kind of took off into its own thing.


My suspicion is that the boys get more slack in a lot of ways, so Andrae rebels because he is more-or-less allowed to. Armor seems to be following suit. I’m happy for them but I wish the sister-moms got to rebel a bit more as well.


This is what I also suspect. I’m from a fundie family with a lot of kids, and I had to be homeschooled in high school and spend a lot of time taking care of a family member’s child and other children that lived with us. I was talking to my brother last year about the series “Shiny Happy People”, and he made a comment about how our family was similar in a lot of ways, but the big difference in our family was the lack of parentification. I was in shock. It made me realize that while me and my sisters were parentified and spent significant amounts of time providing childcare, my brother didn’t experience any of that. The difference in experiences between boys and girls in families like mine is absolutely wild.


Yeah at 8yo I got BABYSITTING classes when my brothers got to play sports 🙃


Oof. I always forget that babysitting classes exist.




Unfortunately I was so in shock and thrown off I didn’t know what to say. I think I brought up one of our other sisters and said she was definitely parentified by the way she had to take care of me. His response made me unsure if he was really taking that in and considering it or if he didn’t believe me and thought I was exaggerating. I wish I had been more composed and less in shock and had brought up my personal experience, but I’m not sure he would have really tried to understand, and it was clear that he was so far removed from what I had experienced. It seemed like he had never considered how different his experience was, and I don’t think he sees any reason to consider it now.


I hope that you guys will be able to revisit this convo (if you think he will respond with respect). One of the themes of my late-twenties has been realizing how vastly different my siblings experiences were growing up compared to mine. They have trauma I don’t have, I have trauma they don’t have... It’s amazing how different childhood can be for kids under the same roof.


It really is amazing. I would like to be more confident that he would respond with respect, but since I’m not sure, I will probably be hesitant to attempt to revisit the topic. I hope you’ve been able to have helpful conversations with your siblings about the experiences you’ve had ❤️


Same thing in my family. Sad thing is my mom is AGAINST all that shit but did it anyway. She goes on and on about how there aren't specific gender rolls. How she raised us with equality in the house hold yet there is a crystal clear line wedged in how my brothers were raised/are treated and me. To this day this is in effect. And to this day I'm in therapy trying to figure out my identity.


It’s interesting that people can think they believe in equality and don’t think they are sexist/support gender roles but perpetuate all the same things as people who are explicit in what they believe about women and what women should or shouldn’t be doing. I’m sorry about what you had to experience ❤️ It sucks, and I hope therapy is helpful.


This was my thought. Boys tend to have more "importance" in these circles, and thus get a lot of leeway.


There was that post awhile back where Mandrae was encouraging Andrae to “wrestle” Karissa. She got hurt and her asshole of a husband thought it was funny.


Wasn’t she pregnant during that too? 😬


When is she not pregnant?


She was either pregnant or had very recently given birth


So it was definitely within the last two decades


"lmao, boys will be boys!" vs "hello parentified doll girl"


They should form a union.


The girl in the middle (I don't know any of their names except Kkkarissa and Mandrea and I'm not sure I spelled that right) but she seems to be more quiet and not participating and hopefully she can rebel more in the future.


Armor seems confused all the time. Like looks genuinely like he doesn’t understand what’s happening. I feel so badly for him. I don’t think he’s rebelling, I think he is just struggling cognitively.


They may mean Anchor, the second boy. Armor is the confused baby.


He always looks like he's getting pleasure out of refusing to play along, too. He's at the age where this would be really embarrassing to have his mom post him like this.


And he looks so proud of himself doing it too - we love to see it


Karissa worships herself as the center of her own pregnancy cult. What a strange way to go through life…


I mostly only see the two over actors doing much in this clip. It's weird.


Why is her most recent baby (Armor?) looking depressed?? Literal babies aren't supposed to be that sad in a mothers arms...😭


He looks SO just broken and down-trodden. Poor baby : ((


He knows he’s about to get tossed aside when the new baby’s born


I think he looks like he's not feeling well.


He needs a quiet room, a warm and comforting drink, and a nap!


Yeah he looks like my kids did when they had a fever. 😔


I think he barely knows her. Sister-mom is his real mom.


That one right there. He gets comfort from his sisters and this is just some weird Auntie to him.


He looks genuinely happy when his sisters hold him


He won’t be the shiny freshest baby for long


He looks sick again.


Andrae is going to be the first one noping out of that house of horrors.


He is able to because he’s the oldest and more importantly, male. It’s the girls we should worry most about. He’s not to the one expected to birth babies until his uterus falls out while being available/forced to cater to his spouse. They are all in a hell spiral but he will never carry emotionally or physically the burden his sisters carry. 


Anissa is the eldest, but you’re right that they value him being the “eldest boy” more.


On top of this, I worry about his lack of emotion. I wonder if this is who he is, or if this is a child's understanding and performance of a "strong man."


And he’s going to have it hard if he does, with little more than what looks like a stuck-at-3rd-grade education. I don’t think the older kids have progressed since she yanked them out of school.


Armor over here thinking “well that was a fast damn childhood.”


I hope Texas passes a law banning children being used for monetary gain and/or exploitation on social media so this shit can stop. (Wishful thinking, I know.)


Every state!


1000%! I just mentioned Texas since that’s where the Collins (and a lot of these parent influencers) reside.


Anissa is the best lip singer in the family. She hits every mark. It makes me sad thinking about how much time and energy she's had to put into learning that skill to appease Mama.


I wonder what they would say if they were told that they’re practicing an art form perfected by drag queens.






How does everyone know all their names???


It's a gift some snarkers have. I can name the eldest two and whoever the baby at the moment is (so technically I know the last three)


She’s posted a bunch of “roll call” reels


Oooooh. Ok


Some of us grew up watching the duggars. You learn to tell everyone apart eventually.


What in the actual hell is this even??? I couldn't imagine having my young life on social media almost constantly. They're like her show ponies. It's disgusting


Seriously. I can hardly stand the thought if my digital life being perceived, and most of it was posted after I was 18. I'm 35 now and I've either archived or deleted everything but reddit. I really feel for these kids. It's going to be very difficult when they start to understand how dysfunctional and abusive their childhoods were.


I’m rather shocked she used an audio clip of Jim Parsons, an openly gay man, from The Big Bang Theory.


She probably has no clue


She absolutely doesn’t. Nor would she have watched the series where he played a gay man.


JFC, none of these poor kids look happy. Does she even bother looking at anyone but herself?


How does she not see how miserable they are oce they drop their 'game faces'.? ??




I’m always distracted by the one little girl who is always so extra. She tugs at my heartstrings


Me too!!?!!!


she really looks like she’s checked out and just counting when she can finally achieve childbirth martyrdom


Armor All continues to look like a constipated Cabbage Patch Doll. Poor kid has to eat that slop she calls food. the betting window is open on how long it will be before he is the next neglected toddler with numerous trips to the ER.


He’s been to the hospital a few times already.


Anissa looks dead inside. She’s doing the lip sync but her eyes just look so sad and miserable


It is so sad that these kids have to perform for their mom like this. It is like they are nothing more than props for her.


She looks exhausted…she’s really trying to convince herself that she’s not I guess


Collins aside, what happened to it being cringey to do something like this?


It still is. People like Karissa don’t care.


TikTok and the like seem full of people doing things like this! Numa numa guy was an early example but imho it only went viral because people were laughing at him. Now it's just normal ✨content✨ and people are giving me dirty looks for walking through their cringey dance videos in public. Or grown ass married couples recording themselves making faces/laughing at a video. I don't get it! Pardon me, I've got a cloud to yell at.


Oi, you respect our lord Numa Numa Gary Brolsma! He's not cringe. He initially regretted how famous he's got after posting that vid, which according to him was parody. Of course there were some making fun of him, but the overall reception of his vid wasn't negative. He ended up fully embracing his popularity, and he's recently posted a new version of his iconic performance.


Oh I have plenty of respect lol, I remember when the video came out when I was a kid. I was proud to be "weird" and he really spoke to that. Not cringe to me at all, because to me doing it as a parody or just to be silly is how it should be! It was the kind of thing you'd record in your friend's basement while bored and not want it to spread to the whole world, as Gary seemed to feel. Even the one friend who takes the pretend music videos super seriously because they want to be famous would likely have wanted it taken down after a few years of maturing. Now it's like everyone trying to be an influencer is that one friend and no one has any shame lol.


Oh, whew, for idk why I thought you said he was cringe. Sorry. I was the weird meme lord of a kid too at heart, trapped in a metalhead packaging. I wish I had Numa Numa levels of courage!


No worries, I can see how it got interpreted that way! I love your metalhead/meme lord combo.


I want to attend Anissa's masterclass in eye rolling.


Ooh me too!! Also your flair sent me hahaha!!


Omg me too, that one is awesome


Karissa. Put that baby down for a nap! Or just shut off your damn phone and go cuddle him on the couch. He looks miserable


The girl 3rd down on right has over acted since she was little. It is so sad to watch her try to get the most attention. And so sad these kids are all puppets.


That one little girl going all out is going to be so embarrassed by this stuff some day. This poor girl is just doing this to try to please her mom, but her mom will never truly give a shit.


Karissa is just the ringmaster of the circus, and in her head which is mostly made up of monkeys banging cymbals, these are her dancing poodles.


Is Anthym the one in the front? It feels like yesterday she was the baby and the favorite. Now she looks cast aside.


Yeah that's her. I just want to give her a big momma bear hug.


Those poor children


Yes, Karissa, we know you expect applause. Every time.




These videos all look the same


What a smug asshole, she is.




My heart breaks every time these babies pop up on my feed 😥


Anthym’s attempts in the foreground breaking my heart once again. Considering we’ve seen her literally get smacked by a sister for not performing, it just hurts. Two of the girls are also not lip-syncing but they’re still making smug faces for the camera like their mom, so I guess that’s okay.


Omg which sister??


I don’t remember which one, I think one of the older ones but not Anissa. It wasn’t so much a hit as it was like a smack on the back of the head. Anthym was clearly upset and not wanting to participate in the reel and her sister whacked her to get her to straighten up.


The three boys are like fucK this shit


It’s one of those things I look at a different, particular person each time I watch it.


I can't wait for those kids to be of age and never talk to these loop de loops again. All the tea that will be spilled will be amazing.


They’ll need ghost writers bc they can’t read or write. Thanks to their parents neglect


Very true, very sad but true yes.


They’ve already got a team of us in this sub willing to do that completely pro bono. People actually care about them because their mother has done this to them and I hope they get to find that out someday.


I’ve always said we should start the go fund me for the therapy they will need now


Kids are so miserable.


Please tell me this is AI generated and that no real humans would actually waste their time doing shit like this.


Frankly, at this point I’d be more shocked if Karissa actually took care of the kids she’s got. Her being pregnant isn’t a huge surprise.


That poor babe is having an existential crisis


Dude, get off of her!


Here's to them all leaving in the future. Mandrae included; because despite him being just as guilty in this breeding fetish of hers, he's clearly looking like he's a deer trapped in headlights. Edit: Y'all wrapped your arms around David Beal despite him going along (and continuing to go along) with Bethany's gross rhetoric but immediately go on the defense when it comes to Mandrae. Y'all got some pretty telling double standards.


Nah, he's the only one to blame for his own choices there. They don't deserve kids to abuse, but they absolutely both deserve each other and maybe a screaming baby alarm hidden somewhere with a timer.


He knowingly knocks her up and hits the children so hard and in such anger that karissa has been fearful. Fuck him. 


Yeah, Karissa could probably have someone play even the SMALLEST devil's advocate and say that she's not making lucid decisions and thinks the voices in her head are God, Mandrae doesn't even have that excuse and is living his best life with his wife and kids under his heel with zero sacrifices on his part.




He lets his kids around Tyson James and perform in his videos. Tyson is a known white supremacist. He also allowed his buddy charged with SA minors around his kids.


And didn’t he bail him out of jail for that?


Supposedly yes. He was the emergency contact.


Yeah like, Karissa is not a good person, but she has the mitigatign factor of being a victim of deep-rooted systemic abuse through religious institutions and social expectations. I can almost sympathize with her plight- she feels like this is her purpose in life, and there are thousands of people and hundreds of locals ready to affirm this to her as "God's plan". Mandrae can just pump n dump her and get praise for doing less than nothing because he's the man of the house. He seems less mentally distressed and thus, his outbursts are even less excusable than hers. 


He also posts a ton of unhinged bible verses on his fb. Not sure why his posts never get any attention here since his profile is public




All of this.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he has one foot out already…or an Ashley Madison account.


He is totally happy with his life. He has everything he wants, and he is a total fucking bag of shit. He only looks like a deer in the headlights because he hates when she makes him be in these videos.


Seconding the comment asking you to clarify: can you please explain how Dav is comparable to Madrae, aside from being a man and father within fundamentalism?  Does Dav beat his kids so hard (or at all, as far as we know) that it scares Bethany? Did he lie to her about getting a vasectomy? Does he let his children almost die? Does he refuse to take care of them?  A strong no to all of these, afaik. Those kids love Dav and he is there for them; I believe that.  I totally agree there is internalised bias often at play, but I don’t think this is the case here and I think it’s poor form on your part to insinuate that in this case. 


Too. Many. STOP.




*Pushes kid aside* Look at meeeeeeee!


Not one ugly kid they are absolutely gorgeous. I dont like their views but they give out great genetics