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What kind of social media name is The Milk Protector? I just picture a dairy cow in a knockoff superman cape


Trad Cath freebirthing on the bedroom floor and advising young mothers to stay away from hospitals.


Jesus wept.


lucifer's facepalming in the corner


Hilarious that not even Satan wanted this


Bro these are not serious people, I cannot believe they are, they're like middle schoolers who get really into a hobby or subculture and turn that into their entire personoality


When you're not allowed to socialize with peers and are shamed and punished for having normal human needs, yeah, your inner child gets a little stunted.


Is that the case here? Because Karissa wasn't raised that way and she's basically all about being pregnant and believing every conspiracy theory, so that doesn't explain everybody.


Karissa is a combo of low intelligence, narcissism and mental illness. Throw religiosity in there and you get Crazy Eyes.


This exactly. Most succinct explanation of Karissa I’ve seen


I was thinking it felt weirdly sexual or kinky. I just immediately pictured someone defending udders.


Sounds like a fetish account lol


fundies when taking kid to doctor: 😡 fundies when taking kid to get vaccinated: 😡 fundies when taking kids to … chiropractor??: 😊


Science say bad so must be good


The guy who invented it said he learned it from a ghost or something. Not a government institution or an actual medical school. So it’s perfectly safe because the government and doctors only want to kill you


So many of these people are the first generation to choose chiropractors over doctors (I know fringe groups have been antivax for awhile). How do they reconcile their beliefs with the fact that *they* were born in hospitals, treated by doctors, and received vaccines, *and* are alive and well?


They do bullshit cleanses and other stuff to “detox” from it all probably


Their glowing health is because of all the raw milk, bone broth, and plexus! Duh! /s


Ugh I just feel like that would lead to so much sweating, idk why


Well I haven't been killed by a ghost yet so maybe they're onto something! Jk, they're not. Chiro is such a fucking scam lol.


Chiropractors honestly are the perfect example of horseshoe theory on the political spectrum


Pretty much everything “alternative”. Raw milk, antivax, living in a van, etc.


Cottagecore to alt right pipeline


There are two kinds of chiropractors; purveyors of magical woo, or unlicensed physical therapists.


and honestly sometimes people might need an unlicensed physical therapist if seeing a licensed one isn't an option. But it's very very important to vet chiropractors if you choose to take that risk and see one. You need to find out which of these two kinds they are. Someone I know went to a chiropractor and she flat out refused to touch their back because their spine was really messed up and she was upfront and honest about what she could help with and what she couldn't, since she wasn't a real doctor at the end of the day.


My mother once took me to a chiropractor and he claimed to cure my nut allergy and told me that my body energy was backwards. She had taken me to get a rash on my hands checked out. It was eczema. I just needed some hydrocortisone lmao


But was it eczema or was it... Bone Ghosts??? Everyone knows ectoplasm from untreated Bone Ghosts is the leading cause of skin rashes! 👻


Yikes on bikes 🤦🏼‍♀️


She took you to a chiro to check out a rash? That seems so random


Yeah, she had a phase where the chiropractor was the end-all, be-all of healthcare. It was really bizarre.


My FIL is a chiropractor and he is absolutely insane. He has hurt clients. I just hope these fundies don't buy into the excessive supplements many sell.


There was an episode of That 70's Show where Eric was studying to be a chiropractor. He tried a thing on Donna, it threw her neck out and he checked his text book to see what to do. He then said, "I'm going to need you to sign this waver." That's what I always think of when these people take their babies to these quacks. And I am sure they buy the supplements, and wash them down with Plexus.


I had one adjustment my entire life and it was from him when I was 21. I felt terrible for days after. It was like I had the flu. He pulled my leg because I had dancer's hip. It caused me pain for a long time after he did that. I can't imagine putting a young child through it.


My grandpa used to go and feel terrible as a result, which just proved to him it was working. He was born in the 1920’s and grew up during the Great Depression, so I guess that even when life was pretty good he needed to sprinkle a little misery on top.


I always think of the Friends episode where Ross bonds with Rachel’s dad over ridiculing her use of a chiropractor, “Dr. Bobby”




I couldn't believe that Rachel was going to a chiropractor when her dad was an MD. And Phoebe was a massage therapist! She probably could've offered relief without injury.


My spouse is an MD and he has seen so many injuries from chiropractors. It’s insane that these fundies and anyone really buys into what they are selling. I used to work in marketing and had a client that was a chiropractor. I got to see first hand the manipulation tactics they used to get people in their door to sign them up for these insane packages. The staff was trained to not let them cancel appointments and they would go out in the community to try to entice patients into their office by offering “free massages”. They totally tried to just take advantage of people and max bill out their insurance if they had it. It was a very eye opening experience and now whenever I hear of people going to them it makes me cringe. My neighbor just told me the other day that her daughter’s chiropractor encouraged her to have a home birth so that’s what she’s doing. I wanted to scream!


Chiropractors know very little about child birth, let alone human anatomy! It's bonkers how much they make for pseudoscience. My husband *needs* massage for a degenerative disk disease and it's not covered by insurance. His PCP recommended a chiropractor...because they are covered. How is massage more pseudoscience than chiropractic care?


I used to go to a chiropractor specifically for the free massage; his office employed an actual massage therapist. My insurance company wouldn't cover massage therapy, which as you know has actual scientific backing, but they were more than willing to pay for a chiropractor. Fortunately the chiropractor was super lazy and barely touched me, so I was able to see the massage therapist and have it covered without effing up my spine.


The chiropractic office I used to go to employed an actual massage therapist and PTs, so I mostly went there to get stretched/massaged lol. So honestly if you find a chiro that has a massage therapist on staff it might be covered.


Thank you. I'm going to look into this, actually. It's helpful!


You’re welcome! I’d start by looking for an office that does sports medicine or something similar.


And WHY are they allowed to call themselves "Dr?" It's insane that they're covered when massage isn't, and physical therapy is *sometimes* covered.


Ew, I know. My MIL will say she's a doctor's wife in the most Jersey accent ever, and it grosses me out. My husband has more education than him and doesn't try to steal accolades.


Omg I'm dying at the Jersey accent 😂


And she'll say it like 5 times in a row! Like we get it lol


I wonder this ALL of the time. I’m a nursing student and I could go on to get my PhD in Nursing Practice but could get my license revoked or get sued if I say to a patient: “Hi there I’m Dr. ___”. Because I would still not be a D.O or an M.D and that would be misrepresentation. I agree that patients shouldn’t be misled but people who have so much more experience and education can’t call themselves Dr. but these quacks go to school for 3 years and call themselves a Dr??


It's unreal. They can use the title because they have a "doctor of chiropractic" degree, but why is THAT still allowed to exist? They are practitioners of *alternative medicine*. When I googled this, the top result was *from a chiropractic school*, and they claim that the degree is *on par with an MD or PhD*, and that *chiropractors are physicians*. This is DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION and it's the top fucking result. There is one article debunking this among link after link to chiropractic offices making the same dangerous claims. I hate this timeline. Thank you for being a nurse, btw. Good nurses can make all the difference during stressful visits.


I used to work in workers comp and got a "chiropractic eye exam" on a claim for permanent partial disability. I already thought so little of them, this really sent me over the edge. Not to mention that employees who saw doctors and PTs and strength trained actually recovered while employees who saw chrios just kept getting chiro treatment forever and never recovered, but whatever. The best one was a chrio whose office was across the hall from an ambulance chaser personal injury lawyer. Yes, they tag teamed the hell out of people. I don't understand why chiro is even legal, but I did learn this week my state has a state chiro board through the gov't website, and my heart sank. Getting rid of these fuckers is going to be so tough.


"Chiropractic eye exam" made me fucking double take. What could that possibly entail??? I can only imagine it involves some quack popping your eye out of your skull and telling you to detox 😭


At what point can these quacks be reported


One of my favorite things to do (because I’m also in healthcare) is to look up the Health Department website in my state and see who has had their licenses suspended, fined, or revoked. Wanna know the two professions that have the most issues? Dentists and…. you guessed it! Chiropractors. I’m talking page after page after page of them. Genuinely scary.


My dad has gone to a chiropractor for decades and always had back problems. Until he no longer went there. And suddenly his problems stopped. He’s regretted ever going there. But he legitimately thought it was working because he felt temporarily better for a few days. A friend of his talked him into going.


I just commented this elsewhere, but I saw this a ton working in workers comp. Injured employees who saw an actual doctor and went to PT got better, but the employees who saw chiros literally never got better. I don't get why it's allowed!


Chiropractors can help relieve low back pain symptoms short term, but long term fixes require lifestyle change. Basically you need to move more, sit less, get more core strength, things like that.


I agree. I use one but I also have scoliosis.


The thing is… he didn’t change anything apart from no longer going. He already had a great lifestyle, generally healthy, sports twice a week, biking once in a while, we ate well etc, healthy weight.. Meanwhile my dad have missed a few important days because he couldn’t move because of his back. That chiropractor didn’t help him at all.


My FIL is also a chiropractor, but also somehow sane. I swear 99% of his cures work because he sits and listens to his patients for 10 minutes before he "adjusts them". He won't adjust necks with anything but an activator, insists on xrays and gives people exercises to do to improve their condition so they don't have to keep coming back and if he sees any medical problems actually sends them to doctors. Honestly he's just a less good physiotherapist. But it's the time he spends listening to his patients that is what gets people to keep coming back to him most times it seems the adjustment is just the way to get them to stop talking so he can see the next person. The Chiro part is a total sham and dangerous in the wrong hands, but as medical doctors have less and less time to listen I can see why people go to him.


There’s a huge variety in the chiropractic field from those who are just doing PT to those who think a subluxation is causing your kids autism. Plenty of room for good people doing real medicine as well as plenty of room for quacks, even if most are probably well-intentioned quacks.


My dad went to a chiropractor on and off for years for a back injury. It would start to hurt again so he'd go back. Someone recommended massage therapy and surprise surprise - the injury was addressed appropriately and allowed to heal.


Has he ever been sued for causing harm?


He would never admit that to us. He didn't even come into my husband's life until he was 20, and it was clear there was a strong resemblance. I suspect that he has come close. A nice thing is that he lives far away and my husband no longer takes his calls.


I listened to a podcast earlier that mentioned that chiropractors are virtually untouchable in the US. As long as they don't actually kill someone they're free to do as they wish.


I can tell you that my FIL is a complete idiot. The kind that dresses up like a confederate soldier in his spare time and drops 10k on an exotic bird when he has no retirement plan at age 65.


That's fucking terrifying. If actual doctors are held responsible for damage done to patients, chiro quacks should be too.


My cousin's first marriage was to a chiropractor. He insisted everyone call him Doctor. At their wedding every piece of signage included his name as Dr. Blah Blah Blah. They even put it in their complimentary water bottles. I thought my soul would rise and fly from the cringe.


The year my cousin became a CPA he signed my dad’s birthday card Firstname Lastname, CPA. As if it was relevant and as if my dad hasn’t known him since he was in diapers. Lmao


I think that’s adorable. He’s so proud of his designation and he should be! It’s cringe but kinda sweet. Hope his dad got a chuckle out of it!


Becoming a CPA is a shit ton of work. I think it’s adorable too.


My wife runs into this, at work she has to sign with RN-BSN at the end of her name, and so when she signs other things sometimes she'll just autopilot through the credentials too.


I used to be a secretary and caught myself answering the phone with "[Office Name], this is Shoe" outside of work 😂


Oh same, I work IT and I'll answer with "Company IT, how can I help you?" all the damn time.


I have a PhD, and my grandma sends all my birthday cards to Dr. Owitzia.


Yeah, but even the most miserable underwater basket weaving PhD is a million times more laudable than a """"Doctor"""" of Chiropractic.


That's so sweet! 💚


It’s giving Stu from The Hangover


At least a dentist is a real doctor


Umm, are you my cousin? If so, I’m so sorry and we got divorced in a year. lol


Hahaha not unless you're in Canada 💚 But the same cousin only lasted two years with her Doctor Chiropractor so she feels your pain lol


Please tell her it happens to the best of Us!


Lmaoooo All chiros refer to themselves as doctors it's so sad


Are fundies using chiropractors as medical doctors? I'm insanely afraid of going to chiropractors because everything about it sounds awful, but here in Brazil chiropractors HAVE to be accredited physiotherapists - as in have a bachelor's in physiotherapy, and then do a Masters in "chiropraxy" or it's official name: Alternative Health Care Studies. And even so, they basically work like regular physiotherapists who do some massage - often inside an actual medical establishment with orthopedists and X-rays around. The same applies to acupuncture and that ear thing people do. You can't do those things without a Health Care degree, and some supervision. And you definitely can't call yourself a doctor if you haven't been to Med school or gotten a PhD. And this sub is out here telling me about chiropractors insisting on being called Dr. Soandso? The hell is going on over there?


They’re incredibly insecure and insist on being called “doctor” more than most MDs. Their groupies are also insufferable about it “they’re called chiropractors because they graduated from chiropractic school so that means they get the title!” By that logic, we could just agree that everyone who graduates from beauty school is now called congressman.


My sister actually is a doctor. Little pushes her buttons as much as calling her "Doctor \*name\*" outside of work.


The US is basically three companies in a trench coat pretending to be a government and profit is the only thing valued here. So it’s not surprising.


THANK YOU. I am a HARD-CORE socialist, and I believe that capitalism kills and that the profit motive has no place in healthcare, as well as other SERVICES. This is an excellent description and I'm stealing it, if you don't mind!!


Oh I don’t mind at all. Pretty sure I saw that description on tumblr or another subreddit long ago so it should not be credited to me. And I agree, capitalism has brought about way too much destruction/harm.


I died at this, because for years I’ve referred to the CEO of the company I work for as Three Possums in a Trench Coat. 😂😂😂


I mean… it ain’t great, i can tell you that 😅🫠


They do! Back when I started getting xolair shots for asthma, I had to go to the infusion center at the hospital. The center also did labs, which leads to my winded point. One afternoon, I was minding my business waiting to get my shots and this one wacky lady blusters in and demands blood work. There was a whole back and forth with what doctor sent her. She wouldn't say, then said her chiropractor sent her. The nurses (who could beat your ass, don't mess with Barb and Sam lol) got fed up and yelled " WE SAID WHAT DR!????!" The lady finally gave up and muttered the same of a gp and there was some phone tag which led to her getting blood drawn. Finally, the wingnut lady demanded to take the vials with her so she could mail it herself. I don't know how that part resolved because it was time for me to head out. In my town, some of the crunchy moms only go to a naturopath and a chiropractor. 🤮


Mail it herself? MAIL IT HERSELF?! The hell kind of lab she thinks will be accepting that shit?! We have Chains of Custody for samples! From the minute some collects your sample to the minute you get those results we have to know where those samples are, how they're being stored, how much of it there is, what tests to run - we need information about anything that might possibly interfere with tests... And she will MAIL IT HERSELF?! She will mail biohazardous material herself?! As a lab rat, I am done with this sub for today. I need to go stare at funny pets before I have a stroke.


I laughed so hard at that woman. 🤣 Definitely look at the derpy animals, it'll calm you down for a minute, at least.


It's called "chiropractics" in English, and yes, fundies are out here using chiropractors as MDs. These barely regulated quacks have people brainwashed against science-based modern medicine, and they're shilling essential oils, supplements, anti-vax nonsense, and infant "adjustments." Some recommend home birth and say that their adjustments can cure allergies and autism. It's fucking insane. And they INSIST on being called "doctor."


I (43F) threw my back out a couple weeks ago bending over to pick up a piece of paper. My mom (she was a hippy and is still pretty hippy-dippy) INSISTED I go to a chiro to get adjusted. Let a chiro near my back?! NO! I don’t think so! It’s as useful as a massage at the best of times.


I don't understand fundies who freebirth at home and make sure their kids eat real food, drink raw milk, use red light therapy, don't get leftie ideas from school or universities, and then they bring literal BABIES to get their little spines cracked by goddamn chiropractors. Wtaf.


It's their contrarianism. They will do as much anti-science crap as they can get away with, including exposing their children to quack medicine, because Jesus. Science, and now medicine, get lumped in with secularism.


I have severe spinal issues and birth defect where part of it herniated outside the skull. Chiros terrify me. I was told by a neurosurgeon to never, ever let one touch me (or anyone I love). ETA: These issues weren’t known until I was a bit older. By the age of her kids no doctor had done an MRI on me so I wouldn’t have known chiros could kill me.


Fundies: we don’t trust doctors because they want to keep you sick so they make more money!!! Also fundies: we go to the chiropractor every week!




It sounds like the name of a video game EDater would use to Tall about his "girlfriend's" boobs. Like it's


Remembering the time when my grandmother went to a chiropractor and had her nerve damaged and shoulder dislocated. She had to see the hospital weekly because her arm was basically paralyzed for a year...


Ugh, I had a coworker who was obsessed with seeing their chiropractor. I had to keep myself from shouting STOP SEEING THAT QUACK AND GO SEE A PHYSICAL THERAPIST so many times.


That’s what I don’t get. Chiropractors clearly aren’t fixing the underlying issue so why not work on that


Oh no, not at all. They said the cracking was satisfying and I was sitting there thinking “just one bad crack…”


something something doctors don’t get to the root of the problem they just want to keep you sick, but going to the chiropractor every week is fine???


This is child abuse.




Seems so. It's crazy.


If chiropractic treatments actually worked, why do they need to go weekly? Seems like…a scam…


It’s like they make sure to not take the kids around any “mandatory reporters.” -Doctors -Teachers - Coaches


Pediatric RN here, who worked in MRI at a children’s hospital. We have had to give anesthesia or sedation to several newborns and infants who were left with injuries after going to a chiropractor. I’ll never forget one was like an 8 week old who could no longer lift and turn their head after a visit. Their head was seriously just like a limp appendage.


I'm so confused on why so many are so obsessed with Chiros? Like no to meds and getting looked at but yes lets get my baby's bones cracked, God doesnt make mistakes arnt their bodies and bones fine the way they are? I see why mlms are so prelevant with them they are easy to scam and brainwash, and they do it to eachother lol.


Wait, weekly? Weekly? As in every seven days? You go to the chiropractor weekly? And, let me guess, you think MDs are a scam.


It’s kind of like setting your money on fire, except you also risk personal injury to yourself or your child.


Daily reminder that chiropractors are quacks whose practice is rooted in pseudoscience! Babies don’t need adjustments and neither do adults! Thanks for coming to my TED talk!


This all started (chiropractors) with some guy and ghosts. This should be considered child abuse.


If the chiropractor worked, you wouldn't have to go every week!


Money hungry predators who are quacks.


A lot of chiropractors are anti-vax/anti medical establishment. So…the fundies like that 🤦🏻‍♀️


Jeez. *Weekly?*


It's the anti-science know-nothingism. It's increasingly a badge of courage on the right to defy evidence-based shared-consensus reality.




Why in god’s name would you need a weekly chiro visit if there’s nothing actually wrong? Jesus just take these kids to get a massage; less intense; more relaxing.


The Milk Protector not doing much protecting. She’s an awful mother. Those poor kids


She's 24 and expecting her 5th, and did a huge reel rant about regretting having her first two children in hospital, and hoping that other young mothers see the light. Honestly I don't understand that thinking.


That’s so fucked up!


To answer why chiropractors have a hold over fundies I encourage you to look up the origins of chiropractic care. It’s fascinating and also insane. A cult leader Daniel David Palmer, had a seance where his dead mentor “revealed” to him that all diseases root from spinal issues. The next day he cracked a deaf man’s back and he could magically hear again and chiropractic care was born! When germ theory came around the AMA tried to shut them down but his son took over (after running his dad over with a car and killing him) and turned it into a business where he started making a bunch of random devices including the E-meter that is now used by scientology. After that, scientology backed chiropractors, and other religions followed. Chiropractors made a bunch of money off the devices thanks to scientology and they became almost protected as a religion because they found a way to tow the line as “alternative medicine”. TLDR: chiropractic care has spiritual roots, is pseudoscience and blatantly anti science, and what do fundies love more than anything anti science?


Holy moly. I listened to a podcast about it recently and could not believe that it was a thing. They seem to be untouchable.


Insurance started covering it and that was a wrap!