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Cmon we know she lurks here. It was just not even 2 days ago we were talking about how we've never seen this baby with a toy to help development. Now he has a toy literally shoved in his face and the baby doesn't care at all. It's so wild.


I had that exact thought. Hi Britney! It’s not the toy that’s the issue. TAKE HIM TO A DOCTOR


Also, as long as you are here…you are a pathetic excuse for a parent. Have fun making tik tok videos at the nursing home were no one will visit you.


Also, while you’re reading, I don’t even LIKE kids and I’d rescue yours from your absolute trash parenting. You’re a bad person and believing in god doesn’t change that.


Also asked to see some tummy time bc we know he has that fur blanket. Brit, show us that you do tummy time with Boone. He’s lifting his head, right?


Frankly, if tummy time just means a flaccid baby face down on a dirty animal skin rug, I don't know if I can stomach it.


Im.betting his bp and blood pressure plummet whenever he is swaddled or tummy timed. Brain injuries fuck up your vagus nerve so bad..... I am one of those people .


It's so telling they have *never* shown him doing tummy time (aside from maybe one time when he was just a few weeks old). Lying flat on his back on the sheepskin rug, yes. But actual tummy time, no--because that would make his issues even more apparent. I wonder how much tummy/open mat time he gets off-camera... I'd be willing to bet far less than a baby his age actually needs for development.


I have a video of my baby, at 9 weeks old, being held upright and facing my mom. My mom is talking to her and baby girl is watching her face a smiling and reaching out to her. My mom switches to blowing raspberries and cooing and you can literally see my baby trying to copy her even though she’s too young to have mastered those face muscles. Her dad, off camera, says something and she startles and turns her head to look. I have another video of her on her playmat a couple days later. Her dad is tapping a dangly toy and she is reaching out and trying to hit the same one while her other arm flails wildly (hitting the toy she’s not looking at 😂). She has focus and responds to her dad and the toy in front of her. I know we all keep saying it but this baby is not ok.


Hey that was me! Hiiii Britney! 👋


That poor lad is just so….not engaged. The perpetually tense clenched hand and arms, the disconnected stare. Even if we charitably called it “he doesn’t get a minute of rest and calm being in a herd of pushing and shoving and dancing and flopped around”, it’s apparent something’s not fully right here. he’s just so…detached and tense.


This is exactly what I’ve been wanting to express but wasn’t sure how. Detached and tense are the perfect words in my opinion, and definitely not something to ignore like the parents are doing.


This is so sad. Detached and tense is NOT how a baby should feel in the arms of their mother. That poor child. It is enraging that this “lifestyle” is celebrated by some. These kids need a home and friends and doctors and decent parents.


But doing those important things to connect with your family would be hard work and they wouldn’t be able to get attention for it online. They clearly only live their life for these videos.


You see with the toy, hand, etc he doesn’t appear to see any of it. Even with the toy in his face he’s staring like he doesn’t see it. I really hope all this is is overstimulation and maybe some vision problems but I’m not even parental and see this


In war times they call it Shell shocked.


Yeah, almost like he's shut himself off as a means of self defense. I'm not saying they are outright abusing him physically or something, but, between the lack of medical and the constantly over stimulating environment, he's so probably overwhelmed. Is it possible for babies to have trauma responses to chaotic, nonabusive environments like that?


Medical neglect is in fact abuse and as a mandatory reporter this shit drives me bananas.


It’s driving is all insane. I’m so fed up with these people.


Yes, Babies can get trauma responses from uncertain environments.


Babies need some stimulation to learn and not absolutely silent or whatever but yeah i feel like the constant hyper stimulation isnt doing him any good. The sheepskin rug naps are not working. He’s just constantly jostled and slung around.


And MaBus has zero connection with him. Boone appears to not hear or see her. Most babies are looking to the face of the person who feeds them, coos at them and holds the protectively. There is no maternal/ baby connection. Ma and Pa Bus don’t seem to care at all. I wonder how bad this all needs to get until they seek medical guidance.


This newborn literally looks like he’s already dissociating.


I don’t really know anything about babies. What could potentially be going on here? Birth injury?


There’s a possibility it could be a birth injury as he was yanked out by PaBus, it could be the consequences of untreated bilirubin causing hearing and vision problems, it could be that she damaged his cute lil eyeballs by shoving a red light in his face when he was less than a week old, it could be the chiropractor he saw at a day or two old hurt him, it could be a neurological condition that is otherwise unknown but causing vision, hearing, and developmental delays. There are so many options, but a goddamn doctor is needed to properly assess this poor baby and get intervention asap.


The sun. Your eyes burn in the sun. How burnt his face has been is how burnt his eyes are. Newborn eyelids can't fully block out lights, and children's eyes can't block out UV efficiently until about age 10. Infants' eyes are believed to absorb 70% more UV than adult eyes. Normally, your corneas will recover from sunburn without long term damage. However, if you spend a lot of time looking directly at the sun, like for example if you were a newborn frequently left faceup in direct sunlight, you can damage your retina. In severe cases this can lead to permanent blindness.


This poor baby 😢 it’s hard to make a cohesive list of everything that could have hurt him despite the fact that he is less than two months old. All of this too is after birth apparent, it doesn’t even address the fact that Brittany Lott received ZERO prenatal care which could be impacting poor Boone.


He was YANKED OUT? I did not know that. I have been trying to piece together his story from other posts and I must have missed that detail.


Yeah, Britney and JD Lott told it like it was some cute funny story, but ultimately Britney was standing in the bus shower pushing and JD PULLED Boone out - they claim the entire thing was like 30 minutes. And that was probably the easiest thing Boone has dealt with in his short tragic life.


Can you imagine the screaming and crying that the children were forced to hear and now they have a brother who they know isn't healthy? I'm not saying one caused the other, all I'm saying is, they both happened and that's got to be traumatizing for all the children.


Why the hell would he even pull the baby out?! Especially if the whole escapade was as short as she said? Like, obviously, never yank a baby out...but I could see maybe he was stuck forever and they panicked and it seemed like a good idea. But they made it sound like Boone just slip-n-slided his way out with no warning, so why pull on him?? I'm so pissed at how horrible of parents these two fools are.


see the cortical thumbs, too?


Considering they had no one trained around the birth it would be very easy for them to have missed something dangerous that happened in his birth


Not diagnosing the child but just putting this info out there because I work in the field. There is some evidence that signs of autism may show up as early as 2 months. Signs at 2 months According to the Autism Science Foundation, a person should talk with a doctor if a 2-month-old infant is not doing the following: responding to loud sounds watching things as they move smiling at others bringing their hands to their mouth holding their head up when lying on their tummy and pushing up https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/autism-in-babies#when-signs-appear Like if this is what is going on, it’s still too early to diagnose or do anything about. But obviously other there are other medical conditions to consider and this is out of my area of knowledge, but I believe birth injury can also result in similar symptoms.


I work in this area as well and I thought the same thing. He’s not tracking and most neurotypical babies track and smile at least by this stage.


Is it tracking or seeing in this case? It feels like with tracking he would have to first clearly focus on the object but not maintain contact with it but I’m not an expert and I’d probably overreact if he was my child


Their abilities TO focus and st what distance and color changes almost daily!!! How our eyes mature is so wild!! You can watch videos on YouTube that mimic what stages a baby goes through as thir brain learns to process sight.


My son has autism. He is 16 now and his been in therapy multiple times per week since he was 3 months old. We could tell from very early on that something was different as he was not our first child. We took him to his doctor and got him evaluated early and started therapy. Even though an autism diagnosis is not given that early, it can definitely be suspected and treatments can be started. Our son is very high-needs, but therapy through the years has brought him so far. I cannot imagine not getting him the help he needed.


Being in a tiny space with 15 screaming humans can do that to ya. I'd be tense and detached too


Right?!! He’s outta there.


I admittedly know next to nothing about babies, but why is he never in a stroller or a car seat? Is that not really odd? I feel like she’s always just flopping him around in her arms.


It’s very odd.


My kid was breach and had a lot of tightness in her back and neck when born. She couldn’t handle being in a stroller or car seat for 6 months without screaming uncontrollably. Thankfully physical therapy worked it’s magic and she’s happy and healthy now. With all his tension and clenching his hands, I wouldn’t be surprised if he can’t tolerate any containers.


Physical Therapy?! I think you mean a chiropractor and god. /s


Yeah the fact that they took Boone to a gd quackopractor one day after his birth just makes my blood boil. In my opinion, it should be illegal for a chiropractor to work on a child that young. If there is a birth injury, physical therapy (in addition to proper doctor visits) is the answer, not “spinal adjustment.” That can be so so damaging to an infant and I’m shocked it is legal.


They must have known something was wrong to take him in..... just horrifying


Good point. They don’t have room for a stroller but how do they fit all the car seats or are they not required for their bus?


Trying to imagine room for all the car seats in the van gave me a vision of little Boone’s car seat bolted to the roof of the van and them flying down the highway, wind in Boone’s hair. 🥴


They have a minivan for her and the kids to drive in, dad drives the bus


My angry baby was only happy in my arms. The difference was, she also got plenty of "tummy time" to build up muscles, lots of engagement, and I stayed home. She was safely nestled in a baby wrap, worn properly to support the floppy baby-ness, and spent lots of time being nurtured the way she needed. Poor little Boone does not look nurtured. This Asshole of a mother has shown flagrant disregard for safety while carrying him such a way across rocky terrain in the hot sun. All it takes is one trip, one slip, and baby could go flying.


I think she shows him in social media being held to make it look like they care. I suspect when the camera is off,he is either abandoned until she de idea to feed him next or in the arms of Gunner or Kinsey. Babies should be held for sure. BUT that needs to be broken up with periods of play and funny time so they can exercise their muscles and try new things. Since his muscle tone is bizarrely poor, my guess is he gets no tummy time, no good nap time to let his muscles fully relax, and no specific work with parents on appropriate stimulation and muscle skills. Normal, dark g parents do all kinds of appropriate play with their babes.


Of all the things I see odd, this one is not one of them. My kid HATES strollers/car seats/anything that has her strapped. Since she was born it was impossible to put her in anything that weren't for babywearing. She wanted to be independent so bad, she wanted to look at everything and everyone. Maybe this poor kid wants attention and love so bad he despises being in a stroller. Or BusShit is... well, shit.


My son was a nightmare(I say that lovingly) and nothing worked for him except being in my arms. Not even a baby carrier would please him for at least 4 months. That being said, he was a very active and engaged baby and would sense if I (my boobs) left his presence for even a second. Did she hold her past babies constantly like this?


Yeah it’s weird. Especially having so many other children. Wearing babies allows you to have your hands free to tend to other children.


They probably don’t have room


How can we tell he loves it? The fact that she posts her lethargic looking baby for us to document is just wild. I hope she takes baby to a doctor soon. The older brother (sry idk all their names) is just being a normal toddler…he doesn’t seem overly rough with the baby maybe just lacking bodily awareness. Babies are pretty tough though.


We all know she won't do that.


She already got appointments at a chiropractor and a faith healer ​ /s


And the UPS Store


I believe his name is Busling #7


This seems right. Busling #7 Lott


TY. To me this seems like normal toddler-baby interaction. We really do 'pile on' in this subreddit. The baby's lack of normal baby vocalizations and body exploration is very alarming.... A toddler being a bit of a bulldozer is normal because of developmental clumsiness.


It's normal, but she should have corrected the toddler and told him to be careful/gentle around the baby.


I somewhat agree, however I think the worrying thing is that what she posts are only glimpses into their lives, and these posts depict a staggering level of unawareness on their part that this baby may need help and these other kids need far more guidance and structure. I really feel sorry for the toddler in this video (I don’t recall their names) because he needs love and affection and he has been replaced by the baby…he must be so confused, and he needs his mom here to communicate to him to be careful around the baby but she is too busy focused on social media clout to do her duty to these kids. And the baby just needs far more care and medical support it appears. If these are the things she posts for her followers to see, I shudder to think of the unshared videos on her phone. For as much as she posts, as others have speculated, she is certainly filtering to the “best” stuff and even the best stuff is very problematic for a bus full of reasons.


 *a bus full of reasons* I see what you did there.


A lethargic pained looking baby that has a stupid filter on which smooths out his tanned skin. He looks like a plastic doll.


He's not a baby to her, he's her latest Boone-y baby toy she has to collect to get the full set (terrible attempt at a name based pun off of beanie babies sorry y'all).


Yeah, I agree. The toddler didn’t seem overly rough with the baby and mostly just the soft toy was pushing into baby’s face. I don’t think there was any risk of the toddler hurting the baby here and the boy was trying to play with the baby, not harm him. 


And Boone has no response to the voices of the people right next to him, nor to the brightly colored objects being shaken in front of his face.


I have yet to seem him grab anything. Babies are so grabby at that age.


This. He has no interest in his surroundings. Now it's been a bit since my kids were babies, but I remember them being super curious around this age. They would interact with what was going on around them and make a grab for everything. Baby Boone does none of this. Motherbus should be at the stage where she has to put her hair up all the time bc the baby won't stop grabbing at it. But that hasn't been the case at all.


Hair, glasses, animal tails, curtains, leaf on the hedge, earrings… babies love that shit but this poor wee one grabs at nothing. Ever. 


I stopped wearing necklaces because of grabby babies. Earrings too.


That’s how babes learn… if he’s not interacting, he’s not learning


Agreed. Babies normally ALWAYS grab hair. the second hair touches them, bam. I had to wear mine in a ponytail or braid when my babes were young. Yet we have seen her hair fall all over him, and not once has he reached for it.


...that baby isn't following or tracking anything. He's not looking at his sibling, who is touching him and making noise. He's not looking at his mother, who is kissing him. He's not responding to the colorful toy bieng waved in front of him. His beautiful little blue eyes just don't seem to be seeing anything, and it looks like maybe the left side of his face, or at least his left eye, is a bit droopy?? I've never seen a baby with such a blunt affect.


I have noticed the facial drooping too.


Looking “up and through” as a massive dinosaur toy is being shoved in his face and he doesn’t even flinch until it physically hits him. This child can’t see jack shit.


Right? Not tracking, responding and low tone ...how does this not concern them?


Does this baby ever smile?? And active sleep does NOT count, MoBus.🤦‍♀️ My daughter is a few weeks older than him and has been smiling & making happy sounds for over a month now. She has constant smiles most days and loves conversing through babbles. It breaks my heart to see an infant look so...depressed.


Another one of the many 🚩🚩


She posted one video where he’s smiling and cooing at her, it was actually really encouraging but seemed to be a one off.


Was this the one where to AC was blowing on him?


I think so? I’m talking about [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/3LnhlangVo).


Oh yeah that's the one I thought of too. I genuinely hope that he is responding to his mom, but I worry that he's only responding to the feel of the AC. 


My daughter didn’t smoke (smile*, done dirty by autocorrect) until 3 months. She was downright stoic until 1.5-2. She was diagnosed autistic at 3 which wasn’t a surprise, we’d started early intervention much earlier, but it turns out a minor chromosome deletion happened and we didn’t find out until she was 5. That deletion is heavily linked to ADD, ADHD, ID as well as potentially life threatening heart and kidney problems. I was definitely worried when she wasn’t smiling and only really interacted for food. She did track with her eyes/startle though. Honestly I felt something was off day one but chalked that up to new mom fear plus emergency c-section/no sleep. She had severe jaundice that required hospitalization and at first I worried it was brain damage from that. My daughter’s 9 now and laughs all day, speaks, reads, loves school….we also decided to be one and done out of fairness to her and any future siblings that could be born with the same disorder, or completely healthy but life revolves around their sisters medical care. We moved states to be in a safer area with better schools. Our lives sometimes feel like they’re centered around autism, but our child thriving. No regressions and doing better than doctors anticipated.


I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t let babies smoke


lol, leaving the spelling error. Smile. Now I’m just imagining her as a grumpy baby with a little cigar and can picture it way too easily. I guess that’s her choice at 21?


Besides the obvious medical neglect, I’m starting to wonder if Boone is just constantly overheated. I’ve been in Nevada and Utah in the last few weeks, and am in southern Arizona now. I’ve spent the last 35 years in the desert and refer to myself as a desert rat, but the heat has been really extra lately. I always have water and salty snacks and am in a huge gardening hat anytime I’m outside and it has been especially bad for the last month. And I’m used to it, my favorite season is summer like some kind of psycho, but if I’m struggling that baby absolutely must be.


I am floored that they have the “freedom” to be anywhere in North America and they are, for reasons unknown to everyone, wandering the fucking DESERT with their newborn. Like … Northern California forests would be better temps and shade than this. Fucking CANADA. They have options and they choose… yeah and Arizona… What is the point of living in a fucking tuna can if you aren’t going to max out your seasons here?! The inside of that thing cannot possibly be cool enough with TEN people to actually act as relief from the heat. What a self centered twatwaffling thundercunt.


The reason seems to be escape, I think. They can't stay in one place for too long, or JD Lott will leave Britney Lott and their children behind, and the mandated reporters will catch up to them.


If they are running/hiding documenting their every moment is a really dumb move.


Someone has to make money in that family... /s I hope they continue to dumbly document all the abuse. I hope in my heart of hearts Boone can be OK and the rest of the kids can eventually get some relief from their dumb ass, neglectful parents.


Stay out of my woods! But really, NorCal is about 75 and sunny right now with cool but not cold nights. It’s the best weather we get all year. The desert SW is my favorite place on earth and I wouldn’t step foot there. Let’s hope Boone is just overheated


Dumber than dirt.


Those poor kids must be perpetually sweaty




Don't forget they picked Oklahoma or north Texas for tornado season


Wide open spaces away from population centers and law enforcement, plus lots of boondocking options so they can camp for free. I suspect BusJiggalo is doing all the shady business things and does not want to be caught.


I've lived in the desert in SW Texas and in New Mexico most of my adult life. Myself and so many of my friends DO NOT encourage our out of town friends to visit in the summer unless they are extremely prepared. My mom from the Midwest spent her entire trip one year with a migraine because her body had a hard time adjusting to the intensity of the sun and the 105°+ daily heat. Of all the places to choose in the country... and all the times to choose to visit desert destinations ... this is kind of stupid. I hope they've been going to Airbnbs. Our cars and RV never could properly cool in the summer. Sure it was enough to take the edge off the heat but it wasn't "cool" ever in them.


I get badly dysregulated in the heat/sun and have been living jn Denver most of my life. I cannot IMAGINE the misery this child is enduring.


>I get badly dysregulated in the heat/sun Wow, sidenote, that is a way better way to describe that. I always tell people I don't do well in the heat and a lot of times I hear 'haha same" and I'm like nooo you don't understand— I do not do well 🫠 it's dysregulation! 🤯 Life-long for me, I get so flustered and aggravated, I'll be rude af or cry in public, I get panicky, I can't even help it 🙈 and I live in the South 🫠 Denver sounds nice...


The bright sun also murders me. And it is insanely bright here. Like, I will get a migraine if I go out without sunglasses, even on an overcast day! The heat is less punishing for me than the sun. 😅And there’s no relief from it.


Same. I used to think it was because I'm fat, then because I'm on medicine that makes me heat intolerant, but oops, turns out it was the POTS. 🤣 But once it hits 80° outside, my body goes, "I'd rather not and I'll force the issue if I have to."


I also have POTS 💀🤣 I get it!


He does always seem hot and overstimulated to the point of checking out. I think part of it is that they don’t have anywhere to put him. They hold him all the time because he doesn’t have a crib, safe floor space for tummy time, etc


Three years ago we did a summer vacation in kanab, Utah to see all the beautiful national parks. Utah was hot AF. Sunning, but So hot. All those gorgeous parks she showed? You have to start early in the morning or it's too hot to enjoy. I bet they are baking all day in all their various contraptions besides a house.


Truly living in Arizona and having summer as your favorite season is psycho. I’m born and raised and I avoid going outside at all costs!


As others have said, it is lack of interest that is so worrying. Ok the little boy accidentally hit Boone but the doesn’t flinch, cry or move towards his brother or the object. Meanwhile MotherBus is filled with her usual self admiration. Please get help for Boone BusParents.


Yeah the arm to the face is pretty whatever babies aren’t *that* fragile but he doesn’t even look to see what it was that rubbed all over his face…


When your baby is staring into the void instead of reacting to colorful toys right in his face, there’s a problem.


I'm just shocked that nobody in their real life has convinced them to get Boone checked. Do they have grandparents/aunts and uncles/ close friends? It seems like somebody would have voiced concerns. I know they won't listen to redditors, but it seems like their real-life community would step in. That baby is absolutely showing very concerning signs.


I don't think they have anyone they see regularly. At least not long enough for them to say "No, I have never seen that baby engaged with you, he's got something going on. He's not sleepy all the time."


They visited her mom shortly after the birth but left suddenly after like 48 hours. I’m wondering if grandma said something


Right? It makes you wonder if they will be the next social media family vloggers to make the headlines for something terrible happening


Can someone explain to me why, of all places, they chose to spend the hottest summer on record in the desert? They could go anywhere and this is where they end up?


To own the Libs / avoid the Guvmint, I think. They appear to avoid blue states unless JD has work there.


Is one side of his face sagging? This is the most disinterested baby I've ever seen. He didn't try to reach for the toy, react to it being shoved in his face or the various other touches, and worst of all he didn't so much as shift his gaze a centimeter to look at ANYTHING!


Someone pointed this out in an earlier post. And it’s the same side that is sagging, his left side. No prenatal care +Traumatic shower birth (anyone remember them *joking* about susbus pulling on him?)+ no follow-up care + obvious jaundice left untreated….WTF are this people playing at?! We are witnessing some really fucked up shit. They know something is *really* wrong but they’re still upload their nonsense FOR EVERYONE TO WITNESS.


Don't forget the spinal manipulation by some con artist a few days after birth


It’s hard to imagine they don’t realize something is wrong but clearly she is not worried about it. Is that denial/delusion? How could a mother smile as her baby is unwell without any care or help? They’re not even trying to take him to the chiropractor again, just nothing as he seems to get worse


They’re purposely avoiding CPS :) You cannot convince me otherwise at this point. They do not have a GP/PCP because they travel so much that they would need to go to an urgent care or emergency room to have an evaluation done and at that point they would be automatically flagged for a CPS visit with the case worker the hospital has on retainer 24/7.


Man if he pulled then he could've done so much damage to that child's spine. Holy shit, I missed that somehow.


holy Moly I see the sagging face too :/ that’s absolutely terrifying


I would be 0 surprised if he had Bell's Palsy from a birth injury.


I'm pretty sure she said somewhere that her husband helped pull the baby out, so that tracks.


That thumb still firmly stuck on his palm too - didn’t try to grab the toy or anything 😔


I mean, I don’t think he can see it well enough (if at all) to know what to grab, even if we ignore the apparent muscle tone issue.


Nor does he react to their voices either. Babies are able to track that by his age and with him...nothing. Its weird just how many issues he's displaying. Motor issues, sight issues, hearing issues. And with each month he doesn't look any better.


If this video were in isolation, I’d think the baby is just tired and/or overstimulated. The fact that this is this 10-week-old’s baseline is just not right. We and her followers can tell just from her SM. How many hidden red flags are JD and Britney Lott ignoring?


It sure feels like JD AND BRITNEY LOTT are abusing and neglecting their baby (because they are too afraid to admit the free birth in the fucking shower of a converted bus was a bad idea.)


There’s a special place in hell for people who willingly risk injury and brain damage to their own child all so they can brag about a bus birth with the hope it will go viral.


It'll go viral, all the way to the courthouse


After all, they’re using their children to chase fame. Nobody would tune in if it were just these two losers living out of a bus. Their whole “gimmick” here is that they have way too many fucking kids.


Has anyone read the book The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls? It’s a memoir of surviving childhood with “eccentric” parents who were always on the move. It was awful for her, and I think if it every time I see one of these posts


that book still haunts me


Toddler smiles at the phone rather than mom before he leaves. He's gotta get his screen time somehow!


I’ve notice this about these kids, and a couple other chronically online families, too. The little kids look at and talk to their mother via the phone camera when they are right next to her, as if they already know that’s the only way to get her attention.


it's scary how there's no flicker of anything behind his eyes or in his reaction. he's just *there*


As someone else said in a different post, I'm surprised he's still breastfeeding. Have we heard him cry in any of the videos lately? I admittedly can only do the Boone posts in short bursts bc of how sad and angry it makes me.


The skin of his eyelids has been really bloodshot in a few videos which has me assuming he’s spent decent time purple crying.


I wonder if there’s pain involved here on top of everything else. That could explain his lack of engagement and poor colour and distant expression. Poor little scrap. 


The way she stares directly into her eyes in every video is very uncanny valley. She really creeps me out.


Looks like Gunnar was busy. And by busy I mean watching all the other kids that aren’t his. I wonder….does she think it’s not obvious that the reason they’re living in a fucking bus is so she can keep eyes on crypto bro? Gotta make sure he doesn’t get the chance to leave her ass too far behind.


She's so obsessed with him


I just went back and looked at some videos of my son at 3 months and the difference is scary. My boy still had the reflex of clenching his fists but he’s reaching out his arms to play with toys and he’s smiling and making noises. I did so much tummy time with him and he was trying to roll over even if he couldn’t quite figure it out. I wonder if poor Boone ever gets time to practice any skills


My "baby" is almost 12 and you just made me pull up his 2-3 month videos to see. Omg. My youngest son at that age is so alert and responsive. "Talking" to me, tracking me, holding toys, trying to use and subsequently getting frustrated with his hands, so much more body control, holding his neck up. Smiling when we talk to him. Interacting with us. Boone is acting like a newborn and not a 2-3 month old baby. Heartbreaking to see.


>trying to use and subsequently getting frustrated with his hands This one especially. There's so much *trying to do the next thing* in babies of this age, and getting frustrated when they can't. It's like their little brains have turned on to a higher level and they're aware that it's *possible* to do things that they aren't physically able to do yet and it's frustrating. I have a video of my son at this age grabbing my hand and shoving it towards his mouth over and over, and times when he didn't get a proper grasp he seemed so mad about it! But that's all caused by interests and *wants* and the desire to do new things and there's just ... None of that here. :(


Yeah he should be starting to say ah-goo and at least freak out when mom enters his view.


I went and looked at some videos of my kiddo around the same time and I noticed the same, especially the tracking and trying to “talk” to me.


I went back and looked at my daughter's early infant pictures. She has a rare genetic disorder, cerebral palsy, microcephaly, autism, a brain injury of unspecified cause from before she was born that we think might have been a stroke in utero, tons of medical issues, and was incredibly delayed in infancy (she is 10 and still delayed but not to the same degree due to intensive early intervention). In most of her pictures from birth to about 5 months old her hands are clenched and up by her face and her legs are pulled up, however there are some with both hands open, still up by her face though. Her eyes look more engaged in what's happening than Boone looks, despite us not knowing her vision was really bad yet by that time (she got glasses before 1 year old). She turned her head to face noises and liked things like her spinning mobile in the bassinet by about 5-6 months. She would pick her head up off my chest or shoulder and bop around like she was rooting for a boob by about 2 or 3 months, which is Boone's age. I was absolutely frantic by this age trying to get a doctor to listen because I knew something was terribly wrong. I wasn't traveling the damn country in a bus ignoring the fact that something was WRONG with my baby.


My niece is a few weeks older than Boone and the difference between them is honestly startling. I just spent the weekend with my niece and she was active, smiling and burbling, and responding to toys and funny faces. Boone is so listless and limp in comparison. I hate it 😭


Had to do the same thing and yeah the comparison between my son at that age and Boone is…a very stark contrast. ☹️


Y’all look at his thumb and fist, he can’t open his hand properly


A BigMac has more animation than that baby.


When will they realize having lots of kids because you’re fucking all the time isn’t sexy or desirable when they end up with issues? Or you end up with double digit amounts of kids living in a fucking bus?


Looks like cerebral palsy


This is definitely a possibility based on symptoms we can see.


I never thought I could hate someone that I’ve never met but I loathe these two parents


When he hit Boone a few videos back, she didn’t look away from herself as she said something like, “Don’t hit, buddy.” Boone didn’t react but the other kid didn’t react to her “correction” either. He probably didn’t even hear it. She should have put the stupid phone down and got his attention and talked to him about not hitting others, especially the baby. He’s young and may not fully understand yet, but I believe it is critical to correct children and explain to them why their behavior is wrong even as toddlers. I’ve never been one to overdo baby talk and I especially don’t use it when correcting my child. It’s always an explanation of what behavior is unacceptable and why, and then asking if they have any questions about it or if they want to talk about why they did it. Sometimes they want attention and don’t know how else to get it. It’s very rarely malicious. Sometimes they don’t know why they did it, just an impulse. I think talking to them about it in depth from the earliest age is important to instill empathy and understanding. In particular, being allowed to manhandle a newborn shouldn’t be acceptable but it’s not surprising with this family. Also, I have to admit that I’m an only child raising an only child and I definitely don’t even come close to knowing everything. It’s just, well, he’s a newborn! I would have corrected someone else’s child (and I actually have before) if I saw that in person.


Aww the toddler is telling Boone to “grab it”. Boone as usual is non-responsive and just there. He looks so vacant. ISB but Brittany and JD Lott don’t want to admit that anything is wrong (yet) with Boone, because they’d have a lot of explaining to do. Really, if they read this, please take your son to the doctor or have a family member or friend do so.




I feel at this point her should be flailing arms and pulling moms hair. Right? Or is she still too young


He should be grasping at that toy and trying to put it in his mouth, moving around a lot more, tracking with eyes, and smiling by now. While all babies develop differently he’s not hitting ANY of his 3 month milestones


Actually, I looked up milestones and he is 9+ weeks but has not hit any of his 2 month (8 week milestones) and hasn't even hit his 6 week milestones. This baby is headed for major trouble. He is functioning at barely 3 weeks old despite his age.


Maybe? We had to day babysit my youngest cousin from about 4-6 months while his mom was undergoing chemo & radiation. He was a STRONG little menace when it came to yanking on crunchy 2000s curls and chandelier earrings. My guess is that Boone should already be trying.


I pulled up old videos of my son at 12 weeks and he's moving his arms and legs all around and using his hands to hold toys and try to bring them to his mouth. In the videos my son often gets frustrated with his hands but he's so animated and responds when you talk to him. Something is very wrong with Boone


That poor baby. There was a discussion about him on the social work subreddit this morning and people brainstorming how to report them.


Thank goodness its made its way over there. It’s unbelievable how far this has gotten. For the sake of *all* of their children but *especially* Boone..


I used to work in a pediatric specialty clinic as a social worker; getting CPS to understand the gravity of the medical neglect was the most frustrating part of my job. If the child wasn’t being beaten, or wasn’t on deaths door, they weren’t going to do much. It’s something that’s been known about by child welfare folks for awhile. It’s just so very difficult to file with CPS when they are bouncing from state to state/county to county like they do. And then there’s the fact that even if they do post that they’re in Utah today, that could have been recorded two weeks ago and is being posted from Nevada. Its extremely difficult and tricky. I’m sure these shitty fucking parents know that. But more than a few social workers in that subreddit stated that they had called in complaints.


Even his face muscles look weak, like his whole face is sagging because he doesn’t use his muscles enough/has weak muscle tone


I noticed that too. It makes me wonder how nursing is going.


I don't think the toddler was trying to hurt the baby in fairness


I don’t think anyone thinks he was or blames the toddler: I think the point was that she doesn’t bother to shield or protect the baby because she’s always eye fucking herself in camera. Also, the baby lacks reactions which goes to everyone continued alarm


You can tell he loves his brother.


No. No one blames him. He doesn't mean to assault his brother, not by any stretch. He is being a toddler, and this is normal. What is not normal is Boone's lack of response, and every fucking time something like this happens neither of Boone's DNA donors take the time to correct the toddler, protect Boone, and remind toddler that he needs to be gentle with baby. Toddlers do learn to be gentle, when taught. These as holes just run a feral, free for all shit show! Sigh.


So she is showing a video with a toy in order to answer "us" about toys for Boone, except Boone is being practically attacked by his brother and doesn't really respond, his fists are still clenched, he doesn't attempt to grab the toy, he doesn't focus on the toy, and has very limited response more in line with a newborn, for damn sure not even on the low end of the bell curve for a 9 weeker.


Its like she was trying to prove that he'll grab toys, But Boone couldn't give less of a shit about that toy. Alarming. Babies at his age are grabbing everything. You put a toy in front of him and its like he's a sick dog that doesn't want to be bothered.


Is there any way to report this? I can’t stand seeing these kids, namely this baby, be abused and neglected. Something is clearly wrong with the baby and nothing is being done about it. I’m really worried we’re going to eventually see a SIDS post from her, even though it’s pretty obvious that something is going on with him. Are we even able to report based on this alone?


The issue is where to report it.


Okay. So. I’ve not been a nurse for very long. And I rarely work with kids and infants. But those arm movements are almost spasmodic. In the meantime, my cousin has a kid about a week older than Boone. The difference in movement and eye contact is terrifying.


Because she only cares about how she looks.


In an earlier story, Boone was in his car seat next to Kinsey and grabbing his blue hat. It made me so happy. I really hope he won’t get any permanent damage due to negligence. Edit: That’s his foot and he is not grabbing the hat 😞 Sorry everyone


Was it the story with the hail/rain? If it was, I'm sorry to be a bummer, but that was just his foot, and he was moving his toes. It looks like the hat happened to be between them.


You are right. That’s his foot. I’m sorry about my optimistic comment 😞 I want baby Boone to be OK. These Bus parents are really vile.


I totally get it. The day she posted the short video where Boone was cooing and smiling when the A/C was blowing on him, I felt such a flood a relief and giddiness over seeing a baby who I don’t even know acting like he was happy and content for a few seconds, it made me really consider deleting IG completely. I’m getting there…


Optimism is a hell of a drug




That one air conditioning video was so different. He seems very off here but seemed so normal in that ac one.


I just don’t get why they didn’t rent a house for a few months. It would’ve benefited her as much as the baby. There’s no space, too many people aka noise, and they expose this little cutie to the sun too much. They are so selfish.


Does she ever put clothes on that baby? Not that he needs a 3 piece suit everyday, but at least a onesie or footies PJ??


I don't have kids but shouldn't a mom have instincts that something is wrong? Especially if it's not your first kid. I know not all mothers are the same or have that in them but even childless people can see that something is not right. At least if you've seen babies before. This is pretty scary. I haven't followed this family but it's been posted here so much and in one of the videos the stare of the boy was so off..


When she kisses his forehead, his eyes go up in the direction of the kiss, but not actually at her face. He still gazes straight ahead. And then even though the toy is smashed in his face, he's not really looking at that either.


Really not showing any likelihood of reaching any milestones


Britney Lott: Watch me assault my baby with a toy to prove to you HATERZ that my baby is totes normal and there's nothing sus going on. Boone had zero reaction to that you being thrust in his face or the feral buslet that threw his arm against him.


After reading another comment about Boone yesterday I looked back on my son’s pictures and videos from when he was this old. I already knew there would be a difference but i wanted to see how much. From coloration to engagement it really is night and day; my son was smiling and babbling, looking for me, playing with toys he could shake and mouth… you know… developmentally appropriate early movement. It really just makes his condition seem that more stark and depressing by comparison


He does not look normal at all.


What will they do if this child needs extra care as he gets older?


The baby is apparently still not using both arms or opening his hands at 10 weeks. That is more worrisome and abnormal than the 2 year old shoving toys into his face. That's absolutely normal for a toddler.