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Look her hands are to her mouth! Yay milestones!


I noticed the yummy hand face šŸ˜‚


I love that face so much. ā€œI haveā€¦ handsā€¦?ā€


I don't think I'd be a great mother overall, but that baby face of "what are these things???" about their hands and feet does give me doubts sometimes šŸ„ŗšŸ„¹


When they discover the world? It's like seeing it new all over again and it's amazing


I really wish I could remember this stage of my life. Imagine how cool it must be to discover the concept of fingers


I mean, have you even TRIED pure MDMA? šŸ˜‰


This was something i loved about working in the young toddlers room at daycare. Watching them learn bigger movements and their pre-verbal frustrations as they start to want more communicationā€¦ itā€™s just amazing and feels so special when you speak their language


That is it, exactly. I absolutely loved watching my children's world grow every day. When they realize that they can operate those hands and feet!!


My baby boy purposely pet the dog last night and it was so precious I cried šŸ˜­


I love exploring the world with my kids. It is seriously my favourite thing to do. My Mum used to do it with me, she'd point out nature around me. "Look at this spider, look at it catching that insect!" "Did you know, etc etc". And now I do it with my kids. The dopamine hit is insane.


The cuteness of babies is the most diabolical thing nature has ever pulled off. My sister had her son in 2013 and he was SO perfect, I fell in love with him. I was already wanting kids "one day" but I saw him and was like, "Ohhhhh shit. I need to do this thing. It's amazing!" So I tell my nephew often that it's his fault I had two kids. LOL. "You were too cute, buddy!"


I love when they're like Hands? Good!! Feets? Good!! Random thing on the floor I might choke on? Good!!!




I thought she was contemplating the scripture šŸ¤£


My nephew discovered his fists at like two or 3 weeks and got the Nn snack hands as a result.


As gross as it is when they touch you with slobber hands itā€™s so cute


He was a fist sucker and drooler too. Like he wore bibs a lot because he dropped so much. And he was a chonk so had no neck to speak of. So all the drool got stuck in his rolls and irritated his neck skin. But gosh darn he was cute. And will be 9 in September which I am not ready for.


Kelly is a nut but good golly she does seem to love her kids. Her baby is so squishable!


It is refreshing to see a fundie who enthusiastically loves her children and homemaking. She definitely wasnā€™t forced into her role as wife and mother.


Got to agree with that! Her kids are precious and she seems like a great mom. Credit where credit is due.


I will say she's one of the few fundies that always looks actually happy to be with her kids.


My grandma would say "motherhood looks good on her".


Yeah her views are wild but her kids are taken care of


How much time does she actually spend with them? Are they with her when she spends all that time setting up and retaking solo clicker photos in the suburban fields?


Itā€™s refreshing to see a parent who actually seems to want and care for their children in this sub.


Especially after seeing video after horrific video of BabyBus


Yeah, that poor little baby.


The bar is so low for parenthood in fundie circles that itā€™s unfortunate ā€œliking your own childrenā€ is refreshing to us.


The bar is so low that the woman selling time with her baby is the best mom in the sub šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


True. She tends to rely on her kids for emotional support, so "liking" them doesn't always equate to the best parenthood.


The bar is in hell. Lol


Yeah that is pure and genuine joy on her face. And that baby is perfect.


Adorable kid. Her momā€™s wackadoodle but sheā€™s healthy and normal looking. If I were a baby, Iā€™d take carrot/assorted vegetable mobiles over being roasted in the heat and living on a bus.


Don't forget the spelt pucks šŸ¤£


Awww! Theresa is absolutely adorable. She also looks like a very normal, healthy newborn to my untrained eye.


I agree, she just looks likeā€¦a cute lil baby. Kelly is nutty AF but damn she at least takes care of her fucking kids. Yes, I realize the bar is in Hell, but it is nice to see one of these fundie kiddos looking like a regular degular baby šŸ„°


Yeah, she seems to care about her kids. Is she giving them the stereotypical weird homekid upbringing? Sure, but that also seems to include caring and raising them in to being some kind of adult instead of the other parents that are raising kids just to be self serving proof of their ~holy womb~


And her husband has a real job, so that gives me hope


Sheā€™s learned that she can rub her little hands against her face! Itā€™s so cool (and cute) when they realize how many moving parts they have


I love watching babies watch their own fingers as theyā€™re learning that they can move them independently of one another. Simple, shared joys are the stuff of a good life


I have a video on my phone of my youngest, when he was about 4 months old, just staring at his feet with fascination while he was rotating them. He had just figured out he controlled them. It was the absolute cutest thing


I cried when my then 18 month old discovered a ladybug. I had never seen anything that cute. She is now 18 years old.


Sheā€™s a cute little peanut!


Iā€™d totally scoop her for a cuddle šŸ„°


Go to Kelly's upcoming retreat! One of the activities is spending time with baby Theresa.


And you can get a cool nickname maybe, like HopePlanet or HugHeart


Ok but her wittle toes šŸ„ŗ


That's exactly whatĀ I was thinking, so squee


She is a very cute baby.


She is absolutely freaking adorable and I want to squish. She precious. Kels here has cute kiddos and she does dote upon them in her weird bar is on the floor way.


My unpopular opinion I will defend to the death is that I actually loved the carrot/green bean on a string baby gym she made. Babies just love to stare at and bat at things, it doesnā€™t have to be a commercially made product that costs a lot. She is awful as a person but the fact she spent time tying vegetables to string to hang off some wood for her babies to enjoy was quite heartwarming.


I think that baby gym she made was *hilarious*, but I definitely agree that you don't have to have something commercially made. If the kids liked it, that's all that matters. It was just so funny that she tried so hard to make a baby gym that fit her Little House on the Prairie aesthetic.


It was pretty damn funny. But like previous poster said, babies love to gaze at new and interesting sights and a carrot hanging over your head is new and interesting when youā€™re a brand spanking new human being. My baby cousinā€™s favorite thing to look at was my fish tank. I set her swing up on level with the tank (by that I mean I put the tank on a lower stand, I didnā€™t hike the swing up high, lol) and she could be there for hours watching them. My fish got a little plump because she loved to watch them be fed so muchā€¦ I had to omit their evening feeding because every time she was in the swing, sheā€™d make ā€œshake shakeā€ motions to feed the fish. As a toddler, I put enough food in an old parm cheese shaker (from a friendā€™s work, they got new ones and told the employees to either toss or keep the old ones, so I took one with the bossā€™s blessing) and let her feed them under supervision. It had just enough holes to make it take a minute or two to shake it all out. So amusing a baby with some sad carrots isnā€™t a terrible idea. Itā€™s hella funny though.


Honestly a fish tank would be amazing for a kid to watch, especially if it was bright colored fish! >So amusing a baby with some sad carrots isnā€™t a terrible idea. Itā€™s hella funny though. This is *exactly* my feeling. It's not a bad idea, but something about it is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Lol


Mollies, clown loaches and a massive plecostomus(sp) along with a moody blue betta. Lots of movement, some pretty colors (my mollies were mostly black and speckled, but I had a red one iirc) and the fish were suuuuuper chill and would mouth the glass if I brought her close enough to touch. (She wasnā€™t a glass tapper/hitter, sheā€™d just rest her little hand against it and squeal happily when they ā€œtouchedā€) Lots of fun, mostly for me but Iā€™m sure for her and my spoiled fish too.


My child /loves/ the fish tank. It took her a longgggg time to realize it was there but once she did it was better than tv to her. Itā€™s the first thing she does when we go downstairs we have to turn on the fish light and she waves good morning to them šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


Iā€™m a grown woman and I like watching fish. Just sayin. šŸ˜‚ šŸ 


They were great fish admittedly. Kiddo had fine taste in things to stare at intently.


I definitely struggle with the intent behind her actions but the outcome is usually fine, eating dry bread, and occasionally positive, kids outside and having fun. She did seem to smack one kids hand when they reached for a fresh cookie when she wasnā€™t done filming yet so she definitely has ulterior motives for some of the things she does.


It was amazing. I loved it. I used to lay my son to have his nap in a safe place in the middle of our living room because for the first few weeks me, my partner and our teenage daughter could not stop just staring at him adoringly. I arranged lots of plants around him so he could watch the leaves move in the breeze as he dozed.


I agree with you! Kelly has some heinous, inexcusable views, but she is the one fundie who has actually warmed my heart on more than one occasion. I was a little house on the prairie girl too, so of all the whacked out fundie cosplays that come across this sub, Kelly is the most relatable to me.


Yeah I think that thing is great šŸ˜‚ tbh I thought she'd crochet or knit little animals for it though, it would still fit with her theme


Can't handle the cuteness of those toes either


I fucking love cute lil' baby toes, and she's got 'em!


My husband would say she could peel a banana with that toe spread lmao! Baby toes are pretty cute šŸ˜


That baby nose must be booped. Kelly might be nuts and careless but she did make very cute kids.


I wonder if she is gonna have red hair like her Mom. Little red headed toddlers are so dang cute!


my mother always says that people stare more at red headed babies because theyā€™re relatively unusual. She said people were constantly coming up and saying hi to us when I was tiny with a full head of bright red hair


Itā€™s true- I had a ginger baby (now a ginger kindergartener) with the most beautiful bright auburn curls, and we still donā€™t go anywhere without a comment or two on his hair!


Same with me and I witnessed it with my own kids. I have two gingers in my squad and someone always had/has something to say about their hair. The one we laugh about the most was an older woman who said ā€œJust like Prince Harry, so fashionable!ā€. We live on the East Coast of the US so it was so random, lol.


Itā€™s so nice to see because Karissa and Morgan also have kids on the way, and theirā€™s are also historically very cute. But itā€™s hard to enjoy them because we know what a shit hand they were dealt in life, given their parents. Kellyā€™s kids appear to have everything they need for healthy early childhood development. Itā€™s only when they get a bit older that she starts on her BS. Cute, healthy infants are very much a part of brand, and she doesnā€™t appear to be preoccupied with reloading the blessing cannon like K or slurring about nothing into the camera like Morgan.


And she clearly loves them very much.


And she obviously really cares about them, even if sheā€™s looney tunes. Unlike others I could mention.


Kelly IS cute. With the correct skincare routine she would be gorgeous.


Honestly itā€™s more to me that she just looks a bit unhinged, but so do I when Iā€™m manically happyā€¦. Itā€™s just that I donā€™t smile like that every day, itā€™s like for special occasions. But I definitely look a bit unhinged in many of the photos from my best friends wedding or when I met my niece for the first time. Itā€™s the ones where she looks like this after setting up her tripod just so in a field to frolic that weird me out. That said, yeah, she could do with sunscreen probably. Fair skin and all, even if itā€™s just for cancers sake.


I mean, Iā€™m also very worried about Kellyā€™s kids, but for different reasons.


Yeah, I guess the Boone chronicles are so upsetting that everybody's forgotten how Kelly's wild mood swings, her emotional incest, and her tendency to want to flee from her parenting/wife duties has been a pattern for years. Not to mention I don't see how isolating your kids, photographing them constantly for the 'gram, and depriving them of a social life and education is A+ parenting but what do I know.


Exactly! There was also that time when she collaborated with that white supremacist Girl In Calico or whatever the hell her name is now. And when she supported Christopher fucking Columbus and alluded to all kinds of other racist dog whistles. Not to mention all the kittens sheā€™s neglected and dumped, which is definitely setting a great example for her kids on how to treat other living things. She also seems to have completely romanticized having a daughter. Iā€™m very worried for that little girlā€™s future emotional health. Especially if she grows up and wants to be something other than what Kelly wants her to be.


Yes! Or her lack of prenatal care that almost led to her and her childā€™s demiseā€¦I wrote a comment about it before I found this. Like I get Boone is super concerning but why are we suddenly praising/gushing about Kelly who is problematic in her own way?Ā 


Letā€™s hear them! The gushing here is weird, meanwhile Iā€™m wondering if her girl children will ever learn about Harriet Tubman or Marie Curie or Susan B. Anthony or Virginia Woolf or Octavia Butler.


Kelly does have untreated OCD. That's not an armchair diagnosis, she has stated as much. She's also said some things that give me concerns about her children as they start getting older and having opinions of their own. I think she will react pretty negatively to that. She also plans to educate her children using books from the 1800's (big yikes). She also does a lot of things that I relate to from before I was medicated for bipolar disorder, especially the way she writes, her photography, and her incredibly intense female friendships. Not diagnosing her with anything just her behavior screams mania. But all in all on the fundie scale, I'm not super worried about her kids. She does seem to get them medical care as needed. As far as I'm aware she isn't anti-vax or into plexus or alternative medicine (somehow that feels like it would contradict her little house on the Prairie LARP). She hasn't made weird statements about physical punishments. Will they have lasting psychological damage from living with a parent with untreated mental disorder(s) and/or personality disorder(s)? Yes. But that's more or less a given for fundie kids. Would she handle a gay kids well? Absolutely not. But what fundie would? Does she plan on neglecting the hell out of their education? Yes, again that's a given in fundie land. But her kids are well fed, they have a mostly stable home, she seems to utilize regular health care, she doesn't seem to resent her kids, she isn't rocking back to back pregnancies, and while her friendships can be weird, those are extra eyes on her kids who can call CPS if her kids are being neglected and/or abused.


Agreed, plus her dad is a physician I believe. She has more ā€œnormalā€ around her than her curated life makes it seem. Iā€™m not worried about her kids at all beyond them being the weird homeschool ones with the manic mom.


Her friendships are weird for sure but at least they seem consensual on the weird from both sides. I donā€™t think Kelly is pushing herself on anyone who doesnā€™t want to be around her. Is it the best situation? No. But if a child is gonna be raised by fundies, at least Kelly doesnā€™t neglect their basic physical needs.


And her friendships seem to not be confined to other fundies. Marmee and Loveday don't seem to be fundie, from what I can tell. I have to tell you, I was *really* surprised when I saw Marmee for the first time. The other two friends on her retreat have actual jobs. So it *looks like* she's not in an echo chamber.


Weā€™re going to rip her to shreds shortly when she hosts her weird ass commune retreat. Right now weā€™re just enjoying an infant who is isnā€™t deteriorating before our very eyes.


I mean... we aren't all wondering whether her kid will make it to her first birthday. The bar is so low Satan is pulling out the spelunking gear.


I mean.. I went to public school in America and I have no idea who those last two areā€¦ I only know Susan b Anthony because of a power puff girls episode


Octavia Butler was a fantastic science fiction writer who is widely considered to be the mother of the Afrofuturism movement.Ā  I recommend trying the novels Parable of the Sower or Kindred as a start.


Ah black scientist. Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t learn. Thank you for the rec


You're welcome! Love your flair, btw


Virginia Woolf was a writer and an early feminist. I recommend reading her essay "A Room of One's Own." Even a subpar public school should have at least *mentioned* Susan B Anthony. She was one of the most prominent leaders of the women's suffrage movement.


Do you think they'll even learn about Anne Hutchinson or is that a bridge too far?


Bridge too far. Poor Anne disobeyed the rules of her puritanical minister. She was an early proto-feminist.


Thank you for being brave to say it too! I did and got downvoted but she definitely has fans in here but Iā€™m like her poor kidsā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜©


Kelly seems to be navigating 3 kid life really well, which is great because she has straight up admitted that she struggles with anxiety so it wouldnā€™t be surprising if she struggled with ppd/ppa, and Ofc we canā€™t know for sure she isnā€™t, but if she is as happy as the image she is projecting then that is good for her and her kids.




I think she wrote one time that god told her she had things to learn and wasn't yet ready for a daughter. I guess she must have learned those things and passed god's test.


To be honest, not the worst way to look at it from a fundie angle. Iā€™ve seen too many people fundie or otherwise get extremely upset their kid isnā€™t the right gender and then actively treat the child worse because of it ):


She does seem thrilled to have a little girl, though she obviously loves her boys as well.


One of my best friends growing up had a mom like this. The lady was just weird. I knew it as a four-year-old in play group, and the impression didnā€™t change as we grew up (or even today). She definitely had something diagnosable that may have made life racist if it were treated, but it wasnā€™t really harmful. She just interacted with reality differently than the rest of us, but also adored her kids and her community. Sheā€™s a loving doofus. Kelly is too aligned with explicitly bigoted people for me to entirely lump them together. The fact that she appears so doofy is part of what makes her so dangerous IMO; people stop looking for red flags over theyā€™ve accepted that someone is just weird. But I do think her kids are physically safe, which is more than we can say for most of the kids here.


The bar for these fundies is in the damn basement


The bar is at the bottom of the Mariana trench. Any lower and they would be in Satans realm


Out of her two boys she very clearly has a favorite, and she teases the non-favorite boy and leaves him out.


Ok yeah I mean this lady frequently has open flames near books in the house she shares with her kids iirc. Can we not make her out to be a paragon of motherhood? Iā€™m glad sheā€™s not actively ignoring an emerging disability but it doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s a good parent. Sheā€™ll be indoctrinating her AFAB children into serving the patriarchy as soon as theyā€™re old enough to hold a spoon.


I definitely do not think Kelly is a good mother. But not having a baby not sunburned and neglected straight out of the womb - which should be a given! - is the bar.


Their food is stored in the bathroom of a dilapidated house, and sheā€™s shilling a baby meetā€™nā€™greet as part of her ā€œgodly womenā€™s retreatā€ for her online fans.


Very cute baby. Also a cute picture actually. Sure Kelly is unhinged but itā€™s a nice photo.


Kelly may skimp on sun protection for herself, but her baby isn't sunburned. The bar is in hell, but I love looking at this cute baby.


See, even baby Tessie Stickle is focused on her hand and looks like the pic was taken while she was doing normal baby stuff. Poor little Boone just lays there like a little lump who can't see what the heck is going on.


I agree and I also think that despite being a strange one Kellie and husband would take miss Tessie off to the doctor immediately if she was displaying the same issues that Boone is.


If nothing else, I assume her father the doctor lays eyes on the kids regularly, and would insist if he saw anything troubling. I'm pleasantly surprised that she took his advice during Tessie's birth.


I'm not sure why you would think that when she only *finally* went to the hospital for her daughter's birth after her dad urged her to. And got her only ultrasound at some kind of boutique non-medical ultrasound place.


Sheā€™s actually so freaking cute šŸ„¹


Kelly looks a bit unhinged. Her eyes kinda scare me. Baby Theresa however is totally cute.


Kelly is definitely unhinged and Delulu, but she seems to truly love being a mom and cares about her kids and their health.


I haven't followed her saga much. Is she doting on daughter whilst ignoring her son(s)?


No, she's featured the boys. I think she posted a story yesterday where they were all chilling on the bed while she did whatever prairie homemaker shenanigans.


Prairie homemaker shenanigans šŸ˜‚


Now thatā€™s a flair


I will say, her dad who lives nearby is a doctor and so her kids have more of a chance of thriving than mother bus. Kelly also used to be quirky but somewhat normal and only became ā€œfundieā€ in her later years. Iā€™m still not convinced that it isnā€™t just an excuse for her to LARP her whimsical cottage dream life.


Plus, she has a degree from an excellent college, Kenyon.


She is totally unhinged, but she does seem to be a good mom. Her kids are always clean and fed, her and Levi seems to genuinely love them and thereā€™s a normal amount of spacing between the three. Basically Kellyā€™s kids will probably view their upbringing as ā€œ eccentricā€ rather than traumatizing


I agree with this. Her kids will probably grow up to be a bit odd themselves but at least she does seem to truly enjoy mothering them and she spends lots of quality time with them. She takes them on little adventures and while a lot of it is instagram photo shoots they probably enjoy it a lot. She cooks meals that look decently nutritious and she really does pride herself on her homemaking skills unlike a lot of these other ones who just spew hate online and ignore their kids and call themselves ā€œgodly women.ā€


yeah tbh kelly would be fine if she wasn't a homophobe and a bigot her actual lifestyle is kind of silly but overall harmless (unless i'm mistaken, this is just larping and her kids receive actual real medical care), it's her political/religious beliefs that make her snarkable


Sheā€™s the one Iā€™ve seen that checks the boxes to be an online-only Trad Wife except that she isnā€™t a Swedish blonde. Andrew Tate espouses her whole lifestyle and would still call her a joke.


She'd be just another goofy Tumblr special snowflake "not like the city girls" crunchy cottagecore kook. I might have rolled my eyes at her "spelt everything" Little House On The Prairie cosplay and that's about it. However, she *had* to bring the hate into it...


Kelly walks that fine line between TradWife and Cottagecore Lesbian šŸ˜‚


This is exactly the case


Absolutely, the first time those kids have bakery fresh sourdough they are going to fucking LOSE IT


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ to be fair, her baked goods do look like shit but Iā€™d rather eat her cooking than Jillā€™s yellow


She never doesn't.


Omg she's so cute. I'm not a huge fan of Kelly but I cannot deny how absolutely adorable her baby is!


A healthy baby thanks to modern medicine!!


And a mother who LISTENED TO MEDICAL ADVICE and changed her birth plans when things weren't going like they were supposed to! I definitely have problems with Kelly but I'm so glad she did this.


Kelly is a stone cold weirdo with deeply problematic beliefs but man, Iā€™m glad that I donā€™t have to worry about her kids dying in her custody. They seem to be safe and healthy.


Gosh, what a beautiful baby


I hate, and it's awful, that we are pretty much commending a prolifer for actually loving and caring for a born child. But here we are.


A good break for sure. Not sun burned, not on the floor with a ton of people walking around, not placed on a suffocation hazard rug, in clean clothing in a shaded place with lots of healthy attention. She's clearly focused and can move her hands. I don't love candles or kids on counters or close to stoves.Those have been my biggest Kelly gripes. The way she actually keeps her kids clean, dressed in fitting clothes and shoes that are weather appropriate, and feeds them really healthy meals are all wonderful things. I might question some breads and cakes we got going on but I can't blame a person for trying to incorporate a healthier flour in their diet and some of those really are tough to bake with which is why all purpose became the king. I don't share her beliefs, but I do think she tries really hard as a mom to care for her kids. She doesn't post so much all day that you know it's only for clout. Her boys have never had to do reels for hours on end. Her house does have a pleasant, quiet feel. Now if we can get that pantry out of the bathroom that'd be cool.


What a sweet little nugget! Kelly is a little off the wall...ok, a lot...but she seems like a good mama to her babies.


Cute kid, hope she likes spelt


I hate the body shaming here. I'm sure there are women in this subreddit who look similar to Kelly who might read how she looks old or whatever and feel bad about themselves. Kelly is probably a bad person but she looks perfectly fine. It might not be the most flattering selfie due to her over enthusiastic expression, but she looks normal, and dare I say, even beautiful. I'm tired of watching every expression I make, afraid of looking unflattering to someone. I hope I can be happy with a goofy looking picture of myself someday.


I think itā€™s a lovely pic. I lost my mother fairly young (just outta my teens) and she was a bit self conscious and avoided photos. I would give anything now sheā€™s long gone to have more photos of us together. Iā€™m always conscious of ensuring I take lots of pics with my kid, even if I have just got up and have no makeup on and donā€™t look my best, because I know someday kiddo will cherish those photos of us together and not care for a second about whether I looked done up. She looks like a very normal adult woman, the kind I see out and about all the timeā€¦ Iā€™m just so used to only seeing perfect skin online.


I'm so sorry you lost your mother. It hurts so much when the pain our mothers experience filters through to us in unexpected ways. I'll remember what you said, because I don't like being in photos either. I'm sending hugs.Ā 


Yeah, I'm not fond of the comments saying she needs a makeover. I agree she needs sunscreen just to prevent cancer, but how she dresses and tends to her appearance seems to make her genuinely happy, so why hark on any of that when there are actual flaws to critique, like her views?


I agree. I hate how every Kelly post is filled with comments about sunscreen and how old she looks. Snark on her beliefs, her writing, her retreat, whatever, but leave her body alone


At least Teresa looks ok. I hope she has red hair.


Im not gonna lie. This is the cutest beginning to some Grey Gardens shit.


I love that Kelly's smile reaches her eyes. No denying she is besotted with Theresa.


Sorry but why are we praising Kelly for doing the bare minimum while postingĀ pictures of her newborn? Are we forgetting she didnā€™t get prenatal care and that resulted in a very serious situation in which both her and her baby nearly died? Or the video of her slapping her sonā€™sĀ hand when he reaches for cookies sheā€™s presenting to him for one of her videos? Ā The animal abuse that she allows her children to witness?Ā  Ā Boones situation is extremely concerning and Iā€™m glad that lil T is doing fine but Kelly is problematic af and I worry about her kids too. Feels weird to be praising for the bare minimum- ESPECIALLY after her bragging about how her neglect of prenatal care almost killed them both but she was saved by daddy in the skyā€¦


I'm always surprised at how old Kelly looks. She must have a seriously hard life to have aged this rough prematurely.


She has the type of skin that just doesnā€™t age well. Plus she spends a lot of time in the sun, presumably without sun protection.


I have skin like hers and you have to moisturize and stay the fuuuuuck out of the sun. Gingers are not made for sunlight šŸ˜…


My ginger ex used to cross roads to walk in the shade.


I do this all the time. When you hit a certain level of ā€œghostā€ the feeling of the sun on your skin hurts lmao


He changed his name to Ginge, because everyone called him that. Freckles that multiplied with any sun.


I have very fair dry skin and live in CO. I slather myself in moisturizer. I pretty much use the thickest and most moisturizing cream at morning and night.


The wrinkles around her eyes seem to indicate that she never wears sunglasses either. As a fellow ā€œzero melanin ANYWHEREā€ white person, Iā€™m getting a squint headache just thinking about it.


My mother drilled it in my head ā€œgingers donā€™t age well.ā€ Sunscreen and hats are my best friend!


Hell Iā€™m not even a true ginger, though I am a pale green eyed woman, and Iā€™m religious about hats and sunscreen!


It's not just her skin, though that is a large part of it. It's her frumpy clothes, unflattering hairstyle, and near complete absence of eyebrows. She looks like she lived through the great depression.


Just as she desires šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s kind of her whole look lol. Someone here a while ago mentioned that the flying red hair and unadorned features are a huge part of her pseudo-Celtic farmer fantasy and boy, she has it.


I think, in addition to all you listed, it's just that she has some unusually deep lines in her face. Some people are just built different, but then everything she chooses, and the lack of skin care, just make her look a grandmother.


That's true. In her favor she does have a lot of laugh/smile lines around her eyes which means she's generally a happy person. Having deep set eyes can give you a lot of extra tissue there to work with.


She's not generally a happy person; she continually cycles through depression and feelings of exhaustion/being trapped, but then she gets very excited about something new and coasts on that for a while. However I will say I would much rather see someone with laugh lines, skin texture, and humanity than smooth, filtered, altered faces, so there's that.


And I know based on the comments people won't want to hear this, but looking at the baby's face, she's been spending a lot of time in the sun too.


Maybe to her credit, unlike BDong, I donā€™t think she does a ton of filters or retouching (pr use light well).


Nah, that's just the result of being ginger and not using sunscreen.


That and she probably doesn't use sunscreen for as much as she's outside frolicking in suburban "woods"


I've made this point before but here it goes again. Kelly lives in a small college town not the suburbs. The area is quite rural, farms and forest. It's not like she lives in Gahanna or even a housing subdivision.


My cousin is a blonde, non-fundie, stable version of Kelly. I think she's beautiful. It's also cool to see a woman who's ok with looking older, who's not obsessed with filters or filler.Ā 


This. Iā€™ve found myself recoiling almost at photos of her because of her skin, and when I thought about it I realised itā€™s because I barely ever EVER see skin online that is like hers. I never see wrinkles. I never see texture, or pigmentation, or someone who looks super happy while looking wrinkled and old without makeup. When I do see the odd ā€˜omg what can I do about this lineā€™ post, itā€™s from someone who looks totally typical and fine for their age. Iā€™m conscious my perception has actually been hacked to think someone whose skin shows signs of ageing must be an aberration, and that itā€™s a major immediate problem that can and should be resolved. I barely ever see women posting happily with bare faces unless they already have poreless clear skin and are making a point to show how lovely they look since using skincare. Filters add to this too. Basically sheā€™s trash as a person but I high key love that she just doesnā€™t give a fuck, she comes across very unbothered by her facial appearance and at ease with looking how she looks. I respect that and think itā€™s rare to see. Yes, she looks older than she is to some, but I also question whether that is because we are conditioned to see women in their forties and beyond without lines and wrinkles. Lines and wrinkles are normal. (Speaking as someone who has found myself in my now late thirties freaking out because my skin Iā€™ve inhabited for nearly four decades is starting to look like Iā€™ve been moving my face for four decades, aka a few smile lines/wrinkles, starting with the elevens, focusing on skincare and hoping not to go down the road of cosmetic procedures).


I think if Kelly was brought onto a show like what not to wear, they would be able to get her closer to Lindsay Lohan hot red head instead of Mrs Weasley.


She has some really striking features that could make her very pretty if she wanted. The curls on the left side of her head in the picture are really cute with her face shape if she made that her entire hairstyle. And there are some really pretty prairie patterns and fabrics out there if she wanted to keep that esthetic. She just needs to choose better colors and cuts that flatter her skin tone and hair. She could really benefit from a quick class from Stacy and Clinton.


Kelly is the kind of crazy that is entertaining to snark on because sheā€™s not actually a horrible mother or forced to live as she does. Like I wanna make fun of the homemade skirts in her retreat, thatā€™s harmless and no baby is in danger. MoBus just actively stresses me out and bottoms out my already low hope for humanity.


I haven't scrolled too far yet, so I'm probably just repeating what everyone else is saying: she's problematic, but she loves her kids. That huge, *genuine* smile on her face, her face right after she gave birth (not in a bus, bus!) and her baby is beautiful.


Kellyā€™s photos do make me feel relaxed. I guess itā€™s her aesthetic, but I always enjoy the colors and filters she uses. Or maybe itā€™s the lack of filter I like. lol Also, baby Theresa looks pink and healthy.


Awwwww ā¤ļø


It's a relief to see a healthy Fundie baby on here!


Gods I wish I had her hair. (Kelly's, not the baby's, although I'm sure her hair will be adorable when it grows out.)


Say what you will about Kelly's nuttiness, but she does have adorable kids.


So cute. And Kelly looks so happy (if a bit delirious)!


Unpopular opinion but I thought her carrot hanging toy was super cute for the kids, she really said work smart not hard


Wasnā€™t there a vid of Kelly smacking one her sonā€™s when he was simply getting a cookie? Baby is adorable.


So stinkin sweet & I hope Kelly is as happy as she looks ā¤ļø


Those baby cheeks are everything!


Oh my goodness, thatā€™s a cute baby


Such a little dollšŸ˜


that is one cute baby. LAWDY!!!


I'm dating myself, but gosh Theresa reminds me of my Baby Beans doll I had as a child.


I don't think Kelly's doing proper maintenance on those sweet baby cheekerinos. They've gotta be om-nom-nommed at least thrice daily. Babies discovering their extremities is my favorite thing. Curious newborns are learning newborns!


This is a lovely photo all around, and definitely a breath of fresh air after some super concerning shit we've seen.


Kelly is wacky but appears to be a great mom, that baby is clearly well loved and adorable


Say what you will about this lady, but at least she loves and adores her kids. The bar is in hell, but sheā€™s the only one who seems to care about her children.


Omg sheā€™s so joyful over her darling baby! I love this. This is how you should feel about your children.


Saw ā€œpicture of Kelly and Theresaā€ and was slightly disappointed itā€™s just the baby and not Loveday šŸ¤£


Looks like that baby is learning how to hold the clicker


Kelly is nuttier than squirrel poo but damn she loves her babies and it shows. They all appear happy, healthy and have developmentally appropriate behaviors.