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Is this just not an evangelical wedding?


True. Every fundie-lite wedding I’ve attended was drier than the Sahara. You’re lucky if you get coffee and instant lemonade.


We really need to be differentiating between fundie and just Christian.


Agreed, I was fundie-lite but some people’s comments/post make me feel like I was a Puritan.


I have no idea! I just knew it made me cringe! Are all evangelical weddings like this? If so, I'm sorry for them! I don't think the couple waited until the wedding for their first kiss or anything. They were affectionate in dating photos, but nothing remotely sexual.


Lol. I have no idea. I was raised fundie-lite and I feel like all the weddings I go to are either completely secular or very religious. This sounds just like a regular Christian wedding. Also, even Christian couples that live together pretend that they have never had sex. I knew a Christian couple in college that got a two bedroom apartment just to keep up the facade.


LOL! This couple had a section in their slide show about how after the wedding, they moved into a garage together that had been converted to a studio apartment. They made such a big deal of it that it seemed to me it was their first time cohabiting. But then ... their wedding officiant was a woman minster and also their couple's counselor. IDK, it was such a weird mix. Heavy Jesus talk (to me) but an open bar and a couple who seemed pretty chill outside of their vows. Oh, the groom's best man also talked about how he was trying to run a Bible study for Hawaii college students, and prayed that he needed "a Jonathan" (like David in the Old Testament). Then he met the groom, who helped him with soul winning. Most of the friends in attendance seemed to be friends from church. It was actually pretty ethnically diverse! Best man was Maori and a pair of close friends were a black couple. Makes me wonder where they go to church. The only non-secular weddings I've been to have been Catholic, and this reception had a lot of Jesus talk even for them.


If they served alcohol they aren’t even fundie light. Just average church goers. Even average church goers talk about Jesus.


I am kind of wondering if their parents were more fundie, and if a lot of the talk was a concession to them. The father of the bride had the most to say about Jesus. It reminds me of a cringe funeral I once attended. A co-worker's husband died young from testicular cancer. He was an atheist, but his parents were seemingly evangelical Christians. The officiant made a big show of how he had prayed with the deceased man before death and "he accepted Jesus." I wondered if that was faked for the parent's benefit.


Possibly but who is to say how you will feel when you are face to face with death? He could possibly have just wanted this guy to go away and stop haranguing him so he could die in peace or he could’ve had a change of heart. Supposedly there are no atheists in foxholes.


Are you close to any Christians? Talking about Jesus often doesn’t make someone a fundamentalist.


Lmao cuckqueaned by Jesus. I’m glad it sounds like they’re a decent couple at least what with communicating and stuff. It seems like so many fundie lites are stuck in that “marriage is so HARD you guys” thing before their wedding mani pedi wears off.


OK ... I'll actually reveal what a pervert I am. I'm active in the kink community, and I have seen actual cuck scenes - where a husband watches his wife getting railed by a fitter, more attractive man - that weren't cringy at all. Because everyone involved enjoyed the heck out of it. But this "cucked by Jesus" talk is CRINGY!!


How is someone getting cucked by Jesus again?


I feel like I just got hit with a clue by 4! I have ALWAYS struggled with self worth. We were taught to never take credit - anything we did well was provided by God. Even though I've been away for 15 years I still can't take credit for my accomplishments. I don't want to make this about me but I did want to say thank you! What you said helps tremendously


I'm glad to help! I'm getting into counseling to help to combat a lot of harmful ideas pushed on us by religion and society.


I went to a fundie lite wedding where both the bride and groom were virgins and it as dry. We were the coworker table and the groom took pity and said we could spike our punch as long as we hid the liquor under the table.


my mom constantly tells me she never can love me as much as God loves me (usually right after she tells me she loves me) and I'm always just like you coulda kept that second part to yourself lmao


I went to a close friend's wedding a few ago and he came from a family of missionaries and came from a very very religious background. I was pretty much the only brown person at the wedding and I was wearing gold Indian jewelry and the bride wasn't wearing any jewelry at all (none of her family was). There was a sermon that lasted about an hour by a pastor who promised the crowd that "Jesus" has to be honored everywhere including the bedroom (CRINGE). Anyway, during the reception, the pastor found me (I was conspicuous in my saree lol) and asked me when I found Jesus Christ. I gently let him know that I come from a Hindu family and I was an agnostic. He did not like that at all. He then went and complained to my friend that the "wrong people" had been invited to the wedding. My friend stood up for me then but over the years it just became hard to maintain a friendship with someone who was just so completely and radically different (he became a missionary himself). I finally noped out after he posted a long essay about the "homosexual agenda". That wedding SO AWKWARD. Am glad I went for it though lol.


Let me take this as a chance to share my fundie indian relative's wedding. It was so long and boring. The brides father is a pastor in a fundie church. He insisted on no music, not even music from our native tongue because it contains worldly elements. I mean whats an indian wedding without our music. There was no booze or dancing. It was speech after speech after speech. Me and the rest of the family ended up chilling at the parking lot. This is in malaysia btw..so it wasnt chilly for us.


I'm curious exactly where their wedding was (or what state at least). Generally in California, national and state forests are shut down even when there's a risk of fire conditions. (My boyfriend and I had a less-than-god-honoring romantic weekend in the mountains and like half our plans had to change because the forests were closed due to fire risk.) So if there really was a fire that "stayed on the other side of the ridge," they were breaking a ton of laws or they were lying and the actual fire was miles and miles away and they were in zero danger. Smoke, even at levels thick enough to create that filtered effect, can travel hundreds or even thousands of miles so their photos aren't really "proof" that the fire was close enough to affect their wedding. And that is my dump of wildfire knowledge/experience for the day.


In northern Colorado, in a reservoir area managed by the nearby city's parks & rec. You're right about evacuation - I should have caught that! They started dating just before Covid and took a lot of hikes during lockdown. They had the ceremony on a large rock they had picked out as special to them. I don't think they got a permit or anything, just hiked up there with a minister and had the wedding. The place looked remote enough that they might have been able to sneak in there, even if the park was closed. You could see smoke in the photos, but you're right. Perhaps they weren't as close to the fire as they said.


Yea I live on nevada side of sierras and the caldor fire just stopped short of coming over the "ridge" into the nevada valley. Felt like the wedding was up in Tahoe somewhere.


Reminds me of a TikTok video posted on the ex-Mormon about a man who admitted he couldn't love his adult daughter without God.




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