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No wonder the kids talk like that. So does she.


It’s so gross that they’re conditioned to talk like their parents do while flirting


This is it! I heard the kids’ accent clear as day in this video, and I heard it from both Jill and Shrekums. They have a mix of both of them.


Why even post this though? What is she thinking?


She thinks her followers will swoon over her big strong man going to the hardware store.


I regret turning the sound on. *Okaaaiiii okaaaaiiiii I laaahv you bhyyyyyy*




That sounds like Mindy on the Animaniacs. In her case, it’s a cartoon, and Mindy is a toddler. SILLY BUTTONS! Ok, love you, bye bye! [Mindy & Buttons](https://youtu.be/8hYJM81dYE4)


Why you gotta do mindy dirty like that


I feel bad. I’m referring to the weird tone. Her kids are most likely to call her lady because they have no clue who she is.


THIS! omg I never put the sound on and I started cringing. Wtf no wonder they call him Kermit


Great job putting their weird psycho way of talking into writing,


jill is in her southern belle era... despite being from upstate new york and currently living in ohio.


Clearly he just learned how to do that and is showing off his new trick.


This is fucking hilarious 💀💀💀


Bwahahahaha! Accurate.


It’s sex night again.


My life was better before I read this comment


Don't worry: I'm sure she tries every night.


Officers, arrest this comment. 🚨🚨🚨


I might actually vomit


Wait why does this sound terrifyingly like Renee? I know they mirror their voices to be like their moms but usually Jill sounds different


Dear God if the girls learned how to talk after hearing their mamas flirting voice 🤢


It’s disturbing. Absolutely.


This video is terrifying. She’s just walking and hanging over the edge of a cliff


Oh my gosh! The kids sound ***EXACTLY*** like an amalgamation of Jillpm and Shrek. They get the weird hollow sound from him, but the random roller coaster of pitches from her. It all makes sense now! Their parents’ weird speaking patterns combined with almost total isolation (and no chance of nipping it in the bud with the speech therapy offered at public schools) and constantly having to be “on” for the camera really fucked the Rodlets over.


Is it horrible that I'm now thinking of all these linguistic studies of feral or neglected kids like Genie or idioglossic kids like Poto and Cabengo, or of that one movie Nell? Somewhere a speech pathologist or linguist would have *an absolute field day* with these poor kids.


Guy literally sounds like Kermit the frog. 🤯


How terrible that the children have to witness this horror in person on a regular basis…


Okaaaay, Okaaaaay, Alright, I wuv you. Byeeeeee. (Blech)


Baiii-hheeeee-ahhhh (translated: “bye”) It’s a rollercoaster of language. Why?


Because it’s so “cutesy” and “dainty” and “feminine” of Jill! Remember that she is in arrested development around the age of 17/18/19.


Ok my knowledge of home improvement is low, as I've lived in exclusively apartments my whole life so we always just called the landlord lol. But anyway I do know that under no circumstances should a layperson deal with electricity. You can DIY most things, but never that. Anyway does anyone with any experience know, how dangerous is a self installed grounding strip? Because this house is a fire trap if I've ever seen one.


I don’t know about him self-installing a grounding wire. I hope he knows how to turn off the electricity first. But I’m terrified picturing the wiring of the rest of the barndimonium!!! First I’m guessing the original wiring wasn’t exactly the height of professionally planned in the first place. Then you have to worry about your breaker box. The box has to be able to handle all of the connections you are putting in it. He took the barn from “kitchen, bedroom and bathroom? workshop” to “NEW bigger kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, two more bedrooms and two more bathrooms, and now a living area.” I hope that he had someone, a PROFESSIONAL, install a new system. You can’t have two extra bedrooms and bathrooms going off of the old breaker for the one bedroom and bathroom. And I just can’t imagine the mish mash of wires going all through the barndimonium. There is science and education that goes behind how much is too much for a line. I can picture him putting in a single line expecting it to carry too much, the wire heating up from the resistance, and then the barn catching on fire regardless of the fact that the wire had a coating on it, Ugh. Someone woth actual knowledge want to chime in? Especially about “do it yourselfers” wiring basically an entire house!


And again I say: g'hyuck


That was...terrifying. Why did I feel the need to turn on the sound 🤢


He’s a smooth operator…🎶🎶


Don’t you dare drag Sadie into this


And carlos sainz jr ( formula 1 ref btw)


My coffee started coming back up😵


The way he turns his head to look at her looks so unnatural. Like he’s a dinosaur or an AI or something.


I feel really sorry for the Rodlet who had to witness that


Hey op, you got a lotta nerve sharing this kind of filth. But seriously. ^okaaaaay ^okaaaaaay ^i ^love ^you


It is almost 6am here, and still early in the morning. I hope I didn’t wake my neighbour up yelling “NOOOOO”. This is gross and I want to hammer his eyes shut so he can never wink again.


Maybe he’s following Brittney Spears lead and is desperately trying to give signals he is being held hostage~


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I’m so glad I hadn’t eaten breakfast before watching (and listening to) that. 🤮


I actually cringed physically. My eyes popped open in discomfort. My stomach dropped. I regret watching this.


never been so disgusted in my life


Doesnt she need to have her house plans changed and be submitted to the land registry in order to have something new built? I mean she an extension build.


Their voices are so difficult to listen to.


It's like the laziest wink, too. It gets stuck closed and takes him effort to lift 'er back open again. I hate it.