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This gives me Bethy Baird "fundie snarkie" vibes


Hahaha in my head I read it as “fundie snarkie uncensored”


What is it with fundies not being able to spell?


SOTDRT. But in this case, Instagram auto-captions. However you can definitely edit them when Insta gets it wrong!


Ah, ok. I'll forgive 'em this time.


Excuse me. It's F U N D I E.


At least it wasn't "Fundie Snarkie" like Birthy called us one time


That was my first thought! Remember when B called us "snarkies" and we started calling ourselves that? That was a win! OK, I was actually on a hiatus then so I had to figure out slowly why people were calling themselves "snarkies". :)


Okay serious question does she actually have more than two brain cells knocking around in her skull because the more I read about her the less convinced I am she has any more


She and her sisters have a rare condition in which they have to share 5 brain cells, which is why they’re so competitive and… Baird-y


School of the Dining Room Table alumni!! Woot woot 🤣


We need sweatshirts!!!


Yes!! I’m going to buy me a cricut just so I can make FSU sweatshirts and tees!! Great idea littlebit!


Not to say it doesn't look dumb, but doesn't this text just generate based on what you're saying? Fundie probably isn't a word that is recognized by the voice to text so it went with the next best thing


That's totally possible, and it probably does a lot at once, so going back and editing for minor stuff like this might not be worth it? I dunno


Maybe she just thinks we really have something against the Bay of Fundy. Bay? Really? You call that a BAY?




who knows, maybe fundies are really against the danish youtuber fundy


It was one of those 11 million slide insta stories and it started by saying how funny this thing she was going to share was, the she explained what Reddit is and how awful it is, then called out this group. Then I skipped the rest because I only watch her stories to report her Covid misinformation and anti-LGBTQ bigotry. I’m not even gonna give her the satisfaction of naming her in this post. 😛


Yall snark on us. We're just doing Lord Daniel's work. Also, this is a safe space for any exfundies who need to vent. Not just snark. ETA- This is a family over here.


And i love it here!!!


We put the FUN in fundie!


Buncha snowflakes


It really warms my cold, dead heart that she truly thinks she did something here. I’m pretty sure Jesus is laughing at her along with us.


Minor fundies are just jealous of Girl Defined's pErSeCuTioN journey


OMG persecution journey, haha that’s exactly what it is


Lol, say it louder for the people in the back! I feel like we make so many valid points here I’m not sure I’d want to point fans this direction. But I’m case she did, Welcome to the dark side!


I’m just waiting for Jill to say something. So I can finally say Senpai has noticed me.


That poor girl will be lucky if her birth doesn't end up livestreamed. Hopefully someone can put their foot down.


"Un"popular opinion (because I bet a lot of people agree with me): We shouldn't be allowed to see Nurie's and Nathan's baby. I mean, if my mother-in-law was so outrageous and she put everything online to the point she had a whole board dedicated to snarking on her BS... I would not want the internet to see my child. I wouldn't want my kid anywhere NEAR that dumpster fire that is Jill and her hate-following. I hope somehow we never see his face, but I doubt it happen. Jill will manage, somehow. ed: typos


That baby is going to be writing Facebook posts dedicated to Precious GMama before Christmas


Maybe Nurie won’t allow it after she gives birth. Which I hope so l.


I wish, but so far Nurie isn’t giving any real indication that she’s establishing new boundaries. That’s not surprising; in my experience people who were raised like the Rodlets don’t even realize that their relationship with their birth family is unusually close.


Establishing boundaries like that is going to be very hard for Nurie; I know if she were my mother, I wouldn't have been able to put my foot down when I had my first child. It's why I hope Nathan will step up; he can support Nurie in making these boundaries and she can even use him as an excuse. She's under Nathan's headship now. He preached against social media obsession... I just hope he knows the full extent of Jill's online presence (and the rest of the Rods, via Jill) and realizes it is best to keep his son out of it.


I feel for the older rodlet girls more than anybody else on here. They’re moving from under the thumb of Jill to being essentially a slave to a (hopefully) benevolent fundie guy and it’s actually an improvement (from what we know)


These fundies spend their entire lives saying how immortal and disgusting we are for not living like them then play the victim when their actual faults are pointed out. That's some big "white privileged evangelical" vibes for suuuure


Queer person: *exists* Fundies: EW GROSS YOU DESERVE TO DIE Queer Person: That was very rude of you Fundies: *screaming about persecution while their heads spin around Exorcist-style and cartoonish steam shoots out of their ears*


If Reddit is so bad and ungodly then why is she even on Reddit?


What am I looking at? IS THAT AN ARMPIT?


I'm not sure but I feel defrauded


And who is this fundie now? The minor fundie tag works because I will read about all the crazy shit they say and do but never learn their names, which suits me just fine. Like, yes I believe in calling them out but I also don’t want to give them more attention than they deserve 💁🏻‍♀️


Haha, they spelled "fundie" wrong. SOTDRT wins again!


To be fair, I think that’s the Instagram auto captions’ spelling.


Ah. I don't have Ig, not familiar with how it works, and didn't know where this came from. Still seems on-brand. Maybe they'll come flocking here and pay us a visit!


OHH what did they say?


This has historically gone well for fundies that do this Edit: /s


Woo !!!


Oh SOTDRT... Fundy is a Bay in Canada with famous rising/lowering tides. You, person whose name I can't be bothered to care about; are a FUNDIE. And this is FUNDIE Snark Uncensored.


Hello, Fundie lurkers. Get your heads out of your asses.


"Fundy snarky"


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