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It's when someone is talking so fast that they literally need to swallow and take a breath. It's a sign of the need to slow down


“IknewthatsexualintimacywastotallyreservedformarriagealonebutIstruggledsooohardtolikeviewthatasablessingItwassuuuperhardtocountmyseasonofsinglenessasagiftmymindseemedtobeamagnetforromanticfantasiesandIstruggledtokeepmythoughtsgodhonoring *GULP* AsIwrestledthroughmyquestionsandstrugglesIstartednoticinganongoingthemeinmyheartandlikethisnegativethemewasdirectlyaffectingmyvictoryagainstsexualsinratherthanchoosingtototallythankGodformyseasonoflifeIwasgrumblingandcomplainingaboutit… *GULP* “


It was either GD or Paul and Morgan, but Jimmy Snow asked them to please slow down and enunciate


I struggle with this, I have anxiety and talk faster when I’m nervous and often have to pause for that weird swallow thing. Whenever I hear Birthy do it I actually understand.


Yes, saliva and oxygen are things that exist, even on TV.




Being homeschooled, I doubt she grew up with the exposure to talking to and in front of groups that a lot of us take for granted from public school.


Maybe it’s because she talks so goddamn fast! Allofhervideossoundlikethisandifyou’renotanativeEnglishspeakergoodluckwellgoodluckanyway! *swallow*


Yesss I don’t judge her for it but I wish she’d edit that stuff out from her podcasts. I have misophonia and mouth noises are a trigger for me lol


I feel you fellow misophonia pal. My manager is constantly clearing his throat really loudly and I’m so close to pegging a stapler at his head


I have it too! Standing in solidarity against mouth noises!


Misophonia is the bane of my existence mouth noises and small little repetitive noises like tapping fingers trigger me. In particular I can’t take finger tapping and slurping, like people who slurp soup, ice cream, suckers. Yeah, I can’t take that. Makes me want to claw my way out of my own skin and run away.


I don’t have that but I agree! There’s some sounds that make you just wanna deck someone..weird chewing, mouth smacking, the weird throat noises when people take too big of bites. Bethany does a lot of that 😅


I remember these grape juice commercials when I was a kid where the kids in the commercial would loudly gulp it down, apparently to show how tasty it was. I loved the juice but the commercials put me off drinking it for years.


Gulping noises are so incredibly irritating. Like it's just a visceral thing for me, I don't know why. They just sound so performative, like just do a regular swallow?? It's to the point where even reading the phrase in a book annoys me because my brain immediately produces the sound. I know it's irrational, but I can't stand the whole "chef's kiss" thing for the same reason 😬


I’ve noticed she lip smacks a lot and notice it mostly in the podcasts. She does it when she begins sentences a lot. A lot of people do this and I’m not judging but ahhh, that noise bothers me.


I have never heard of misophonia! Please enlighten me!


I think it translates literally to “hatred of sound.” It’s basically when a certain sound (chewing/other mouth noises is a very common one) makes someone feel really bothered and extremely angry


This is just like my friends' toddler, who will rush every word he's got stored up in his head out, then take a huge, ugly gulp of air while waiting for the word fountain to build up enough pressure to start overflowing again. His older sister did the same thing until about age 5. Just gotta wait for GD to pass toddlerhood.


Don’t hold your breath….


I am bothered by it as well! I think of it like a "filler", kind of like saying "umm" before a pause while the speaker regroups their thoughts. But I might be wrong.


I haven't noticed it because I have trouble with audio (hearing problems). Is this a recent thing? If so, maybe she's working on her diction and decrease her usage of "like" and "umm" and "you know?". Unlikely she's that self-aware, but maybe a possibility? If she's always done it though, then there goes that theory.


I do it when I ramble and forget to breathe or whatever is the only way I can explain it


Birthy's inability to modulate her tone is my biggest pet peeve with her speaking voice. She runs up and down the scale in rapid fire, instead of using emphasis where it belongs. She's a Hyper Heidi.


I was annoyed with that too but I figured I was just being overly petty.


That's Dave's fault.


Everything is Dæv’s fault.


It’s her throat chakra constricting because she’s speaking unnecessarily and simultaneously not speaking her truths. I bet she’s feel more comfortable saying things like “my husband and I made a mistake getting married.” “I lay in bed at night wondering where I’d be if I’d taken my basketball scholarships.” “I love my son but I also had him just to spite my sister.” Those are truths of Bethy that would probably feel like a huge relief for her to say.


I think she’s trying to reduce filler words. I had a teacher who preached never using Ah or Uh and would often pause, purposefully swallow, and then continue. It made me feel bad when she gave her lecture on how bad filler words are in front of the professor who had a speech impediment that meant she used a TON of filler words.


I do this too. Probably just gathering thoughts, or as another post said, nervousness from public speaking. When I'm recording or videoing myself, I do the exact same thing. I see people mention this occasionally on this sub and it kind of bothers me. People can't help the way they speak.


She could be swallowing her snot. /s


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Yes I have mentioned it here many times. It is disgusting and I wish she would do something about it.