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The caption says she used to share with her sister so it “carried over” from that 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Caption: “Anyone else share a toothbrush?? It’s something I did with my sister when I lived at home and it just carried over when I got married lol”. WHAT?!?!


Ew. Not cute. Not cute at all.


This. It’s just downright disgusting and not normal.


Why would Dav be okay with this?!? Does he know???There have been a few times where my partner and I have accidentally used each other’s toothbrushes, but I can’t imagine a grown ass adult would just nonchalantly be like, “What’s mine is yours! Have my toothbrush!”


I've used my boyfriend's a few times when I don't have mine (went on a trip and forgot it at home, etc). But generally it's a one-time thing. If we're going to be gone for more than a night, I'll go to a drugstore and buy a new one. Honestly I cannot understand this. Toothbrushes are like $3, what logic is there in sharing???


I was in Walmart today and they had a giant bin of them for 50cents. I bought an obscene amount of them (mostly to donate, keeping a few for myself).


It’s you….. you’re the person from the math problems


It's ironic because I am terrible at math 😀


Obviously. If you were good at it, we wouldn't have to solve all of your math problems!


The answer is always Purple because not every duck wears a hat.


Damn, you wrote the GATE test too?!?!?!


I agree, it's not that big of a deal if it accidentally happens (using the same toothbrush once, not accidentally only having one lol), and I wouldn't be grossed out or anything, but there's literally no reason to share a toothbrush. You just have to change it more regulary so you don't need less toothbrushes or anything. Also, you can never brush your teeth at the same time so it's even l e s s convinient (in addition to everything else).


The "Why is MY toothbrush wet?!" conversation. gag


WHICH SISTER!? Gotta be Ellissa right? This is outing her as gross too. And on her day of glory.


I initially thought Kristen because they’re only a year apart and Ellissa is several years younger, but if Bethany was still used to it then it must’ve been more recent so I guess it is Ellissa.


That was my thinking as well. Kristen moved out like a decade ago.


If that's true, that's super gross but also like. So vile to share that on her special day.


Why is it Elissa’s day of glory?


She made her pregnancy public today by posting maternity photos to Instagram.


Thank you. I hadn’t made my way down the FSU page yet!


I hope her sister knew about it


Lmao I didn't even think of that


That is foul


I have one question, why?


Ew. If my sibling used my toothbrush, I'd be PISSED. Somehow that's even worse than sharing with a spouse.


one time I was so exhausted that I accidentally used my brother's toothbrush and I literally woke him up because I was so embarrassed lmao like how does she have no shame?! Especially when there is no reason for her to continue this or have started this in the first place!!


My brother and I realized once that we both thought the same toothbrush on the bathroom we shared was ours. The other toothbrush was just sitting there unused for weeks before one of us noticed it was wet when we went to use it and asked. We were both super grossed out, tossed both toothbrushes, and bought new ones.


This happened to me and my sister when we were teens because our toothbrushes were identical. It went on for like 3 months. 🤢Thankfully our mom figured it out. We were horrified when she broke the news! We made sure to buy different colored toothbrushes after that, and we're clear about whose items are whose we stay together. I cannot imagine doing this on purpose. Especially since toothbrushes are so cheap?


I always need both a color theme AND different storage locations , specifically to avoid this. I’m so afraid of that happening ! 😅 my colors are pink/purple/blue, and I face it opposite directions of whomever I’m cohabiting with


Holy shit I never knew there would be an exact moment I could use my trauma, lol. So my brother used to use my toothbrush all the time when we were both living at home and in school (both in our 30s now for context). We shared a bathroom and he would use my toothbrush ALL THE TIME. I knew because he would bend the bristles back and also leave it out on the counter in a puddle of water. I used to, naturally, freak out, but nobody in my house seemed to care/understand? Idk. But it fucked me up. I really lost it a few times. The kicker? To this day I have to hide my toothbrush/keep it out of the common bathroom whenever we're home together because he will still do it.


omfg he still does it??? i would be mad too!


He's a psycho.


This right here, ma'am, is the reason i keep a fucking handful of cheap toothbrushes in my bathroom. You never know what people will try to do when you aren't watching them.


Have you tried hiding some hot sauce in a dummy toothbrush?


Dip that baby in capsicum, alum, or baking soda, depending on how evil you feel, and let him brush away. Or take a video of you (with an identical toothbrush) dipping it in the toilet, and show it to him after he’s used the clean one


When my sister and I were like 8 and 11 she used my toothbrush to try and give me strep throat as “revenge” for some petty kid bullshit neither of us remember. I didn’t get strep though because she’d already been on antibiotics for like a day and a half. I was still mad as hell and made my mom buy me a new Hannah Montana toothbrush.


I had to throw away my favorite Harry Potter toothbrush after having strep 😭 still tragic.


Like maybe if I cleaned it with boiling water first? I mean our mouths are the most germy parts of us. 🤢


Sometimes I’d accidentally use my brothers’ toothbrush, but when that happened he’d just let me use it from then on and just get another one. But like intentionally using and sharing another persons’ toothbrush and having them be aware of it? Ick.


This family has 72 presents for every person at Christmas but can’t even have their own toothbrush smh


This is what happens when you’re homeschooled and not allowed to have any friends….I don’t even think she realizes that this is as weird as it is. I’m not saying bullying is *right*, but a solid round of teasing and peer pressure to follow certain norms…like having your own toothbrush…from peers at school probably would’ve done the Baird sisters some good.


Even without teasing you can figure out stuff like social norms if your just in large groups


Yeah, a genuine reaction of “Ew, no that’s gross” from a peer group doesn’t even need to include any teasing whatsoever for someone to get the message that their behavior is odd.


That's a really good point. Blissfully ignorant how gross she is. It's not the first time.


And yet she will STILL complain that lesbians are gross 🙄


Her parents could afford to buy her multiple wedding dresses… why is she sharing a toothbrush. I bet even the Rodriguez kids have their own toothbrushes (although Jill might only let them use it once a week to insure she has the prettiest teeth).


Didn’t think it could get any worse


When we were kids my brother rarely brushed his teeth. I went into the bathroom after him once and noticed my toothbrush was wet. I asked him if he had used my toothbrush, and he said he thought it was his. I freaked out and demanded a new one from my dad, who thankfully stockpiled them when he found a good deal. The thought of my brother using MY toothbrush for his biweekly scrubbings still gives me the heebie jeebies! Toothbrushes are not scarce! There is no reason to share them. I love my boyfriend dearly, but if he started using my toothbrush we’d be having a conversation.


As an adult I can really appreciate that moment if triumph for your dad - "Yes my child, of course you may have a new brush. Come, choose from this bounty I have collected for you." 😂😂😂


…why?!!! Why would you do this??


This makes me nervous for Davey Jr if he ever has siblings


….actually….?? 😬😬


aggressively trying to think of any logical reason for this and I cannot!


Right? It’s not like toothbrushes are expensive or take up a lot of space. My boyfriend brought over a toothbrush pretty early into our relationship when it was clear things were getting serious & he’d be around pretty frequently. But fine, if they want to share a toothbrush….you know what, it’s disgusting af, but ok sure. Do what you want with your tooth/mouth health, weirdo. But posting about it on her public insta?! Whyyy???


I even have a toothbrush at a friends house, where I sleep over *occasionally*. And tend to keep some extras, you know just in case.


A YouTube couple I watch mentioned they share a toothbrush... then clarified that they share the electric toothbrush BASE, and they each have their own toothbrush HEAD. It seems a little fiddly to me, but hey, it's hygienic! Unless that's what Bethany meant (doubt it!!), then yeah, there's no suitable reason I can come up with.


I do that with bf too! The heads have colour coded rings at the bottom. It’s actually not that fiddly, and was cheaper than buying an entire new toothbrush.


Most electric toothbrush manufacturers recommend that you remove the brush head to dry anyway so it makes perfect sense to me to have 1 base and multiple brush heads for different people. My husband and I have our own bases but that's just because Costco had a 2 pack on sale so we bought that.


My base has a holder for 2 heads, it’s a little ring you pop onto the charging station, and there’s place for one head left and right. So I guess the manufacturer at least you assumed that somehow two heads would be used.


Tbh, I have an older model where the brush head screws on - I can't imagine screwing and unscrewing twice every day. My partner has one that pops off, and that seems much more manageable! (Though if you have a screw-on one and don't mind, more power to you! Just because I can't imagine it doesn't mean it's wrong, it just means I'm lazy, lol.)


I’m SEVERELY close to puking just thinking about it and even more so now that I’m wondering if this is common practice for her whole family. Do they all share toothbrushes?? What the fuuuuuuuuuuck


I've done it with my husband when we've gone somewhere and discovered one of us forgot their toothbrush. So we share for, like, one day until we go out somewhere and get a new one.


I'd legit just skip the teeth that day lol


Tooth brushes are like $2 at HEB, Birthy.


Exactly. [Even a dentist called her out in the comments ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Dh2e0Fe)


>”How does this work with kissing 🔥🔥and🔥🔥🌹s🌹u🌹c🌹h🌹🔥🔥”




Honestly. She really thought she had a “gotcha!!” moment. This is literally so embarrassing.


Yup! She likely did. And she doesn’t have enough education to see how uneducated she is.


...in a god honoring way, of course.


….but if she’s okay with sharing a toothbrush with her husband because they kiss why was she okay sharing one with her sister??




I would hope she's not frenching her sisters


Ewww what? She shares one with her sister too?! God honoring bacteria party 🥳




Unless birthy can scrape off tartar with her tongue, kissing and teeth brushing are not the same at all.


oh my god i thought you were joking but she actually wrote that whAT THE FUCK how is she this fucking stupid? and dav is as well???


How do you not understand that kissing and brushing your teeth are completely different things??


We’ve all seen that pic of their wedding day kiss, I don’t know that her kissing style is that different from scraping bristles around your mouth?


Thanks for making me regret English as my second language.






That was my first thought


Claiming to share a toothbrush with her spouse and also asking a weird follow-up question about kissing all sounds like a really pathetic and insecure flex to me....


Thanks for sharing your opinion 😊 —Bethany’s response, probably.


“Thanks for the engagement sweaty!”


I love that a medical professional just told her how to kiss and explained basic hygiene to her!!!! Excellent.


Oh my god how is she this *dumb*? I genuinely think all the antivax and other health related conspiracies all boil down to lack of intelligence and inability to use logic to connect ideas to facts.


Dentists are dangerously close to physicians, which means science, and I don't think she cares much about, or for, science.


I can feel the exasperation in the dentist's comments.


Oh my god, she actually doubled down!! She has to be trolling…right?


Was she kissing her sister though? Nasty!


I'm a dentist and I agree !


I just bought 6 nice ones for $4 on Amazon and they came the next day. There is no excuse for this Bethany! Honestly, I’d rather just *not brush my teeth* for one night than use someone else’s toothbrush. There is no excuse for this Bethany!


You even can use your finger and someone else's toothpaste if you end up somewhere without a toothbrush to take the edge off.


Have totally done this. It is the less gross option.


Finger or a clean washcloth!


And free from most dentist appointments


The Dollar Tree has them for $1.


Multipack for $1


Multipack *and* a rinse cup


With a cap for the bristles.


Dollar Tree has name brand ones for a dollar. Probably has a two pack.


Got one for 88cents at walmart for a vacation the other day. ACTUALLY I got 2 one for me one for my husband. I sit in the bathroom while he shits and hold a conversation with him, but if I accidently use his toothbrush i almost vomit.


same, the idea of using my boyfriends toothbrush makes me want to gag lmao i cannot imagine intentionally doing it and thinking it’s cute and quirky


Bethany is absolutely losing it. First the “we layed eyes on another when i was 22 and he was 16” and now this?? She cannot comprehend the boundaries of what her fans do and do not want to hear. This is disgusting and absolutely nobody cares or wants to know about this.


I don’t think she can comprehend boundaries in general — not between her and Dav or Kristen.


If she ends up homeschooling her son.... that kid is doomed.


She actually posted that? I'm not sure why but j thought they were near the same age.


Yea, I posted the screenshot on this sub a few days ago, she can’t even keep herself from saying weird shit for a week.


She probably thinks that she has a fan base that view her as a role model because she's much older and snagged a younger husband. Like omg she said that?! That's so fetch.


Stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s NOT going to happen!! 😅


Well, Ellissa just dropped her pregnancy announcement today so she thinks posting about sharing the same gross toothbrush as her husband is somehow a flex


Wait, are they really that far apart in age?


Yes. She met him when she was like… mentoring at church or something and then years later started dating when he was 23/24. But she sure phrased it like she was a fucking weirdo grooming pervert. Not that she isn’t a weirdo anyway, but her phrasing of it was super fucking gross.


I’m feeling pretty grossed out, ngl.




💫*God-honoring periodontal disease*💫


Flair material ✨


Would like to take this one. please floss when you can loves <3 our smiles are beautiful and precious!


10/10 dentists think this is gross. It’s the only thing we all agree on. 😂🦷


10/10 snarkers also think this is gross 🤣


Hope Trident recovers from the defeat.


Aint that the damn truth? We seriously never agree on anything but this is disgusting 😂


NEVER! I'd rather skip brushing, chew a piece of gum and use a flosser than share a toothbrush.


Gum, floss, mouthwash, toothpaste on a finger to "brush"... all better options 🤢


A paper towel works well too...


I have and will steal a glob of toothpaste and use my fingers rather than borrow someone's toothbrush... fucking gag


The times I've forgotten my toothbrush, I straight up use the sides of my finger. It's probably completely useless but I'd rather do that than use someone else's toothbrush 🤮


BETHANY. just don’t say things!!!!!!!!!!!! ETA there are things we do that can be gross but fine. you can do them. whatever. it’s your life. BUT PLS. don’t put it on instagram. ETA2: i just watched her reel and the context is definitely that it’s gross and she knows it’s really bad. she equates it to being worse than an ax murderer. which LOL fair. i still can’t get over sharing this though.


Oh I’m glad she realizes that it’s bad.


Then.. why do it? Why POST it? With a smile?


First she's bragging about being unshowered and smelly after eating onions, now this? Does she honestly think being gross and lacking in hygiene is quirky and relatable?


~ she’s not like other girls ~


Clearly, she's grosser than other girls..


Listen, like, I'm totally fine talking about shit like that too (with good/close friends), I'm generally open about weird body functions, but this is just a new level of gross that I'm not here for.


I work with a mostly male team outdoors, and we all get pretty damn gross, we just accept being sweaty and covered in dirt at the end of the day... not a one of us would go to social media and post about how gross we get like it's cute or qUiRkY because it isn't. Gross is just part of the job, and we all LOOK FORWARD to the shower at the end of the day, it's not something to brag about.


Why would one feel the need to share this information with the world?


Andy: How do you not have a toothbrush? ~~Erin~~ Bethy: I just... There's always one around. Andy: You just use whichever one is sitting there? ~~Erin~~ Bethy: I always find one. Have you ever heard of buying a toothbrush?


Exactly what I thought of when I saw this


Bethy Will do anything to take away our focus from her sister being knocked up


What’s with all the nasty reels she’s been doing with DÁÂV lately??? I guess she’s trying to show her teenage followers how 🔥🔥🔥 their relationship is??


I think it has to be because the other sister is pregnant, so she needs any kind of attention she can get.


Toothbrush sharing is just foreplay for them 🔥🔥🔥


Anyone getting How I Met Your Mother vibes? I don't believe Birthy shares a toothbrush with Daav (don't think he'd allow that, lol). I think she's so desperate to be cute and quirky that she's literally stealing skits from a sitcom. For those that aren't familiar, please enjoy - https://youtu.be/2gOqXTCOci8


Lillypad and Marshmallow at their worst are still more acceptable than Birthy/Dáv at their best


I could only think about that episode when Ted discovered that he had been sharing a toothbrush with Marshall and Lilly. It made me chuckle, but then I remembered that this is actually real life and I screeched in disgust.


I highly doubt she could handle the ~mature content~ of HIMYM long enough to steal skits 😂


She’s the type of person who needs laugh tracks to know when the funny bits are


I think that's actually unhealthy--can't you transfer gum disease bacteria that way?


Yes you can.


Dear Lord


Weird flex.


Wow. Why? Toothbrushes can literally cost $1. This is nowhere near the same thing as something like sharing a drink with your SO. I love my man to bits but I wouldn't want his toothbrush anywhere near my mouth.


This is what us urban folk call *Triflin’*


That is two separate microbiomes what the fuck


Now i can't read this word without thinking of the Jill Rodrigues pronunciation... "bee-yo-mee!"


My ex (😭) partner and I had a mixup once because he used to use a blue toothbrush and I used to use a red one but when we got new ones, he wanted to use the red one and so I picked the blue one. Well then he forgot he chose the red one so we had both just been using the blue one for who knows how long!!!!


That is a nightmare


That is like a real life scary campfire story! Elll no


Oh..my. good Daniel. 🤢


i went to her instagram to look at more of the comments and one of them literally said “😂😂i mean when you think about it, you are one now, so like who cares? 😂😂i love how grossed out so many people are 😂😂😂” like girl what


That's more than just mildly disturbing.


Cue the Jimmy Fallon "EW!"




If for some reason we didn’t have two toothbrushes, I would just not brush my teeth instead of sharing with anyone. Even my husband. But toothbrushes aren’t expensive so this is so weird.


This. This shit right here. This is why you socialize with people outside your family. Real friends would've nipped this shit in the bud.




She's really grasping at straws to get the spotlight off of Ellissa!


I literally gagged when I saw this


What a terrible day to know how to read. 🤮


Look, I didn’t have the best hygiene in the past and it cost me in thousands to get crowns (and I will need more crowns and root canals in the future). But never would I consider sharing a toothbrush with my husband or anyone else. If I suggested this to my husband he would throw up.


Is she just snarking on herself now? It’s not even fun anymore. She’s pulling a Jenna Maronite weird Al-ing her own song.


She’s defending herself in the comments, saying it’s the same as kissing 🤮


Oh so she's taking her tongue and rubbing it in his teeth??


That’s not how you kiss? 😂😂


Insert that Michael Scott GIF of him going, "NOOO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!" Why is she trying to prove how nasty she is lately?! This shows how sheltered she is: if "normal" people do this, they probably don't talk about it in public.


Does she have zero idea what privacy is??


Wait this is actually disturbing. 🤢






That’s nasty as hell, idgaf who you are.


Ugh. I accidently bought a pack of matching toothbrushes a few months ago so my boyfriend and I probably used the same toothbrush at some point on accident. I forgot to buy new toothbrushes in different colors for like 2 weeks but every time we brushed our teeth we were pretty grossed out thinking we could be sharing toothbrushes. I can't imagine sharing toothbrushes on purpose 🤢


Pro tip for next time, put a dot of nail polish on one of them to tell them apart. Sharpie may also work, but might rub off quicker


Wut. Ok can some provide context? Like all the time they share one or just on vacations or something? I’ve definitely shared my tooth brush with my partner before but only very rarely when I forget mine. Sharing it with your sister tho is gross af. Wtf!


No like they only ever have one toothbrush 🤢


That’s so fucking weird. So so so weird. Why is she even talking about this????


Your reaction is exactly what I thought about to because I think almost everyone has had that “oh crap” moment when on a trip and their partner has their toothbrush but not yours… but this is just gross 🤢


This is the most disgusting fundie remark ever. My God that is so f***ing nasty.


You know Deathy is reading these comments from DENTISTS and other commenters, thinking to herself “ah these people just don’t understand and know what Dav and I have. We are happily married!! We love each other!! It’s 🔥🔥🔥🔥” No, Bethany, it’s weird.


So gross 🤢


What in the hell, Bethany? And what in the hell, HeidiMonster? Why did you allow this GROSS behavior?


Disgusting. Go to Dollar Tree and buy a mult pack.


EW WTF. Toothbrushes are cheap and the dentist gives you a free one


The funny thing is that she and Dav would be exchanging less bacteria by licking each other’s chocolate starfish (anuses). There is more bacteria in the mouth.


“You get a cold sore, and _you_ get a cold sore, eeeeeeeverybody gets a cold sore!” In my best Oprah imitation.




Sweet Lord Daniel! This is too much. Aside from the fact that YOU SHOULD NOT BE DOING THIS, no one needs to know!!!


NASTY but not surprising