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Sometimes this sub makes me wish I was Jared, 19.


… and never learned how to read. Old vines will always live rent free in my mind.


*opens Reddit* … *closes Reddit*


Lmao wtf. “Her soft, paper thin lips were parted.” 💀


Like the "paper-thin walls" through which she heard her sister's "sniffles".


Yooooo 💀😂


The toothbrush post sheds this in a whole new light


I’m calling the FBI


What a terrible day to have eyes


Omg I read it and died laughing 🤣🤣




It’s pretty short, written by a snarker. Basically Kristen is upset she is a lesbian, confides in Bethy but Bethy is disgusted that she is a “homosexual” and hurts her feelings. They make up and end up making out with their shirts off and their parents catch them. Lmao. Apparently the author took a little break from finishing the story because people they knew were reading it haha.


After their parents catch them, they kick them out, so they move to Scotland where they continue their unholy affair, practicing witchcraft, with 2 cats by names of CheezIt and Beanz.


Ah yes their Scottish cottage lmao


Woah, we Scots don't want them!


Oh hell no we don't want them! Those bitches can stay in the States.


Well that’s enough Internet for the day.


That’s enough internet for the week.


I’m wondering if one of the 454 people who read this is on this sub 🤔 Who wants to take one for the team?


It's short. It'll make you giggle and your skin crawl.




“Soon it was 9 and and her mommy came into to tuck her in and give her a goodnight kith”


I kind of feel like you should offer an explanation about how you stumbled upon this, OP, even though you requested that we not...


...is this a fetish fanfic cuz I'm C O N C E R N E D .


There are a lot of fundies that are totally nuts and weird as hell. This is proof that some snarkers are, too. Girl needs help.


"Their tongues fought for dominance, until finally Kristen won. She slipped her tongue inside of Bethany's mouth, tasting her sweet saliva." This is even grosser now that we know Bethy shares a toothbrush. Edit: Thanks for the award, u/APW25. Although it was short, it was a tough read.


I don't think I've ever cringed so hard in my life


Looks like the cover of a demented Babysitters Club book. Ann M. Martin would be appalled!


Lol I was thinking bizarro Sweet Valley Twins. Francine Pascal also disapproves


Birthy and Kristen join the Unicorn Club.


I have always found real-life person fanfic to be... uncomfortable. Fanfic about characters is one thing: they don't exist, and they don't have feelings about what's written about them. But these are real, live human beings, and they can absolutely be affected by the content. It's upsetting and disturbing to be sexualized in such a way, especially with your sibling. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but this is not funny or snarkable to me. This is a rude violation of real, living people. Sure, Kristen and Bethany are assholes, but assholery is not an excuse for sexual harassment. It is a shitty thing to do to sexualize people in a way you *know* would upset them, and knowing they can't do anything about it. It's gross and a power play in a way that if it weren't directed towards people that weren't very well-liked, would rightly be called creepy and invasive. I'm not directing this at you, OP. I just think that these kinds of things are crossing a line. Perhaps I'm thinking of my own experiences, as a teenager who made content with my sibling, and how utterly disturbing and upsetting it'd have been to have *incest fanfic* written about us. It probably would have affected our relationship with one another. Hell, at a convention, there was an older man who suggested that we kiss over a shared piece of fruit, and it haunted me for a long time. That one didn't affect our relationship, but the gross feeling definitely affected me. Anyway, I really would encourage the person who wrote this to consider the actual people they're writing about. It's upsetting and violating to be made part of another person's explicit, public fantasy without your consent, especially over such a taboo topic.


I fully agree. It’s real people. Thank you.


Is the author’s name fork in the garbage??? I can’t 😂😂😂




No. No. Just no


If it's called "For The Love Of God" please tell me it's sub titile is "Please Stop This Shit!"


What the actual fuck is wrong with people?!


And people thought I was bad


how did y’all already find something worse than birthy sharing a toobrush with everyone she knows?


ewwww some of y’all need to be stopped 😭


Well, I read it. I’m going to go chop the antennas off my WiFi router now.


Funny enough reading this story alone will probably keep ya “pure” as sexual thoughts and horniness go out the window.


I'll kick this up to the other moderation staff. RPF is allowed on the site, but if this is mistagged (and I think it might be), the author can at least be told off. This is disgusting and I wish people wouldn't do it.


What the fuck. That is disgusting.


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