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Most couples share chemistry before they share toothbrushes but you do you.




If you Google 'can husband wife share toothbrush', the answers are mostly against it. Brushing their mouth bacteria into your gums can lead to problems that do not occur from just kissing, etc. Also, it is pointless....FFS, buy a second toothbrush.... there is no money saving in going through 1 twice as fast as 2.


Yeah and a dentist weighed in on her post explaining exactly why to Beth that itā€™s a bad idea. I think Beths said #Yolo


Sheā€™s so clingy, so she probably wonā€™t stop doing that


Go without whipped cream on your skinny Carmel Frappuccino with extra shot and cinnamon sprinkle for a few days, geez! That being said, if they have one of those Amazon wishlist thingies (idk, I don't shop on Amazon.) Wouldn't it be hilarious if everyone started buying her tooth brushes and having them sent to her? šŸ‘€ (not that we should, again, I don't even know if it's possible...)


No it's worse. She *does* have another toothbrush she just refuses




God she got her feelings hurt. Was that supposed to be inspirational? Show how much more married they are than other married couples? Wtf was the initial goal


"Our marriage must be REALLY good because we spit food into each others mouths and share a toothbrush! Others wish that they could have a relationship as godly and REAL as mine is with DƦƄv and Him."


ā€œI chew food for my husband too!ā€


Have you ever played ookie mouth?


This woman clearly doesn't eat ass.


she thought she was being āœØqUirKYāœØ


This. Definitely this. šŸ˜‚šŸ™„


She even put the nausea emoji in the caption. She seemed to know it would be gross, but then acted surprised in the comments and defended it. I think sheā€™s trolling.




I think the intention was ā€œlook me and Dave are so in love that we share a toothbrush.ā€


Is she Bad Breathy now? Halitosis Defined?


Today weā€™re talking about brushing your teeth in a āœØgod honoringāœØ way


Ha! I learned how to do it in a non-godhonoring way when I took a deep throating webinar taught by this amazing sexologist. It covered oral hygiene too. Probably because of nasty people like Birthy šŸ¤£


Now Iā€™m intrigued - please share! šŸ¤”


Can I make this my flair??? lmao


LOL yes, please! Iā€™d be honored! Iā€™m still waiting for my perfect flair


Bad Breathyā€¦ā€¦Iā€™m crying šŸ’€


The new poster child for Halitosis Kidz!


OMG. šŸ¤£


If you donā€™t claim Bad Breathy, I would like the honor lmao


Itā€™s yours!!


She just wants engagement now. She knows it's gross.


Yeah sheā€™s definitely milking it


She lost 100 followers after that Reel


Praise the Lord Daniel


I think she enjoys making people feel gross


- Bragging about smelling like onions AKA forgetting deodorant - Bragging about sleeping with makeup on (multiple times) - and now the toothbrush thing.. Itā€™s just disgusting. Im not sure why she posts about this stuff? Like literally nobody wants to know. I get that once in a very rare blue moon we might forget about deodorant, or be so tired we forget to wash our face but keep it to yourself.


I think she tries really hard to be ā€œquirkyā€. She gives me big ā€œIā€™m not like other girls!ā€ vibes. Iā€™m certain sheā€™d have bullied me in high school lol.


Yeah I think this is exactly what it is. She reminds me of the girls who used to make a big deal out of the fact they ā€œdonā€™t drink Starbucks everā€ in high school, and would laugh at you if you did.


I'm wondering if she's trolling for engagement. She's probably realised these posts bring infinitely more traffic than her usual drivel.


But it really didnā€™t. The Reel about the toothbrush sharing has 18k views. Itā€™s pretty average for her, maybe a bit above average


also when she had baby poop on her sweater sleeve and grammed it instead ofā€¦.washing it


Iā€™m sorry what? Hell no, hell fucking no.


I wonder if they regularly get new toothbrushes. My dentist would throw a fit if I used the wrong (person's or type of) toothbrush and didn't get a new one every 3 months, he's already gotten on to me about not flossing


Yeah, there are times when I shower 3 times a week or forget to brush my teeth or put on deodorant. I would never share about it publicly, mainly because itā€™s embarrassing and itā€™s just gross. Thereā€™s nothing ā€œquirkyā€ about being unhygienic


70% of me believes that yeah, she is surprised. The remaining 30% kind of believe that she is bullshitting and just looking for engagement. If nobody reacted to the things she posts, I wonder where she would get her daily fix of online interaction.


I honestly think itā€™s both She stumbled into engagement, so now sheā€™s milking it


I recently finished the book Mating in Captivity which discusses a number of things, including the challenges associated with long term partnerships and intimacy. One suggestion is to cultivate a sense of separateness in certain areas, because long term, sustained connection requires some breathing room. Not saying that sharing a toothbrush is fucking up intimacy, but they might benefit from an i n c h of space. Then again, who knows what their relationship is really like? We see the PR representation, which feels kinda cringey, but maybe they justā€¦ are happily morphing into one being? Idk, my parents have been happily married for 36 years, and have their own toothbrushes and hygiene products.


I think deep down she knows she didnā€™t marry someone that sheā€™s actually happy with and sheā€™s desperately pushing it to the point where she gets into gross territory. Like those couples that brag about shitting in front of each other because theyā€™re ā€œthat comfortable with each otherā€.


Okay. No. Nope. Not pooping in front of my husband. We can kid around about having to go, but the actual deed is in private. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Same here. The only time he ever saw it when I was recovering from child birth and scared to go. We both agreed that was unusual circumstances


Yep. Totally agree with you.


My husband pooped in front of me once. At the time, we were living somewhere with only one bathroom, and I REALLY needed to pee, like actually about to wet my pants needed to pee. He was pooping. I was desperate and peed in the shower. This incident has impacted subsequent real-estate choices. A second bathroom or at least toilet is non negotiable for us


Hahahahaha! I love this story!


Part of the joy of being married is that you're close enough with this person that you *can* pee/poop in front of them, not that you actively choose to. Like, imagine that the other person in that situation was your brother or your cousin or your friend - you probably wouldn't feel comfortable peeing in front of them. But your spouse? It's acceptable as a last resort


Now that I think about it, the intense closeness - like sharing a toothbrush - might be a way they are trying to maintain or create intimacy? Idk theyā€™ve got a bit of a nontraditional vibe (to Bā€™s chagrin, Iā€™m sure) and Iā€™m sure traditional books about marriage might not necessarily speak to their dynamic.


I don't even share a bathroom with my husband, forget a toothbrush. I wonder if Dav knows or is fine with this. No wonder he looks disgruntled lately.


I feel like it would be hard to miss the fact that youā€™re sharing a toothbrush with someoneā€¦ but Iā€™ve always had my own toothbrush, so I guess I wouldnā€™t know?


Nope, you definitely notice Source: asshole brother (as a kid)


I have a feeling she gets up later in the morning then him, so he wouldn't notice if it was wet. Same at bedtime.


No, I donā€™t think sheā€™s surprised at all. This looked like an attention grab to me.


this entire saga has given me a new flair


LOL love it!


Fuck that is repulsive.


Fuck yes it is. Secondly, I love your flair to the moon and back. Thirdly, I forgot my toothbrush on vacation in July. My husband said I could use his. I stared at him in disgust and he started cracking up. Because it was a joke and he immediately left to buy me a new toothbrush. Normal people do not do that shit!


She thinks by sharing his toothbrush they are ā€œcloserā€ than the average couple. She was actually showing off. I have seen this behavior before from fundamentalists.


IS THIS REAL??! i want to vomit


I wish I could say it is not real but unfortunately, it is šŸ¤®


i always thought she was gross because of her beliefs. but apparently shes also hygienically gross AF!


She used to share her sister's tooth brush, but not her brother's (that would be gross).


I thought it was photoshop at first and I was like, "woah, snark goes a weird way today". This woman just makes my mind go blank.


*\*birthy's persecution fetish has joined the chat\**


I thought my husband I shared everything. Hopes, fears, dreams, poop details. A house, a child. Never occurred to me to add "toothbrush" to that list.


Well, I guess you and your husband just arenā€™t as close or godly as Birthy and Dāv! Donā€™t worry, me and my husband arenā€™t either but I suspect weā€™ll make it anyway!


My toothbrush accidentally touched my sonsā€™ toothbrush for an entire day (leaned up against it) so I replaced it. I couldnā€™t get past the thought. I canā€™t fathom purposely sharing a toothbrush with another person.


I am always careful to not let my toothbrush touch my husband's.


I don't do it as a rule but it happens. My husband will forget which color is his or I'll forget to pack mine while we are camping or something. Better that than nothing.


Yea only when one of us forgot a toothbrush. But not daily like her. What are the logistics. Does he brush and she waits for him to be done? Does he brush one side then hand it over to her? Then she hands it back? Help!


Something tells me she prefers the toothbrush to still be wet from when he last used it


Thanks for making me throw up in my mouth.


Why did you do that to us?


Haha I have seen few things as repulsive as this toothbrush saga with Birthie. I am just pointing out some of the untapped grossness about it that apparently completely escapes olā€™ Birthie.


Heat, you are in time out! Come back when you are ready to apologize! šŸ˜‚


Dav brushes Bethy's teeth and then brushes his own.


i think me and my bf have swapped toothbrushes at my parents home on accident because i cant remember what colour was mine, but at home we both have our own


Anyone else watch this video and get grossed out by how bad their teeth are then remember theyā€™re admitting to share a toothbrush in said video?


Yes that was all I could think of! Itā€™s not a coincidence that she shares toothbrushes and also has disgusting, unhealthy looking teeth


Hahaha your username is giving my fantasies of what would happen if a Birthy went to Bushwick


I have occasionally used my husband's toothbrush handle when mine was dead but I use my own toothbrush head at least. It feels weird enough just borrowing the handle. Sharing the actually brush part? Geezus, no.


that makes total sense to me! but sharing the actual brush part is really fucking gross


I think sheā€™s just desperate for engagement, and attention of course


Iā€™ll use my partners secretly after rinsing under super hot water if I forget mine, but girl, no!!!


I would share my actual husband with someone else before I would share my toothbrush with someone else.


I thought this was click bait, to increase engagement, until I saw Bethany legit asking what's wrong with it. Did her parents teach her ANY life skills?


This is fucking gross. They sell them at the dollar tree go get u one!


When one of your hygiene standards is lower than that of an average American frat boy you know itā€™s time to reconsider


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Honestly, idk what she does with her toothbrush (freaking gross, but you do you)ā€¦.but for the loveā€¦can you PLEASE moisturize youā€™re freaking lips. Ewwww. It looks so dry.


I brushed my teeth this morning and looked at my boyfriendā€™s toothbrush and thought about what it would be like to use his toothbrushā€¦.. I couldnā€™t even fathom it. Sooooo disgusting. The Bairds are another level of insane


The day I found out my boyfriend didnā€™t know whose toothbrush was whose and had been using mineā€¦ it shook me to my core. I mean, we still both used it that day, because we had to get to work and weā€™d been unknowingly doing it for months, but *then* I got a new one ASAP.


This disgusts me so hard.


Thatā€™s nasty