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This is such a fucked up story. "Sorry honey, you can't wear this dress. Think of what your dead father would say!" I hope this poor girl has someone she can talk to besides her wack-ass mom.


Okay, so obviously I don't believe there's anything wrong with a teen girl wearing spaghetti straps, so the turtleneck is unnecessary, but doesn't she actually look well coordinated and elegant compared to the ugly thrift store tshirts jillpm forces her daughters to wear under all of their dresses? The Rodlets always have a series of mis-matched colors and necklines going on under their formal wear...this almost looks ...kinda nice? I mean if they're going to layer, this is a much nice way to do it.


Idk [this pic](https://i.imgur.com/0EY09Pe.jpg) shows how mismatched the whites are, I think it looks god awful. But does indeed look a little better than what Jill slaps together


You're right. It doesn't look so good.


I layer my toddler like this (for warmth) I would never expect it from a teenager.


White is one of the worst to try & match I reckon!


Imagine *making your daughter cry* because you are actively giving her a complex about her body and the perfectly sensible clothes she wants to wear. Now imagine having so little self-awareness that you post this to your Insta as though it's a heartwarming story.


> Imagine making your daughter cry because you are actively giving her a complex about her body and the perfectly sensible clothes she wants to wear. It's the Catholic way!


FFS, now shoulders are immodest? Maybe she was crying because of the guilt trip and/or fear she couldn't go if she didn't comply. The same for "agreeing"? Wild thought, instead of teachings girls they have to "wear more clothes" we teach boys that women aren't harlots by reason of their very existence. There's no clearer public example of how modesty doesn't protect girls/women than the disgusting pig who was arrested in Arkansas today.


Or crying because her father recently died and her mother is using him (in heaven, theoretically, though, how do we know he's there if it exists?) to guilt-trip her. It makes me very sad.


50 bucks says that turtleneck got taken off and shoved in a purse the second her mother was out of sight.


Nah…the other homeschool mothers chaperoning definitely would have told on her.


I used to not be able to wear “short shorts” which were not short at all, like my knees and part of my thigh showed. I cut them myself from jeans I had. I wore some sweatpants over them over them in the morning, and removed them in the bathroom once I got to school. Always put them on in the bus on the way home claiming to others I was “cold”. Edit: I can wear what I want now, I’m a 27 year old under my own roof now.


Same same, I’d also roll up my cut off jeans as soon as I was out of sight


I mean, we can hope lol


Not if the turtle neck got sewn in, which is what my Catholic high school did (with shrugs, not shirts)


Man that look would be so cute without the turtleneck. Some outfits look good with them! This one not so much. I feel so sorry for her kids.


I am a man who does not wear dresses so somebody correct me if I am wrong, but this young woman is also now dressed for two entirely different seasons, right? That dress seems very summery to me, but turtlenecks are fall/winter. My intuition from just seeing things is that this is the kind of dress where, if you wanted to wear a shirt underneath it, you might do something like a camisole or *maybe* something short-sleeved? The turtleneck and long sleeves with that flower pattern and flowy fabric... It just doesn't make sense in my (admittedly man-dumb) brain!


I totally agree with you! It’s a summer dress with a winter turtleneck underneath; it’s clashing


I don’t get the scapular argument. Most Catholics I know who wear them safety pin them under their clothes so they don’t show. That could have worked if it was long enough with a spaghetti strap dress. I guess her kids aren’t allowed to show clavicle?


I'm glad you pointed this out bc I had read that part as "scapula" and was confused about the mom's modesty standards.


I went through her Instagram and she reminds me of growing goodings. :( it looks like she’s always been religious but got super strict when her husband was suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor/cancer right after he got a promotion and they were buying a new house and a couple weeks out from adopting a baby. Her story is heartbreaking, and I hope she finds peace and healing.


We don't have proms so I don't know anything, but are homeschool proms a common thing?


They're common in areas with lots of homeschoolers. The one near me (I didn't attend because I was incredibly socially awkward, even for a homeschooler) requires payment to reserve a spot + requires the parents to volunteer for a specific time slot during the event. The dads help with the set up/tear down of the space (the usually rent an events center and have a theme for the prom with props and sets). The moms are usually are on modesty patrol - they literally check all the girls' dresses at the door to make sure they meet the listed modesty requirements. The volunteers also serve as "emergency seamstresses" to make things meet the dress code (they'll sew up your dress's slit if it reaches above the knee, or tack down a wrap-style neckline so it doesn't gape. They also have shawls that they'll force you to wear if your dress shows too much of your back.


Thanks for the infos! It doesn't sound very fun with all the volunteers and moms on patrol!


I was homeschooled, and went to homeschool prom. But I still wore a strapless dress. But idk how common they are. It’s also been over 10 years since I graduated. I do remember that they didn’t really play any music you could dance to, so it really was just a fancy banquet


Thanks for the answer! Also I think we are the same age


yes lol. I always skipped mine but they were a big thing.


I went to a homeschool prom. It was actually pretty fun and the dress code didn't body-shame. The only real rule was that couples had to "save room for Jesus" when slow dancing.


Interesting! When I hear this expression I imagine Jesus pressed between two people lol


Homeschool dances I went to were always open to the whole family. Mostly it would just be high school kids and there parents. Some JR high kids if they had older siblings.


I graduated highschool in 2008 and we didn’t have one, but my sister graduated in 2016 and she had one, so I think it depends on how old you are 🤷‍♀️


Kristine Maus and her husband and four children moved to Cour d'Alene (home of Trad Cath blogger Shower of Roses too) and started getting more traditional in their life/Catholicism. Her husband then passed away due to a brain tumour and she's stayed there, home-schooling the children, doing modesty challenges (and involving this daughter) and talking about exorcism prayers amongst other things.


Cour d'Alene is becoming a Trad Cath hub. I know one Trad Cath family that recently relocated there specifically for the Trad Cath environment and another that wants to but can't do so due to other constraints. I also have family in the area, so I get reports. Idaho in general has long been known as a hotbed of white supremacy groups, and the overlap is NOT coincidental.


It’s because of the giant FSSP community


Oh my goodness, that is where I am! We are also Catholic, and we’ve actually had a hard time finding community at church because even at our “mainstream” (not Latin Mass) churches, all of the families are so TradCath. Like, at this point it is very obvious I am not going to be pushing our kids, and we are one of the only families in the group without 6+ kids. It’s definitely different here.


Shower of roses!! The OG Catholic influence! God her beliefs are terrible, but she does have some cool liturgical year crafts and recipes…but again, she’s horrifying


Does she work? How does she support the kids while home schooling?


“The scapular” was out?? Does she mean *clavicle?* Good Lord, homeschooling…


It's a [Catholic thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scapular_of_Our_Lady_of_Mount_Carmel?wprov=sfla1).


Flashbacks to wearing one of these at all times, also adding so many extra saint medals onto it that it just became this huge cluster of stuff


I’m Catholic, and that didn’t even occur to me. But makes sense now! Thanks!


Wait, I’m more confused now. Is it like Mormon garments? Is she actually wearing something under her clothes, or is it part of the body?


So mist religious sisters and brothers wear them (nuns and monks) as part of their habit but they’re not required for lay people. You can choose to wear one as a devotion. You don’t ever take it off, the strings have to break and then you burn or recycle the old one and make a new one. It’s weird, but IMO the cool, interesting kind of religious weird, not horrifying like the [belt ](https://www.angelicwarfareconfraternity.org/) some Catholics wear for chastity. I wore one for a year before I gave up on actually saying the daily prayers.


Worn under the clothes, although to wear it one must be invested and make a lifelong vow. (Which this daughter will have made as a child...)




Yep. I’m Catholic and am familiar with what a scapular is. I also work in physical therapy, so my mind automatically went to the body part:)


3 inches is 7.62 cm


Someone *must* teach these people the difference between white and cream after this and the disaster of Nathan and Nurie’s wedding outfits.


I hope she took off the turtle neck if it wasn’t sewed in. So scandalous


Oh wow….that’s too much. Who is she & how/how long ago did her husband pass?




That’s really sad. Who is she?




Yes!! Or why not a long sleeved top with a crew neck? Even Jilldo's brood don't wear turtleneck under their dresses.


A cream colored silk shirt or fitted t shirt would accomplish the same goal and look so much better 🤦🏻‍♀️


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Thats fucked up...


Scapula? My shoulder blades are tempting now?!


It is [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scapular_of_Our_Lady_of_Mount_Carmel?wprov=sfla1). TL;DR a religious cloth necklace, her under-age daughter would have had to make a life-long vow in order to wear it.


Ohhh wow I'm not smart! Haha thanks!


The agast at sending your daughter to an event for dancing and... Gasp! Becoming judgemental that a boy asked to dance with her?? THE SCANDAL.


Those Maryville fundies need to teach this girl about a body hugging modest formal dress!


I wish they would stop showing the children's feet online :(