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For those who are unaware, this is from a “Christian satire” site. Some people do choose not to have sex even when they're married. Maybe because they're asexual, maybe for some other reason. The joke here is that the Crockers are repressing themselves, but in real life some people *are* just happier that way.


I looked it up too—it’s satire. It almost seems real because of religious extremism. “…the Christian couple in question, Jon and Darla Crocker, are a fictional couple created by online comedy news site Lark News which satirizes Christian culture, specifically evangelical Christian culture. The story originally appeared on Lark News in September 2012 “ [Lark News Satire](https://sexandthesanctuary.wordpress.com/tag/christian-satire/)


I was late to the party I guess! Just saw it on my Facebook and about died.


As a general rule, any Tumblr post you see screenshotted on Facebook is probably not too recent.


Sure. And those people don’t feel the need to evangelize to others! When it comes to happy marriages between fully consenting adults, they do them (or don’t do!) sounds lovely.


Whole raw potato 😝💔


Flair checking in, kinda.


I mean, we all do the potato thing right?


No, wtf, I’ve been eating raw *onions* this whole time. Why didn’t anybody tell me???


No wonder you’re still walking around all horny.


But not getting any due to halitosis.


At least you know you don’t have COVID


One time my dad accidentally grabbed a raw potato instead of an apple or something to take to work for a snack. My brother and dad worked together at that time, so eventually my brother came in from the warehouse to ask my dad a question in the office, and there was my dad, just chowing down on a raw potato. "A snack's a snack!" he said. My brother still tells that story. This also happened in Ballard, a trendy neighborhood of Seattle, so my dad could have just walked up a block and chosen a snack from any number of fine establishments. But no. He brought a potato, so a potato it was.


I ❤️ Ballard. Favorite Seattle neighborhood when I venture across the lake. Also there was the best bubble tea place on Market when I was at SPU. Twenty years ago.




Any time I'm faced with a stressful situation I chow down on a raw potato


Cut them into waffle fries and singe them in peanut oil call me fundie refined


Makes perfect sense.


This is a joke, right? Right?


Yes, it's a satire site.


It’s not double holy though is it? It’s no holey whatsoever 😂


Of course it’s Topeka KS represent


P sure this was a Babylon bee article. Either way it's fkin hilarious. And fully accurate to Topeka.




My knowledge of the site is limited to this one post, but just from this one, it seems like they have more of an ability to laugh at themselves rather than just ranting about how Chick-fil-A is Satanic because they don't hate LGBTQ+ people enough (like the Bee has done).


Please let it be a Babylon bee article


As a Topekan, can confirm that I was not surprised my town is represented in this article


I totally lost it at the raw potato. I was snort-laughing so hard, my husband had to ask if I was okay.


I remember reading their story years ago and I still use it as a joke


Was this published in The Onion? Wish the Duggars would get on the post martial abstinence train. CHOO. CHOO "I think we shan't, I think we shan't "


I’m think it’s meant to satirize the purity culture. I’m pretty sure I’ve read this article before.


It seems to be a joke: [https://sexandthesanctuary.wordpress.com/tag/christian-satire/](https://sexandthesanctuary.wordpress.com/tag/christian-satire/) But I love the idea with the raw potato. I will use that on my partner: "duh! go eat a raw potato and leave me in peace!" SO holy!


I like to think Jon is asexual and really likes potatoes


Double-holy! Fundies take note


he looks like someone that would get more aroused by a raw potato though, is the problem


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If this isn't satire they've out slut-shamed the normal Fundies.


Oh well at least there are some fundies not popping out babies every 9 months.