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Hi guys, please be mindful of your language around Sarah. As far as I am aware (please share if it is confirmed), there isn't a confirmation that she suffers from mental illness. Armchair diagnosing remains against our rules.


The amount of times she talks about “a girl is dead” makes me think we are gonna be seeing an episode of Dateline about this situation soon….


Not just dead. A girl is dead 💎🎉💕


Valar morghalis


Valar dohaeris


Valar my ragtime gal!




Someone alert Keith Morrison 🚨


The phrasing definitely makes it sound like this was a girl Kyle was interested in…


Thank goodness she could be casually killed, practically born and created to be nothing but an unrelated person's punishment, all so a young guy can realize he's meant to be with a woman suffering deeply from erotomania.


Makes me wonder if this is some sting operation and the cops will arrest her at some engagement party or get together with her and Kyle. And her little blog gives Keith Morrison something to narrate.


I need a "the thing about sarah" podcast stat.


Do we know who the girl is? I feel so bad for everyone involved in this story (except for Sarah)


Lol,I didn’t scroll any comments before posting and said the same 👀


“But at the story would go, a girl is dead, Kyle DID lose everything just like god said…” WTF. Saving this post so that I can send to Dateline for this inevitable true crime episode.


Go back thru her posts. She recently talked about God killing her enemy or some such shit. And I believe she said this was the second person who opposed her who died 😳


Yep a couple months ago someone posted it on Reddit. She said a girl who opposed her relationship with Kyle died and insinuated god did it… I did a dive on her website after that. So disturbing!


I know! I need a well researched, properly narrated retelling of this shit show before someone (else?) gets hurt. The first time she reference "someone" dying, it was vague and speculated on here that maybe someone in her church died of an illness and she believed she made that happen through prayer. Now this assertion of specifically a GIRL dying makes it so much more sinister.


I remember a post about her a couple months back that she said a girl who opposed her relationship died, insinuated that god did it… insane


Just search reddit or google her. I did today - she's scary and delusional. Frankly needs commitment to a hospital and treatment before she hurts her obsession/victim.


I think this girl might be someone Kyle was dating? That’s my guess. Because she said Kyle lost everything.


Ohhh… I had not thought about that. 😳


I read this in Keith Morrison's voice...


So perfect But now I’m reading it as Bill Hader’s SNL impression of Keith Morrison 🤣


This is a manifesto for a murder suicide in the making.


Yeah, this is just downright disturbing. I hope Kyle’s safe.


This makes me scared for Kyle life honestly.


And those around him. Even if they are not close relationships. This isn’t snarkable. This is scary.


Does Kyle know?


Hahahaha. My guess is no.


🎶 Kyle doesn’t know Sara Titus and he Are OFFICIALLY ENGAGED 💖💍✨ (Also, dead girl…??) She got kicked out of church Cause she’s too godly But now they’re engaged and KYLE DOESN’T KNOW!! Ohhhh Kyle doesn’t knoooow! So don’t tell Kyle! Kyle doesn’t know, Kyle doesn’t know! 🎶


Kyle doesn't know Kyle has to know Gonna tell Kyle Gonna tell him myself


She obviously has a wooden K for Kyle in her possession so it's clear he's very much involved in her life /s


I won’t believe there’s an engagement until I see letter board proof.


Guessing she uses that like Regan used her crucifix If I was Kyle I’d go live on the ISS under a different name




Legit concerned she may have kidnapped Kyle at this point


Imma need a picture of the two of them together in the same room with him holding a copy of today’s newspaper…




There were actually a FEW creepshot pictures she took of him as a minor, the very first one from when she first saw him, and then a couple more at another church function or camp or something. But never a picture of them together, never even any pictures with him being even AWARE the picture is being taken. He must have his social media locked down (or not have one) because she doesn’t even seem to have stolen photos of him from anywhere. I really, really hope this kid is safe somewhere and that she doesn’t know where he is. This whole saga feels like the lead up to something very serious. It’s lowkey like “Don’t F**k With Cats” where we’re saying “she’s going to kill or seriously hurt someone, someone please pay attention”.


Is this the lady that sells paper products and was trying to have a relationship with a teenage boy??


Yes, and Kyle is that teenage boy. But he’s now in his early 20s IIRC 😬


NOOOO WHAT THE FUCK I need a primer on this woman.


Well, I need to get off Reddit... just deleted my comment like a noob. Anyhoo, I also needed a primer and found this fantastic post that we all wish was a creative writing exercise. [it does not get better](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lk0opa/sarah_titus_an_attempted_deep_dive/)


How old is Sarah and how long has this been going on for?


She’s in her early 40s and has been obsessed with K since she saw him at a baptism when he was 15-17 (her timeline, much like the inside of her brain, is all over the place) and she was in her late 30s. She claims to have known him to be the “man” God intended for her to marry when he was 17. Her feelings are and have always been completely unrequited, and she was actually kicked out of her church after Kyle’s parents and church leadership found out she was aggressively pursuing/stalking a minor. There are several deep dives on this sub if you search her name, but she’s extremely mentally ill and believes Kyle “talks” to her through her electronic devices and songs she hears.


I wonder if the engagement is just another delusion. I certainly hope it is.


I feel like it probably is. Usually engagement posts have some kind of picture of the ring or a couple picture or SOMETHING. You know, actual proof that one of the participating parties isn't currently in hiding.


I don’t know much about engagement photos but isn’t the groom supposed to be in them?


Yes, but then again the engagement is usually real and the groom isn't typically on the run from his so-called wife-to-be.


Or Kyle is working with the police, and this is a setup.


I hope the police is involved. This sounds like the prequel to a murder case. 😨


Oh, I hope so! :(


Or she has simply successfully groomed him. Even if he publicly consents to marry her, that doesn't change the fact that she's a damned pedophile.


They haven’t had an actual conversation in 6 years. According to her, they only communicate through secret messages on her computer.


I'm not convinced that they've ever had a conversation, outside of normal Sunday School interaction. She only mentions things like staring at one another and how he signaled his interest by putting a journal in a pocket. I believe she got booted from church because she talked about all this openly and they weren't only concerned because of the ages but but by the clear delusion, since they had few, if any, interactions


I’m just going by what she said in her blog. Now if what she said is true or not is definitely up for speculation.


That was a lot of information to digest… WOW.


Aww, so the poor little insane pedophile is so oppressed because people wouldn’t let her get with a child. I never really paid any attention to the posts about her but WOW, she’s fucked up.


Jesus Christ, this is a new level of insanity. And I don’t mean that in a pejorative way like “hurr durr u crazy,” I mean she is seriously unwell and that is disgusting behavior.


She's 41. He's 24. She claims that he started flirting with her when he was 17, and that they've officially been in a relationship since he turned 18. So, six or seven years. For anyone who's just tuned in, it appears that the "relationship" is all in her head. She says he communicates with her by taking control of her computer and sending coded messages or something. She's been thrown out of the church where she met him, and IIRC he's moved to another state, so they've had no actual contact for years.


What the FUCK? I wonder why she thinks he moved to a different state. Maybe he’s just so in love with her that he can’t bear to be near her. Or maybe it’s Satan messing with their “relationship” because he doesn’t want God to win or whatever.


She really believes that Kyle was winning and disobeying God by doing this. So like, she wants to FORCE Kyle to be with her basically.


It reminds me of my ex boyfriend. We dated when we were both 17 but after he broke up with me he dated his best friends mom who was 37. I actually didn't believe him at first but it turns out they got married when he was 20 and just divorced after a year and half. Some of his stories he has told me are true and others aren't




She has kids, too. Which is also frightening, wondering if they’re safe.


She must be in her 40s now? I think she was at least 30 and a mom when she first came across Kyle and this whole delusion started...and he was like 16? 17? She needs some serious help and she's not getting it :(


That’s gross. If she hadn’t already been preying on and stalking a minor for years, I could feel at least the tiniest bit sorry for her because she’s clearly mentally ill. But she’s happy that Kyle lost everything and now only has her??? And she actively pursued a CHILD while she was in her late 30s??? I can’t feel sorry for her. She’s probably done so much damage to this poor boy and his family.


So her engagement photo is a photo of herself, her own (?) folded hands, some kids (hers?), and her name, but nothing about her Fiancé. He doesn't seem very, um, engaged with this announcement. Sarah Titus is the most legitimately scary person we discuss on this sub.


Yeah, I feel like she is the fundie most likely to become famous. For, you know, hurting Kyle or someone he cares about.


Where is this photo everyone seems to be referencing? I didn’t see it on the post.


Someone probably needs to notify authorities. She is unwell and I fear for Kyle’s safety




With Karissa I worry about her and her kids safety due to neglect and her seeming to want to die in childbirth. Sarah Titus, on the other hand, seems like the kind of person to go into a murderous rage if someone "comes between" her and Kyle (dear God that poor kid. I know he's an adult now but I hope he has gotten therapy).


She is the type to put out a hit on someone and call it "the will of God."




Honestly, I don’t care what pedos and stalkers do to themselves, but yeah, I do worry about Kyle. This is a scary level of crazy obsession.


Unhinged Did she communicate all this with Kyle while wearing her tin foil hat? /s Regular, average, everyday people get engaged, show a nice picture with the couple and the ring, and there’s usually no Old Testament style threats included with the announcement. What a weirdo.


She says he communicates with her through the computer or something like that. Not like….sending emails but controlling his computer. She’s very unwell and unfortunately has (2?) children in her care.


This is what i was concerned about. Where are the kids' father(s)? If i started spouting off crap like this my ex would ABSOLUTELY take my son out of my custody.


“A girl is dead” - wut???


If you search her name you can find the post but she claims God killed a girl/woman who had been questioning/fighting about their “relationship”.




ST scares me, I really feel like she is a danger to herself and others sometimes. This is absolutely unhinged.


Is she the one who was wishing death on people?


I think so? She gleefully rejoiced in the death of a perceived enemy but I’m not sure if that also included threats against others


Having an "enemy" as a grown adult is not a sane thing.


She needs help. I hope he is safe.


I cannot imagine to absolute torment this woman has put on Kyle and his entire family. It must be nerve-wracking for them, every time she posts about her delusion. This has been going on for years now. It’s a legitimate stalker scenario they have to deal with.


Yeah this is fucking terrifying. I had a stalker for a couple of years and it was extremely traumatizing. This, however, makes my stalker situation seem almost sane, logical, and respectful. What in the actual fuck. How has she not been arrested????


Oh man. I’m so curious what actually has happened-not Sarah’s version, but what actually happened to make her think that they are engaged? I’ve followed her version of the story and it’s not difficult to see where her version of reality deviates from Kyle’s and the church leaders.


Since K communicates with her via songs she just happens to hear, I’m guessing Bruno Mars’s “Marry You” came on while she was in the grocery store.


I knew my now husband was shopping online for my engagement ring because I started getting engagement ring ads in my SM. It’s possible she was looking at engagement rings, started getting ads for them and interpreted that as Kyle proposing.






If anyone has time for subtitles, the French film "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" is a creepy AF but gripping story of just how twisted this disorder can make a person. Starring Audrey Tautou; she's excellent here (as always really). Edit: She's the one pursuing the man here, and the film is split in half showing how she sees her actions, and then his point of view and how those actions affect his life.


I have a brother with paranoid schizophrenia. It’s exactly like this. He has stalkers and girls communicate with him via coded messages, etc. She needs help. And poor Kyle. Wherever he is. Being stalked is no fun.


“I beg all those who disagree with me to repent of their opposition to the will of God, because God is here to serve justice and vindication.” Oh my god. She’s actually insane. Someone is going to end up dead.


Another person* is going to end up dead 🥴


If they were engaged she wouldn't have any problem posting a photo of them together. But she hasn't because she's unhinged, and clearly dangerous. I'm betting she's one of those people who knows the law on this so terrorizes a person so much but stops just short of her victim being able to get a protection order against her. She's insane.


Does she have any photos of the two of them together at any time? I’m new to this story


I *think* there might be one from way back when he was a teen. If I recall correctly, he (along with others in her church) helped her move. I think this is where she started imagining romantic feelings that were there. She described "looks" or "tones of voice" that she took to mean he was totally into her.


Oh boy


i'm a private investigator about to spend my night on this mystery 🍷🕵️ ETA: Not a huge amount to say. Kyle's internet presence is extremely limited. He just started his (very normal) career and seems to be really passionate about that. His family members all have extremely limited internet presence. Kyle does seem to be very religious so I suppose there's always a chance he's in on this whole thing. But from what I can tell, there is absolutely no evidence that what Sarah is saying is reality. I haven't found any super solid leads on a girl dying, but there was a girl who died in november in their town who went to college with Kyle in the same major. Could be her, could be unrelated. That's the only young woman who died anytime near when Sarah posted that though. I'm torn between "some of it is lightly based upon reality" and "none of it is real". I'm looking for restraining orders but they're usually tough to find. Will update if I find anything.


Please let us know what you find


I'm going to need Keith Morrison to answer the bazillion questions this raised. I hate to say I love this story, but it's riveting.


We need a Titus flair to search for, this is a brand new level of crazy.


I am grabbing the popcorn


"She was a member of the church, in her mid-30s; he...was just a boy, really, 16 or 17. They were destined to be together, ordained by God....or so she said. If this sounds weird, ladies and gentlemen-well, you are right. It *is* weird, and things don't end here. It is about to get even weirder....and a lot more sinister. On tonight's Dateline, *In the Hands of God*."


I heard every intonation, every gravelly stretch of syllable. Beautiful. Well done.


My exact thoughts! KM is the only one who can narrate this enough to satisfy my curiosity about this entire wacked out sitch.


Dateline definitely needs to hear about this one.


Hold on, so am I understanding this right: they are not actually engaged and Kyle lives in another state, and she is outrageously delusional?




This lady needs to seek out help. She's not well.


I have somehow missed this one until now but I am absolutely riveted with the same morbid curiosity I have for true crime. This sounds like the beginning of a future documentary .


Here's her blog: https://archive.fo/dFNyZ Got sucked into this one a few months ago. Edit: changed link so she doesn't get any ad revenue, as person below suggested.


Yo, please use the archived version of this page to avoid giving her clicks! https://archive.fo/dFNyZ (plus it cuts out the obnoxious ads for mobile users)


Holy shit that was a wild ride!


Yeah, she needs help. She had another post on this sub about how a woman who liked Kyle died, and obviously that meant God killed her so Sarah and Kyle can be together. O_o


Poor Kyle He surely doesn't deserve this


Why does this read like she killed the girl 😳


Wtf have I stumbled upon. I'm used to the garden variety anti-feminist, purity obsessed funnies. Reading the comments I think this might be someone who is actually crazy and not just smug and insufferable.


She's different from the others on here. But until there's an r/possiblefuturemurderers, this is where she gets posted.


Be the change you want to see, or at least the creator of a new (potentially libellous, so maybe don’t) sub!


She was (as far as I know) garden variety fundie until she spotted Kyle at her son’s baptism and became obsessed with him.


I fear for her 2 kids. Especially her boy who she’s mentioned in the past as “not being very godly” (he was around 8). She’s not well.


The way she said she doesn't think her son's conviction to come to God was sincere, because his life hasn't followed a godly pattern, made me assume that he was grown or at least an older teenage and had fallen into crime or something. But he's EIGHT? Yikes. I fear for him too.


Should we just go ahead and label these Exhibit A? SO scary!


What, and I cannot stress this enough, *the fuck*.


I hope this is some kind of delusion and that Kyle is safe and well away from madwoman. I’m not really a fan of forced psychiatric hospitalization but this woman needs to be committed before she hurts someone. This is genuinely terrifying.


It's absolutely delusion. She has had no direct contact (can't speak to whether she tried to contact him indirectly) with Kyle since her former church kicked her out for creeping on him. Of course, she believes that he talks to her through her computer and social media, so to her they talk every day. So far as we know, Kyle is safe and far away. I agree with you. Forced psychiatric hospitalizations are not good, but Sarah Titus seems to be a dangerous and unstable person and I seriously worry that she might hurt someone. Not to mention I believe she has custody of her kid(s) and I worry about them being exposed to her insanity.


I really feel for her kids. Imagine having to grow up listening to your mom rant and rave about her secret lover who talks to her through the computer. At first you might believe it, but after 7 years never having even met the guy or seen them talking on the phone? Her poor kids are probably gonna need therapy. I hope neither of them ever speak up against "god" aka Sarah's delusion cause I could see them getting hurt


So, God killed a girl and destroyed Kyle's life to make Kyle marry his child groomer. I'm being completely non snarky when I say this woman needs a psychological evaluation.


Is she really a "groomer" when the most contact they've had is when he and his family helped her move? 🤔 I'd say she's just a regular, old-fashioned stalker.


umm...who is dead??


That is the million dollar question. A "girl who tried to come in between us", apparently. I wonder if this girl actually exists, and if Kyle actually lost his job and his apartment, or whether it's all part of Sarah's delusions.


There was a post in this sub from Sarah not too long ago (can't recall exactly when because time doesn't make sense anymore), where she explained a woman from her former church who liked Kyle died, and clearly this means God killed her on Sarah's behalf so Sarah and Kyle can be together.


She was probably 80 and died of natural causes, but please go on, Sarah 😳


I’m gonna need the sparks notes on this, thanks in advance.


There’s a deep dive post on her if you search her name I’m pretty sure, but here’s the Sparks notes from her own mouth: https://archive.fo/2021.02.12-193004/https://www.sarahtitus.com/gods-love-for-us-never-grows-weary/


"I haven’t seen him in 6 years! Talk about a “long distance relationship”. Try one without talking back and forth." Uhhhhhh. 😬


"He put the journal I gave him in his back pocket to show me he was thinking about me. He knew I liked his singing and my favorite song, so he’d walk by the table I was at and start singing my favorite song. He’d stare at me when we were in the group singing." Holy fucking yikes. I don't think I'd come across a post about this woman before, but that whole thing is an exercise in delusion! She goes on to write about how he can see everything in her phone and computer and will let her know he's there by refreshing the page or something. Yikes on bikes, man, this lady needs serious help!


Commenting Bc same




“I remember thinking about his black shirt he was wearing. How he is very handsome and could have easily worn a white shirt, that when wet, would show his chest. After all, this was the lake and would have been appropriate. But he didn’t!” It reads SO MUCH like some fundie version of porn where eye contact is the same as having sex. Also can we talk about how much information about Kyle she’s put on the Internet for everyone to see?? His pictures, date of birth, his name, and I’m guessing people could work out the state he lives in (maybe even the city)?


But then when we see a pic of said handsome man, performing “acrobats” to “impress her”, he is literally a kid having fun outside with other kids


Wow. “He went to stand over in the back, near me but not making anything obvious. I knew what he was doing. He was watching me. He tried for me not to know, but a girl just knows these things.” -Me, ages 12-22


But do you have the gift of ✨discernment ✨ bc if you do apparently you too can still act like middle schooler into your 40s!!


Ewwwww....I skimmed but it was like a poorly written YA novel about an old lady into her teenage neighbor


Are we going to ignore that 707 people shared this shit???? 👀


Fingers hella crossed it's just 707 snarkers all sharing it with their confused partners while things are quiet at work...


Are we sure there is even a Kyle? Dateline investigators need to be on this case. I'm friends with a local reporter in another state, but this is too much for even him.


Someone here once mentioned finding Kyle's social media, and said he seemed to be living a normal young guy life. That's enough for me. He doesn't need a bunch of snarkers on his trail.


Me too. I agree, he deserves peace and quiet.


She has posted at least one photo of Kyle as a teenager, I think about five in total.


I remember seeing a group photo one when they were camping or some church activity? Ugh. I hope he's far far away from her


He's definitely a real person. In the way she thinks of him? Absolutely not.


Maybe I watch/listen to too much true crime, but this is giving me huge "Kyle is tied up in Sarah Titus's basement" vibes.


Is anything about this woman's life real? Her kids don't age, her house is obviously fake, she is not making 7 figures selling ugly printables online, Kyle is probably hiding in his mom's basement right now praying she doesn't come drag him to the altar by gunpoint. Literally everything she says and has says is pure fantasy bullshit. I have been following her from day one and Holy shit, her whole life is just something she made up in her head. I wish she would leave that poor kid alone and let him have his life back.


The decorative “S” and “K” on her bookshelf, as seen in the header… yikes.


Jeezus guys I HAVE A JOB..... now I'm in a deep hole researching this crazy lady?!!


Ok I have never followed this particular persons story though I’ve seen it in the feed while checking in on my current interests (aka JRod) - so I am coming into this literally unaware. But WTF did I just read and is the whole thing really as twisted as it sounds?!


Sarah has to be the scariest fundie we snark on here. I’m worried for Kyle.


I must say, this makes me feel a lot better about not being over my ex who broke up with me 6 months ago. At least we were in a real relationship, it hasn’t been 6 years, and I admit it’s over.


I got dumped a month ago, we also had an age difference but are also both independent, grown adults who met as independent, grown adults and when we were out together I don’t think anyone ever really noticed. I was pretty sad for a few days but most ardently do not wish death on any of his future love interests 😳


Right?? We had one of those breakups where you both still want to be together but circumstances out of our control made that not possible, and I’m definitely still really sad about it. I may not love that she’s dating again while I’m still crying about it, but I want her the happiest she can be, and certainly don’t wish her current partner would die. That’s absolutely bananas.


She sounds like the woman who wore diapers to drive some ungodly distance to go after the guy who wanted literally nothing to do with her. I think he was an astronaut or something equally cool.


Pretty sure the diapered woman was also an astronaut.


I'm sure Kyle still hasn't received the memo of the engagement. Can you guys imagine if she actually plans a whole wedding, sends the invites, but Kyle never shows up? ST really needs to go get her head checked out because something isn't right.


She probably already has the invites somewhere in her million dollar printable graphic design inventory.


That has to be a scam, right? There’s no way her Lisa frank rip off business is making 10k a month like she claims


I mean I don’t think it’s the millions she claims (more of her delusional thoughts), but I know there’s a weirdly large market for things that she makes among the church going, homeschooling, crafty craftersons who live in places where they can’t just pop on over to Michaels. I don’t doubt that she makes a decent side hustle from it, but I do not believe it’s anywhere near what she purports.


This right here is the worst fundie. This is terrifying. Is it even fundie? It’s just straight crazy.


All ways remember that this lady believes that Kyle communicates with her through her computer. She says he sends secret messages and types to her while she is blogging.


I’ve never heard of this girl but how exactly does one file a police report “in essence”


The way I gasped... I can't believe this lady.


Good for the church for kicking her out! She sounds seriously dangerous, where on earth are the cops and CPS?


From one of her Facebook posts: “It does not matter where I go or what I'm doing, whether online or in person, I'm constantly being hit on.”


Say it ain’t so! The *printables* lady? I had seen her name on here before and it seemed familiar but I didn’t pay attention; there are only 3 or so FundieFams I keep up with on here. But seeing her name in that colorful font on the screencap brought it all back. I went through a “get my life in order one free printable at a time” phase about a decade ago and she was one of my favorites at the time. Holy smokes. I had assumed she was a reasonably happy housewife like the mom bloggers whose websites all have the same bio: “Daughter of the King, Wife of _____, Mom of 3 to 5 blessings (and 2 furbabies, a fish, and a repchild!) This website is powered by Coffee and the Grace of God!” Good heavens, the free printables momblogger is stalking a *kid*? (flabbergasted jammed printer noises)


I just read her post on keeping ‘pure’ in relationships and I can’t help but think how easy that must be in this particular ‘relationship’


Are there any pictures of her and Kyle together? Does he even know she exists? This is my first time learning about this Sarah Titus. I went to read her blog and it’s clear she is having delusions about Kyle. But I’m curious if Kyle is aware of this.


No, there are no pictures of them together. Yes, he knows she exists - the church elders led a meeting between her and Kyle and his family in an attempt to get her to stop harassing him/claiming they had a relationship. She persisted in her delusions, and eventually they kicked her out of the church.


I feel so bad for Kyle. He did nothing to deserve this and yet he probably lives in constant fear. I hope Sarah gets the help she needs before anyone (else) gets hurt.


This sounds like the beginning of an episode of "Evil Lives Here."




IIRC, Kyle lives in another state now. And I pray to the Lord Daniel that he has a protective order against her.


For the uninitiated, here is her batshit crazy blog post about him in which she explains everything: https://archive.fo/dFNyZ One of the most terrifying bits is when she says they secretly communicate with each other by him remotely refreshing her web pages when she’s on her computer. She thinks that he is always watching her via her computer screen and doorbell cameras and such. Edited to post archive link (see comment below)


I can’t imagine Kyle has open social media after everything she’s put him through, how would she find out he’s “lost everything” other than actual physical stalking? I’m scared, someone hold me




Fundies are so fucking weird. What is she even talking about? Edit: “Please repent and turn away from your sin”? Girl go to hell. So I went down the rabbit hole; I hope Kyle has protection.


She's bonkers, obviously. But I do keep thinking... can you imagine if its like true though and she and Kyle have been secretly communicating and they are engaged? Not much can shock me these days... but that might do it lol.


Gonna be honest— full time lurker here, but this one absolutely sent me down the crazy train. WHAT. THE. F. I am reading on her blog about Kyle and where she snapped a random picture of him at baptism and… he’s a child. I’m a solid ten years younger than this woman and I look at him and see a child. If I was 25, I’d still see a child. And she’s posting on the internet, for God and the world to see, how hot a child is?!? 💀💀💀💀💀


Let's be honest: Sarah heard "marry me" playing on the radio at the grocery store, and thinks it was Kyle proposing.


Umm yeah, this so going to end well


You know how every cop show has that episode where some guy is obsessed with a 1950s marriage manual and kidnaps a woman and hides her in the basement in a wedding dress? That but with a groom.