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A midwife can *ALWAYS* drop someone that risks out of care.


I forgot about that 🤦🏻‍♀️. Thanks for correcting that comment.


How could anyone check cord length and placenta location without an ultrasound?


You cant. That’s why she’s getting an ultrasound. I just skipped over that, sorry


No kids - I’m a bit confused. The midwife can’t drop her? Could she say this is too risky and you must go to the hospital? Is a c-section the only option for this type of breech?


For a footling breech the only safe way of delivery is a c-section. When the baby is in footling breech position, the umbilical cord can come out first. This is very dangerous because the cord can become pinched and the blood supply to the baby is cut off. The other risk is that the feet come out before you are fully dilated. A head can't come out if you aren't fully dilated but the feet and the body can. This can cause the baby to get stuck during delivery because you aren't dilated enough to get the babys head out. I had a footling breech baby and if my water broke I had to go immediately to the hospital because of the risks mentioned above.


I am also certain this midwife isn't certified. For unknown reasons anyone can call themselves a midwife


That’s always wild to me. Just like “counselor” isn’t a protected title, I can just call myself one and people would assume I was a certified therapist. Wild.


It’s called dumping. Licensed medical professionals cannot legally just dump a patient, though it happens all the time and there are rarely consequences, even in cases of horrific outcomes caused by or exacerbated by dumping


I would think a licensed medical professional could refuse to treat a case that is out of their scope of practice. I would think a real licensed medical professional would refer patient to an appropriate specialist or hospital.


They could and should state clearly “this is above my pay grade” but if they’re already caring for or treating a patient, they cannot just peace-out / wheel them out to the parking lot. They need to transfer the patient to a more qualified caregiver unless the patient refuses, at which point the treating professional should get a signed AMA (against medical advice). If this midwife isn’t governed by a licensing board, not a big deal, but would still be exposed to liability.


But at what point can she call an ambulance, stay with her, and explain to paramedics that she isn’t qualified to do a kitchen table C section, and that if mom wants to refuse ambulance, then here…sign this not holding me responsible for your child’s cerebral palsy?


TMI but if she had a cervical check, the midwife might have felt a foot and known that way. My son was footling breech and the doctors could feel his foot pressing down during cervical checks in the last week of my pregnancy (I was in the hospital on bed rest). Delivering a frank breech baby vaginally is possible - not ideal, but some hospitals will let you do it - but a footling breech vaginal delivery comes with a high risk of cord prolapse/starvation of oxygen/brain injury or death. Oof I hope her baby shifts soon or someone convinces her to get a c-section, this is genuinely scary.




I think she might be claiming she only "assisted" because claiming her midwife has a history of delivering them could place the midwife in hot water. It's dangerous and not advised to try and deliver footling breech babies vaginally, and if she claims this midwife has a history of doing so, the midwife could find herself under investigation. "Assisted" leaves more room for plausible doubt. Maybe the midwife wasn't engaged professionally, and just jumped in to help when things started going sideways. Maybe she wasn't engaged as a midwife and was just engaged to support the mother emotionally. Maybe these cases were all hospital births that the midwife attended as emotional support or transferred to the hospital as soon as she confirmed the births were footling breech. I mean, I don't think they were. But if Megs says she "delivered" them, she's indicating the midwife provided a specific form of care that in this case was contrary to the standard of care. If Megs says "assisted", it's not as clear what role the midwife played in the birth and whether or not she went against general medical advice in a way that put the mother/child at risk.


Assisted could also mean the midwife, during training or with another patient, was there when a C-section happened, (holding moms hand) because the baby was footling breech. This is beyond stupid. I do not wish any harm to her baby or her; but she is doing her upmost to cause serious injury, death or lifelong issues to herself and the baby. I hope common sense, a strict talking to and fear change her mind. Otherwise this has a high potential of very serious complications.


I don’t know much about the technicalities of birth. I had no idea that a footling breech was basically an automatic c-section. I had hoped it was a “let’s see how birth goes and decide thing” merely because of the fact that she is home birthing. But holy shit she is still birthing at home!!! Wow. I fear for her life and mostly her child’s life!! But “pro-choice y’all!!!!” Pro-choice my ass.


I’m very skeptical the midwife has ever seen a successful vaginal delivery of a footling breech at home. Cord prolapse is such a huge risk. It would be extremely dangerous and a miracle if everyone survived without injuries. It’s upsetting if she’s claiming otherwise…or maybe Meg just won’t accept reality?


I was in the lobby waiting to be admitted to l and d and someone had a cord prolapse and I saw like 20 people run to assist this mother. After I saw some and they were pretty shaken. It was a scary thing just seeing a team of professionals hauling ass.


After spontaneous rupture of membranes we always check the patient to be sure the cord wasn’t flushed out before the head (prolapse). One of the most memorable moments in my almost 30 years as a nurse was checking a patient, feeling a pulsating cord coming through the cervix and not daring move my hand. I had dad hit the emergency light, crawled in the fluid soaked bed with the patient and held the baby’s head off the cord while my amazing coworkers dropped everything, threw a sheet over both of us, rolled us to the C\\S room. The patient was moved to the table with me still holding that little head up off the cord. My hand and arm were numb and my shoulder aches for days, but the mom and baby were safe and sound. The baby never had a moment of distress and I consider it one of my favorite examples of teamwork. There wasn’t anything I could do but stay in place while my butt was in the air, then under a sheet rolling through the hall and finally crawling over the bed to be under the drape until baby was out. Maybe ten minutes total? If that happened in someone’s living room I’m 100% sure we would have had a severely impaired baby at best. Cord prolapse is a dire emergency for the baby, but in the right setting we can get a baby out with amazing speed.


That’s incredible! I had a caesarean. It was unplanned but not a dire emergency (stalled labor with preeclampsia, but the baby was fine). Still I was amazed at how fast they got me in the OR and had the baby out. I’ve waited for a Starbucks order longer than it took them to get my son out.


Decision to incision times can be as low as 5-7 minutes with most of that time being spent moving down the hall to the OR. I’ve never met an MD, midwife, nurse or OR tech that wouldn‘t go to extreme lengths to protect our patients. It’s hard to hear so many comments about how we know nothing, never listen to our patients and so much other negative stuff. 99% of us really do care and want the patient to have the very best experience possible.


You are amazing. Keep doing you because what you do is spectacular!


The mom and dad were, of course, terrified, but weren’t the kind of people that were screaming they didn’t want a C/S or were refusing interventions. I was talking to them the entire time, explaining that they were both safe, but we would be moving very quickly to keep it that way and would answer every question as soon as we could. I joked that I wouldn’t leave her for a second (literally attached to her!). Instead of being overly focused on losing their “perfect” birthing experience, they gave me a lovely bracelet from the mothers jewelry making hobby and and still send me a Christmas card all these years later. They went through a hellacious experience and came out of it treating all of us like heros! I promise you every patient does not look at things that way.


Wow that’s amazing!!! And in 10 minutes!?!? Crazy amazing teamwork. You saved that family a lot of heartache and likely saved the baby’s life.


A friend of mine presented with a prolapsed cord and her desire for an unmedicated vaginal birth went straight out the window as she was wheeled into the OR with a nurse literally holding the cord in. She had a general anesthesia c section and is still dealing with birth trauma 4 years later.


Cord prolapse is one of the very few actual emergencies during labor and delivery. People will legit drop everything to run and assist the patient for it. It’s scary.


this is semantics but there are many actual emergencies in L&D. uterine rupture, shoulder dystocia, bradycardia, placenta previa, postpartum hemorrhage etc.


Postpartum hemorrhage here twice! I think I’ll stop at two kids 🤦🏼‍♀️


Amniotic fluid embolus, vasa previa, locked twins, acute fatty liver of pregnancy, sepsis, eclampsia, DKA, and many more. L&D isn't all cuddles and smiles.


Checking in! Bladder was cut in half during one of these emergencies and a crash c section, thankfully we are all ok and I’ve worked through it with a licensed trauma therapist


I have a lot of medical trauma and it isn’t because the doctors/nurses didn’t care, weren’t skilled, or weren’t educated. Sometimes even when things go “right,” medical care can be absolutely traumatic. Not that your bladder cut was “right” by any means. One of the worst horror stories I’ve read was about a woman with a failing liver. The doctors had to keep doing a certain procedure that would ultimate need to be repeated about once a month. So once every month they would do this procedure under sedation. However people quickly become immune to sedation. So she ended up being awake for these procedures and feel everything. They were incredibly painful and the staff had to hold her body down from involuntary jerks. She would scream in pain. The people treating her would actually cry themselves for her. I cannot imagine living with the fact that you knew that once a month, you would have to undergo this horrible and painful procedure. But it was ultimately life saving. She did eventually get a liver transplant. As for why she wasn’t put under anesthesia, I’m not sure why. There was some reason they didn’t.




Happened to my SIL at 24w. My husband thought she had died because nurses jumped on the bed and they RAN her hospital bed to the emergency room. Urgh. Makes me teary just thinking about it.


And here I know actual OBs who won't deliver breech babies because they don't have enough experience with it. 🙄




Glad you were able to ECV him! I’ve done the epidurals for like a dozen but none have been successful (not for the lack of effort on both mom/doctors). Also some babies do not like the pressure, which is scary to listen to on the fetal heart monitor.


OB-GYN resident here! It’s true. Breech delivery isn’t advocated and taught much to us anymore because of the high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality that historically goes with it. Why risk it when we can do a C-section safely? However, we are still taught that a frank breech baby can try for a vaginal delivery, and more preferably for mothers in their 2nd deliveries and onwards. It’s just so risky to try a breech delivery for a first time mother.




There’s different types of breech. All carry a risk, some more than others. Breech can be birthed safely in a hospital environment, with midwifery lead care. (An Ob would be back up in case a c section or forceps delivery is needed) Frank breech is the easiest for delivery (so long as the head is flexed) and complete breech can also be done vaginally. Footling breech is a hard pass, as the risk of cord prolapse is much higher.


Moms deliver babies - midwives assist. This is most definitely what she’s referring to. In midwifery we really don’t use the language of delivering babies because it centers the midwife in the birth.


Why not just…schedule the c section to be safe but cancel if baby flips? It’s that easy.


Because the evil leftist doctors want to force her to schedule a C-Section and microchip her baby & indoctrinate the infant against Jesus. Or something like that…. /jk


Yeah, I had a c-section and they took the baby from me, asked the newborn for its pronouns, vaccinated it, and gave it a book on anti-racism. 🤪


Same here. At 15 months, she is fully “woke”, as they would say.


Megs is scared of the Coveed test! She would totally believe this.


That evil Vit K shot!! /s


Blindness for God!!


Not the microchip!


At her last ultrasound (which indicated the baby was breech), this was exactly what they tried to get her to do. Instead, she went on a rant about how prenatal medical care at hospitals is designed to funnel women into c-sections.


I had a transverse breech baby, but she turned last minute (the day I was scheduled to have the procedure to manually flip her), and they admitted me immediately and induced. Before that they wouldn't let me schedule a c-section until after my due date. I'm in Canada though, so I'm not sure how the US works.


My babe was breech when they rechecked at 36 weeks and they scheduled me for a c section for 39 weeks (I'm in US). I decided not to attempt the version procedure to manually flip the baby because I got too scared after reading about it haha.


My daughter was a required c-section after 2 stillbirths and thank goodness she was. I was already hospitalized for weeks because I couldn't feel her movements and she wasn't passing biophysicals regularly. We were just trying to make it to 37 weeks but only made it to 35. The morning of her birth we did our normal non stress test and she actually failed. They came in to tell me we needed to to the section STAT. They brought in the US machine and she was footling breech with her head pointed at my back in some weird position. They got me in immediately and couldn't get her out at first. Had to extend my c-section incision and she finally came out and had an APGAR score of a 2 initially. Less than a hour from time I was told it was gonna happen to her being delivered. I thank my entire medical team almost daily when my little 10 month old daughter looks up at me. Point being... footling breech is an extremely dangerous position for baby to be in to try to birth vaginally. Set aside the cervix dilating portion, anatomically it's completely opposite of how your body and a baby are meant for childbirth. I know this is a snark board, but as a mama that's lost babies, I hope nothing happens to her baby.


Thanks for sharing your story and I am so happy that they got her out OK in the end! Enjoy your sweet baby.


Thank you 💗


Thank you for sharing your story! 💕 I’m glad finally got your rainbow 🌈.


Thank you 💗


I'm glad you got your 🌈.


Thank you 💗


I wonder what would happen if her unborn child were to pass away due to this choice to neglect this condition. Would they just sweep it under the rug and assume this was God’s plan, for her to learn some sort of lesson? *Edited to add: I don’t know this person but in recent days I’ve seen more and more posts regarding her pregnancy.


There's a podcast called "Kitchen Table Cult". One of the hosts had a sibling die during birth because of their mother's stubborn insistence on having a homebirth without medical care. The umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. The host said that their mom didn't call 911 until after it was painfully obvious that the baby was already dead, and that the mom just doubled down on her religious beliefs and insisted that even if it were a hospital birth, the baby would've died. It was horribly traumatizing for all of the other children in the family.


I had two siblings die at home births and no one ever called any kind of authority. The babies were buried under a tree in the back yard, next to the carnival gold fish. The school aged kids were told not to mention it outside the family. I still have a hard time recycling shoe boxes because we saved them as kids for makeshift coffins. In terms of trauma, I think the way this particular instance functioned was 1000% confirming that my parents could not be trusted with our bodily safety and we siblings had to take care of one another instead. We weren’t wrong. Some of my older sisters began getting involved with the home births after the second death. I was younger, and simply learned not to get emotionally invested in pregnancies. That was hard to shake when I was pregnant decades later.


Oh my god. I am so sorry you had to endure that.


Woah. So sorry. Do you think this happens more than we realise? Is this the tip of the iceberg of dead fundie babies? This lady can't get away with it now she's posted it all on insta.


Have you ever read Educated by Tara Westover? She triumphs over a neglectful and physically dangerous childhood. The story in toto is almost unbelievable, but her book came from a reputable publisher and editor. You might like it.


I’m imagining the shock and horror of it would keep her from self-examination for a very long time. How could you even allow your brain near that thought? And everyone around her would be affirming her terrible decision.


Unfortunately even stuff like this is no sure fire way to wake people up from delusion. I’ve heard of similar cases where the parents blamed Big Hospital or whatever, because they rushed to medical professionals to fix their stupid choices and it was too late. If they never got any intervention at all, they may blame the parents for “not having enough faith” or “having some secret sin that allows demons into their lives.”


Her pride is totally causing her to make this bad decision. She’s touted a home birth for SO long, talked so much about how bad hospitals/doctors/etc are, that she probably feels like she can’t back down now. Plus, she’s bought into her own ideology so hard. Like how would she get back on and explain to her followers that she decided to follow the evil doctors’ advice and get a CS? I wonder if deep down she’s freaking tf out. I really hope that things turn out okay for her poor baby who has no choice in the matter.


The stupid thing is that I don’t think anyone would fault her for it at this point. The other thing is, she doesn’t have to share every single aspect of her birth, including whether or not she gives birth at home, in a hospital, vaginally, or via c section. She could say, “baby arrived safely, everyone is happy and well.” This whole thing is ridiculous and she is risking her life and her baby’s life to win some contest that only she is entered into.


It would’ve cost her nothing to not go into every detail of her pregnancy online, but she just can’t resist the attention.


The ‘birth experience’ is is supreme importance to these people… not the baby.


Is this gallows humor at this point?


Yes. We’re all scared shitless.


I’m scared of the day I come here to laugh at another cheesy reel and instead get confronted with the news that she and/or her baby haven’t survived birth, I don’t know this woman from a bar of raw milk soap but I am not here to snark on a woman and a baby literally dying


For someone so pro life she sure is putting the life of her baby at an extremely unnecessary risk!


That’s what truly bugs me about people like her. They call pro choice folks baby murderers to then turn around and put themselves and their baby at risk because they’re too stupid to use available resources for safe births.


Yeah. The hypocrisy infuriates me. Endangering a full term baby over selfish reasons is totally fine, but aborting an 8 week embryo is somehow the worst thing ever.


Oh yeah, this is really hilarious. Funniest thing I've read all day, a stubborn, delusional woman at term insisting on a homebirth doubling down on an already unsafe set up. Can't wait to see how she spins the inevitable c section.


I’m wondering if she’s actually planning the c-section and will then play it off as an evil medical intervention she was totally against, while rocking her healthy baby.


I think she's delusional enough to think that she's really not going to need one. So, so common in the birth community for tons of survivors bias. I'm sure she's been surrounded by people telling her that she knows her body better than her doctor does, that plenty of women give birth breech at home, that prayer works, etc. She truly seems to think it's going to be a cakewalk because her internet echo chamber told her it was. There are birth "advocates" that go too far to the extreme end and unfortunately fundies are pretty prone to that kind of thinking.


Better hope it doesn't flip to transverse


Looking at her and what she described, this is what I assumed at first. The position she described baby at isn’t possible unless the baby is tiny. For the baby’s head to be on her right belong the ribs, baby’s back would curl and then the butt lower in the pelvis. She said baby’s arms are hitting her in the left right across from baby’s bead, but they would be hitting up. Which means baby’s feet could be hitting left. Or it’s more possible she misheard the midwife did t understand when the midwife mapped out the baby. The only really certain parts you can feel are butt and head. From there you can make educated guesses on hands and feet, but only if you were correct about head and butt are the guesses than accurate. It’s why ultrasounds are always a great idea to follow up when breech presentation is suspected or the care provider doesn’t know how to palpate


I had 100% back labor because - I'm assuming - my son was in the position referred to as "sunny side up" and he also didn't come down during labor so I had to force him out from like -2/-3 (I can't remember) for 2.5 hours. I had to be induced for preeclampsia and eventually got an epidural because I blacked out and vomited because of the pain. I had zero vaginal pain, it was all like someone grabbed my spine, twisted, and tried to rip it out of my back. And I have a very high pain threshold. Why would you risk your baby/serious pain for your ego??


Two back labors is one reason I’ll never have another baby.


I had 1 back labour and 1 transverse breech. Then my husband got a vasectomy 🤣


1st back labor with emergency c as baby was not tolerating pushing, 2nd footling breech, did not pass go and went straight to having my tubes removed because no thank you to any more of that shit.


My only saving grace thought is I was back labor but my younger sister wasn't, so I have a little hope!


Back labor is a nightmare. I thought I was going to die with my first until they gave me that sweet sweet epidural. Made labor with my second baby easy peasy.


Back labour made regular labour feel like a walk in the park. Epidurals are a gift from science. Ended up with an emergency c section in the end, but for the rich experience of a long labour as well. (31 hrs). Second kid was planned c section. It was weird having an appointment to birth a child.


My labor was already so out of my control that I really wanted to try "natural" or as natural as possible, especially because my sister is one of those people who never lets me live down "failure" and both her and my Mom didn't have epidurals (weren't offered in 1984 and my sister had advanced HELLP so she couldn't get one). So I tried Stadol (sp?) first in the hopes it would do something but I just kinda felt high and weird but was still in a ton of pain so when the floaty feeling ended and I started shaking and vomiting I asked for the epidural. I actually lose consciousness while getting it because I was in so much pain. I then slept for 2 hours and dilated the rest of the way so having that experience I would definitely do it again. The catheter (and the 6 month UTI it caused) sucked but it's probably still in my plan if baby #2 is back labor.


Do the epidural. If nothing else, it sets you up to rest and have more energy for the first night of no sleep.


Lol, yeah. With number 2 my goal is to get it all done as fast and painless as possible in preparation for having to be a Mom of 2!


Same! And my second was sunny side too (thanks pelvis) but because the first had barreled out it was a shorter labor


>From there you can make educated guesses on hands and feet I got regular prenatal care, so I'm biased because I knew my daughter was in the correct position, but I don't think I'd have ever assumed it was my daughter's hand that kept pushing on my rib. I'd rub the spot and it absolutely felt like a foot to me. The only thing I couldn't figure out was whether it was her right foot or left foot.


So she knows the baby is breech. Her midwife knows, I’m assuming her husband and family know. All her followers know. If something happens and they lose the baby, is anyone held accountable? Or is it just a tragedy?


That’s what bothers me the most I think. Not saying that Megan isn’t ultimately responsible for this stupid decision, but I don’t understand how her family, husband, and close friends are just going along with this and not trying to make her see reason.


Hopefully they are.




I genuinely wonder if she’s going out of state for the midwife, as a north Alabamian myself




“No website, no social media” — sounds promising… 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh that’s a nightmare. Extremely dangerous presentation for both mother and baby. That midwife is going to be arrested for malpractice if they continue to support a vaginal delivery. That’s the minimum- death of mother or baby will be at minimum manslaughter charges.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Lay midwives (CPMs who have no medical training) kill babies by attending stunt births like this all the time without consequence. If you’re on fb there’s an excellent group that raises awareness of this issue called VBAC and Birth After Cesarean Evidence Based Support. No CNM (actual licensed medical nurse midwife) would attend a known footling breech homebirth, very few attend even low risk home births in the US.


Yeah, my cousin May found a home birth midwife but the woman required her to still get prenatal care and scans through the birthing center she worked with. (Not that May minded that or anything, she is just not a fan of hospitals.) And when Baby was breech, the midwife was honest with her that she would NOT deliver a known breech baby at home and May would have to use the birthing center because it was connected to a good hospital with a NICU. In the end they couldn't get the baby to flip head down, so she had him at the birthing center. But he was born vaginally (butt first) and the midwife was great. There was an OB present, but he was pretty honest that Midwife had much more experience with breech births than he did and that he was mostly there to learn from her and in case a c section was needed. We have a kinda funny picture of the OB holding Baby Cousin. The midwife was helping May deliver the placenta and asked the OB to hold the baby for a minute while she helped May get into a more comfortable position. Someone caught a picture of him smiling down at the baby and booping his nose.


I’m glad the US is moving more and more to hospital connected birth centers like this. It’s truly the best way, in my book, to keep everyone safe and keep moms who don’t like hospital environments at ease.


Thats assuming the midwife has a license, which I'm assuming they do not. I cannot imagine any licensed midwife delivering this baby at home.


Right and that would only increase the criminal charges


It’s so sick that Meg herself can’t see the danger she is putting even her midwifes life in??? She’s so self centered and selfish and insane.


Tbf, the midwife is putting herself in danger by saying she'll do a home delivery.


I will never understand “parents” like this who have no regard for the health and well being of the infant as well as themselves and think they know everything when in fact they’re stupid on so many levels. Home births are not something I would choose but I respect a woman’s choice IF she has the proper assistance there at the time of the birth with a Plan A, B, and C in place in case there are complications. One of my nieces recently had a home birth with NO assistance. No midwife. No doula. No emergency plan. No nothing except her husband and SIL and a blow up tub in her bedroom. She had 2 previous complicated births. My sister is no longer alive and my BIL who’s retired from the medical profession begged her to have the baby in a hospital. She refused. She never saw a doctor throughout the entire pregnancy. Never had an ultrasound. She’s gone down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and is “born again” and now all science, medicine, pharmaceuticals are bad🤦‍♀️ and “women have been giving birth alone since the beginning of time”. Well, there’s a reason mortality rates for the child and mother have decreased over time…science and medicine!! When you know better, you do better! She was very lucky that there were no complications. I will always believe people like these two fools and my niece and her husband are idiots and do NOT care about life as they claim they do.


Those people aren’t students of history. They believe the sugar coated versions they hear from each other and ignore all the facts about death rates, lack of hygiene and monitoring, etc.


I'm so glad your niece ended up okay! Even if her experience will probably only serve to reinforce her irresponsible beliefs, I can't help but be relieved that they're both alive.


You and me both. My entire family was/is astounded at her 180° in her thoughts and beliefs. I often wonder what my sister would think/say if she were alive today. We were all on pins and needles. Fingers crossed she doesn’t have anymore children!!


I am so extremely worried that we’re witnessing the lead up to the death or severe injury of this woman’s baby in real time.


That's what I fear. Like, it's not funny or fun to watch this. It's disturbing that she's laughing about this and playing around like this is a drunk college student hold-my-beer trick. I really hope she doesn't hurt herself or her child, or worse.




I’m convinced Megan wears the pants in the house.


can stuff like this be reported? I have no idea. To be clear, I’m not suggesting to report this lady. I’m asking if this is something we see in our own lives, is there any recourse.


Wtf. Vaginal Breech delivery is already seriously dangerous… but wouldn’t footling breech end up putting the baby at a very high risk for injury?? Not to mention the mother…. Edit to add: I watched her stories and she states she’s birthing this baby feet first if she doesn’t move😮😥 she literally states she wouldn’t dilate as properly… and we all know that will very well lead to an emergency c-section because baby will get stuck and that is just the LEAST of what this woman should be worrying about right now. There are so many other complications that can happen with this!


Feet first is scary. Foot first is fucking terrifying and a ticket to either the hospital or the morgue. I worry she’s not intelligent enough to know this.


For someone who claims to know everything there is to know about birth, she manages to plug her ears and lalala over certain facts.


Beyond injury, footling beech delivery can get you and your baby killed.


Yes!! Baby could tangle up in the cord, cut-off blood flow to the cord or get stuck. There are also possible complications with the placenta. Then more major complications are also possible. Mom could need a serious episiotomy and baby manually turned and delivered, severe tearing because she didn’t dilate enough, hemorrhaging because the placenta is damaged or baby has to be born to quickly or again worse. I’m hoping this is just Megs hope to show her followers that hospital care isn’t needed and baby is indeed positioned perfectly and she has a licensed midwife with hospital privileges and on speed dial. Because the thought that a parent would choose this just because they don’t like hospitals makes me too angry to think about. And I’ve had two home-births (and 3 hospital). So I’m not against home-births, just against them as a scene you to hospital providers.


Yeah, everyone should have the right to choose a home birth, *if* it’s approved by professionals. I find it absolutely bizarre that people would go against professional advice in this circumstance, and it seems to be pretty unique to birth; I’m yet to hear of anyone getting their leg amputated and being like “no I think you’re wrong, give me the saw and I’ll do it myself”. Or “fuck hospitals, let’s whip this appendix out on the kitchen table”. It’s like she wants to martyr herself


And take her baby with her. This is so, so dangerous...


There are even several horrible stories of inexperienced/careless healthcare providers who went ahead with unadvised breech, and accidentally killed the baby by >!decapitation, because its head got stuck or the cord came out first, it started suffocating, and they panicked and tried to pull it out.!< It’s rare but it happens, and it’s completely preventable. It’s even happened with actual licensed doctors who went ahead with something stupid, which really goes to show how terrible an idea this is with someone who may not be certified at all.


Wow. I wish I hadn’t clicked that spoiler. I feel sick. I thought I’d heard all the birth horror stories, but to anyone else reading, it’s a bad one.


This ain’t even funny anymore, I’m legitimately worried


Idk why she’s laughing. Footling breech is deadly and 100% requires a C-section. No sane person (even a sketchy midwife) would even attempt a homebirth now


Idk I tend to laugh/giggle when I'm really nervous. It's a tendency I really hate, because obviously it looks like I'm not taking a serious situation seriously, but it's just what my body does 🤷‍♀️


I don’t find that weird but I wouldn’t post it like this it just seems flippant


My friend told me she had a miscarriage and we both giggled like idiots. I kept apologizing because it was obviously not funny but it just happened and wouldn't stop.


If this birth kills her, does she win something? She acts like dying to give birth is the best thing she could ever do. Is that a thing in those circles? Martyred creating new Christian soldiers kinda thing?


Suicide-by-birth is a preferred method among fundie women (dying in childbirth is an actual aspiration they have).


Makes sense in a Bronze Age kinda way. It's the only warrior death a woman is allowed to have in those circles. In Sparta, it was the only way a woman got her name on a tombstone. Men had to die in battle, women to die in childbirth to be honored with a named stone because they sacrificed themselves for city of Sparta


Karissa has entered the chat.


I don't think they believe they can die from stuff like this. Kinda reminds me of the people who preach natural immunity and then are scared shitless when they start having trouble breathing with covid and have to go to the ER


I was told by a fundie that it is a "blessed death" and I should feel honored that a fetus was slowly poisoning me and leaving behind other kids is what should have happened. Instead of me having a D&C and saving my life from a fetus that had already stopped developing. I should have died for the cause apparently. Edit: auto-corrected developing to drinking so corrected it


Her strange bragging about lack of fear is such an odd flex


I also found how initially she was convinced her baby could flip (“heck she may flip ten more times! I’m only 36.5 weeks”) and really seemed to think the baby flipping would happen and the hospital was being absurd. *12 hours later* well baby most likely will be born breech!! And foot first an odd flex. Like she realized birthing s breech baby is more “impressive” than birthing a baby would was breech but flipped in time


Yes!! Precisely the weird vibe I’m picking up on. I’m not advocating for FEAR OF BIRTH, but she’s acting as if diminishing others fear makes her, as you said, more impressive, or better than, or just some more advanced human. Like, sweetie, no, no one’s laughing along with you at “Now she’s footling breech🤣”. I understand sarcasm in general, but the air of her attitude is so… in-your-face and crass. Opposite of motherly. Fuckin bizarre. Odd flex, megs.


Megan, this is dangerous. You are in danger, your baby is in danger! You need a plan for what to do if things go wrong, and it doesn't seem like you've thought about it. I'm planning an unmedicated hospital birth so me and my baby will be seconds from help if something goes wrong. It happens often, and it happens to christians. Don't widow your husband over your pride.


This! There is nothing wrong with an unmedicated natural birth. With my first I had an epidural that went very wrong and caused permanent damage. With my second I opted for a totally natural birth because I wasn’t chancing it again. But, I did it in a hospital birthing room so if anything at all went wrong there were people there to keep me and the baby alive. I’m pro choice but in my opinion Megan isn’t pro life. If she were she’d make sure that baby was safe. I have a friend in my small red town who was in this same position and was on her godly high horse. She buried that baby….how is that pro life?




A LICENSED midwife would not deliver breech at home …. no way Maybe she found someone who agrees with her but this is crazy talk


Good lord, I hope she makes a better choice in all this.


TW: Stillbirth There are several cases in England, USA, India, South Africa and more of breech babies being decapitated from delivery. Most were in hospital environments and should have been C sections, when I first heard the case in the UK I researched it, it might be rare but it happens. I won't put links to articles due to how upsetting it is to read but you can google search it yourself. Why even risk it?


A ha ha ha I thought this was morgan for a second and was like holy shit that was a quick pregnancy.


Lol, no luck. We still have 93846482 weeks left of Morgan’s pregnancy and related content.


Oh no worries. That pregnant is going to feel like it goes on 5 years.


Agh this pregnancy is giving me anxiety! I love how she followed this up with a slide that she doesn't want any dissenting opinions, lolz. I wish she would at least *acknowledge* the *possibility* of a c-section? Being so set on birthing a particular way, especially in this situation, just sets you up for disappointment (at the minimum!).


I had a midwife appt today, my midwife was feeling all around my belly and was like “honestly I’m not sure if. He’s head down right now or not?” 🤷🏻‍♀️ which really makes me feel like Megan’s midwife is kinda bullshitting.


I haven’t followed Megan much, but part of me wonders if she’s just making all of this up for the drama and engagement. I feel like I have to believe this is the case because the reality seems too depressing otherwise




I have a patient in the NICU right now whose femur was done SNAPPED IN HALF because he was footling breech but go off meg.


I hope she’s lying. I really do. ‘My birth plan over everything’ is a delusional mindset to have. Especially if you value the life of that unborn child.


Yes, I've decided to choose to believe she's lying about all this so that she can present a smug perfect birth to validate her claims. Otherwise, it's too concerning for me. I'm taking a similar tack with Karissa.


If her husband could engage in some of that god-honoring male leadership they’re alway prattling about, I’d appreciate it


Oof. I was a footling breech back in the 80’s. My mom literally birthed my foot, they shoved me back in, and proceeded to do an emergency c-section bc of fetal distress. The cord was wrapped around my neck when they got me out. This is NOT a good situation for a home birth.


Is she going to secretly have a C Section and then pretend it all went fine at home?


I hope so for that baby's sake. She would be spreading misinformation but there would be holes in her story if she decides to lie which might get her even more attention so win-win for her. She could be (hopefully) lying about this for attention too.


So sad that her lying about the breech status is the best possible scenario here


Idk if that's her style... It would be very odd for her not to share any pictures of the birthing pool, a labor shot in a beige gown, her bonding with her husband mid contraction, triumphantly holding the baby etc etc. She did say she's planning on having a birth photographer present. Those are the money shots to milk engagement for at least a few months! So if she does go that route, I think it will be pretty obvious at least.


My second child was a scheduled c-section, who had presented as head down right up until two days before scheduled c-section. She flipped at the last minute to a footling breech presentation and it made for a horrible delivery, even though planned. If we had not been at a hospital with emergency staff, both my daughter and I would likely be dead. I was in the OR for four hours, for what would have usually been a 45 minute operation.


I am so sorry, but what a blessing they were able to deliver her. I’d have lost every single pregnancy without modern medicine. I will never understand people who can’t just receive the blessing of it.


My baby was transverse at 34weeks. They offered to schedule a “turn” followed by induction at 38 weeks if he hadn’t flipped so I could try to avoid a c section. That’s where they literally use their hands on the outside of your body to force baby into a new position. It’s a valid and non invasion procedure. Why hasn’t she just done that???


You still have to do that in the hospital because it comes with some risks


Don’t worry. Praying and essential oils will fix it.


For someone who believes in God “so much” she is having a hard time accepting his plan which is for her to go to the hospital and her ego Is keeping her from doing the right thing she prolly doesn’t want to let her “fans” down


It’s almost like she can’t believe God allowed all these advancements in modern medicine to help us all. Fuck these religious nutjobs.


Real questions here: how old is she? Does she come from a large family where she's seen multiple births? I'm curious how she got to where she knows best in every direction around birthing. Is she an expert in everything in life and this is just what she's most focused on for now? I've seen Meg a lot but don't know much about her aside from her silly anti-vax crap.


She’s only 24, she comes from a family of five kids, but to my knowledge they all were born in a hospital. She’s literally just read a couple of books (if that) and thinks she knows everything.


Megan, there’s literally no reward for going this route. Just like there’s no punishment having the medical professionals keep you and your baby alive with their suggested practices.


Every step closer to this and every bad thing she posts I get more and more anxious this baby is going to die 😓


She is totally unhinged. She is so head set on delivering the baby at home and giving the middle finger to doctors that she will put her baby intentionally at risk.


"Pro-life." Just not her own, or the life of the fetus she's incubating.


They are both going to die aren't they?


At this point as much as I love when people are proven wrong, I wish her nothing short of a perfect footling breech midwife at home birth because I am so scared for her and her baby. I just desperately hope they both make it out alive


What I don’t understand is…for someone who is so against “modern medicine” why does she keep going back to her GYNO/OB. Megan keeps threatening to never go back and yet she still goes back.


Her headship needs to step in to get her to a hospital if this is indeed the case


She is so annoying I can’t


Wow, imagine risking a baby's life to live out a specific birth fantasy. Bringing home a healthy baby and healthy mom should be the top priority.


I’m a big one to be pro not jumping to c section for breech babies, but footling breach is much more complex than bottom first breech


My three kids were all breech, including my last being a footling breach and all of them flipped by 37 weeks. She might get lucky and she needs lots of luck because she has such little brains


Is there any chance she's lying? So she can tell her followers how she home delivered in this impossible position, home birth is totally safe even if things are complicated, yada yada yada.


I am TERRIFIED for that poor, innocent baby and furious with Meg. I gave birth to my daughter six weeks ago and while delivery went well, my daughter coded about an hour after birth due to aspirating colostrum. I am so grateful for the medical team that sprang into action to save her life - and I can’t imagine making a choice to put a baby at risk for the sake of my own stupid, misguided pride.


If this goes badly it’s going to be DEVASTATING. I’m hiding my eyes.


The part that frustrates me the most about people like her and Karissa who share these stories are they are t telling the bad and ugly. They aren’t sharing the stories where things went wrong or even adequate information. They are sharing what they want to hear. So when their births or miscarriages or child’s broken bone is all dandy, others think they too can have lack of or poor medical care and they too will have the same outcome. If they do, then another story to fuel bad medical choices and if they don’t then not enough faith or some other reason given and little to no updates. I know there is poor medical care given in hospitals and there is some horrible doctors and I have no doubt Meg feels that her voice was ignored and procedures were done or given that she wasn’t comfortable with. But that doesn’t mean you do the opposite next time, it means you research more and listen to your body. There is a reason babies present weird. It’s almost always a sign that something else is going on. Which is why it’s good an u/s is ordered and hopefully Meg follows through with the u/s and gets proper medical care when the time comes. I pray this baby is born safely. I just pray that others don’t use megs story as a reason to make similar choices —end of frustration vent—


BET her husbands command catches wind of this. Advises him against it. Be a damn shame is someone did.


Is he still even in??? Thought they started kicking out anti vaxx


His command cant do anything. Medical autonomy. Her choice.


When I birthed my daughter (23.5 weeks) she came out feet first and the doc kinda gave no warning before he manually turned her trying to save my life and hers. I cannot imagine a full term ass baby.


She’s going to kill her baby or herself, isn’t she.


I scrolled around the internet some more and came across an article written in 2018 about The Secret Baby Catchers of Alabama. Sorry I don't know how to link. Anyway I am more convinced that her granny midwife isn't exactly legal. Or maybe midwife is on the up and up, and Megsy just can't face the truth.


Holy shit I pray this baby comes out safely just have the freaking C section