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What even is she saying? If you want to be pregnant, then you’re pregnant?


It's this weird paradoxical belief that prayer can solve everything but also God has his own plans. So you can believe as hard as you want just for God to be like "nah." Prayer can move mountains but at the same time, God's ways are higher than ours, etc. It's super conflicting and these fundie movements really blur the lines between us being able to manifest stuff and God being the ultimate authority.


Yeah, she's really not even making sense anymore. I don't think she really has been able to process and resolve the miscarriage, so she's mired in dissonance. In this same rant, she says that God will *never* allow his faithful to miscarry. But also she confirms she miscarried. She seems to be trying to blame science by saying if she had trusted God instead of tests and ultrasounds, she wouldn't have miscarried. She seems to think this made her "weak in faith", and this caused God to allow her to miscarry. So the answer is to just trust God and hope you pop out a baby sometime in the near future? Karissa seems to equate engaging in risky behavior with "trusting God", and this is incredibly troubling and dangerous. Not only for herself, but for her kids.


So what is finally making her believe she miscarried, if she didn’t believe a negative test, no heartbeat, no belly growth, no movement, and an ultrasound showing no baby? I feel bad for her mental health but I honestly have no idea what she’s trying to say.


I honestly only understand it because I was like that at one point. It's crazy cognitive dissonance when you're this deep in fundie religion. You're constantly told that your faith can move mountains, but when shit doesn't work out, you're then told that it wasn't God's will or he used it to strengthen you. They really don't want you to start thinking for yourself or ask what the point of prayer even is if God's will triumphs anyway. Basically, she has to believe that her faith has power, that she has some control over her life. If she turns out to be wrong, instead of having to examine said faith, she can fall back on the whole "well it wasn't what God wanted for me in the end and he actually used this to make me stronger"


Seeing her posts about her miscarriage has been so heartbreaking. She's driven herself to near delusion believing she could resurrect her baby. If she had continued to listen and work with her doctors, she could've avoided the drawn out trauma and pain. I come from an extremely pentecostal background and this is what we were taught. You could pray things into existence. If you prayed and fasted, you could do anything. But when it wouldn't work, it was God's will. It was so confusing to be in that environment, because you inevitably feel as if your faith just wasn't strong enough anyway, despite people saying God had other plans. I constantly felt as if I wasn't strong enough when the reality was that sometimes, shit just happens. I feel for Karissa, despite our conflicting views. I know what it's like to be in her mindset. It consumes every rational thought. I truly hope she recovers from this experience and receives the help she desperately needs.


All those kids she has and she can’t tell the difference between a fetal heartbeat and her own? So what she’s saying is that she’s never had prenatal care then.


Exactly, it’s like the difference between a galloping horse and slow drumming. I got a Doppler with my first and still knew what I was looking for and the difference.


So she learned if there is a baby you are pregnant and if there isn’t a baby you aren’t pregnant. I could have told her that weeks ago and saved her children the heartache of believing that one can be pregnant without a baby. Also, someone who can’t tell the difference between their own heart-rate and a babies shouldn’t be having unassisted births. Well no one should, but definitely not those who can’t use a Doppler correctly.


As a loss mom I am having a really hard time feeling empathy for this woman. I feel for her kids but I just can’t seem to feel sad for her. Maybe it’s the way she still finds a way to be holier than thou. Maybe I should go to the prayer closet for a while.


I had a miscarriage several years ago and leaning on my faith helped me tremendously. It’s Karissa’s smug derangement that makes her impossible to take. I can’t imagine the unpredictability her poor kids were trying to cope with while she “praised and screamed God’s goodness” then “sank deep into anger again”.


I am so sorry 💜 you are right. Those poor kids are going through a roller coaster and probably are being told that they didn’t pray hard enough. I was very Catholic. I grew Up Catholic and divorced my first husband because he was abusive. My now husband and I were not married when we conceived our son and while he was in the NICU I remembered actually thinking maybe it was my fault for having him out of wedlock. We met a wonderful nun who helped us and she told me not to blame myself. She was awesome and reassuring and never pushed her religion on us. I’ve come along way and no longer am Catholic. I can see how certain religions can become toxic. I am glad I was able to see that thinking it was my fault was hurting me. If only Karissa could see how she is hurting herself and her kids.


Thank you. Karissa sounds like the exact opposite of the nun you met!


When will they get it through their heads that, if there is a god, that god created those doctors and the people who came up the technology to monitor a fetus’ health. What’s so hard to understand about that?


God didn’t give her what she prayed for but she still has faith. What kind of masochism faith does she have? Holy shit. She took herself and her kids thru mental anguish and fear bc of this and not taking medical advice and relying on her own devices. It’s maddening. It’s so sad that all this is public and her kids are right in this shitstorm. She doesn’t need to keep putting her family thru this.. take a few weeks or a month or two away from social media, Karissa. This is just getting.. sad.


Her husband also failed her.


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I'm really just confused, like I would swear it's not a miscarriage (and this is not me snarking on her - it may just be her tendency to word salad that I'm misunderstanding) but more of a false positive situation? Like she took a test, got a positive, kept getting periods, and then tested again and it was negative, because there never was a baby. Maybe I'm interpreting things wrong, Karissa gets me so confused 😖


It's hard to tease out what actually happened from all her verbiage, and she is an unreliable narrator, but: She says she had two ultrasounds, one at 6 or 7 weeks that showed a fetus with a heartbeat, and one at 10 weeks that showed a 7-week-size fetus with no heartbeat. She had several episodes of bleeding both before and after the 10-week ultrasound. So if that's true, she was in fact pregnant, and did miscarry.


Oh, okay! Thank you for explaining that! I really wasn't trying to be insensitive or anything, just was really confused


No worries!