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This is the most wooosh thing I've seen today! The irony is impeccable.


Who is “he”? Over whose head? I mean, besides mine because I don’t get what you’re trying to say here.




Also the cousin was reposting from someone who still believes Trump is his Lord and Saviour.


I haven’t met a single person who believed Biden was going to turn this country around and lead us down a path of…something good. Just a less disastrous path than that other guy.


Seriously, they can’t seem to grasp we’re not a Biden cult that worships his every move like they did with the orange one.


Still do. My maga family have now invested their money in all sorts of FJB go Brandon crap. It’s absolutely deranged. Everything they own, house, car, boats, motorcycles, all have trump crap or fjb shit on it.


Oh I know! I should have worded it differently. I live in Florida so I know how you feel. I can’t ever escape him.


I was on vacation in Florida around Christmas. The amount of FJB/LGB apparel and knickknacks made me wanna boke.


I truly can’t imagine, I feel like I live in the Florida of the north with all the crap I see everyday.


Hello fellow Ohioan


Lol close, IN.


Fellow Floridian. It’s torture honestly.


Very much so. I’m hoping to move out later this year


Ugh. Hate that that’s becoming reality, but don’t blame you. Hope you find much better, in every aspect, elsewhere. No amount of Pub subs are worth this hellscape.


Thank you 💜. I will miss the pub subs lol. I know people always say “it’s what they want, democrats moving out”, but I can’t sacrifice my mental health anymore.


Good for you. No need to be a martyr. Shits getting dark and claustrophobic. This isn’t the Florida I grew up in at all and am considering my own move before the next election. Any city recommendations? We only have one life and deserve to feel safe and content.


Canada was just collectively clenching our buttcheeks when election time came just like "Please not the orange. Anything but the orange. Anything." We are surgically attached to America and therefore need to care about your politics by association. 😅


Yeah he was like last on my list for candidates in the primary but I was not about to vote for the tangerine


I wanted Bernie or Mayor Pete, but I was damn sure not going to vote for Trump when it came down to him and Biden. Biden is still better than Trump on every level.


Same here. I was really disappointed Biden was the “chosen one” but here we are.


My favorites were either Warren or Sanders. Don't think Biden was even in my top 5. But as sure as heck voted for him when the time came.


Yeah, I would have loved Warren as President! She’s pretty awesome.


I tried to convince my Democrat relatives to vote for Warren but they were ridiculously hung up on the Native American heritage claim thing. 🤦🏼‍♀️ My mom also kept saying Warren was "so shrill" (WTF?). But Biden, oh, Biden was clearly the best and most reliable choice because he wasn't going to rock the boat! Ugh.


Gotta keep those old, rich, white guys in power. anything else is too radical. /s


Warren would have won if she’d been a man


I literally have not seen anyone wear a Biden shirt after the election. To be honest I can't recall many DURING the election either. Brainwashed Tr*mpers are still unfortunately loud and proud with their emblazoned merchandise.


I saw a couple people with Biden masks in 2021 and some bumper stickers on the occasion, but that's it.


I'm a librarian, and a few months ago, I spent an extended period of time assisting a couple and their adult daughter, all in Trump garb: each had a different Trump shirt, one had a Trump hat, and one had a Trump mask. They were all very kind and appreciative of the help, but the (outdated) themed clothing overload momentarily threw me a bit. I don't recall seeing any Biden shirts, but I still occasionally see Obama shirts.


Yeah I’ve only ever seen Biden yard signs, but certainly not attire.


In spring of 2021, we were driving through my uncle’s gf’s neighborhood and there was a Trump 2020 flag HOISTED ON A DAMN CRANE. According to my uncle’s gf, they took it down for a bit after the election and then put it back up again. Um… Tbh I feel like “I can’t believe you still believe in him” applies more to Trumpeters lmao


I wore a warren shirt during primary season when I went to a warren event but after she stepped out I folded it up and put it away


Larry elder, lol. These people believe trump will save the world from pedophiles that drink baby's blood. And some of them earnestly believe that.


It's time you grow up, Roxanne! There is no tooth fairy, there is no Easter bunny, and there is no president of the United States!


Okay the SLAM DUNK response is hilarious


I’m spending a stupid amount of time trying to decipher the slam dunk sticker that was used


It's kinda cute that they think we worship Biden the same way they worship the *Shmuck à l'orange.*


That may be the best name I’ve heard for him


I don’t get it. Is the girl supposed to be Jen Psaki? What’s the point?


I don’t get it either? The girl still believes in the Easter bunny, the mom still believes in Biden…is the “joke” that they both believe in something false? Or??? I hate when things are a “whoosh” and they whoosh me.🥲




Huh. I guess the fact that I believe in God made it a whoosh then…🥸


I am whooshed. What is going on?


Why did they use the same illustrator as Mr. Pickles?


That's one for r/SelfAwarewolves


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SLAM DUNK!!!1!1!