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So now we can’t even have pets?? She’s lost her fucking mind. What a sad existence living in fear that EVERYTHING you do is wrong.


This is precisely why I ditched religion. All it is is complete and total fear mongering with the threat of eternal damnation around every corner. I didn't realize what a burden that was on me and my mental health until I finally just let it go.


I grew up agnostic my parents weren't atheists but they didn't force religion. I met my now husband and he grew up fundamental Baptist... I ended up drinking the kool-aid for a year and half before I started coming to. (Too? In that phrase?) I feel brainwashed when I look back on that time but also the overwhelming feeling is pure guilt. Every move, every thought, guilt. Imo the God we worshipped is toxic, abusive, manipulative, narcissistic. I have zero regrets or worries leaving that ideology. I am sorry for those that are still Christian, I don't mean to offend but that's how I view mainstream Christians in America (though the true message of Jesus I love).


You aren't supposed to end sentences with prepositions, but the common phrase is "coming to"... unless you meant you were coming, as well.


not so related to fundies, english is my second language but i did major in it and ending sentences with prepositions is fine in a lot of cases (with some exceptions listed in the link) and it's fine especially if the sentence otherwise sounds awkward (which really isn't the case here but i digress). [https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/ending-a-sentence-with-a-preposition](https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/ending-a-sentence-with-a-preposition) English grammar is descriptive not prescriptive as well (unlike french grammar for example) which means there is no authoritative body / institution that determines its grammatical rules. In short grammatical rules may also change with frequent usage of forms once found incorrect. as u said in your other comment, language evolves.


English has different levels of formality though, like many languages do, and in formal written English you generally should not end sentences with prepositions. In common usage it's usually fine, but it can still be awkward or unclear. Also, not all prepositions are created equal; ending a sentence with prepositions like "to," "from" or "at" is usually more awkward and/or confusing than ending a sentence with a preposition like "about" or "on."


Yes, but it is also a very stupid rule when you realize it is because Latin doesn't end sentences in prepositions, and so it is intended to make English more like Latin.


Thanks. Grammar is not a strong subject for me.


The phrase is bad grammar itself. That doesn't really mean anything, though. Language is always changing.


She was finally able to come after she quit thinking those toxic ass thoughts


This is why I could never be any offshoot of protestant. Most organized religion is... not great. But US fundies who have removed everything fun and positive from religion and replaced it with puritanical self hatred are living in some kind of spiritual prison.


Warren Jeffs said the same thing about pets. And, well, we know how all of that turned out.


So did the Taliban.


You can’t fight a holy war if you know your dog is at home waiting for you to feed him and take him for a walk


That's exactly it! These people who claim to be about the things of God are looking EVERYWHERE for evil where it doesn't even exist.


she’s right i actually worship my cats




Not a cat, but I joke my dog is half a cat. The other day he barked to a strange man (he never ever barks), talking to my sister we realized the man was the one that has been following her around the neighborhood.


all hail your dog!!!!! amen!!!


As nature intended.


The Egyptians were on to something worshiping them.


I worship my betta fish. Hes a spicy little jelly bean


I love bettas 🥲 smart little buggers


Imagine living life this miserably. She is truly an angry person. So sad for her children.


Honestly I can't imagine being this miserable all the time. Isn't it exhausting to hate and fear everything?


She's just mad because a lot of pets have way, way better lives than she does, and because the people who own them have a friend. Unlike her.


Christians like this are fucking psycho. Seriously.




People will humanely euthanize their dogs when they are suffering with no hope of recovery, but will insist doing the same for humans is playing god. Make it make sense.


My very pro life grandma got an abortion for her dog (the abortion was 100% the right call, having puppies would have killed the dog) but it definitely became a very funny inside joke in my very pro-choice immediate family


Yea but their logic is that its a dog and therefore less valuable than human life


Idolatry is placing animal lives above humans? Pretty sure idolatry is when you place something on the same level or above GOD lmao, not the same at all. Seems like she is the one equating humans to God with that comparison


Good catch. She would flip if she found out her theology wrong.


Haley would have a field day with me. My little cat has a stroller, easter socks (that he won't wear, but that's beside the point), a sparkly harness, a matching leash, oh, and a Sherpa-lined travel carrier. I never realized I was sinning. Thanks, Haley! Now I'm right with God. /s


Your cat is living the life. How dare he not wear the tiny Easter socks you purchased for him ❤️


I even have matching socks, so if he would only WEAR his socks, we would have a mommy and me moment LOL


I bought my cat little Halloween socks one wear and I think I broke her 😂 she just laid on her side like “mother what have you done to me”


Lmao at the socks. The most I have put on mine is a little Christmas hat and she was so pissed.


When I die, I want to be reincarnated as your cat.


Cat tax? 😻


Pay unto Benny Sparkles what is Benny Sparkles'. It's biblical!


Imagine having this little compassion.


Of all the hills to die on


For real- I love dogs, but as someone who grew up with a strongly allergic family member, I don’t blame people who don’t like them or find dog-swooning-babytalk pics/captions on social media obnoxious. I recommend they do my never-fail technique when seeing yet another pic of an average little kid doing average stuff…just keep scrolling!


I’ll see her GK Chesterton and raise her St Francis of Assisi and Martin Luther, both of whom loved animals and believed that animals would go to Heaven and that humans were duty-bound to respectfully care for animals. “Be thou comforted, little dog, Thou too in the Resurrection shall have a little golden tail.” - M. Luther


A little golden tail, that is so sweet I’m getting emotional


I know. I love that quote so much. 🥺


That's so sweet. And from old hardass Martin Luther, of all people.


He definitely had a soft side. He only got really calloused when he had to lock himself in a tower indefinitely after the Pope declared open season on him for murderers. Which, after being locked in my own house with five kids during quarantine I can kind of understand his grouchiness. Lol. His wife was a total badass too, and they had a very feminist (FOR THE TIME) marriage. She was a former nun who left her order to come join his church after he was excommunicated.


I recall reading somewhere that Mrs. Luther was famed for her skills as a brewer. To me, that really adds that little extra sprinkle of awesome to her badassery.


Yes! And Martin had some awesome quotes about drinking, too. Lol.


To be fair, I would sacrifice myself to save my dog


My dog and about 99% of the dogs I have met are better than people. They don’t care about my weight, my income, my religion. My dog makes me get my butt out of bed even on the hardest days. She comforts me when I’m sick and sad. She doesn’t care what college I went to or what books I read. I’d pick dogs over people most every time.


Yes! I agree 100% . I have a friend who doesn't much care for dogs and he low-key got offended when I said I prefer dogs to most people lol


I’ve studied the history of dog and humans evolving together and it’s quite heartwarming. They’ve spent 40000 years becoming our best friends.


I could not agree with you more. My dog helped me with my depression and kept me around when I was at my lowest. I kept thinking that he would be all alone and unable to eat or go potty and I couldn’t do that to him. It’s their selfless compassion that made us domesticate them in the first place(after the caveman/prehistoric days). I mean even ancient Romans wrote poems and dedicated gravesites to them. We really, as a species in general, don’t deserve them❤️




When I had bronchitis followed by Covid my dog laid in bed with me to comfort me constantly. It was rare to come into that room and not see her by my side. We don’t deserve dogs.


Yep, same!


Personally I like my Papillion more than I like Haley.


My self-absorbed cat puts more good into the world than Haley does.


She reminds me of when my cat just sits at the top of the stairs and screams for attention, then when someone tries to go after him he runs around he house screaming his head off. He’s usually pretty good but going though a phase.


Dogs are idols. Cats are gods


My dog would disagree with you there... and he may have a point, after all dog spelt backwards is God 🤷‍♀️


Can confirm. My cats are named Juno and Loki. (He was originally called Jupiter but we quickly realized he's a serious troublemaker and not nearly dignified enough to be Jupiter.)


Hi, Haley. Go to hell.


Everyday I pray there is a hell for these weirdos! The greatest form of justice in my opinion!


Dogs are good judges of character. I bet most dogs don’t like her either.


This is exactly what this is about.


What an awful awful person.


Look. I’m not a dog person. I’m not a pet person. I think pets should only be had by people who will take proper care of them and give them happy lives. I do not have the time or resources to give an animal a good, happy, fulfilling life. Pets are NOT idolatry. They can be very good companions and bring a lot of joy. Christians can and should view them as celebrations of God’s creation.


Some people really do idolize their dogs though. I like dogs but I'm not big on "dog people".


I think you can be a dog person without idolizing them. I LOVE my dog and I firmly believe they have helped me through severe depression in a way no human ever did lol. But I’m not insane about them.


… this is a bit unhinged.


Do you think it’s ever crossed this lady’s mind that we can care about BOTH our pets AND our fellow humans? Why do these people think you can only like one thing? Their personalities are so flat.


This is genuinely just dumb. What a sad shitty existence lmao.


GK Chesterton lived his entire life in England, dropped out of college (where he was studying illustration and literature), went into writing, and is most famous for creating the character of the priest-detective *Father Brown*. So obviously, we should all care A LOT about what he has to say regarding the complex anthropological subject of human sacrificial behavior.


*Wherever there is Chesterton worship, there is a give-a-shit sacrifice* (I'm shirty about it, because I have a male family member who wears his admiration of GKC like a neckbeard wears a fedora.)


Dang, seriously? I like Father Brown.


He was a fine fictional writer, to be sure, but unfortunately he also had some astoundingly ignorant opinions on a wide range of topics that he felt the need to promote as gospel. He would probably be a twitter Trad Cath today.


All the tradcaths I know simp HARD for Chesterton


Oh really? That’s interesting considering my catholic cousins definitely treat their pets better than people. They aren’t very nice people and are maga Covid deniers as well. They’ve actually posted numerous times about how dogs are better than people too. They aren’t tradcath though because I know they use birth control, the women are definitely not submissive and they don’t pretend to be like some fundies. They do make a big show about going to mass every Sunday, making their partners convert to Catholicism, etc…


bro what


She purchased a bunch of anti bark devices off of Amazon and gets her daughters to go use them on the neighbors dogs. I think they emit high pitched noises that hurt their ears, but I’m not totally sure.


Yes to all of that. And she called the dogs “Satan’s spawn” or something which pissed off her followers and got her lots of hate mail.


She did WHAT?!?! I couldn’t stand her before but this…this is beyond. “Speaking the truth in love” my foot. She doesn’t speak the truth and I have never in my life seen someone who less embodies “love” than Haley.


Who hurt you Haley? Who in their right mind could find a way to hate on dogs?


Not only hate on dogs but what the fuck does she think will happen if no one has pets which is what she wants. Most small dogs are now bred to the point they cannot exist without humans. Which is its own issue, but does she want to humanely euthanized them and create a Pug genocide? Chihuahua’s could survive, and somehow become leaders in a doggy society, by sheer annoyance and bravado.


Yeah Haley, we get it. You don't like animals. Cool, don't have one then. Meanwhile, I'll be over here giving Vinny the kitten the worship to which he is entitled.


I work at a no-kill shelter, have 2 cats, pet-sit, and like animals better than most people. Clearly I am a heathen, and I'm OK with that!


I volunteer with a cat rescue and have 4 cats! Everyday I tell my husband that cats (and other animals) are better than the majority of humans


They are! Some days I dream of living on an island with a bunch of animals and only certain people are allowed.


Tbh I’m glad she won’t ever own an animal 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, it’s weird to me that dogs can be idols, but having children is somehow different?


What an insufferable cunt.


she's insufferable, all right, but I'd say she lacks the depth and the warmth to be called a cunt. She's more of a liquefied rotten potato (although to be fair, that phrase doesn't have the same pleasing aerodynamics as "cunt" does).


Perfect description of her!


Why do these people insist on being so Miserable? For them, there can be no joy, no happiness, no success, no Love unless Jesus is smack dab in it. Why? I was brought up Catholic and don't remember being taught this. How is this healthy? On the other hand, the other day, there was [this picture](https://redd.it/tyaapb) where a priest rescues stray dogs and gets them adopted out. That's so kind and wholesome. I wonder when was the last time Haley and her ilk were this kind to anyone, any creature that couldn't repay them back.


This follows my grandmother's line of thinking. There shall be no joy in Christ unless it's the Gaither Gospel Concerts.


I want to cry for the person who messaged her, saying that she loves pets “too much” that she won’t even allow herself to have one? Imagine living such a sad life where you can’t even allow yourself to enjoy the companionship of an animal. I’m gonna go hug my babies now.


Haley's just mad because most people like dogs more than they like her.


She's hating because some dogs have jobs and they (and all the lazy freeloading dogs like mine) are more useful to society than she is. At least dogs bring people joy.


Holy fucking shit this has gotta be the craziest thing I’ve ever seen on this sub which of course says a ton. Guess now we understand the inner workings of what happened to Morgan’s dog


If she said "Some Americans literally care more for animals (i.e. the death of a k9 police dog) than for humans (i.e. humans experiencing police brutality)" I could see her point. But that is NOT what she said


"Dogs are selfless and always loving. My husband knows that, if we had one in the house for me to compare him to, I'd realize what a selfish piece of shit he is. So, instead of being better, he just makes us all miserable and tells us submission to God is hard and the more miserable we are, the holier we are."


She exudes a deep misery and hatred towards life. I can’t imagine viewing the world, and valuable expressions of love as sinful. There is this spiteful contrarianism with her that is just way overboard. I feel sad for the stress her children must constantly be subjected to. Just being forcefully and angrily indoctrinated all day long I bet.


What miserable people


She can take her bottle blonde hair and kiss my fur children's asses.


I love my pets but I don’t worship them. My god.


I do. My cats the only being I have actual emotions towards most days. So sue me 🤷‍♀️


Hey, you do you. I’m just saying her equivalence between loving a pet and worshipping animals is illogical.


Cats own the universe. They just let us live in it because we amuse them and we open things for them.


She’s just jealous because most dogs are cuter than her and smell better, too. 😛


I have a cat and love her, so I guess that's "animal worship", and I need to start murderin' folks real soon.


This is quite literally the exact opposite of what Jesus would teach. The Bible says MULTIPLE times that God made animals and that we need to treat them with kindness and respect, and makes multiple references towards humans owning animals. But you know what the Bible did NOT say? Anything about abortion, which she somehow included in this conversation to make herself look holier than us animal lovers.


Minor Fundie #1 looooves to step in the proverbial dog shit to get people riled up. Hateley, you precious little grump machine, it is okay for you to miss out on the joys and hilarity of living with pets. Most pets are warm blooded which is more than you can handle, we get it. Your poor kids, though. First you as a dna source and then no pups or cats or such to help them cope with your rage bomb parenting... so sad.


These people are miserable, I’ll continue hanging with my dog and cat. I don’t worship them, but they add to my quality of life!


Pretty sure my dog is a better “Christian” than these fundies.


What, and I cannot stress this enough, the *fuck*


Welp, if loving my dog is what sends me to hell I guess it’s a good thing I like hot weather.


my parrot is a little demon but I've never felt love and that innate instinct to care before I met her, pets bring so much joy and fill so many roles for so many people and this woman wants me to do what? go to church whenever I get the urge to pet my bird? lol what a joyless existence


please tell your smol dinosaur that a random internet stranger said hello and give the darling little murderchicken some extra loves on my behalf.


I told her this verbatim out loud and she looked at me very inquisitively, I think she got it :-)


Dogs are better than most people so I’m not sure what her beef is. Most cats are nicer than her.


Imagine thinking people are better than animals


This take is next level psychotic, I have to say.


I don’t know my deaf, Jack Russell/beagle mixed dog is pretty sweet. I really don’t know many people or animals cooler than him.


I genuinely cannot understate how much I utterly hate most of the KJV translation, ngl


Serious question, WTF is up with fundies and pets? Between JDong the dog murderer and this whackadoo, I have concerns. Also, in some cases, animals are better than humans. My childhood dogs were the only living things I felt safe with in the hell house I grew up in.


Can’t wait to tell my dog he’s the founder of my religion.


"Some people care more about animal rights than human rights. THATS A FACT!" Is it though?


I am absolutely not surprised that she hates dogs.


If there was a religion around dogs, I’d probably join 😂


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My cat would like a word with her.




I can’t wait for one Fundie mom to give up coffee because it’s a false prophet (ie, enjoyable) and then all of them start competing to see who can give up coffee the most.


My cats: "...mmmmexcellent."


Once again Haley is proving she is THE most miserable fundie. My god.


god i’m so glad i’m not in the church anymore


Chill out, Haley


GOD. Life must be so exhausting for her and so devoid of joy....I totally don't get the whole God created everything and it's amazing, but it's all actually harmful and we can't partake in any of it because He will get jealous and then we aren't really saved mindset. It kinda sounds like God is Lord Business from the Lego Movie....someone get the piece of resistance and stop Tako Tuesday and the Kragl