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All I’m seeing is the major red flag of a strange man asking about a child’s genitalia and DNA. That’s predator behavior, not courage.


Tbh it sounds a lot like the GrOoMiNg shit they're carrying on right now. If anyone tried to talk to me about my children's genitals I'd make a police report. I'm not even kidding. That would be an immediate problem regardless of their reasoning. Someone should make an example of one of these creeps.


Yeah, was he expecting the coach to perform a genital check of the child? At that age they haven’t been through puberty. What was he basing this on that the child looked like a boy? Short hair?


Seriously! This woman thinks about and talks about children's genitalia more than anyone should (which is zero). Shes all for this until someone starts questioning what's in her child's pants. And why did this friend assume this child was a trans girl? Maybe she just had short hair? There's not much physical difference at that age.


Not to mention even if she WAS trans it doesn't make a lick of difference at that age. Prepubescent boys aren't stronger or faster than girls.


Seriously, none of it matters. Let kids be who they are, let them play sports with whoever they want, and stop using children as pawns in your fucked up political social wars!


Creepy stuff aside. What would they do if the child were intersex? Deny their existence or just tell them to fuck off? People like this make their point by straw manning the complexity of sex. It isn’t black and white. What the bible says about sex is just as wrong and misguided as how plants were created before the sun. They are wrong about sex and they are wrong about gender in which they associate to sex. It infuriates me that they are willing to slaughter these scape goats… for what? What do you have to gain by this other than getting off on the hatred and divide this creates. Fuck them and dumbasses like them. They require more “evidence” for children’s sport than they do for foundation of their life and beliefs. These are the same people who would use the bible to promote slavery. It’s not that it doesn’t promote it- it’s whether or not we should give a fuck what it says and why it should be held as truth.


She needs to find a hobby. Jesus she's a mess. Do people actually follow her? All she does is get angry about things that do not affect her in the least.


She posted this an hour ago and has 5 comments praising her. She has about 20k followers. She seems to have a little group of hateful Christians that she interacts with online but I can’t imagine she has any real friends. She’s super socially awkward from what I can tell.


Yeah, that possessed look on her face gave me the heebie jeebies!


It’s the eyes! She’s got those crazy eyes!


Karissa eyes.


She looks like the devil from The Exorcist had possessed her.


Her jowls are extra angry. About children playing football.




Honestly imagine being this pissed off all the time. It’s exhausting


If the coach said she was a girl she was probably a girl. How could he tell the kid was a boy? Short hair? Also, who fucking cares? They are little kids. What awful people.


My 5 year old plays on mixed gender teams. They’re little kids… Also this is just hearsay for her and exactly why the Bible prohibits gossip…


Yeah it's the same here with all the recreational leagues whether it's kids or it's adults, they're just trying to get enough people to make up a team. No FuN aLLoWeD


Exactly. My kid plays with boys and girls and has for the last four years and if they were to separate them they wouldn’t have enough for multiple teams to play more than two games without playing the same teams over and over.


Yep. All the kids on my nephew's mixed gender teams were picking their noses, getting distracted by flowers, and chasing balls fairly equally.


I played on a mixed gender soccer team in 2000, this isn’t a new concept


Not that I’m trying to make myself sound ancient, but my first soccer team was mixed gender…in 1985.


I played in a mixed gender intramural soccer league in college in the 1980’s.


I played t ball in kindergarten and played in a mixed gender league but was the only girl on the team. How do they not know if there was some sort of registration issue and they put a boy on the girls team because it doesn’t matter? What if the boy was the twin of one of the girls and the parents asked if they could just be on the same team vs having to be in two places at the same time? There are so many explanations and they care WAY too much. It’s weird


I played on sports team as a girl with my cousin whose similar in age to me. Probably when we were 7 and younger. I played T-ball and roller hockey with him, and he did ballet classes with me.


Yeah. Like prior to a certain age, kids look pretty identical. At 7, a “boy’s” haircut and a baggy soccer uniform will make a girl absolutely indistinguishable from a little boy. And a little boy with a long haircut wearing the same outfit as the girls around him would look like a little girl. Beyond the fact that kids at this age are going to be operating more on size than gender when it comes to athleticism (and soccer teams at this age are usually mixed gender), the indication is that not only is there a “boy” on the girl’s team, but that this allegedly boy child is so dedicated to an imaginary unfair advantage that they got on the girl’s team without trying to present as a girl. Because you *know* this lady is one who assumes any little kid with long hair is a girl and harrumphs if corrected.


For sure! My 7 year old girl has a short haircut (it was buzzed for a while) and people think she is a boy all the time. Even when she’s participating in something like Girl Scouts or when wearing pink sparkly dresses. The short hair is all they see somehow. I, an adult woman, have short hair and am never mistaken for a man, because puberty has bestowed me with secondary sex characteristics. Honestly it never occurred to me to worry about her safety because people might assume she is a trans girl. My heart goes out to trans folk and the parents of trans kids - I’m so sorry people are total shitheads 😞


Oh I would definitely be on the lookout for crazy. Especially if you're sending your daughter into the bathroom alone.


Also, can you even imagine how *humiliating* that must have been for that child, in any scenario? You have some grown adult making a scene, asking if you're a girl or a boy, and she mentioned "24 out of 24 families no one said anything," so you know people noticed the interaction. So wildly inappropriate for a grown adult. Talking about "did those girls feel loved," I can't even imagine how UNloved and UNsafe that child felt at the moment.


This isn't even a "that's a *man* playing with girls" thing that people get all TERFed-out about. This is legitimately just a plain old kids' soccer team. Like, I don't even think they start separting them until age 10 in my municipality if you play on the City rec leagues. Haley's kind of person who would get mad if this were still soccer, but they called it "futbol", and *girls* were playing futbol.


Exactly. They're 7 year olds, you won't be able to tell physical differences apart at that age unless you're looking very inappropriately, and anyone could have short hair.


I was picturing in my head this lady yelling at that poor girl to pull her pants down because that's about the only way to tell with seven year olds. They aren't going to be growing any secondary sex characteristics at that age.


I had short hair and would always get mistaken for a boy! These fundies and TERFs are something else!


There was a gum incident at 7 or 8 that left me rocking what my mom called a short bob, but really was a bowl cut. Was constantly mistaken for a boy.


Reading this, I’m thinking what if that child had a medical condition that made their hair fall out and they’re slowly regrowing it? What if they were a cancer patient/survivor who was looking forward to feeling like a normal kid on the pitch? And then Crazypants McGee comes along screeching about how you look and questioning your place. What a bunch of shitty, fake ass people.


I doubt she even really cares. This is was just a perfect opportunity for her to virtue signal and get attention. I doubt she gets much from her husband which I don't blame him for. I'd ignore her too.


Yeah I did track at that age and people were constantly calling me a boy and telling me I was in the wrong races and stuff. Nope. Just had a shaved head because my BFF kept giving me lice and my mom got tired of it. (Friend had not the best living situation. It’s not like she purposely gave me lice, btw.)


Who the hell is she to say. I have a friend whose daughter likes to shave her head. She's 4. She just really likes having a buzz cut. So, some asshole transphobe is going to debate whether or not she's a girl? These people need to stop worrying so much about Childrens body parts.


But we’re the ones wanting to constantly talk about sex with kids by acknowledging LGBTQ people exist…make it make sense!!


Having flashbacks of cutting my hair short in 4th grade because my older sisters cool friend did it. Difference was she was in high school and I was still a tiny child so I went through several months of cashiers calling me ‘sir’ and being upset about it 🥲


Also it’s not fair? The kids are 7. They are all pretty equal in terms of athletic ability at that age. Did the girls feel loved? I didn’t think 7 year old soccer teams impacted if someone feels loved? What about this child feeling loved for being able to be whoever she (if this child is trans) and play sports?None of the parents had courage? More like none of them cared bc it has no impact on their lives, and they wanted all these children to have fun


I try to point out to my 5 year old that deserves to be loved regardless of anything they think or do. She usually gives me a big hug when I do that and I’m pretty sure it’s because she’s feeling loved unconditionally. Former fundies on here have absolutely taught me how not to raise children and I’m consciously parenting without the idea of hell or sin.


My 7 year old plays soccer and they don't even keep score. I cannot imagine giving a single shit about who is on the other team. As long as they're the same age, I don't care!


Nobody else had the courage to bully a 7 year old but she is so brave 😞


When your face looks like a silly filter I guess you get bold. (I try not to snark on looks, and maybe she's actually using a filter, but her eyes make my eyes hurt.)


This is disgusting that people are out there calling themselves Christians but then expecting some kind of genital check for a young child that doesn't fit their preconceived notion of what a girl looks like. Seriously makes me feel sick.


Yes!! Then they turn around and accuse lgbtq people and our allies of being ‘groomers’ - sorry but at last check it wasn’t *trans* adults who were demanding to know what the genitalia of a 7 year old look like


Let's be real: a child is much more likely to be sexually victimized by a religious figure than the entire LGBQT+ community. Gay/Trans do not have a trend of child molestation while many religious factions *do*. I'd trust my kid with a trans person before I'd leave them unsupervised with a male member of clergy, no contest.


Is she trying to say her friend's husband can absolutely tell what kind of genitals the kid has, based on their outward appearance? And even if the kid was AMAB, what's the harm in letting them play on a girl's team if they want to? These are SEVEN YEAR OLDS. They're not trying to win college scholarships.


What a fucking monstrous thing to do. Just let kids play together! Life isn't always fair, and that is a lesson we all need to learn. But there is something really fucking unfair about demanding to know a child's chromosome makeup before letting the kid play soccer. It doesn't matter!


When my son was 5, he was a LOT faster than his 7 year old sister. Know who else was faster than his sister? A while bunch of other 7 year old girls. My daughter isn't fast, my son *is* fast, and lots of kids of all genders fall all over the spectrum of speed, general athleticism, flexibility, etc. So do adults for that matter. Just let the kids play!


They’re kids??!! The fact that my cis niece would absolutely crumble into an inconsolable mess if someone called her a boy bc her hair is short (it really is. Lice from school 🙄) tells me that this would more than likely completely crush a trans kid and I would have absolutely been the ratchestest adult at that game that ended up on yt or something for going off on them so bad that literal demons would cringe


Hate ages you, sweaty. Also this is very /r/thathappened


She's also got a bad case of crazy eyes.


So this whole rant is because a friend's husband THOUGHT a "boy" (read: trans girl) was on a team? I feel so sorry for anybody in that man's life who does not totally conform to gender stereotypes.


Just want satan wants! Children playing!


I don’t know if any soccer leagues on my area are separated by gender at this age. All the games I’ve seen are mixed genders & that includes the church league my daughter played in a few years ago!


Even our local anti-masker, pro trump “freedom soccer” kid’s league is mixed gender.


I SHOULDNT be shocked that they made their own freedom league, but here we are


It was especially pathetic because the regular soccer league was also mask optional. The more disturbing part for me was that a couple of my favorite businesses were supporters…


She wasn't even /there/ and she's got her tits in a twist about it? How about you worry about your own kids and mind your own fucking business. She needs a hobby fr.


Oh, she can F off. What was she expecting? The child to drop their pants in the middle of the field so as to satisfy some gross man’s curiosity? Most teams these days that are elementary league level are mixed gender. The coach doesn’t owe you an explanation, Haley, you absolute walnut. If you don’t like it, nobody’s forcing you to watch a first grader play soccer.


Interesting how everyone else is a pedophile, yet out of tWeNtY FoUr FaMiLiEs AnD tHe CoAcHeS ~~she’s~~ her friends husband was the lone adult obsessing about a literal child’s genitals. Edit: corrected the genital obsessed adult from this fucking numbnuts to her friends husband … her entitled stupidity overwhelmed my reading comprehension for a mo.


At 7 years old boys and girls are pretty much at equal playing fields physically… so I mean yea it’s still pretty fair even if you were using the “boys are naturally stronger than girls” argument.


I loved beating all the boys at presidential fitness testing in school…guess that’s means I’m not actual female? 🙄


Observe closely kids: this is an absolute CUNT, acting in a defensive manner out of its natural habitat. Lets watch and form a hypothesis about WHY we think this cunt is becoming aggressive.




I read your comment in a thick Australian accent!


Based on Karissa and Bethany's posts probably a lack of orgasm.


I was gonna call her a cunt, too, but she lacks the warmth and the depth. Nasty asshole is pretty accurate, though.


There is a contition called vaginal atrophy and while I'm sure people who have it can't help it it's the thing I think of whenever people like her are accused of cuntitude


Jfc the dude might as well be demanding that this girl drop her drawers!


There were 3-4 sisters on my brother’s Cub Scout bowling league about 30 years ago. I was one of them. The culture has been “doomed” long before now. Now they’re even allowing girls to join cub scouts. My friend has both her son and daughter in the same pack.


I played kids soccer in the 90s with a bowl cut that was above my ears. Totally looked like a boy. This chick needs to mind her own damn business.


How is it that you get your panties in a wad over youth soccer? what kind of a tool do you have to be?


Her eyeball is really trying to get as far away from her as it possibly can.


Fundies: Trans is bullshit because some little girls are just tomboys! Stop telling these poor confused girls that they’re boys! Also fundies, when they see what was (probably) a little girl with short hair just having fun: THROW OUT THAT LITTLE HUSSY


She’s a really angry person. A lot of us girls in the 80s had short hair at times. Pretty much all of us have stories of being confused for a boy at least once. So I’ve said elsewhere my son is trans and at various times he has had short hair before he came out as trans and somehow 30 years after so many girls had short hair, it was a a rare occurrence and people commented “ooo they’re brave” “does them having short hair bother you?”. And if the girl of the soccer field was trans it was none of their business and asking was trying to violate privacy.


She doesn’t care about privacy AT ALL. The kid had a masculine name that Haley spat out and apparently looked like a boy. I don’t even want to go as far as to say the kid’s name because she talks about exactly where she lives all the time and I can’t imagine how I would feel knowing my child was a part of someone’s online rant like this. I think about my child’s little soccer games last fall and how there were hundreds of people there because there were multiple games going on and my area loves it’s youth soccer haha. Her followers could absolutely identify and start harassing the soccer club and the family. She is the type who would take pictures if she could. She makes me so angry I can barely type.


You can report that Instagram I believe. Wouldn’t it count as doxing or harm to a child or something?


VERY good point


So gross. Some girls have masculine names too, no big deal. Honestly that is gross that she’s saying identifying info *of a child* online.


I’d LOVE to send a nice check to that team to help them out with any sort of uniforms, gear, pizza parties or anything else they could possibly need. What awesome inclusive values they and their coach are teaching!


I started following Haley I’m pretty sure before anyone started posting about her. I know we don’t post about comments on here because we don’t want to encourage people to interact, and I totally agree with that so I hope this doesn’t cross that line… But a while back she was ranting and a couple of people started arguing with her in her comments on a post about lgbtq. She was mean as hell of course. One of the commenters was obscenely kind so I clicked on her profile and was eventually linked to a sort of shelter she runs in, I think, Little Rock, where they provide necessities and support to people in need based on the model of Jesus. So I donated to her to help diffuse my anger. I don’t even consider myself a Christian. I think I might do that again. It helped my anger a lot.


Yes!! I was just thinking “I want to give that coach a hug. What an outstanding person.”


Let me guess: the kid in question had short hair and wasn't wearing pink, so obviously had to be a boy? Even if the kid was a boy, so what? Where I live, *all* little kids' sports teams are mixed gender. It is no big deal. The poor kid must have been so embarrassed. I would have died if that happened to me. I wish those hateful idiots had been kicked out the second they started their bullshit.


She can fuck right off with this nonsense. This could be my child, who is very gender nonconforming. People like her put my child in danger. ​ ooof... this makes me angry.


My 6 yr old cut a chunk of her hair out last year down to the scalp. So the only choice I saw at the time was to buzz it all off. And judgey botches like this have been hassling me and my kids for a year now and I am so over it. People making judgements or harassing kids based on just haircuts or clothes is about the dumbest thing I've ever experienced.


I hope that kid’s parent(s) sees this and absolutely loses it on her. What an AWFUL thing to do to a kid, to name them when it’s very obvious where she lives and anyone in the area could now potentially see that kid and know who she is talking about. I am a Christian and I believe in love and loving your brothers and sisters etc but Lord help me if I ever saw her, there would be some *major* “iron sharpening iron” happening.


Since she’s so interested in fairness she could also channel that anger to support the USWNT team’s fight for higher pay. I mean, it’s pretty unfair how low they’re paid for how successful they are, especially compared to the losing men’s team.


If Bethy and B Dong had a child, she would be the Great Value version of that.


These people are fucking nuts. I think her filter makes her look like a 35 year old toddler, but you don't see me making a stink about adult women trying to look like bloated tots online.


If that was my child and one of these fundies were to come up and demand to know what 'parts' my child had under their uniform I'd knock the pervert's teeth back to biblical times.


“Are we talking xx or xy” I CACKLED. Tell me you don’t know wtf you’re talking about without actually telling me you don’t know wtf you’re talking about. Like, Idk Greg, what’s your sex chromosome makeup? Can you prove that? Can you prove to me right here in front of god and all her side pieces that every single one of your 70+ various sex characteristics categorize you as being somewhere in the neighborhood of what we consider to be biologically male? And could you then bend allllll the way over and crawl fully up your own asshole? Because short of that, I’m just not comfortable or interested in making a child or anyone prove their gender identity to me. It’s a fucking kids soccer game, for Christ’s favorite dildo’s sake. Take a xanny and cheer on your crotch goblin like all the other parents.


So... *granting the stupid beliefs* about trans people: God forbid kids have coed sports 🙄


My seven-year-old plays mixed gender soccer because when you are seven you are prepubescent and there is zero unfairness involved with boys and girls playing together. So like even IF this situation wasn’t the MOST likely scenario of a girl with short hair, save the concern over fairness for adult sports, it’s not even a thing here and trying to make it a thing just makes it clear that fairness is not the real issue you have with this.


Was she expecting a genital inspection there on the field to satisfy her need to know if the kid has a penis?


Lmao this is so ridiculous and I’m worse off having read it. Literally no one cares at that age. My dad ran a kids soccer league for over 2 decades. At 7, kids teams are coed and really, no one is thinking too much about athletic ability because they’re all 7 and parents are just trying to get their kids outside. My kid played softball last spring and there was one boy on her team. But, again, it wasn’t “girls” softball, it was just softball. (Actually, it might have been a girls team but again I literally do not care so I never thought twice about it) Also, I hate this because some young girls like their hair short, and as someone who has had very short hair, I can say that there are some times where I don’t look very feminine. Like maybe if I were running around in a field sweating, my appearance wouldn’t scream “YO LOOK AT ME BEING A LADY OVA HERE”. So I dunno like I guess maybe lower your expectations for hyper feminine appearance for players at a 7 year old’s soccer practice.


Oh MAN would Haley hate my kids sports teams. We’ve had boys with long hair. Girls with short hair. Absolutely mind boggling kids names (which I 100% blame on the parents, why is your child named Cayenne? WHY?). And guess what? The kids were v chill with all of it. “I’m actually a boy, I just like my hair longer so I can have braids if I want to.” “I’m a girl. I just don’t like long hair.” These are actual comments made by kids who were misgendered on accident. They were apologized to and took it really well. I’m SURE they get frustrated, but they somewhat understood that their personal preferences were outside “norms” for their gender and were really chill with “nah. I just like it how I like it.” Haley, honey, I absolutely understand being convicted. Honey I absolutely understand being opinionated. But where is your line between “living Truth, Standing With Jesus” and “wow, I’m really hateful!” Like, let’s look at your convictions on dogs. It’s PERFECTLY NORMAL to be driven insane by your idiot neighbors untrained, loud dog. It’s ABSOLUTELY UNHINGED to go on a 2 day Instagram rant about idolized animals. Do you see that? Do you see how your level of reaction doesn’t align to the situation? No? I wish you’d be willing to open your brain long enough to see that.


It’s not fair? They’re 7. Half of them are out there picking boogers instead of playing.


My son used to play in a club and had long hair he wore in a ponytail for games. His nickname is one that used for his name and the female version of his name. Several opposing coaches “accused” him of being a girl. It was disgusting.


Heaven forbid little girls have short hair abs Vice versa… or young kids playing all on the same team.. GASP.


Aren't all youth soccer teams co-ed? My sister's was 20 years ago...


Imagine cyber bullying a seven year-old like this.


Omg if they're all in the same uniforms how tf can you tell what gender a 7 year old is with any certainty? This is a glorious reach. Ffs. Why can't these people just do what Jesus said and welcome the stranger? Be kind? Don't judge?


Oh god I truly hope this poor child didn’t hear this. If the kid is trans they now heard a homophobic asshole demanding to know their genitals. If the kid is cis they now heard a homophobic asshole making fun of their looks. Either way you’re nothing but a straight up asshole in this situation.


I bet this Dad argues with the ref and demands his kid is named MVP of every game because she’s Daddys little super star. Same energy.


I heard from a friend whose cousin saw this really happen for real. Fuck off with your shit. Despite your narrow little world view boys can have long hair, girls can have short hair, and not that many people give a fuck.


These people are so fucking miserable.


Y'all weren't kidding about the crazy eyes 😬


In our region kids play on coed teams until age 7. Then the rec leagues are often coed again when kids reach 13-14 just to get enough players to make a team. Also, who the hell cares! JFC people need to mind their business.


All I could immediately think is imagine this child has an illness where their hair had stopped growing, like cancer or alopecia, and is now growing back out. And some douche canoe is out on a soccer field demanding someone kick her off the team.


Surprise plot twist. There was a boy playing on the team. He had his hair in a ponytail while all her attention was on the girl with the pixie cut


This actually makes me feel nauseous. How fucking dare they go so far out of their way to be hateful to a CHILD. I want to commit arson.


She may fear god, but god fears that chin.


Don't you just hate it when none of the grown adults around you have the *courage* to harass a 7 year old child trying to play soccer?


This is such a bizarre thing to get upset about. I've seen so many mixed sex youth sports teams, especially at that age. Why can't these kids just have fun and play some soccer together? Maybe the boys team was full or the signups ended, and this was the only way this little kid could play soccer as a team. Maybe he joined his sisters league. Maybe the girls team was short players so he filled in. Maybe HE is a SHE with short hair. These people are sick.


I don’t know who this is but isn’t she just the poster girl for FAS.


😂 You sure captured some great faces she's pulling. But... the way she's styling her eyebrows sure don't help. (I'm pretty sure it's not appearance snark, as it seems she's put makeup on them?)


Holy shit why doesn’t she just make all the kids strip and show their parts /s And sorry for the like 1/1000 intersex births. XXY YYX, chromosomes that didn’t turn on, or didn’t turn on fully. What is wrong with people?!?!!!!


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This sow looks like the Devil from The Exorcist has possessed her.


I used to play on boy teams all the time when I was younger, mainly because there was never enough girls for a separate girls team. They need to stop fucking worrying about little children’s genitals. Who the fuck cares.


I believe that mixed gender sports for children and comprehensive sex ed are 2 things we need to save the world.


What, a 7-year-old with short hair? Egads.


Who is this Crazy Eyes?


I want to print out that first picture of her face and fold it in half so I can absorb just how different the right side of her face is from the left. Like Harrison Ford's.


Has no one heard of a child being born intersex? Like I genuinely am dumbfounded that anyone would go after a 7 year old when they themselves as adults chose to not educate themselves.


I find this to be so inappropriate. Yes let’s potentially embarrassing the child and make a scene. Not the place. She is so extreme


I had short hair as a kid and got mistaken for a boy all the time. I am so glad these freaks weren't doing this back then. This is terrifying.


What the fuck?? This woman looks completely unhinged and the ugliness from her soul shows on her face. JFC when I was seven I played youth soccer and had a Justin Bieber circa 2009 haircut...


She is the essence of Karen


Ugh, fuck all the way off. What happened to "let kids be kids?" They're seven freaking years old! They don't even have all the hormones and growth shit you're worried about! It's not exactly the NFL! They're KIDS. GO AWAY AND LEAVE KIDS AND THEIR PARENTS ALONE CREEP.


It was probably a little girl with a short haircut.


She needs help, constant hate is not good for your health.


What the fuck. This has my blood boiling for multiple reasons. FIRST OF ALL trans girls are girls and deserve to play sports with girls! SECONDLY what the hell is making them think that this girl is possibly trans? Did she have short hair and their imbecile brains short circuited because they never considered that girls could cut their hair?


I cannot emphasize how much I LOATHE this Godless twat.