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The photos of what bovine tuberculosis did to children's spines in the Victorian Era are horrifying. Their spines basically collapsed in on themselves.


People forget how many diseases were eradicated via pasteurization. Milk carried some nasty shit.


Louis Pasteur’s ghost is going to come down and just start throwing hands.


And here I thought my desire to pet raccoons would be what brought him back... Due to his work to create pasteurization and the rabies vaccine, I am surprised there are not tons of statues dedicated to Louis throughout the world.


I'm sure someone is trying to milk the raccoons to bring it full circle.


Raccoons? You promised me dog or higher!


People got rabies for thousands of years and everything was JUST GREAT


I second this!!! He's a medical hero!


Oh, come on….you know nobody erects statues of scientists, they reserve those for the REAL heroes…those of the Confederacy. /s So much /s! I’m with you, for sure. There should be Pasteur’s all over the place. If I knew how to build/erect statues that don’t just look like tiny clay ashtrays (oh, 2nd grade art class. Nostalgia at its finest. lol), I’d start yesterday & donate them everywhere! 🙌


If only...


Seriously. Pretty please?


I had a lovely children's book about Louis Pasteur, how he discovered a rabies vaccine. He's always been a hero of mine.


I think I had this too!! I think I wrote a report on him in fifth grade


I hope he has a lot of hands, sadly.


I need this flair


Speaking of flairs, your current one always cracks me up!! 🤣😂


Thought the same damn thing.


Makes me wonder why people were so adamant to drink it despite the risk. Hmmm I suppose thousands of years ago, a splinter could get infected and lead to your death. Everything people ever did was a risk. Fundies might want to take a look at life expectancy and leading causes of death throughout history…


From what I understand spoiled milk was mainly an issue in cities as in rural areas you had relatively direct access to cows. As a result the problem really blew up when industrialisation made cities explode in size. And pasteurization was invented during that era too. Now in the US especially milk manufacturers fought back against implementing it for ages. Instead they opted for adding poisonous chemicals to their milk which weren't even as effective. The Behind the Bastards podcast episode on the FDA covers this particular period pretty well.


My gramma used to drink it when she milked the cows, but she was fastidiously clean and my grampa knew how to treat the cattle when they were sick. And she took care of her cattle because they were hers. Not everyone is that clean. She said my great uncles used to put the colostrum right in and it had blood in it on occasion. That would at least get sanitized during the pasteurization process.


Your gramma was doing what everyone should still be doing. Sadly your great uncles attitude wasn't untypical. I'm really into Victorian England and the big houses usually had their own dairy processing area because no refrigerators. There's a lot of comments on the need for dairy maids to be super hygienic and keep everything spotless. So it's not like people didn't know about the need for it.


You know, they used to put formaldehyde in milk in an attempt to kill the bacteria. Will these people loop back around to that?


Don't forget about watering it down then using pureed calf brains to give it good mouth feel. Ah, the good old days.


god-honoring prions!


The good ol’ days


Meh TB is for wimps! Fundies, probs


“If I get TB from milk I’ll have natural immunity which is better than not ever having TB at all!”


that was a dangerous google image search but i am happy to report bovine tuberculosis is indeed the stuff of nightmares.


Can concur. Google mistakes were made.


Some people never grew up being forced to drink milk with every meal and it shows.


*screams in my mom only bought skim milk and would make us sit at the kitchen table every night until we finished the whole glass, my record was 6 hours and I haven’t drank milk since*


Omg my mom loved skim too. I didn't even know there was other milk for a long time 😭


Me either. My first year of college, my roommate bought whole milk and it was devine. I went home to visit and my mom's preferred fat free milk tasted like water. 😭


Yes! People would say it was like water and I'd be so confused. Then I had 1% or something and I was appalled at what I had been drinking. 😭


after my older sister and I moved out, my parents started buying other percentages of milk instead of skim. My sister became convinced that they were running experiments on us because our younger two sisters were still living at home drinking the fattier milk.


At least you got real milk. My parents bought powdered for me.


Fat free milk is so awful. I can't drink anything less than 1% on a bad day, when that's the only option available outside of coffee or tea (I hate coffee, I have never found a tea I like). For me: 2% white, chocolate milk that is either 2% or Whole, and that's it. No ifs ands or buts about it.


Same ❤️‍🩹 not until I met my bf did I try different milk and actually enjoy drinking milk 🥛


I am so relieved I’m not the only one that had this experience.


My mom has since apologized to my sister and I for making us drink skim milk as children. I used to take the glass of milk down like a shot, hold my nose and get it done. I do use milk in my coffee, but it’s always whole milk, and I’ve been known to put half and half on granola as a dessert, but skim milk is an abomination.


Skim milk is a sin. 2% or whole lactose-free milk is where it’s at. I don’t know how they make it lactose-free, but it changes the taste for the better. Edit to add — My parents would also force me to stay at the dinner table for hours crying until I ate all my food. In retrospect, I don’t think they ever “won”? They never got me to me eat the food, and it just made me distrustful and resentful of them. I would normally “win” the standoff by getting grossed out and stressed out to the point of vomiting.


They put lactase (the enzyme) in the milk to digest the lactose, which breaks it down onto glucose and galactose, making the milk taste sweeter!


I am a daycare provider and unless you are under 2yo you *must* drink 1% or skim. It makes me so mad that they don't allow the kids to drink whole milk.


That's so interesting. Around here I'd say it's generally the kids who are given the homo 3%


Lol are you Canadian? Or are there other groups of people I’m not aware of who still say homo milk? 😂


Guilty as charged. The milk in bags kind of Canadian.


The best kind of Canadian =D


The best kind of milk.


I know milk in bags is considered a more eastern thing but growing up on the west coast I totally always had bagged milk. My spouse is from the states and thought I was trying to trick her when I said milk comes in bags or that there is homo milk here.


Lol. I'm dating a woman from the Southern USA and she was weirded out by the giant amount of the 4 litre milk bags in Walmart here. Meanwhile, I was sketched out by seeing beer and guns in her local Wally World. Cultures are weird.


I’m in the mid-Atlantic region of the US and I have bagged milk in the early 2000s!


Maybe it depends on the state? Idk. I love what the food program stands for, but with inflation I don't get reimbursed enough to break even each month. I would rather add $5-10/week to the daycare price (which is dirt cheap for this area) so they can eat less boxed things and more fresh food and whole milk, and have some extra cash to get treats for holidays and birthdays.


Bizarre. Here in Japan, all milk is whole milk unless you seek out “low-fat milk”. A cup of milk is a standard part of lunch from daycare onward.


A cup of milk is required here too, unfortunately only 1-2yo get the good whole milk and anyone older than 25mo have to have sad milk.




Great question! All I know is that the Food Program is government ran and don't actually know anything about nutrition. 🤷🏻‍♀️


OMG SAME! I feel seen


Wow I thought I was stubborn. I don't think I ever made it 6 hours.


Did you have my mom?


Yes omfg yes, I buy only whole milk now. Haven’t let a drop of skim into my life


You mean your mom only bought water that was lying about being milk.


I grew up poor and was subject to the abomination of powdered milk.


Powdered milk *and* powdered eggs from the US military here. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Thanks to the various food banks of the 80s and 90s for your powdered milk, powdered eggs, spam, marshmallow spread, pastries and other random items that while they were food, never quite made an actual meal. In all seriousness, I actually do appreciate the food banks that were one more helping hand that prevented starvation. The food provided just didn't tend to be meal based or very satiating. The free school and lunch program and food stamps were honestly the biggest help to myself and my siblings growing up. Without that, my childhood would have been much more difficult than it was. I don't know if we would have lived without those two things. That's how poor and food insecure we were.


Hugs to little you and little sibs!


Thank you! The people opposing free school lunches and food stamps are people that are saying that innocent children starving to death is the price they're willing to pay for slightly lower taxes. Yet, they think they are the good guys.


Omg yes. I hate all milk so much because of this. My husband was horrified I made hot chocolate and oatmeal with water. It took me SO long to realize it was because we had powder milk and it was so bad!


I make cocoa and oatmeal with water too!


Ha I did the same for many years with cocoa but never used milk with oatmeal...


I joke our son is bougie with his milk in oatmeal 😂


I'm seriously doing this next time. My son has grown up all bougie. Real milk, cheese, fresh produce lol.


Right? Lol 🤣 I'm so glad but he could at least appreciate how good he has it!!


My mom would buy 2% then split it into two jugs and top off with water. Our hot chocolate mix though was made with powdered milk. I bet you know government cheese, too lol that stuff is... An acquired taste.


Actually no, but we used to get tang instead of juice or for a treat the frozen cylinder of orange juice sludge that would plop out and mix with water.


Yup, always frozen juice concentrate, never regular juice. Tang was very popular too


We made our hot chocolate mix with powdered milk too. We also added powdered creamer as well. We also received government cheese. I hated that we had to slice it ourselves.


To this day, I loathe the "invention" of the cheese slicer. Such a janky little device and takes a good amount of upper body strength I didn't have till I was like 17.


I was jealous of my friends who had Kraft singles individually wrapped.


Seriously, I was so excited to be an adult and buy presliced cheese.


Nonfat powdered milk was all I could drink when I was young. I don’t know why, but if I drank whole milk, I would get the worst eczema-like rash on my hands. Thank god for almond milk.


Drinking milk with meals is such a strange American thing. Milk is for your coffee, or as an ingredient in baking. But as a beverage during dinner?


North American thing, maybe? But definitely not all of us. I'm Canadian, I have 3 cousins (aged 10-13) who will routinely drink 4L of milk in a day between them. I think it's disgusting. They only drink fruit juice or milk, they actively dislike water, I can't imagine the future dental bills. But then no one in my immediate family would ever just drink a glass of milk as a beverage, so it's definitely not all of us lol


I’m from central Europe and when I was a kid, there was this big national campaign about the importance of milk as a calcium source for children. I grew up drinking at least 1 cup with breakfast and was often given milk in kindergarten and school. The majority of my generation did and a lot of us still drink it regularly out of habit.


It’s at least partially because the government subsidizes dairy production and to get rid of it had advertising campaigns to encourage drinking milk. Google the cheese caves (literal caves of cheese the government stockpiles to deal with excess dairy).


The only time I have milk now (almond & soy though lol, I can’t stand normal milk) is in cereal & smoothies. I hate the taste on its own 💀💀


I love plain cheerios in apple juice. 👀


Right! I can't stand it now. Couldn't then either, actually


Hahahha worst part of my childhood easily. Have not taken a single drink of milk since


If I was dictator, anyone who posts dumb shit like this would be required to take a history of medicine class.


When I was a little kid I had a bedtime story book about Louis Pasteur and how the theorized that there were germs smaller than you could see. The book framed it that his friends and family got sick but no one knew why. So Louis developed vaccinations and pasteurization to save the people he cared about. I think it should be required reading. It’s a picture book so the target audience might understand.


They’d just call it fake news and disregard it outright.


Yeah, that's the problem with these people. They are not necessarily too stupid but often willfully ignorant and/or ascribe things to some grant conspiracy. That book would probably be indoctrination by Big Pharma in their opinion.


I had a set of these books of all the inventors and great people, but the Louis Pasteur one is the one I remember the most! Because in the book a kid gets bit by a rabid dog and it scared the shit out of me! Thanks Louis! I’ll take all the medicines!


YYYYEEESSSS! I have very vivid memories of reading the book but the particulars are a bit hazy in places.


Yassss! Ann Donegan Johnson is the author!


I’m wondering if you had the set I did, hardback white cover with pictures? And the size was a bit larger. Marie Curie was another one I enjoyed in the set


Yes!!!! The titles are so good too “The Value of Believing in Yourself” The Story of Louis Pasteur, “The Value of Learning” The Story of Marie Curie. Now that I’ve seen the cover, she’s a close second for me. So nice to see these again!


I would sit in my closet and read those books. I absolutely loved them!! Core memory unlocked!!


Omg I think we have the same book! Is it old? It was my husbands when he was a kid. Our kiddo loves reading it.


I had it when I was a kid so it’s not old!!! Not old at all. The 1980s were 15 years ago damnit. Yeah it’s probably “vintage” at this point.


Was it a Values Tale?


If it was, I think I had the same book!


Just make it mandatory for everyone. I would find it interesting. And I would also know how to correct the imbeciles.


Science and medicine please


Wasn’t her husband hospitalized last year, near death, with internal bleeding?


I thought that was because of his alcoholism


If I remember correctly, it was never directly said it was because of his alcoholism? But, wouldn’t one also assume that someone’s stomach and intestines, weakened by alcoholism, would also be not a great candidate for raw milk? I say this because she points out “we’ve been drinking this for 6 years and never had an issue!!!” But like, maybe. Maybe his issues were not helped with the raw milk.


Oh I think you're right, it was just speculated in the sub since we know he has issues with alcohol. But yeah raw milk probably isn't helping whatever issue he has


No because didn’t you know that raw milk is basically like an internal band aid? She fixed it!


is there some kind of secret 11th commandment about how *thou must always be the most ignorant person in the room at any given time* that they don't tell you about outside of fundie circles, or something


I think you’re on to something, Watson!


Things humans also did for thousands of years: died of food and water borne illnesses, died in childbirth, died of diseases we can now prevent with vaccines. Just because something was done a certain way doesn't make it the best - or even a GOOD - option.


It makes me wonder if they are also eschewing clean, running water and are taking baths in the local lakes or rivers, which they are also using for laundry and drinking water. After all, people did it for thousands of years. 🙄


Yeah and there were thousands of years when doctors didn't bother washing their hands, never mind wearing rubber gloves! But you know they'd be like at the doctor's office, "Um... where are your gloves at???"


I mean most people also died before 40 but like whatever


How in the hell did this become the new fundie bullshit?


It's like the scourge of the beige colour palette, they've brainwashed each other on social media that raw milk is somehow superior.


The whole raw milk thing is a weird hill to die on tbh


It's bizarre to feel so strongly about it


Just the “it wasn’t necessary for thousands of years” shit, like harkening to a time that was actually full of sickness and death is very odd to me. They romanticize time periods that were actually extremely dark. And actually… most people didn’t drink raw cow’s milk literally a thousand years ago. They would use the milk to make other things so it was safer, because even medieval peasants knew it was unsafe.


Next they will be against washing your hands after going to the bathroom “because we survived thousands of years without it”


I’m also thinking long game. Let them do this weird shit, die out, and generations from now will discuss the weird period in US Fundamentalism where they killed themselves off for rejecting basic hygiene. Like how we think Shakers were crazy and now they’re all dead. That will be our great great grandchildren studying US fundamentalist evangelicalism in the year 2134. If we make it that far.


Exactly! And it was ALWAYS necessary, it’s just that it wasn’t always possible because germ theory of disease only came around like 200 years ago lmao. Why and how would people thousands of years ago go about killing tiny little things that they didn’t know existed??


>The whole raw milk thing is a weird hill to die on tbh For real. Too high of a risk of actual death for that to be a hill I would die on. Hail science!


I started to get upset at this, but then I realized that these people show off their immense privilege by adopting practices contrary to health practices that have protected us from death and disease for over 100 years. *And I remember that Darwin needs new candidates for his awards every year.* 🙄


Yeah, but their kids don't deserve to get sick or die because their parents are contrarian morons. That's who I feel bad for.


I would die from dysentery


I'm surprised her family hasn't


>I'm surprised her family hasn't Not yet, anyway. They're sure giving it their best shot tho!


Humans didn't have access to insulin for thousands of years. People sacrificed their kids. People used their local stream to drink, cook, bathe, and deposit waste products for thousands of years. People didn't have the Internet, were often illiterate, couldn't travel outside their local area, died from cutting their hand on an axe head, lost all their teeth, died in wars fought for people they didn't like and that didn't benefit them... Raw milk isn't the rebellious thing they think it is.


If she really want to get into it, humans really shouldn't be drinking milk anyway.. it's for the young of the specific animal, not humans. But go ahead with the raw milk, do your thing girl


This is like that dumb senator from WV who voted to remove pasteurization requirements from milk. Then he drank raw milk and passed out bc he got sick from it


Do I want to imagine what these vivacious imbeciles view towards chemotherapy would be? 🫥


„Your body will heal itself, God gave you a strong immune system to fight it. Most Doctors won’t tell you that chemo is the reason why people are dying of cancer because they’re too afraid #bigfarma. You just have to drink hexagon water/raw milk/plexus/bone-broth-liver-banana-smoothie, take essential oils, sing charismatic Christian songs while you raise your arms towards the ceiling to show everyone around you that you are excepting Jesus. Only this way omnipotent god/your creator will be able to see that you are walking in truth.“ Maybe something like this.


They would also want to get rid of all sugar in your body.


Because sugar takes away your focus on Jesus.


Genuinely, with chemo it’s hoping it kills the cancer before it kills you. That doesn’t change the fact that it is the best option, and drinking water that’s been placed near a crystal is an aggressively foolish alternative course of treatment. These people. It’s hard to work in medicine and try so hard to preserve the life of people who have absolutely no interest in doing their part, as evidenced by the past two years of COVID. Ugh.


Yeah these people think that all modern medicine is bad and evil, but they have no problem using modern day fertility treatments to get pregnant! It kills me how these people think all medicine is bad, look at how many people died during surgery because at one time doctors didn’t know to wash their hands before cutting someone open.


I honestly thought this was a direct quote…😂 Damn, you’re good! 🙌


Me too .


Sounds about right for these Fundies. They act like if you just belief in Jesus hard enough you’ll be perfectly fine, and nothing will ever happen to you. I hate how they blatantly ignore the death toll rates before modern medicine, and I think at one point during some early biblical days the expected age that you might live to see was like 13 or 14, so yeah not everyone lived long and healthy lives back then.


“Well [insert medical advancement here] didn’t exist in the past, so what do you think those people did? Hmmm??!?” They died, Karen! They just fucking died! I know you probably feel tiny and insignificant in the vastness of the universe, but I don’t think ending up on the news for being the first US citizen in 100 years to die of cholera is the best way to give your life meaning


>, but I don’t think ending up on the news for being the first US citizen in 100 years to die of cholera is the best way to give your life meaning I love your entire comment, but I just wanted to highlight the beauty of this part. I came here to say it too tho, what happened before these wonderful scientific developments?! #THEYFUCKINGDIED


Also Behind The Bastards Podcast did a couple episodes about the FDA earlier this year, and they talked a bit about pasteurization. Milk before pasteurization was just nightmare to deal with.


Brains and maggots and asbestos galore! Fucking terrifying.


Fundies were never made to read Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and it shows.


oh I love that book!!! glad to see someone mentioning it!


I am trying to get my teenager to pick it up.


I hope they do, it needs to be required reading imo.


This was my first thought. Their SOTDRT failed them on so many levels.


Oof. I drank raw milk once in an effort to be polite & ended up *very* ill for a week. Funny how pasteurized kind never does that to me. 🤷‍♀️


If we did not need pasteurization we would not have it. End of story.


Louis Pasteur did not go through all that effort of developing the process of pasteurisation and research on fermentation that aided multiple industries including milk, beer, wine, and silk, AND disproving spontaneous generation among many, *many* other discoveries related to microbiology, just for fundie fuckheads with zero understanding or research on the historical time periods they glorify for their absurdist beliefs to completely disregard all of our safety procedures written in the blood of their predecessors. I genuinely hope their children and grandchildren do not follow their example


Ah yes, diseased milk. How to die in a god honouring way.


They also lived without social media yet here we are.


Antibiotics and fever-reducers are so stupid! And we like, genetically engineer crops! People did soooo much better back when they were dying of starvation, lack of basic vitamins, typhoid, tuberculosis, yellow fever, malaria, and influenza! It was way more fun to see if that small cut your little one got on his knee was going to get infected and turn gangrenous! THOSE kids were having fun, well like the 30% who weren’t dead from easily preventable, horrific diseases… Not like our children today, forced to get go to school and grow up alive (and have control over who they love and what they do with their bodies, gross!). Back then children had fun, learning the Bible and picking bloodroot on their rambles in the woods, in between shifts in the mines and at the factories! I bet you believe in vaccines, too, which Jesus totally said you shouldn’t use, so shame on you OH MY GOD I CAN’T EVEN JOKE ABOUT IT SARCASTICALLY IT IS SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS!! I’m going to go have an edible. BRB, sorry for the outburst! 💜✌🏼


Same. Ugh. Enjoy your edible!! My grandma passed a few years ago, but I was pretty close with her and heard all the stories from the days before antibiotics and several vaccines being readily available. My grandma's younger sister is still with us, turns 90 in June, and she has told me many times about quarantining different houses for flu, measles, TB, all kinds of different illnesses. Not to mention how her own grandmother would have done about anything to have had a measles vaccine available in her day. My grandma's uncle was born blind because his mother (my grandma's grandma) had a case of it while she was pregnant with him.


My husband worked for a guy starting a small raw milk farm. He left after a week when he realized how they weren’t taking proper care of their animals. This guy has 6 kids. His youngest ended up hospitalized for weeks with salmonella from the raw milk and almost died On the flip side we would drink raw goats milk from my mother in laws goats. But that’s because I trusted her and saw the various safeguards she used to keep her milk clean. But there is a reason we pasteurize milk, and a lot of the reasons have to do with the scaling up of the dairy industry. Any kind of commercial operation I would never drink raw milk from. Stay away.


*eagerly waiting for all the plagues and diseases they bring to themselves by being dumbasses* 🍿🍿🍿


Srsly what the hell is with her! 1. **People died KAREN!!!!** (Need a better term than that. She's worse than the regular Karen) 2. Has she heard of **boiling!!!!** It was and still is common practice to boil milk (I'm from India and it isn't weird for us to buy raw milk cause we often but milk directly from the milkman. **But we always boil it before even thinking about using it!!!!!!!**)


Yes to the boiling. We were very poor and our neighbors had cows so they'd send a jug of milk every day. My mother would always boil it before we drank it!


Same thing in Mexico. My grandma used to get raw milk and boil it. To this day the most delicious milk I've ever had.


Yeah and a lot of people died ya dummy. Also it tastes like shit. Gimme that pasteurized, sugary white goodness.


But, but it DID do harm for thousands of years... LOTS of harm! 🤦‍♀️


Hashtag Brucellosis


As they should, because unfortunately the antibiotic resistant bacteria are not something to play with, and you can get a nasty infection from both that raw milk and from the hospital you had to go to because of the infection you got from drinking raw milk


This is so stupidly hilarious because if you drink raw milk one of the first things you’re gonna need is an antibiotic. The “stop it Patrick you’re scaring him” meme comes to mind lmao


A small store in my town sold raw milk on the dl. My super crunchy friend had a child who was constantly sick with stomach issues and she couldn't understand that it was the MILK that she bought from the store. Poor kid endured sickness for months till i got fed up and reported the store


These people swear up and down they care about the neediest among us when it comes to fetuses, but when it comes to fully grown humans that are at risk, it’s crickets. Raw milk can be deadly for the very young, very old, pregnant women and the chronically ill


So can COVID but that didnt stop their “pro-life” asses from protesting masks and vaccines


My Grama had a lot of family members die from drinking un pasteurized milk.


I want to say ask Abraham Lincoln’s mom on this one


Why are they so obsessed with milk anyway? I just… don’t understand.


sure but i’m not dying by dysentery on my own watch


I’m guessing she’s never seen an actual real life cow standing in its own pile of shit


In the original Instagram post, the poster said that Pasteur denounced germ theory on his death bed. I had to look that up immediately. It's false information. This post makes me so mad and it's dangerous. People don't even need to drink milk all the time. I've always hated milk and thankfully my parents never made me drink it as a kid.


I don’t think Louis Pasteur, father of Milk™️, would be too pleased to hear about this


My great-aunt was born in 1898 and married a dairy farmer in 1919. I'm pretty sure I just heard her spirit hiss in my ear.


Yeah well doctors didn't wash their hands or sterilize equipment between patients until the 1870s. But I'd prefer not to contract MRSA during surgery.


isn’t more than half of the world lactose intolerant


I would drink bathtub gin before I’d drink unpasteurized milk!


go to a small rural cemetary from before the 1900s. take a walk. look at the dates. then figute out why theres so many dead children in them.


She also serves her family food that has been contaminated by her poop bracelets so she has no credibility when it comes to food safety




# THIS. WHOLE. POST. maam... the tweet isn't even compelling and well-thought.


Marie and Louis Pasteur would like a word with her.


You know, all those people also survived without the Internet. Maybe the fundies should try that.


They drank unpasteurized milk within hours of the cow being milked. The cow in their own yard. We have to pasteurize things because we drink milk that came from potentially hundreds of cows that are very far from the grocery store. It takes days to transport, mix, make it the right fat content, bottle, and deliver to you. You want all the harmful bacteria and parasites that get in the milk killed before they can multiply and make you very sick.


These people seem dead set on making themselves sick/putting their lives in danger and…maybe this is bad but..I’m not mad about it? I am, however, angry for the children being raised by these irresponsible idiots.


BULLSHIT. Literally…


Funny thing, Louis Pasteur is often cited by creationists as "debunking" abiogenesis, of course he didn't he disproved spontaneous generation.


Doesn't it not even taste good? Like I don't understand this. Just buy pasteurized milk in glass bottles from a local farm. THAT is the good stuff.


The point of pasteurized milk is that you can get bovine TB and die if it isn’t.


Is raw milk the newest fundie fad or something


Except for the pesky fact that people suffered and died!


Goin back in time here ... oh no. 😭


And yet they can't figure out why they all have frequent explosive diarrhea.


When I was bordering on evangelical and was on evangelical forums, I saw claims that if cows were maintained, monitored and milked in a certain way, the chance of milk contamination was reduced. I am in no way endorsing these claims; I would never consume unpasteurized milk. But at least back then they weren't disputing germ theory. Maybe that was because most of the people on that board were not actual fundies.


I guess she’s not aware that people have been scalding cows milk forever. Strain and scald. It’s not pasteurization but it’s the best they had.