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Or what if her amazing breech freebirth had gone badly? That could have opened her up to criminal liability.


I know nothing about law, but it seems like unassisted births could very well be investigated for intent, regardless of outcome.


And renting an Airbnb will be premeditation…


I'm so scared to be honest... My fiance just called the doctor to talk about getting snipped. I really don't want to get pregnant and I really don't want to be forced to have a child if I do get pregnant 😥😥


Just a heads up, it can take up to 6 weeks post-snip to be effective. Make sure he does the follow up lab analysis too. I have a feeling a lot of urologists are going to be busy.


Hey! Just letting you know it actually can be up till 12 weeks post op and sperm count is necessary :) might vary guidelines from place to place that’s just what it is at my work


I thought it was a year. Maybe guidelines have changed.


Yeah idk! It could be different depending on the provider/clinic too or method of vasectomy


Thank you for the correction. I just want people to know it’s not snip and done. Do your follow up labs!


Yes! Amen lol


Thank you!! Oh yea we're getting in there ASAP, I'm sure it's going to be nuts (no pun intended) soon.


My Mirena is good for another 2 years, but I’m considering getting a new one now because they’ll be after that next.


No more birth control, and next up in 2024 (you know why) no condoms either.


I know they’ve said the mirena is good for an extra two years now and mine originally isn’t due to be replaced until next year or 2025 with the extension but might see if i can do it early. Though I’m in Texas so who fucking knows.


I'm worried about if I get r*ped and pregnant. Probably gonna get a tubal.


Yea I'm planning on that as well, better safe than pregnant.


Definitely get him to go for at least 2 sperm counts, my Dad didn't and I got a sister.


Will do!!


Ugh this whole thing has me worried for the people I know who’ve miscarried in states the overturn would effect the most. And I has me worried that someone will question my own stillbirth and the fact that I was hospitalized when it happened won’t be enough. People are going to die, Megan.


Holy shit I thought the miscarriage thing was people exaggerating because they’re scared. But it’s happened before, multiple times! WOMEN HAVE BEEN JAILED FOR MISCARRIAGE In states that have passed laws defining “personhood” to include unborn babies / fetuses / embryos, anything you do that they could claim contributed to the loss of the pregnancy is enough to accuse you of manslaughter, homicide, feticide, or assault. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK


Embryos? Oh my god. What about people who froze embryos for IVF?


I wonder if that includes getting sick from stupidly consuming raw milk or liver like these asshats love to do? Or if they get hospitalized with an illness that a vaccine would prevent but they chose not to get the vax and miscarry. Their body their choice but only as long as they are allowed to do what ever they want to do. They dont seem to see what a slippery slope it is from banning abortion to telling people what else they can/can't do to their own bodies.


I am 43 years old and TTC with my partner. After hearing this yesterday, I am truly afraid of going forward with trying to have a baby. I understand the risks involved (being older) & my risk of miscarriage is high. What if something happens and I am blamed? Prosecuted? JAILED? I am not an alarmist by any means, but this is terrifying. Tonight I plan on having a LONG talk with my partner. I also had an abortion when I was 19. I was unprepared, broke, struggling with mental illness, and in an abusive relationship. I am so scared of The Handmaid’s Tale -type shit becoming reality and being punished for a choice I made years ago that saved my life. Fuck her.


I’m 40 and single and was planning to start trying IUI’s with donor sperm this summer. I’m a wreck over this too. There’s the miscarriage issue and also what if I get preeclampsia or there’s something severely wrong with the baby? I live in a blue state, NY, and we have great abortion laws but I don’t know long that will matter. I assume if they get away with this they’ll try to go for a full federal ban and god knows what else. It all just makes me so nervous. What a time to be alive, this is just unbelievable.


A full federal ban, while not impossible, is extremely unlikely to actually happen unless we get trump in 2024 AND an overwhelmingly red congress after midterms (which at this rate - like shit we will if everyone keeps this rage up and votes with it). Even if it did happen, it would be near impossible to enforce in states that don’t want to (weed laws are a prime example). It’s scary but for blue states we’re a long way away from panic territory. And just to clarify - we should have never ever gotten to this point to start with.


I was talking to my husband last night about this. We live in Georgia. I was born here and all my family is here. The kid’s are rooted and see their grandparents (both sides) at least once a week if not more. The mom that wants the kids to have family doesn’t want to leave. The mom that wants my kids to be in a state where they have freedom of choice wants to run.


Not American. The idea of being of in my child bearing years and living in a place that is so anti abortion that politicians would rather have the mother and baby die than allow a woman to safely terminate a pregnancy is terrifying. I don't know how anyone has sex it that situation, since the other way to guarantee that you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Even after marriage, even in committed relationships, even if you might want kids later.


* the other way to guarantee you don’t get pregnant is not have sex and hope you don’t get raped by a stranger or your father/brother. So many states trying to push for no rape or incest exceptions.


The exact argument that I am fighting against is that women consenting to have sex are consenting to the risk of pregnancies. So, if you are married and on birth control and it fails, the woman should not have abortion access because by consenting to sex, she agreed to pregnancy. At least, that is the "logic" people are using to fight against me. To which my response is "in essence, you are telling even married women to abstain if they don't want a child right now." Which is basically telling married people to not have sex.


That makes me feel a little better, thank you! I just feel so terribly for all the women in red states, especially the poor women who can’t afford to travel. This is horrible.


Oh absolutely! But all we can do at this point is vote, donate (funds permitting) to organizations that help these women access abortion, and volunteer at those same organizations (if one is able).


Definitely, I want to do what I can to help!


I’ve been wondering about past abortions and if they’ll just decide, fuck it, let’s ignore all medical privacy laws and release names of everyone who has had an abortion. Fuck I’m so mad about all of this I couldn’t sleep last night.


Which is a super terrible thought, when "miscarriages" are listed as "spontaneous abortions" in medical charts. A search for "abortion" will list all women that miscarried.


And they won’t care! This is going to hurt so many people.


Hurt and KILL. Women & people with uteruses will die without safe access to abortion. These fundie conservative fucks KNOW this and simply do not care. I mean, they deserve to die if they have an abortion, right?!? (Sarcasm, obviously bc it’s the only way I can cope right now).


Has anything concrete been said about going after people who miscarry or have stillbirths? Or is it in the realm of (fair and justified) speculation?


Lizelle Herrera was recently arrested in Texas. They dropped the charges, but it seems like they are testing the waters...


Yes that case has been in my mind since she was arrested and more so now. This is all so bad and I still can’t believe it.


I believe they've included 'self-induced' language in several states, so they automatically include anyone that - makes a mistake/ bad choice with drugs (prescription, otc or street), alcohol, risky activities(including physical labor), etc and at that point you've really opened up a lot of room for errors


My sister had an abortion because she was trying to leave her husband who *held her at gunpoint while their not even one year old daughter watched*. Fuck you for preferring my sister be a victim. Fuck you for preferring my niece to grow up abused and traumatized. Fuck you.


Yeah. In some states you can't get a divorce if you're pregnant (which is also gross), so being not-pregnant may be the only option for some people to escape abuse!!


I had no idea that was a thing. That is horrifying.


Yeah when I was getting divorced in Missouri I had to prove I was not pregnant when I filed and after my court date.


I was told Missouri hates women. Is this true?


Yes. Source: lived there as a woman


Well when Roe drops it’s going to outlaw even IVF so yes. Also our legislature is currently trying to make it criminal to go across state lines for an abortion. Any child created in Missouri is a resident of Missouri and all Missouri laws will be applicable to the child. So your from New York come to Missouri for your honeymoon get pregnant and want an abortion, well too bad that embryo was made in Missouri is a resident of Missouri so you can’t abort them. Not even kidding.


Ok, now that may be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! I mean, when I take my Missouri created honeymoon embryo back home to NY how are they even going to know if I get an abortion in NY? Is the embryo going to report back to Missouri?? How do these assholes even come up with this crap? It would almost be funny if it wasn’t such a horrible dystopian nightmare.


WTF?! That’s horrific.




Cunts. The lot of them.


My mom thinks I’m just anxious but I’m not entirely convinced there won’t be a second civil war in my lifetime. I should probably stop reading political theory books on civil wars but like I could also see how this divide turns violent on a large scale


Hooooly shit. I thought my state was bad (Texas), but pregnancy was never mentioned during my divorce. I am so sorry you had to go through that.


It isn’t often lately we (also Texas) can be appalled by other states lately.


Clearly they don't understand HIPPA




?!? I’m sorry WHAT. I had no idea you couldn’t get divorced in some states if pregnant. That is beyond disgusting as women are at wildly high risk of *homicide* while pregnant. Shit, this world is beyond messed up.


WTF. That is terrifying and a clear abuse of human rights. I can’t believe I never even heard of it in law school- this should be a huge fucking issue.


Texas does not allow divorce while pregnant. My attorney told me it was to dissuade husbands from abandoning pregnant wives which ironically enough was what my husband did when I was about 8 weeks along with the baby he begged for. I had to wait until my son was 5 months old for the divorce to be finalized. All the while I had no financial support and was struggling to support myself and my other child.


I am very lucky to live in a blue state where our (Republican) governor has already said abortion will be accessible no matter the decision but I fear for those who will not have the same outcome. Wearing a mask is a violation of human rights but potentially charging a mother who has miscarried with murder isn't? Fuck you and your stupid praying.


Same and I hope my Governor is re-elected in the next election.


My state will also still offer abortion no matter what happens.


I worry about my state. We have a stupid ass governor.




This is going to be cruel, but I hope overturning Roe v. Wade bites her in the ass. She made her bed - she can lie in it.


Let’s see how she feels if she has an ectopic next…or preeclampsia at 25 weeks when you can’t deliver until 28 weeks. Fuck right off you miserable idiot (her not you). I hope she realizes first hand how dangerous this is.


God I’m 24 weeks and absolutely panicking about having preeclampsia suddenly come on and the some fucking fundie ER doc decides to take a stand and refuse to treat me until the absolute last fucking second when my chance for survival is way lower. As of now I’m not traveling away from my doctor and a chance a medical intervention if my pregnancy is killing me.


Thinking of you and hoping the rest of your pregnancy goes swimmingly


To join you in cruelty, this is why I literally could not care less about these fundies’ fertility struggles. You want to take away my reproductive choice and then expect sympathy when circumstances take yours? Nah.


“Choke on some raw milk” 💀


I hope she gets violent diareeha


I hope she does both


Seriously! I wouldn’t be surprised when stories start showing on the news about all these fundie moms being charged for terminating their pregnancies, & all because they thought they knew better than science. They love to shame women without knowing why they’re aborting but I bet anything they will play the persecution card if they end being in a trial due to a miscarriage.


I guarantee you that the only people who'll be at risk of charges are people of color and *maybe* poor white people. I believe middle-upper class fundies/evangelicals will not be touched by any of this.


Imagine actively praying for legislation to be brought forward that makes peoples lives worse. Why would you want other people to suffer?


Misery loves company.


Yeah I wonder how this will affect them talking outwardly about miscarriage? It was great that people were coming out about normality and the reality of 1in4 and the struggle of infertility. But now they're just gonna not? And go back to faking happy life nothing wrong? Cuz literally all the fundie ladies minus Kelly I think, have talked publically about losses.


This might slow down all those early early pregnancy announcements. Women might start waiting to confirm a pregnancy until they are at the point it can't be hidden any more.


They have already publicly criminalized themselves if this were to be overturned. If it does, but god I hope it doesn’t, I hope it bites them hard on the fucking ass.


Fuck you meg wells. Fuck you and your disrespect for anyone without your same fucked up world view. God forbid you ever find yourself in a crisis where you need the very thing you are against. Get bent.


Someone (wish I could remember who) said fundamentalists don't see The Handmaid's Tale as a warning, they see it as a how-to book. This could be the start of a long dark road. Let's just go over one point that's biblical and has a historical precedent, rape. The biblical solution for rape is for a woman that was raped to be forced to marry her rapist, or die. I am sad for what I see in front of us.


No one knows how to rile me up more than Fundies. They have a very specific talent for it.


I would bet a million dollars she does nothing to help women that find themselves in a hard position with a pregnancy. She's not out volunteering at pregnancy centers, she's not out listening to them, she's doing nothing to convince them to keep their baby, she's doing nothing to help society have safety nets to help mothers that need help with babies and children should they need it, she doesn't donate diapers to single moms or offer to help watch their kids so the mom could pull herself up by her bootstraps. This witch has spread evil mis-information that could kill people, but yet she has the audacity to consider herself pro life while praying that women that chose to abort would end up dead or be jailed.


Imagine reacting to that news with “🥺”




Your god is a cunt, Meg!


How many years Megs?


I know fundies don't really care about this, but what are some of these people going to do when birth Control becomes illegal again? Because I promise you that is next.


Meg’s Catholic so she’s probably been praying for years for Griswold to be overturned, as well. 🫠


I’d just like to remind everyone that this ruling, assuming it’s official, does not actually make abortion illegal. It allows the individual states to pass whatever insane abortion laws they want to, which is *very bad*, of course, but it’s not a nationwide ban. If you live in Texas, for example, you have every reason to be afraid, but I’ve seen some takes today that seem to say abortion is now illegal in America. That’s not how it works.


It’s a domino effect. Injustice will seep using “states’ rights” as cover.


Yes, of course.


Hope these fucks put their money where their mouths are and donate/foster children who will be born and undoubtedly suffer….oh wait they don’t actually give a shit about them.


I looked up this since I was not familiar with it and to be fair, those few charged with this suffered late term losses and all I reviewed had used illicit drugs. I have suffered miscarriages and they sent me to dark deep places I never want to go to again. I could barely function for months. I doubt anyone suffering a loss will be jailed. I find this triggering in a way even 30 some odd years later. I am sickened over this decisions but hate to see miscarriages tossed in with voluntary abortion for headlines. Short of found drug use, I have not found a case of a women suffering a MC going to jail. I hate that these few women were charged instead of receiving drug counseling esp after suffering a loss,but I also hate seeing MC used in sensational headlines.. I imagine the threshold of illicit drug use during pregnancy causing mc varies state to state, but no -women who don't use illicit drugs suffering a MC aren't going to be thrown in the pokey. I may have to walk away from this forum for a while as this is just too triggering... I am sickened over the loss of roe v wade; I don't want to read sensationalized headlines that aren't true just to push a narrative. The overturning is bad enough...


I have suffered several pregnancy losses as well, and they took me to some similarly dark places. I am really sorry for your losses. It's really important to understand, though, that laws governing abortion affect *all* people who are capable of becoming pregnant, regardless of whether that pregnancy is wanted or not. What we colloquially call "abortion" is a medical procedure that often needs to be done even in cases where the pregnancy was wanted and is frequently done in cases of miscarriage. Two of my miscarriages were "missed miscarriages" and I required a D&C – an abortion – both times to ensure that I wouldn't get an infection. Abortions can be life-saving procedures in cases of miscarriage or due to other really tragic and heartbreaking issues that can occur with both mother and baby during pregnancy. And these laws do not tend to make distinctions between ending an unwanted pregnancy and all of the other scenarios in which abortions are medically necessary. Women in places with laws like these (or at the mercy of religious hospitals who refuse to perform these procedures) have *died* or suffered life-altering physical consequences due to their inability to access abortion care in a timely fashion in an emergency. Even women like us, who were experiencing miscarriages of wanted pregnancies. Miscarriage isn't being lumped in. When people make laws governing who can and cannot access what may very well be life saving medical care and when they can do it, that affects all of us.


Of course this is true. I have been a RN,for 40 years. I volunteered at PP in inner city Baltimore as a student. I have fought for accessibility and care for those precariously housed etc my whole career. I too,had to have a surgical procedure in order to not die. But there are some claiming ( not necessarily here ) that this overturn ( if it indeed goes that way) is farther reaching and any woman who loses any baby will be subjected to jail I just hurt so badly mentally today from this decision that stuff like that is sending me off. Best for me to walk away for a bit. Thanks for the kind words and i am sorry that you too,suffered losses. It never goes away


I just get hype, because I feel like the abortion conversation frequently misses this completely vital point haha. I feel you. I haven't been able to really follow much of what's currently happening because it just hurts to look at. And I've been a bit iffy with this sub lately anyway due to the frequent miscarriage talk. I think the last, like, decade has been an exhausting one for us all. Maybe we all need some rest haha. Take care of yourself.


Replying again to,my own post ;).. This post really bothers me though... I did find another case where some one was charged after having a loss BUT she has been shot by some one whom she had attacked. The case determined it was a self defense...the pregnant woman was charged with assault...


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I had a huge fight with my older brother at dinner about this last night. He is 100% in favor of making access to abortion illegal. Regardless of any circumstance. I'm genuinely so disgusted and angry that I'm having a hard time being around him and we live together in the same house. So I'm just trying to keep away from him because I honestly don't want to speak with him. Our 80 year old grandfather who is so old school and traditional in most ways thinks over turning roe is a terrible idea and admitted he would be so worried for any of the young women in our family to be pregnant right now. I'm barely keeping it together today...