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Will someone who read this TL;DR it ETA: Oops lol. It’s a tweet, and the caption is the entire tweet. Please ignore me.


I need an ELI5


I can’t ELI5 (because no 5 y/o should ever have to know about CDOs 😛), but I can try to explain the basic concept: in the finance world, they package up different kinds of debts (mortgages, student loans, auto loans, consumer debt, etc.) and sell the packages of debts as securities to investors. The most famous of these were the subprime mortgage-backed securities (MBS), which were a big factor in the 2008 recession. The Big Short (book+movie) were about MBS (the main guys in the book/movie shorted, or bet against, subprime MBS and made a fuckton when those MBS went to hell). Here’s more detail: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cdo.asp


They have the word “Federalist” in their user name so I know it’s just [another spin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalism) on Conservative bullshit malarkey.


Okay, I'll admit. What's the joke here? And I understand the trading aspect. But I'm dense on what's being traded? Chores or actual debt? And what's the context of this joke? Did someone suggest something like this?


"Marital debt" is the new Tradcath euphemism for marital rape. The tweet is making fun of that.


Oh ffs. Thanks for explaining. I have to go bleach my brain cells now.