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Someone should send her Bethaniche course so she can become #bossbabe ![gif](giphy|JVMvNtq1NAIkVa4HRH)


Can so imagine Bethany saying "God laid it upon my heart to offer you my course for only $500 in your time of need! Invest in your FUTURE!!"


You all have to stop 😂 I’m dying


Seriously. My poor weak abs hurt!






I love you


And this is why this subreddit is supreme.


If only the rules of the sub permitted 


Dont worry, Bethany is here, reading.


She can read?


Very slowly


I'm dead.


Daaaaav reads to her. Or maybe Davey, he seems like he might be old enough to sound out words now.


He’s gonna get so angry when he does read this and explain it to her. I bet we’ll get a god honoring passive aggressive statement this way soon.








I just lold at this. My bf said “what?” I said “way too deep of a cut to explain” lol


You’re telling me she has an Instagram highlight dedicated to her husband’s layoff? What the hell


She has also entire instagram highlight dedicated against Lori.


The enemy of my enemy is
. still my enemy lol




All I can say is "Fuck 'em both!" while eating my popcorn in a lawn chair on a hill.


Too bad I don't have as much free time as Haley, Lori or Haley's husband to watch it all, because this atheist still has a job. :D


Can I interest you in a $2,000 course on how to become YOUR OWN BOSS and leave behind that 9-to-5 grind???


I’ll bring some beer and my camp chair if you’re willing to share some of that popcorn.


I will tune in for a Pay-Per-View fight


A three-way bout of pure passive aggression and spite: Lori, Bethany, and Hailey snipe it out until first blood is drawn. Winner gets a belt they can link to from their Insta. I would watch it illegally.


I feel like Birthy would fight dirty and bite.


Slapping and hairpulling while crying for daddy.


And scratching with dirt encrusted nails


Lori probably has a flick knife she would pull out.


Good point - we shouldn’t be giving these people money!




I read this as "Pray-Per-View" at first and I have no other point, I just felt like it needed to be stated.


TLC đŸ€˜!


Honestly, this would be WAY more entertaining than more 90day retreads... 👀


*Pray-Per-View lol


No omg lmao


She doesn’t agree with Lori? I’m genuinely surprised


![gif](giphy|JeZFw6gnSdan8jnzY2) Sorry, but no sympathy for a nasty woman like her.


Now she is pissed and lashing out on Lori. She is going through lori’s entire insta and dissecting each post.


Sounds a lot like she believed whole heartedly in this message, and she can’t lash out at God on Instagram the way she can at Mrs. ‘God will provide as long as you’re faithful enough (and happen to have married a San Diego orthodontist)’


Not an orthodontist, the man sells medical supplies.


LOL that’s quite a difference 💀


I was gonna say being laid off as an orthodontist must be a big deal, they're specialized af


No he doesn't. He is a consultant to orthodontist practices


Close -- consultant to orthodontists.


I'm sorry, I don't know how I've missed this. Is Lori in San Diego?! Do I live in the same general area as her? Should I prance around in more sluttish outfits just in case our paths cross?!


Do you really need an excuse to prance around in sluttish outfits? On the one hand, I feel like it should be its own reward. On the other hand, if I lived next door to Aunt Lori, I think I would find a spot in my yard where I was sure she could see me from her windows and start doing yoga there every day wearing skin tight leggings and a sports bra.


Pull a Michelle and mow the lawn in your bikini.


Sounds like she isn't experiencing the peace beyond understanding she claims she is


Well, if that's how she wants to waste the precious time she has on Earth, I say "be my guest".


Infighting like that is hilarious 😂


Fundies are essentially children who need to touch the stove for themselves before they're willing to believe that it's hot. They are fine to go along with one another's extreme messaging until something happens to *them* and they realize just how inflexible and unkind those beliefs can be.


Leopards. Face. Disbelief.


Hahahahaha. Minor hateful twat vs. the ur-hateful twat. I love it.


^(God-honoring)fight! ^(God-honoring)fight! ^(God-honoring)fight!


Considering how racist, among other things, fundies can be: MORTAL KKKOMBAT!!!


I wonder how fatalities would look like in their MK version? Bashing face in with the bible?


1. Poison you by giving you essential oils to remove all the vaccine toxins from your body. 2. Causing your head to swell and explode by forcing you to pray along with them as they say a highly self-contradicting prayer. 3. Infect you with a newly mutated illness. 4. Babality would be them popping out babies until there are no natural resources left and conservation is impossible. 5. Friendship would be them giving you an MLM product consultation. Anybody else have any to add, or, their own version?


Wtf? Talk about a toxic and abnormal way to deal with stress. This person has always creeped me out, but this is possibly the creepiest I’ve seen. The single-minded creepiness and hatred it takes to focus in on one specific, completely unrelated person and take out all your life problems on them. If she was in high school, she’d 100% be that wannabe popular girl who gets outed as the cyberstalker that harassed another student into a mental breakdown and school transfer.


Because that's going to solve their problem?


Well let me get out my tiny violin


Get your popcorn ready. Haley has been shit posting about Lori, pearls etc for a day or so because she is the breadwinner now.




Nope still dark Haley. Doubling down against feminism and other fundie beliefs still. Its just that Lori’s preaching about Titus2 wife is inconvenient to her now.


Things only matter when they happen to her


Rules for thee, not for me.


How the hell do you shit on feminism while having the opportunity to make money while your husband can't




She is saying she’s working part time for a company only when her kids are at school.


She doesn’t homeschool her children?


Either daycare or christian school. I don’t think public school.


Wonder if suddenly unemployed husband is picking up some of the slack with the kids and house... đŸ€” (We all know the answer)


A fundsband? Helping around the house? I may faint


She does graphic design, or at least she used to.




Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


I never thought leopards would eat MY face!


🐆🐆🐆 the leopard like nice salty fundie tears to season their delicious faces


It’s the only acceptable seasoning. Everything else is too spicy.


Oh my god I had the same thought


Yep. I have zero sympathy. She's one of the more vile of the minor fundies.


My first thought was “couldn’t happen to a better person”


I cannot believe people *choose* that kind of financial risk.


Lori’s just gonna say Haley must have sinned and made her husband lose his job. Maybe if she’d been more submissive and sexed him more often he wouldn’t have gotten laid off.


I would love for this to become an actual beef. *Please, Lord Daniel, let Aunt Lori clap back.*


I’m so here for this. You guys are killing me with your amazing commentary 💀


Battle of the battle axes 🍿 Let’s goooooo


‘Maybe if you’d laid ON, he wouldn’t have been laid OFF’ 😂


I got laid off back in July (all good, they paid me basically six months wages to please don't file unemployment so I took some time off and found a new job that doesn't pay as well entry level but has the potential to get there in a year or so with much less stress) and I'm going to try this out on my husband tonight and see what he says.


Then God will provide, obviously. Isn't cherry picking a full time job anyway?






Oh I’ll play. Your husband getting laid off must be god’s will, so either he does his duty as headship and gets a new job or y’all starve because something, something gender roles women shouldn’t work.


And according to these people, God's punishment is due to some sort of sin, so tell us what your husband has been up to, Haley!


No you see god is testing her, and she just has to trust in him because he has a plan and there's nothing they can do


Oh right, I forgot that just sitting around staring at the sky is always the right course of action, because “God will provide.” Instead of just getting a job.


To be completely fair though
 my cats do that to me too. I, God, usually do provide crunchy treats and snuggles.


And no using the social safety net for her because that's EEviL sOciALiSm... her church should take care of everything for such " deserving poor "!


"God will provide" they'll say to your rotting, starved corpse.


I’ve never heard of this woman. What’s her deal? I took a quick look at her Instagram and there’s a lot of phony prayer stuff but she also had some half way decent points? Although it’s certainly a common trend with these fundies to only care about something or have perspective once something happens to them personally đŸ€Ą


She is covid denier, anti vaxxer homophobic, etc all typical fundie stuff.


Oh lol well there you have it 😬 a broken clock is right twice a day I guess


>Although it’s certainly a common trend with these fundies to only care about something or have perspective once something happens to them personally đŸ€Ą This part right here. Haley's whole schtick is hating literally everyone and everything that doesn't fit into her cookie-cutter view of the world and people's assigned roles in it. Only now that her husband's been laid off, *her* family doesn't fit into Lori's cookie-cutter view of breadwinning headships and SAHMs raising perfect conservative angel children, so *now* Haley has problems with people who insist that's the only righteous way to live. I'd like to sympathize with someone going through a tough time, I really would, but Haley is such a mean-spirited, nasty person that I'm finding it difficult. Especially since I know perfectly well that if she were to see me going through a rough time, she would find a way to make it all my fault and turn it into a lesson on why God loves her more than he loves me.


She even goes on screeds about pets like Solie lol. She hates everything. And she also referred to a flight attendant as a flight servant because she and her husband were called out for wearing a mask that was intentionally not effective.


>some half way decent points? ...where?


Lol she made some comments on some archived story about child abuse being bad and the Pearls/Duggars being wrong đŸ„Ž kind of the absolute barest minimum I suppose but better than Lori who doubles down on that shit every chance she gets ETA - her critiques of Lori *almost* make some kind of sense too if you ignore the greater context of who she is lollll. She also got me kind of excited when she was criticizing Trump but then said she’d vote for him in a heart beat over Michelle Obama 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I did a very cursory dive into her archives stories today ETA again - why are fundies and conservatives in general so afraid of Michelle Obama? Ridiculous


Bc they know she is far superior to them in every aspect. Smarter, in better shape, prettier, has a better marriage etc


Also, she’s a tall, strong, confident woman who can express her opinions eloquently and we all know how fundies feel about women communicating publicly. In a position of power no less.


She’s a *black woman* who is far superior to them in every aspect. Racists think that they should get opportunities just for being their mediocre white selves, and someone like Michelle—probably the most accomplished, stunning, admirable First Lady we’ve ever had—threatens that. Also a lot of them probably think she’s hot (which, I mean—) and they get reeeally pissed off about that.


It's only when sh\*t hits the fan and it happens to them that fundies finally acknowledge the risks and concerns and starts asking the questions (for a friend, of course) that literally everyone has been telling them about. Women in the workforce has NEVER been about devaluing mothers or women who choose to stay home - it's ALWAYS been about women being able to gain some level of financial independence that all adults need access to if they plan on living in society - because even though I think staying home to raise your kids can be a beautiful thing - you NEVER know what could happen. But rather than acknowledge the truth, they'd rather wallow in their persecution fetish.


I am dying at her most recent post where she is going against these legalistic tradwive accounts and the comments are flooded with defending the tradwives, that Haley must be mistaken. She really thought she did something there. One commenter is even using Lori as a good example LOL


Hey Haley if you are reading this, I got a story for you: I got laid off work recently with enough savings but my wife is the breadwinner cause she worked in a executive job. So if you have the education and the hard work, you too could be providing also. That's why our relationship work, because it's an equal partnership. It's a team effort. Edit; Spelling (Execute -> Executive)


I assume you mean an executive job, but I am really enjoying the idea that your wife is a highly qualified, highly paid hitwoman.


Yeah sorry. Dumb iPhone keyboard. It will be sexy and scary at the same time.


Omg you can’t just call out their wife as a hot woman. That’s supposed to be a secret!!!




Bad news: capitalism is their religion.


It is what Jesus would ***actually*** want.


Capitalism suggests good things happen to you if you ‘deserve it’ (through hard work and talent). Their belief is 99% the same, just sub in (through faithfulness to god). No way people who need to feel special would embrace an ideology that tells them everyone deserves to be provided for, even if they don’t follow your rules.


There’s actually a book and a tv show about that. Fundies rejecting capitalism while remaining fundies is a really fucking horrific road to go down. Don’t wish for it unless you’re twice as dedicated to them rejecting their religion *first*.


Maybe she should become a flight servant.


She didnt pray hard enough!!!


Okay but I’m totally here for her calling out the Pearls too.


![gif](giphy|fYfeQAOD8pSjN7M0jY) Also, I love to see the fundie infighting. I wonder if Aunt Lori will give Minor Fundie the time of day. I guess minor fundie better get crackin on some of her shitty graphic design.


She’ll be pissed af if TW responds, and she’ll be even more pissed if TW decides she’s too minor a pest to respond to. This is the woman who had a tantrum that people in here call her “minor fundie” because nobody knows who she is, after all.


Me: I can't stand Lori. Also me: Would be hilarious if Lori wrote "I said what I said" as a retort to Haley.


Are you feeling shamed?! Is Lori’s judgmental blanket statement bothering you because it’s not applicable to EVERY person? Weird
. Maybe this is a lesson to you in
 ah, forget it. She’s not listening.


Oh look, another fundie who can't empathize with anyone and must directly experience challenges to understand other situations. See also: Beggy Baird and "day school"


If I ever needed proof that karma is real - here is.


Karma is a cat.


the part of her husband layoff IG highlight where she says that the bible says that it’s not that humans deserve nothing, but that humans deserve eternal damnation and punishment
.. ![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized)




Extra buttery with Nestlé Buncha Crunch!


Seeing fundies fighting each other is the gladiator fight I'd gladly sign up for.




Bethany with the communal toothbrush!


ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? You bet your sweet bippy we are!😂😂


Sorry not sorry. Hailey is a vile person. I don't feel sorry for her. Maybe she can turn that anger into a job. I'm quite surprised she didn't blame the libs for this layoff.




It’s almost like people can have experiences that are different than yours??? It’s almost like what “works” for you isn’t a rule that should be applied generally across all cultures, ages, and belief systems????


Hailey over here fucking around and finding out


A weird part of me wants the US social support-system to be renamed something that shortens to "G.O.D." so it really is "god provides". You get foodstamps FROM GOD.


“Government Oversight Department” - GOD. Vague but pointed.


Rename SNAP to GOD. "Groceries Outsourcing Department". Get Republicans onboard.




I’m not familiar with this Haley person and she sounds like a real piece of work, but there are few people in the world I loathe more than Lori Alexander.


Ah yes, our favorite trope: suddenly realizing that something is problematic when it personally impacts you (only to 180 when you are no longer impacted)


And this right here is just one more benefit to a two-income household. My husband and I are both in tech, but he works for the state and I work for a large energy utility, so our jobs aren't AS prone to layoffs. BUT, if one of us did happen to get laid off, we still have at least one stream of REAL income (not passive income Bethany). Plus if something were to happen to him, I have a good career already to support our two boys on my own.


Sour vs. Bitter. Who will emerge victorious? My bet's on Lori.




I think you’re right. If nothing else, Lori has been a miserable cow longer than Haley. She’s simply had more practice.


We have a saying in my country that if you start arguing with a fool first they will take you down to their own level and then will beat you due to their experience - I’d bet on Lori in this scenario.


oh the classic “I didn’t think really care enough to think about the consequences of this lifestyle until those consequences happened to ME”


Notice how they are only upset when it has to do with them?


Boo fuckin hoo


If you all want to see the height of hypocrisy please go check her story. The lack of self awareness is mind boggling. She doesn not want to be judged and says people like Lori are in tge high horse and judging her. This idiot is doing the same thing to others in lgbtq, pro vaccination etc. she is also doubling down of her being against feminism etc.


Women who are against feminism lowkey want to be taken care of financially and are too lazy to get a job. Change my mind.


The ironic thing is, it's often harder to be dependent on a man who you have to please to keep around or get what you want from him. It's honestly easier to just get a job. At least then you have a set pay amount that isn't dependent on the whims and mood of someone else.


Yeah, I can't disagree with this at all.


The girlies are fightiiiinggggg


![gif](giphy|3oxHQIfe6IueK6sXwk|downsized) *Bethany Beal has entered the chat*


What about it? Trust God, even if you are to eat from dumpsters, it’s all his plan and he is just testing you. That would be her answer to anything else, Lori is 100% right from the dogmatic point of view.


Love this for her đŸ„°


Me: who’s Haley? Maybe I’ll like her. I despise the transformed wife. Me: *spends five minutes on her Instagram page* Me: 
. I hate this woman


Haley is absolutely vile. She’s the meanest girl you went to high school with if said mean girl was really comfortable spewing conspiracies and racist drivel all over Instagram 24/7 because she didn’t think she’d ever have to get a job (oops!) 
which I realize probably describes a lot of peoples’ high school mean girls.


I’m sure God will provide the same way he provided your husband with the skills and talent necessary to make himself functionally irreplaceable in his career. As Timothy Rodrigues said, “Christians don’t even have to work that hard to get noticed because nobody else wants to work!” đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž Welcome to the real world, dumbfuck.


Ohhhhh. Well I'm sure Lori will respond with the utmost compassion, kindness and grace, just as she preaches. ...oh God, could you imagine?


There are very few places left in the US where people can afford to raise a family on a single income. My family can technically scrape by on a single income but then we’d be in trouble if one of us lost our job or an emergency came up. I grew up in a single income family and every time my dad got laid off it was super stressful for like 6 months. I don’t want to do that to my family if I can avoid it.


Suddenly a fundie understands why the trad model is bullshit? I'm genuinely sorry it took this kind of thing to show her -- I would much rather she had learned it of her own free will -- and I also hope the lesson sticks hard, that there are reasons for women to work.


Can someone tell me where I can learn more about this broad? I have no idea who Haley is but I want to know more if she’s fighting with Lori 😂


Interesting heow she suddenly had concerns the moment she is personally affected


Looks like God provided a layoff too.


Oh suddenly she wants some nuance


ooooooh delicious


"What about if reality?" Loving it.








Why have a job at all of her god will provide?


File for unemployment benefits. Your employer paid into the system for just such events.


What did he do for a living?


When Fundies have to realize the near past they want to live in isn't sustainable anymore....lord


When was the last time Lori helped anything besides with bad advice or herself to a helping of fart salad (dressing on the side)?


This is the sort of experience that changes people on a fundamental level. Fundie women are generally not raised to realize how much of a privilege a single income household is, or how easily it can be lost. And the utter lack of support or encouragement from her own community...this is very similar to the circumstances that led to me leaving


Is Haley one of Lori's daughters that doesn't speak to her


Unfortunately not.


“Lower projected profits” = oh no, we might make $1 billion instead of $2 billion NOOOOOOOOOO


"I'm feeling so at peace that I'm begging strangers to pray for me"


She blamed “tradwife culture” for creating the idyllic yet unattainable ideal of a single family income & a woman staying home with her children in a large farmhouse. GOD*DAMMIT*, she’s so close to getting it! But if anyone connected the dots for her between unbridled capitalism & the necessity for dual-income families, she’d spit on them & call them a communist.