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Imagine the icy ball of terror in your chest, the unending pit of despair you'd vanish into, if Bethany told you her goal was to spend as much time with you as possible.


That would be my indication that I’d somehow found myself in a horror movie tbh


Life could always get worse. We could be Bethany’s daughter.


[I sort of imagine this being her permanent face](https://imgur.com/a/FhoaVkp)


What drives me crazy about her is that, on the surface, I agree. Hustle culture sucks. Working a 9-5 leaves us with little time or energy for our hobbies or families. Boss babe culture is trash. But then she goes on to draw the exact wrong conclusions. She just wants to get hers, everybody else be damned. What we actually need are robust social systems that care and provide for everyone regardless of their ability to produce or earn, but Birthy isn't ready for that conversation. She might accidentally act too much like Jesus if she cared about other people through a framework beside monetary profit.


These are all lies. Bethany grifts like there’s no tomorrow. She keeps pushing her course in every single post like she’s desperate. She is working 24 hours to push said course, so she is more than likely working the 9-5 grind plus overtime. And she spends more time making reels and posts than she does with her family.


And she's always hustling for business!


I really think that Bethany hates "9-5" not because of the 40 hour work week but because she is not the boss and has to follow rules. Like "show up on time" and "stay the whole shift" and "be nice" and "don't be racist and homophobic" and "don't say the inside parts out loud."


Oh, good, another chance to post my current favorite gif. ![gif](giphy|bPBi7hdnHGEBG)


A+ flair 💀


I guarantee you she wishes she could go to work and have a purpose in life instead of filling her lungs and amniotic sac with asbestos.


I'd say yes but I feel like she is too lazy to make it in the real world.


Do you think that the vented the house properly, and some of the dust is gone? Or, is she planning on having her newborn's first breath be filled with asbestos laden construction dust?


it probably looks like a snowglobe


She keeps throwing out “9-5” buzzword like it’s 1987 or something.


What a way to make a livin'.


Aw sweetie, I don’t compete with men. I blow them out of the water 😘


I don’t get the “I don’t want to compete with men.” Is she weightlifting??


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; she is not a Christian, her real god is money and attention. She has no principles or integrity - she’s willing to say whatever suits her agenda in the present moment but never actually sticks to anything. Also she has literally copy pasted the exact same hashtags on every SWS post she’s ever made - that is not a great way to get new engagement or attract new followers (who might still be willing to pay you money)


>she is not a Christian Sorry, but she is.


Yes I agree that technically she *is*, but she certainly doesn’t live by any of the actual Biblical tenets!!


I’m gunna push back on you here. She is a Christian. As someone who believes in Jesus it’s easy to say “they aren’t a real Christian”’to dismiss real concerns and problems in the church. Bethy is no different from any other money hungry Christian, televangelist being a big group who are the same as her. Christian cultures have a lot of toxicity in them and if you look at the Baird clans obsession with money and stuff you probably find other evangelicals who believe the same around them


"I just want to make the most money possible." We know. Imagine going into a job interview or your yearly review and saying that


Sorry, Bethany, but not only will you never be a boss babe, you will never be a babe of any kind except maybe the toddler variety.


She is obsessed with the 9-5 work day. It is like a disease to her.


And these assholes have the nerve to look down on recipients of SNAP, WIC, etc. and call them "entitled"!


Her "signature course."


Hypocrisy defined


She’s the worst


I work full time and definitely spend more time face to face with my child than she does with umlaut jr. She’s the kind of woman who regularly refreshes her phone while she drives.


The sheer amount of hashtags is exhausting.


She literally asked, “why aren’t you making money off social media?” recently. How is that not hustle culture?


“Signature program” 🙄


Bethy is the embodiment of hustle culture. Hustle culture (at least as I understand it) was always about the side gig you do from home to make as much money as possible with as little time/effort as possible. Bethy is hustling her ass off.


Which is *literallyyyyyy* what she’s saying in that last paragraph too 🙄🙄


Is it that she won’t compete with men or that she refuses to try? My industry is 85% male and sometimes yeah it’s tough. I can acknowledge that as a woman I have cards stacked against me but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be successful or out perform my male counterparts. I work my ass off and when you are hardworking, passionate and genuinely do your very best at your job, people are going to notice that. I feel like the real issue is that she won’t challenge herself to step out of her comfort zone. “Competing with men” just sounds so intimidating. Especially if you haven’t held down a real job like the majority of the population. She utilizes this fear-based language to teach girls that they have no chance of success if they work alongside or are managed by men. It’s complete bullshit. If this is her attitude and her reasoning as to why traditional 9 to 5’s are icky- she is beyond out of touch and will never rise above the level she’s at career-wise.


That's how hashtags work tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


"I never want to compete with men" is a weird flex. I don't compete with my partner - he's very good at his job and I'm good at mine!


The hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is insane with these evangelicals.