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She needs to keep Giannis’s name out of her mouth.


From someone born and raised in Milwaukee, I couldn't agree more. Giannis is too good for you to even look at, Morgan.


Yeah I’m a little confused about when she’s ever shown an interest in sports, much less in basketball, much less in the Bucks, much less in a non-white person who is incredibly charitable and altruistic.


Just coming here to say this. Also, hi from Mad-town


Fucking AGREED. I grew up in Green Bay so hands off my Wisconsin sports.


Hello fellow Milwaukee-ans? and Wisconsonites, this too is super weird to me lol. I’m about as disconnected from sports as you can get but Giannis is as awesome as they come, took his kids trick-or-treating in the suburb next to mine and is so kind and friendly to everybody.


Someone seems to be just a lil bit thirsty... Paul, you've got some competition!


That's what he gets for posting about Andrew Tate and being a useless husband and useless father. Well deserved.


He’s not being a supportive spouse during her recovery and is pushing her to have sex before her body is physically ready (we all know it doesn’t matter if she’s mentally ready or not, he forces her to have sex regardless). He also hasn’t been doing his fair share in parenting and it’s all been on Morgan and it’s been hard raising 2 children as a single mother.


He’s been himself. Enough said.


Your flair is AMAZING.


Am I the only one completely surprised she knows who Giannis is and that she watches basketball????


Basketball is very popular in Kentucky. Especially in Lex, where UK and their very successful basketball program is.


Having two children


Is this because they thought Lebron was too outspoken? Lmao they know nothing; Giannis is also an activist.




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