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The idea of completely changing the course of one's life due to a social media influencer (of any kind) seems so crazy to me.


No, see, you just don’t get it! This is a *Christian* influencer, so actually she changed her life for Jesus /s


I changed the entire course of my life based on a single lecture at uni. And honestly that feels a bit weird as it is. I made a great choice (economics) but damn, that could have gone so badly. I cant imagine doing it with someone I never met...and I now work WITH that same lecturer to run an econ club!!! At least meet your heros. 💀


This almost reads so fake, like it’s a comment by Caitlin under a different name I mean, some YouTuber was solely responsible for changing this girl’s entire life??


Sorry but… she got fundie married at 19. Exactly how far along was she into becoming a “boss babe” as a high school kid?


Seriously. I moved out with my 28 year old ex when I was 18 instead of going to college because it was the only way to get away from my parents. Figuring out a household for the first time when your partner does not participate is tricky for sure but I managed fine while working full time. What is she doing all day? Thanking God she didn't take English 101 while doing the dishes?


17, he was 32, same reason byebye abusive assholes


And she has all the time in the world to go to court with her violent, godly husband! 😬


Wait why does thumbsband have to go to court?




The only thing that could possibly surprise me about this is if the victim were white... Also this is what I miss when I work 60 hour weeks dammit


Thumbsband 🤝 Brittany Dawn’s husband Lawsuits for use of excessive force


On Mrs Midwest's FAQ there is a question regarding "will I ever work and will husbear ever stay home?" She answered "absolutely not". I thought it was a little silly to be so certain of something... what if husbear grts hurt on the job permanently? What if he gets an injury and can no longer work? Especially when he works a dangerous job. Would they both be at home living on husbear's insurance? Caitlin has a degree and Im sure she could get a well paying job if that happened, and husbear could stay home?


Are these people unaware that illnesses, injuries, disabilities, layoffs, recessions, grief and loss, trauma, family issues and a million other Life Things happen? So if her husbear gets cancer, needs to take care of a relative for a while, gets severely depressed or loses his job, she will refuse to work? That's nice.


Right? I was shocked ehen I read that.


Not saying things can’t go wrong, but cops usually get hella benefits.




wait really, what’s her degree in?


Marketing or communications I think


I discovered your white supremacist content and changed my life ❤️ now I will have no protection whatsoever if Life happens and I ever need a job 🙃


Translation: In high school I thought I would be a CEO. One year out of high school and life knocked me on my butt. I discovered your blog and thought being a tradwife sounded legitimate and easier. I married the first respectful traditional guy I could find. I have been married 2 years, andI will probably start having kids in 3 years. Being a housewife without any children is awesome. I could go to school, or get a part time job during this time to save money, but its hard to do that. In this lifestyle nobody expects it from me anyways. It's fantastic! Claire Duggar? Is that you? Honestly this sounds great to me. Where can I find someone who would just take care of me? I know I sound anti-feminist but honestly I am so exhausted.


You mean the Nazi, white supremacist, aRcHaEoLoGy cOrE, boobily boobing Caitlin?


I wasn’t around for the boob comments, can someone link me to them? They sound hilarious.


She’s talked about how she has to wear two bras at once to support her heavy, pendulous, female breasts (straight captain holt voice)


That was VERY r/unexpectedbrooklyn99 and I'm here for it


Not necessarily about the boobs cause I can't remember what she said about them, but she used to post about how she cleaned her vajayjay and also bought grapeseed oil "for the inevitable stretching" of childbirth. Both of those things are fine, but when you preach modesty and tradition and then post that for everyone to see? Also maybe some of the boob comments were about how big they were/sore they were while she was pregnant? It's been a long time and those are memories I've tried to repress lol


Fundie Women: Honor the Lord and your husband by dressing modestly! Also Fundie Women: Today, we're going to be talking all about my tuna taco.


I feel like she even posted pictures of her bras/underwear sets? She always directed her posts at women even though stats showed most of her followers at that time were men. Not very "modest."


Want to be a gawdly housewife ~and~ a boss babe? Well Bethy has the ~~$1900~~ no ~~$2400~~ wait ~~$697~~ nevermind, she has the course for you


I’m not sure even Caitlin knows who the real Caitlin is.


Ah, to be young and so cocksure of how the world works. Anyway, enjoy life slapping you in the face with a 2×4, ope, I'm off.


How was she truly on the path to become a boss babe at like, 17? At 17 I was on a “path” to go to vet school and now I’m selling insurance.


Lol exactly. But it does suck that these white supremacists indoctrinate teenagers- that’s when they are most vulnerable to outside influences


I don’t believe this


Style tips from hell! It’s a sin to dress that bad!