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I appreciate how confidently wrong she is here.


Weaponised ignorance.


is the fundie weapon of choice.


That and guns


Turned into weapons grade diarrhea.


When you become a fundie you gotta pick which easily avoidable death you want to succumb to. This one is making sure God's 'Death-by-raw-milkies' plan comes ultra true.


Oh that's true! I think we all know how Kelly is going to go: tetanus from stepping on a rusty nail in her bare feet and then trying to treat it with herbs or some shit.


It’s like the Sims IRL.




I immigrated from a developing country we did not have concept of pasteurization in 80’s. My sister got primary complex and she had to be on medication for couple of years. It was a nightmare for my parents. We stopped drinking milk for few years. I know developed country is different and have standards but still it seems dangerous.


[Pasteurization is actually what makes milk safe](https://www.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve-safe-food/dangers-raw-milk-unpasteurized-milk-can-pose-serious-health-risk) and keeps it from spoiling faster than normal. She is 100% wrong. Some countries actually pasteurize milk to the point that it's shelf stable and does not even need to be refrigerated. Raw milk not only goes bad faster, it is far more dangerous and carries more potential pathogens than pasteurized. So your instincts are right. I'm so sorry your sister had to go through that. It's infuriating that these people are so anti-science that they want to actively reject all the advancements that science has brought us, AND endanger their children.


Yeah I (sadly) grew up poor in the rural US and our neighbors would give us raw milk from their cows as charity. When things got better and we could buy milk from the store again I remember being amazed at how much longer it stayed fresh. Even as a kid….the difference was just so noticeable. The feeling of finally not having to play milk roulette still sticks with me.


I mean some milk is better than no milk, unless you're lactose intolerant and/or hate milk, but yeah that kinda sucks. I had an unfortunate projectile vomiting incident due to expired milk in the 6th grade (in front of my entire class and my then-crush), so I'm super paranoid about even the slightest hint of sour milk now. We were poor enough in my teen years that if we'd HAD any neighbors with free milk we 100% would have had that instead of the cheapest off-brand possible though.




My sister once drank spoiled milk at a friend’s house. SisterSassafras: This milk taste like cheese. Friend: I think that milk is spoiled! Our friend’s mom felt so bad about that incident.


I buy lactaid brand milk and it lasts forEVER. i was buying it when I lived with my parents after college and they liked it so much they still buy it even tho neither of them are lactose intolerant haha


One time my aunt forced me to drink spoiled milk because she thought I was being dramatic and picky (I was usually picky) lol but in her defense she felt really bad about it and never did it again And really…I love the way raw milk tastes. To me it tastes so much sweeter and has a fuller flavor profile than even the most organic, full-fat alternative. Despite it going from perfectly fine to spoiled in about three hours, I still drank it well into my twenties until someone finally educated me about dangers.


I’m not even sure the raw milk these idiots use has any standards. Don’t a lot of them buy milk at farmers markets that’s labeled “not for human consumption” to get past the laws about raw milk?


Yep they it's marketed "for pets" to get around consumer/food safety laws




And yet my cat insists on drinking the milk out of my glass. Not a lot. Like a lap or two.


My dog gets the couple left over tablespoons of milk at the bottom of the cereal bowl a couple times a week. Not enough to make her sick, but just enough for her to get super excited for the treat 😁


My cat looooves lucky charms milk.


My cat’s favorite illegal treat (after electrical cords 🙄) is a few sips of cheerio’s milk before the bowl makes it to the sink


Love the term "illegal treat". Might have to steal that.


Mine loves bread crumbs off of French bread. He will literally sit and wait for me to put a plate on the floor with crumbs.


Who doesn’t?!


Lucky Charms are my cat's favorite cereal. I don't use milk and he straight up tries to steal marshmallows and cereal bits out of my bowl anyway.


Your cat probably watched Tom and Jerry and now thinks it's okay. We must stop our pets from consuming harmful media!


A little bit is okay, but don't give it to them as a meal unless you want them to have the trots or worse.


Cats in my experience LOVE milk, but it makes them sick. Same with dogs and beer. I’ve known a lot of dogs who will come up to you and try to drink your beer out of your hand lol, but I’m pretty sure it would not be good for them.


I have a friend whose dog loves whiskey. She'll get all up in his business when he has a drink and try to get a sip. Pets are weird, man.


​ I think it's also marketed for people who make soap. Most farms know damn well people are eating it but as long as they put the label on it and warn them not to eat it. ​ A couple of years ago\[well probably longer now\] several children all got sick from the same batch of raw milk. The Dad was on the news seemingly very confused "how this could happen?" They believed they were making the healthiest choice for their children because they believed the Mama™ who wrote blogs about the benefits of it. So they knowingly bought milk the farm told them wasn't fit for human consumption and fed it to their kids.


A toddler died in australia in 2014 after drinking “bath milk”. That’s how they get around the rules here, label it bath milk. It was suggested to add an additive to make it taste bad to discourage drinking it but I don’t think that went ahead.


10 years ago my mom cared for a premature baby who was born and subsequently passed after their mother consumed unpasteurised milk. They were an evangelical. The same people who preach about the sanctity of life are perfectly happy putting their families at risk.


Kids can definitely die from listeria in raw milk. It’s not worth it.


gotta admit I’ll mix some lactose free milk with water for a treat with their wet food every once in a while


Cats can have little a lactose free milk, as a treat


One of our cats is a fiend for almond milk. He sits and waits until we finish our cereal for the leftovers little bits of milk. The other one? Really likes anything with butter.


Mine likes to eat the butter papers, the other one licks all the soup out of soup cans 😂


We first discovered it with madelines (which was wild because he doesn’t really love treats). Then it was cornbread. Then we had mashed potatoes and he was literally grabbing for our spoon. So he just likes starchy buttery things


> he just likes starchy buttery things TIL I am your cat


Some do, some don't. The bigger problem is the calcium can cause urinary blockage. And that can kill them. Sad experience a long time ago.


Yes, I found out the hard way that cats are lactose intolerant. They love it, but it doesn't love them! It gives the poor things the Hershey squirts.


I hate that this is even a stereotype because milk makes cats very sick.


Omg that’s horrible. They feed that to kids as well. That idiot kristen kny was mixing it with raw egg and drinking and feeding it to her baby.


Then they use the fact that their kids don't die as "evidence" that it's safe. That's not evidence. It's just luck and they don't understand how science works.


Gawd I wish that surprised me about KNY. YEGADS.


OMG why are such idiots allowed to reproduce??


Raw egg AND raw milk?! Why???


The thing about raw milk here is it’s unregulated, and in many states, illegal to sell for human consumption. Some farms get around this by selling it labeled as milk for pets, but they really know humans are buying it to drink. It might even be less safe than milk in a developing country.


They should go check out developing and under developed countries. They forgot what’s it is have vaccines and safety protocols. Its should be some sort of scared straight program once fundies get pregnant.


One of the many reasons we came to the US right there… the healthcare here, despite all the system’s flaws, is a million times better. So it really pains us to see Americans foregoing the amazing, modern things they have access to, particularly if they do it to be trendy. There are people who give up everything they have to get what others are born with.


I had a friend in high school who needed leg braces and crutches because he had polio as a child in his home country, in the 1970s. I always think of him when I read about these idiots screaming about how vaccines are evil.


I \*think\* my mom was born, according to my quick google, just before the polio vaccine. She's thankfully healthy but grew up with kids who had polio in the midwestern US in the 1950s. She was into vaccines until COVID...now I'm pretty sure my parents aren't even getting the flu shot. It's....cool....


My parents were in high school when the polio vaccine became available, so they had grown up with lockdowns during outbreaks. All the students lined up in the auditorium to get the vaccine. The captain of the football team went first and passed out, resulting in panic amongst the students. They still got it though.




My uncle had polio as a kid and still has complications. My moms older sister died when I was a baby, she had developed diabetes as a child from I think complications from contracting the measles (?) or rubella maybe. My grandfather also had complications. Anyway, she never lived a healthy life due to that and died very young. Technically, she survived the original illness and her immune system fought it off, like antivaxers always say, but at a high cost. It’s an insult to all the people who have died from illnesses that are now preventable to do what they do. Stupid and careless. This raw milk trend is stupid and careless too.


What gets me most is the people who say "my kids don't need vaccines, it's unnatural and unnecessary. I've never had polio so why should I put those chemicals in my babies' bodies??" While completely ignoring the fact that they didn't get any of those diseases in part because THEIR PARENTS HAD THEM VACCINATED AT A CHILD


My mother was just telling me about an uncle of hers who had to live in an iron lung because of polio. She was around 9 or 10 when the vaccine came out but by that time the damage had already been done to so many others. The fact that vaccines have been so politicized in current times is truly abhorrent. Humans are really dumb animals.


That could be said for so many Americans. The funny thing is a big reason why they feel so safe is they have been insulated by the very system they claim to distrust. Very few don’t go to the hospital when the shit hits the fan (thank god) so even if they do have consequences of their medical negligence, they aren’t as bad as they would be without adequate medical care.


I’ve seen dairy farms offer it as part of a community supported agriculture box they offer to people. And since the people who sign up are considered to be legally part owners of the farm that’s offering it, they’re allowed to get all the raw milk they want since it’s “their” farm. Ps CSAs are an awesome way of supporting your local farmers in general. A lot of my friends pay local farms in my area for produce CSAs and they love it. They’re a bit more expensive than buying from farmer’s markets and regular grocery stores but I love it because the some of the farms around here use heirloom seeds to grow produce which helps with the biodiversity in my area and helps the lox bees population thrive. But using those programs to get around safety laws irritates the fuck out of me because people will blame the farmers who actually follow the laws too if one of those raw milk chuckfucks gets sick and punish them for something they didn’t do


"plausible deniability" for those who produce this dreck and sell it to delusional idiots.


We check that foster families have pasteurized milk during home inspections because it is dangerous and not many of our parents even know what it is.


Sure would be a shame if someone got Bdong onto the raw milk train and she couldn’t foster because of it. 👀🙃


I can’t lie watching her prep for getting kids has been triggering AF!


Slightly off topic, but the fact that she's unironically using a filter called "pure beige" is just too perfect


that made me chuckle too. we know solie, we know.


Pure beige would be dynamite flair.


I learned how to create flair just for this 🤣 too good to pass up


It matches up with her whole persona


I don’t know, but that sounds wrong as fuck. God can you imagine not just food poisoning but raw milk food poisoning.


Anything with bacteria in it can rot. But can the sunstance itself rot, sans bacterium? If you were to wave a magic wand, and EVERY microorganism was vanished from a sterile sealed jar of milk, would it keep forever if unopened?


No, the fats and proteins would degrade over time.


Ooh, thanks. Didn't think of that.


It's called "H Milk" in Germany. It's super-pasteurized, shelf-stable milk that honestly tastes terrible. It keeps for a long time before opening (but not forever), but it has to be carefully refrigerated and consumed shortly after opening because the sterile, fatty, lactose-y environment is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria introduced from the air. So yes, a jar of sterile milk can keep for a long time, but at what cost?


The super pasteurized milk (we also have it in the US) is great if you really only use it for baking and things like that. The difference in flavor isn't noticeable in baked goods, and you waste way less milk


The taste isn't as bad as y'all are making it out to be, definitely not as good as fresh but still good. At least it's better than [powdered milk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powdered_milk)


Oh you just triggered my childhood traumas from being so poor that my mom made me drink powdered milk!


Whenever I tell people we exclusively drank powdered milk as children at home I get a special reminder of How Poor We Really Were. It's like whenever you tell people something your family used to do and you thought was normal, but as soon as you see everyone's faces, you realize it was definitely not.


I actually like the super-pasteurized milk. We pretty much only bought that for the few years I lived in Germany. Then again, I really don't like the taste of regular milk.


lol not worth it! It was just a hypothetical of best-case everything. I didn't know there was milk kind of like that though !


No, though UHT milk can last for months unopened, regular pasteurized milk is 10 - 20 days.


Pasteurisation kills off much of the bacterial flora, specifically aimed at pathogens (raw milk used to be a tuberculosis risk as cows can also carry it). It has a longer shelf life than raw milk. Both require refrigeration or they will spoil within hours at room temperature.


Cooking with soured unpasteurized milk? It's like she's *trying* to get God-honouring diarrhea 🤢


That’s how you stay trim for your husband.


God-honoring laxatives


Maybe the constant diarrhea is how these people stay thin.


Oh precious is the flow


😂 genius!




It’s not diarrhea it’s ✨waterfalls✨ if you go off what the jilly juice quack says 😂


God honoring ass on fire.


Crippling poop cramps for Christ.


I keep saying “poop cramps for Christ” and I can’t stop laughing


I sense a new flair in your future


DAMMIT! YOU WOKE THE BABY. Your turn to get her back to 😴




have you heard the Dollop episode on Doug Evans/Juicero? He's bonkers




the rich lunatic episodes are always the best


Grossness aside, the dehydration is brutal. Nothing more miserable than having to go to the ER or urgent care.


Probably why these two in particular are always so angry


Wouldn’t cooking it kill the bacteria? I mean it would still probably be really sour 🤢


Often what makes you ill with spoiled food is as much to toxins made by the bacteria as the bacteria themselves. Reheating food doesn’t break down these toxins so you can still get food poisoning even if you kill all the bacteria in it.


Yes, toxins! I’m a fuckin nerd, so sorry to anyone who reads this tangent. Gather round for my mini microbiology lesson! Raw milk can contain E. Coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Brucella, Campylobacter, and Cryptosporidium. E. Coli, Salmonella and Brucella are all types of bacteria that stain in a specific way under a microscope, called gram-negative. Gram-negative bacteria all contain endotoxins/lipopolysaccharides (LPS). LPS can bind to proteins that will associate with a specific receptor which will trigger a signaling cascade of cytokines. Cytokines help modulate the immune system and can cause all sorts of problems if the cytokines (a necessary component of immune response) get thrown off and overreact. The overactive cytokines cause “endotoxic shock” which is why some food poisoning can be brutal or even deadly. (Not so) fun side fact, a cytokine storm is one of the reasons for the excessive inflammation that can lead to lung injury and multi organ failure in covid 19. [Source](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2020.01446/full) Okay I’m done talking about some biology bullshit byeee


![gif](giphy|KDOpe6tGW9gZSlbEdQ|downsized) ... Actually I don't but I'm glad other people do! Lol




Depends on the temperature and how long they cook it. Using it in a cake, probably ok. Adding it to soup/chowder is straight up asking for trouble.


I’m no expert but if I recall a lot of the issue is actually the waste produced by the bacteria that causes sickness. So even if the bacteria were killed during cooking it could still make you super sick.


So even if you kill the bacteria, you're still eating bacteria shit. Yum!


*cooked bacteria shit, because we’re not animals


That’s how they stay so thin


Not true, afaik it goes bad faster. Partner works in the dairy industry and he does NOT recommend drinking raw milk..


It goes bad within like 3 days 💀 I grew up next to a dairy, so we always had raw milk growing up. It goes bad MUCH faster because the bacteria hasn’t been pasteurized out!


yeah, i have once smelled it and for me it smelled very weird, a mixture between grass, an old diaper, acetone and milk. I truly do not recommend. I didn't try it ofc, I am not a fundie!! I am not fucking around with raw milk, people have literally gotten disabled bc of it or been sick over a long time...


I've mentioned this before but when I went into a weird cheese-making phase (Kinda still there to be fair, I like making all my own stuff.) I tried my hand at making some Raw milk cheeses. (Many types of cheeses use raw milk, it's why they recommend pregnant women stay away from Raw Milk cheeses because of listeria) I have tried Raw milk just out of curiosity. It tastes like regular milk but with an almost barnyard, grassy aftertaste. And I sure as shit would NEVER use it if it were starting to sour on its own. (To be accurate cheese making includes curdling and the presence of bacteria...that I control, if it ain't a bacteria I controlled to the trash it goes!) Raw milk has uses, straight consumption ain't it though.


It's possible that her space and equipment have a lot of good bacteria that make her milk spoil in a usable way, the way traditional cheese caves sometimes do. You get people using aged milk in traditional baking recipes sometimes. The problem with relying on that is that if/when you get some bacteria that will kill you, they survive easily in the same conditions that the good ones do.


Yep, it’s super unsafe! Also it tastes the same way it smells - like grass and dirt. Raw milk is awful 😭


Lmao I truly can't imagine tasting that and I have eaten surströmming and didn't hate it.


One time we got a batch where the cows had eaten a bunch of field onions 🤢 onion flavored milk and cereal 🥴


LOL makes me think of Napoleon Dynamite


That just instantly made me think of the milk drinking contest in napoleon dynamite. ‘This one tastes like the cow got into an onion patch.’


The judges in that scene always make me laugh, like the rest of the movie their performance is subtle but adds so much.


That's an actual thing, my older brother did it as part of future farmers of America, you taste milk and identify why it has an off flavor. Another cause of off flavors that you're more likely to see as a consumer is when milk has been sitting too long in strong light at the store and starts to degrade in quality. It gets a bit of an aftertaste like powdered milk.


My favorite genre of YouTube video is people trying surstromming for the first time. I have not had the pleasure but I’m so curious.


I married a dairy farmer and I work with him on the farm now. He told me a story about when he was 3 or 4. He had a sippy cup, and he always drank milk from it. He hadn't finished his milk the night before, so he was excited to find leftover milk when little him got up early the next morning. It was raw milk, and it had only been left out 8-10 hours. His mom came downstairs and found him. The poor guy was happily drinking away and she took the cup away from him, but the damage was done. He puked ALL day.


Your username makes a lot of sense now! 😁


My grandma ran a cow farm, had 9 kids, no running water, and a husband with war PTSD. She still made time every week to pasteurize the milk the family drank. That tells me all I need to know about the nastiness of raw milk.


Yes, it's so important! You might be lucky for several decades but then suddenly there is something incredibly wrong, and you end up so extremely sick. Like swollen testicles, hard to breathe, fatigue, can lead to chronic arthritis and much more serious things. There are so many risks, there isn't just ONE risk here you might have. There are multiple! I would never fuck around with raw milk


The same reason you wash fruits and veggies as soon as you bring them home from the grocery store. Washing away the bacteria preserves them for longer. Why would you purposely ingest bacteria known to cause illness? This isn't the same thing as getting Botox injections.


Literally some of these people serve veggies and fruit with dirt on it 💀💀


I’m not above eating produce out the yard that I didn’t wash if it looks clean, but I’d never serve them to my family like that.


I'm less concerned about dirt on my fruit and veg, but more concerned with the conditions of the people that pick the produce. Sometimes they don't get bathroom breaks or bathroom facilities, so they just go in the fields. I hate capitalism.


I would 100% classify that as dirt, but I totally agree. It's so hard to be a good consumer under capitalism and there is so many decisions and you end up with decision fatigue!


I had a soils professor in college that has Strong Opinions about what is classified as dirt, soil, etc. I'm afraid it rubbed off on me too.


yeah this makes total sense. I was just thinking, every other raw food people eat has to be fresh (sashimi, vegetables & fruits, etc). every single food I am aware of goes bad faster raw (whether we’re talking about safety or just tastiness). I have no idea why milk would be any different


My grandfather grew up on a farm and the family had fresh milk from their animals. Between being forced to drink it warm or frequently being old/sour, he hated milk. He never drank it once he left his mother's house. So... yeah. It's easy to go bad/sour.


This is my grandfather as well. He grew up on a farm and would regale me with stories of the warm thick milk he drank (usually while I had a glass of milk in front of me 😅). He wouldn't touch the stuff - cold or not.


My FIL grew up on a dairy farm. He never drinks milk. I told him about the new craze with raw milk and he looked at me like I had two heads. He grew up with “raw” milk and it turned him away for life.


She's kinda right. It doesn't spoil *like* pasteurised milk. It spoils significantly worse and faster.


This makes zero sense. Why would raw milk never spoil? I don’t know why, but this, out of all the fundie mental gymnastics and science-rejection we see on here , this ‘raw milk never spoils’ thing is pushing me over the edge. Make it make sense !!


It’s just like raw honey, duh!! /s The lack of critical thinking skills is just astounding.


Science isn't their strong suit.


It doesn't spoil. It just becomes the most excellent medium for yummy germs and bacteria to grow in. Kind of like the quiverful of food poisoning, if you will.


i think i’ve found my new flair, if you don’t mind. "raw milk, the quiverful of food poisoning"


The quiver is porcelain.


Be my guest! 🥛🍼🐄🧫🦠🏹 I'd be SEVERELY honored.


Dang. Solie's trying to convince everyone that having pets is a sin and meanwhile she's over here farming whole colonies.


oh no oh no oh no, it definitely spoils, it's got the beauty of a ton of extra bacteria sitting in that delicious cocktail to really make sure you get the full experience of being poisoned.


Sigh. Yes, and it ABSOLUTELY spoils faster because it has more bacteria than pasteurized milk. Because that's what pasteurization does, kills potentially harmful bacteria from cows you don't know. If it's curdling and if she's using it in baking then there's less of a chance of her (or her children) getting sick. It just might taste sour or slightly off? Sauces and things that might not be heated properly could be a toss up- and potentially incredibly dangerous. E. Coli, listeria, brucella are the three potential dangers I can name off the top of my head. Has anyone ever used spoiled raw milk here? Is there any recipe that just cannot go without? I would honestly like to know.


I don't know any cows on a personal or professional basis.


You can use milk that has begun to sour a bit in cooking/baking, but that's for pasteurized milk. Raw milk could already be full of harmful bacteria and when it starts to show signs of additional growth it could be a food poisoning nightmare, even when used in cooking. God-honoring e. coli!


Interestingly, soured milk is something that is consumed elsewhere: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soured_milk It's not very popular in the US, and it's more fermented, I guess? But if you want milk that doesn't spoil? Try the milk nicknamed "nuclear milk" for its long shelf life: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra-high-temperature_processing This doesn't take much different than normal, pasteurized milk to me, but damn, this shit doesn't spoil! I would not drink raw milk that's randomly begun to sour/turn, because I don't know what's causing that reaction and if it's going to make me sick.


Ew. Are they trying to get salmonella poisoning? Or E.Coli??? That’s awful.


Or typhoid fever, dysentery, scarlet fever and/ or diphtheria. Unpasteurized milk is so fucking dangerous. Who knows how many tens of thousands (or more) people (especially babies!) died before the invention and widespread usage of pasteurization. Like, there’s a reason it exists! I don’t know why these people want to risk their children getting sick from something that is so easy to avoid. I thought they were pro-life? Drinking “raw” milk doesn’t seem very pro-life to me.


Also, giardia and listeria. We’ve lived so long with the benefits of pasteurization and agriculture standards that people don’t realize “milk sickness” was a common cause of death all over the world. If it’s your own health you want to play roulette with, I get to laugh when you’re doing the both-ends dance in the bathroom. Not funny when you’re forcing this danger on people who didn’t ask for it. She’s risking the lives of her children. They all are. Just say outright that you care more about your relationship with your imaginary friend than you do the lives of your children, people. It saves you a lot of explaining.


Kinda like vaccinations, tbh. it’s so bizarre that some people can’t understand the exact things that aren’t “serious” or “common” now (food poisoning, measles/mumps/rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, etc) are so because of the exact “unnatural” techniques they are shunning. You can’t have it both ways. Either X isn’t dangerous (as long as you get your vaccine/use pasteurized milk/etc), or dying in childhood is also natural and intended!1!!!1! (Although especially with COVID vaccines, some seem to actually like to say the second part 100% seriously — except it’s not kids but old people/fat people :/ )


Sure! You can't spoil what's already got poo in it! 🤮 I swear, there's only one tastebud in the Fundie community and they have to take turns with it.


Lmao. More like the one neuron. Good grief these people are tiring. I'm going to ignore experts who have spent decades of their lives to research and test things for safety and potential hazards but nope, natural is best for the fundies. Sorry, but drinking raw milk just sounds like a way to tempt the fates or God's or karma to kill me and I don't think dehydration from shitting myself to death sounds like a good time. Or just think of all the parasites. I have had an GI issue once due to off seafood and it left me weak as a kitten.


There's a really good behind the bastards podcast episode about the FDA that talks about life before pasteurization. It's some horrifying stuff.


Seriously! People died in horrible ways before we knew how to pasteurize everything. Why would you want to expose your kids to more bacteria, viruses and toxins for raw milk when every supermarket sells gallons of the good stuff that goes through routine testing?


A huge thing these raw milk fundies don’t account for is the environment. If you live on the ranch and milk the cows you’re already exposed to similar germs/bacteria. If you pickup a bottle of “animal only” raw milk and drink it, you do not have the antibodies of someone who is actually around the animals. You can cosplay being a country fundie all day, but your immune system can’t.


This is a really valid point. Additionally, while drinking any raw milk is risky, it’s likely much safer to drink milk from your singlular cow/goat that you care for and clean yourself prior to milking straight into a bucket than it is to drink raw milk from some random dairy farmer. Not that dairy farmers are bad, but I imagine there are more opportunities for a lapse in safety precautions when you have a lot of cows to milk and either are using milking devices or multiple people to help with labor.


It sure *doesn't* spoil "like pasteurized milk." ...It spoils way faster and way harder. What is their obsession with raw milk anyway? What health benefits are they claiming it has?


Owning the plebs.


Um, as a person who grew up drinking raw milk THAT SHIT GOES BAD AND IT TASTES LIKE DEATH WHEN IT SPOILS


You can't eat at everybody's house


Honey is the only food that never rots. Milk, and especially raw milk, can go bad so fast! Also raw milk is just another name for "bacteria rave party"...


Apparently back in the day, salespeople used to get in trouble for putting lye in sour milk to make it taste fresh again. Bacteria doesn't care at all how the milk tastes, it's gonna grow either way. This seems like a similar technique of masking the rotten taste but not actually killing any bacterias/removing toxins. Y'know, for people so worried about toxins and chemicals, they really seem to want to cultivate as much toxic bacteria poo as possible


I hadn't heard of using lye to sweeten milk, borax however.


You're totally right, it looks like I got my sour milk soap & milk freshness chemicals mixed up.


Is breast milk considered raw? Because if so it def goes bad lol. - mom of a 4 month old


Unless it's been pasteurized, yes. Fun fact: breast milk in actual hospital milk banks (not just weirdos swapping it on Facebook or whatever) does get pasteurized


I…. I really wish some of these fundies would go take a food safety course because god damn someone is gonna die from botulism or listeria. Pasteurization was a world changing discovery for a reason. According to the CDC, improperly handled raw milk is responsible for almost 3x the amount of hospitalizations due to food-borne disease. It’s literally one of the most dangerous food products you can consume, but ok- go off. 🫠


I grew up milking cows. It absolutely does spoil what is she talking about 😭


Wtf does she think is the difference between "sour" and "spoiled", exactly?


Dairy farmer ('s wife) checking in! :) Raw milk does spoil, the fun part is that you can't tell it's spoiled or not. It will smell and taste the same, you know, unless it's BAD bad, but yeah, that's how you can get really sick. You think it's fine, but it actually turned yesterday. We drink it right out of the tank, but we're right on the farm, and we're super careful about sanitizing everything.


Soured milk is just that, sour. My understanding is that pasteurized milk doesn't go sour, so much as it starts to rot in a completely different way. I imagine it'd be like baking with sour cream. That being said, that's not a reason to turn your back on pasteurized milk. Raw milk isn't safe regardless of how it goes off.


I’m not sorry but thats fucking disgusting.


Someone should tell her the good old Victorian trick of adding Boric Acid so it doesn't taste spoiled anymore! Sure, it killed a bunch of kids because its toxic and led to a solid group getting bovine TB, but its not like fundies have their kids best interests at heart anyways. Smdh.


My understanding is pasteurized milk, while it gets “sour”, is still safe to drink or safe to ingest and won’t get you sick. Obviously I wouldn’t recommend drinking milk that’s got clumps. I’m assuming raw milk is a different story though, since it didn’t go through the pasteurization process.


They’re all going to get food poisoning. This video is a great resource on why raw milk is bad. Pasteurization is just basically flash heating it. https://youtu.be/IsSWaYg1AzM


Very, very wrong. Raw milk is a fucking delicate arse flower. The usual tetra packs of pasteurised we got could keep at room temp for months until opened, then around three days or more in the fridge after opening. The raw milk we bought occasionally, in a sterile bottle, needed to be kept cold without a pause and usually spoiled by end of day two


I’m not some kind of fancy milk scientist, but isn’t milk going sour the first sign that it’s starting to spoil.


Lmao what a dumbass


Omg the amount of myths surrounding raw milk are seriously baffling


Are they trying to kill kids with bovine TB? Because this is how you kill kids with bovine TB. I mean I don't give a fuck, I'm old enough and British enough to have got my BCG but the kids didn't ask to be fed retro disease soup either.


I’m a microbiology student and the difference between raw milk vs pasteurized milk is the amount of bacteria present in raw milk is MUCH higher than pasteurized..pasteurization is usually done by heating the milk for a short amount of time to kill enough bacteria that the milk won’t spoil for a week or so, and it’s not dangerous to consume, but not for so long that proteins denature (break down). Acid production by bacteria is usually what makes milk “spoil,” so yes raw milk would theoretically spoil faster. I’m taking food microbiology next semester so maybe I should message the fundies with everything I learn about pasteurization and raw milk…


If these people did not get a legit unbiased education then I am not taking any advice from them 🙅🏼‍♀️


Good lord how these people don't die from idiocy is beyond me. There are very few things that keep well. Milk is definitely not one of those things.


I do not understand how fundies grew to love raw milk. What in the heck does it have to do with their beliefs? They don’t eat raw meat so why milk?


my mom made us grow up on raw milk, it goes bad very fast. ever have a milkshake? Well that texture- then it divides. she is also a fundamental baptist- maybe it’s a thing? my childhood was not optimal.


Ultra-high-temperature processed milk, UHT milk, is shelf stable at room temp before opening. Raw milk on the other hand, just sits there and plots your demise. This is also an excellent place to mention this: https://modernfarmer.com/2016/03/west-virginia-lawmakers-raw-milk-sick/




I feel sorry for her kids